225 resultados para GEOLOGÍA


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Caracterización geotécnica de las rocas volcánicas involucradas en la avalancha rocosa de Arteara (Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias)


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Interpretación geomorfológica de las inestabilidades de ladera en el Macizo de Anaga (Tenerife, Islas Canarias)


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The 15th International Geological Congress was held in South Africa in 1929. Many interesting issues were tackled, thanks to the development of geophysical techniques, ideas about magmatic differentiation, and the origin of the Karroo System, among others. The importance of the Congress from the point of view of the history of geology lies in the fact that an ‘inflection point’ occurred as regards thinking about the continental drift theory that had been proposed by Wegener a few years earlier. It can be said that the contributions of Du Toit allowed a deepening in the theoretical bases of this scientific hypothesis, which celebrated its first hundred years in 2012.


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Dentro del contexto actual de cambio global, las alteraciones en los patrones normales de las relaciones hídricas suelo-vegetación van a ser especialmente trascendentes en la dinámica espacio temporal de las comunidades vegetales, llevando a situaciones de equilibrio nuevas, que sería con veniente identificar y evaluar para garantizar su uso y gestión sostenible. En este escenario, las formaciones xerófilas del entorno mediterráneo pueden y deben jugar un papel protagonista, dado el uso especializado que hacen de las disponibilidades hídricas. Con el objeto de profundizar en el conocimiento de las peculiaridades ecológicas que muestra el balance hídrico en formaciones de pinar de rodeno del centro de la Península Ibérica, se ha seleccionado un total de 11 localizaciones de seguimiento de la humedad edáfica, representativas de distintas condiciones de cubierta de pinar (espesura) y de posición fisiográfica (unidades de respuesta hidrológica), sobre arenosoles de cara terísticas muy homogéneas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran relaciones trascendentes entre las condiciones de cubierta (estado de desarrollo y espesura) y el comportamiento temporal de la humedad edáfica, para las distintas unidades de respuesta hidrológica. Estas relaciones pueden ayudar a fundamentar recomendaciones de gestión que minimicen los posibles riesgos derivados de la a dinámica de cambio climático actual.


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CO2 capture and storage (CCS) projects are presently developed to reduce the emission of anthropogenic CO2 into the atmosphere. CCS technologies are expected to account for the 20% of the CO2 reduction by 2050. One of the main concerns of CCS is whether CO2 may remain confined within the geological formation into which it is injected since post-injection CO2 migration in the time scale of years, decades and centuries is not well understood. Theoretically, CO2 can be retained at depth i) as a supercritical fluid (physical trapping), ii) as a fluid slowly migrating in an aquifer due to long flow path (hydrodynamic trapping), iii) dissolved into ground waters (solubility trapping) and iv) precipitated secondary carbonates. Carbon dioxide will be injected in the near future (2012) at Hontomín (Burgos, Spain) in the frame of the Compostilla EEPR project, led by the Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN). In order to detect leakage in the operational stage, a pre-injection geochemical baseline is presently being developed. In this work a geochemical monitoring design is presented to provide information about the feasibility of CO2 storage at depth.


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La red de drenaje del parque nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente (La Palma, Islas Canarias) está constituida por numerosos torrentes tributarios del barranco de Las Angustias, que presentan frecuentes e intensos eventos de avenidas súbitas. Estas riadas han producido incluso víctimas mortales entre practicantes de senderismo (3 fallecidos en noviembre de 2001) e importantes pérdidas económicas al interferir con los proyectos de repoblación de las riberas con especies autóctonas (superiores a los 700.000 euros en los últimos dos años); aparte de daños puntuales a instalaciones del parque y las sendas más transitadas. Ante la imposibilidad de realizar análisis de peligrosidad con métodos hidrológicohidráulicos convencionales por no existir estaciones de aforo representativas ni datos pluviométricos con series largas y discriminación temporal adecuada, se ha recurrido a los métodos dendrogeomorfológicos. Para ello, en dos campañas de campo se han caracterizado geomorfológica y florísticamente varios tramos de los barrancos principales, y se ha muestreado y analizado cerca de 60 ejemplares de pino canario (Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. ex DC.) ubicados en las proximidades de los cauces. A partir del análisis de la secuencia de anillos y de las heridas de los descortezados producidos por la carga sólida transportada durante las riadas, se ha podido reconstruir el registro reciente (últimos 150 años) de eventos de avenidas súbitas que han sufrido estos barrancos. En paralelo se ha realizado una topografía de detalle de los tramos de barranco que, junto con las alturas de los descortezados, permite tener una primera aproximación hidráulica a la magnitud de dichos eventos (caudales, velocidades, energías?). Con toda esta información se pretende realizar un estudio integral de peligrosidad y riesgo, de utilidad para los gestores del parque nacional. Los estudios son financiados por el proyecto de investigación IDEA-GesPPNN (www.idea-gesppnn.es), del Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales (MAGRAMA)


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En muchos espacios naturales protegidos, el flujo peatonal de visitantes se concentra en determinados sectores del área de uso público, sobre todo en la proximidad de las principales vías de acceso (carreteras, núcleos de población...) y en un reducido número de sendas y caminos peatonales que comunican los elementos más visitados. Es el caso del camino hacia la Cola de Caballo en el parque nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido; el camino a la ermita de San Frutos en el parque natural de las Hoces del río Duratón; o la senda que comunica el Salto del Gitano con el castillo y la ermita en el parque nacional de Monfragüe, por citar algunos ejemplos. Esta concentración de actividades de senderismo produce en determinados tramos de estos caminos y sendas (zonas con suelos arenosos o limosos y altas pendientes) una erosión hídrica acelerada por el efecto físico del pisoteo, compactación y continua fricción. En ocasiones se llegan a formar regueros, pequeños barrancos y se pierden grandes cantidades de suelos fértiles, que además fosilizan y aterran aquéllas zonas donde va a parar la escorrentía, produciendo importantes impactos en estos espacios singulares. Existen numerosos ejemplos de ingentes partidas económicas que los gestores de estos espacios protegidos tienen que destinar a la reparación y recuperación de estas sendas y su entorno. Para ayudar a los gestores es básico disponer de metodologías y herramientas que cuantifiquen esta erosión hídrica (en mm/año) delimitando qué tramos de estas sendas y caminos tienen los mayores problemas erosivos, para así determinar cuáles deben ser prioritarios en su corrección, o qué acciones de restricción de paso o determinación de capacidad de acogida, son necesarias adoptar. Para esta cuantificación son muy útiles, desde hace décadas, las técnicas dendrogeomorfológicas aplicadas a las raíces de árboles que han quedado expuestas a la intemperie por la erosión acelerada en las sendas. En este trabajo se propone una nueva metodología de medición del suelo denudado en relación con la raíz, basado en el estudio microtopográfico de la superficie utilizando moldes y réplicas de alta resolución realizados en diferentes tipos de siliconas, latex y escayolas, y su posterior escaneo tridimensional. La zona piloto donde se ha ensayado esta metodología son los senderos y caminos del parque nacional de Monfragüe (Cáceres), que presentan raíces expuestas debido a la intensa erosión hídrica acelerada como consecuencia de la elevada concentración de visitantes. Los estudios son financiados por el proyecto de investigación IDEA-GesPPNN, del OAPN (MAGRAMA).


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CO2 Emission from two old mine drillings (Mt. Amiata, Central Italy) as a possible example of storage and leakage of deep-seated CO2


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Baseline of soil CO2 flux in the Hontomin site (Burgos, Spain)


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In this paper the very first geochemical and isotopic data related to surface and spring waters and dissolved gases in the area of Hontomín–Huermeces (Burgos, Spain) are presented and discussed. Hontomín–Huermeces has been selected as a pilot site for the injection of pure (>99%) CO2. Injection and monitoring wells are planned to be drilled close to 6 oil wells completed in the 1980s for which detailed stratigraphical logs are available, indicating the presence of a confined saline aquifer at the depth of about 1500 m into which less than 100,000 tons of iquid CO2 will be injected, possibly starting in 2013. The chemical and features of the spring waters suggest that they are related to a shallow hydrogeological system as the concentration of the Total Dissolved Solids approaches 800 mg/L with a Ca2+(Mg2+)-HCO3− composition, similar to that of the surface waters. This is also supported by the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratios that have values lying between those of the Global and the Mediterranean Meteoric Water Lines. Some spring waters close to the oil wells are haracterized by relatively high concentrations of NO3− (up to 123 mg/L), unequivocally suggesting an anthropogenic source that adds to the main water–rock interaction processes. The latter can be referred to Ca-Mg-carbonate and, at a minor extent, Al-silicate dissolution, being the outcropping sedimentary rocks characterized by Palaeozoic to Quaternary rocks. Anomalous concentrations of Cl−, SO42−, As, B and Ba were measured in two springs discharging a few hundred meters from the oil wells and in the Rio Ubierna. These contents are significantly higher than those of the whole set of the studied waters and are possibly indicative of mixing processes, although at very low extent, between deep and shallow aquifers. No evidence of deep-seated gases interacting with the Hontomín–Huermeces waters was recognized in the chemistry of the disolved gases. This is likely due to the fact that they are mainly characterized by an atmospheric source as highlighted by the high contents of N2, O2 and Ar and by N2/Ar ratios that approach that of ASW (Air Saturated Water) and possibly masking any contribution related to a deep source. Nevertheless, significant concentrations (up to 63% by vol.) of isotopically negative CO2 (<−17.7‰ V-PDB) were found in some water samples, likely related to a biogenic source. The geochemical and isotopic data of this work are of particular importance when a monitoring program will be established to verify whether CO2 leakages, induced by the injection of this greenhouse gas, may be affecting the quality of the waters in the shallow hydrological circuits at Hontomín–Huermeces. In this respect, carbonate chemistry, the isotopic carbon of dissolved CO2 and TDIC (Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) and selected trace elements can be considered as useful parameters to trace the migration of the injected CO2 into near-surface environments.


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From the end of 2013 and during the following two years, 20 kt of CO2sc are planned to be injected in a saline reservoir (1500 m depth) at the Hontomín site (NE Spain). The target aquifers are Lower Jurassic limestone formations which are sealed by Lower Cretaceous clay units at the Hontomín site (NE Spain). The injection of CO2 is part of the activities committed in the Technology Development phase of the EC-funded OXYCFB300 project (European Energy Program for Recovery – EEPR, http://www.compostillaproject.eu), which include CO2 injection strategies, risk assessment, and testing and validating monitoring methodologies and techniques. Among the monitoring works, the project is intended to prove that present-day technology is able to monitor the evolution of injected CO2 in the reservoir and to detect potential leakage. One of the techniques is the measurement of CO2 flux at the soil–atmosphere interface, which includes campaigns before, during and after the injection operations. In this work soil CO2 flux measurements in the vicinity of oil borehole, drilled in the eighties and named H-1 to H-4, and injection and monitoring wells were performed using an accumulation chamber equipped with an IR sensor. Seven surveys were carried out from November 2009 to summer 2011. More than 4000 measurements were used to determine the baseline flux of CO2 and its seasonal variations. The measured values were low (from 5 to 13 g m−2 day−1) and few outliers were identified, mainly located close to the H-2 oil well. Nevertheless, these values cannot be associated to a deep source of CO2, being more likely related to biological processes, i.e. soil respiration. No anomalies were recognized close to the deep fault system (Ubierna Fault) detected by geophysical investigations. There, the CO2 flux is indeed as low as other measurement stations. CO2 fluxes appear to be controlled by the biological activity since the lowest values were recorded during autumn-winter seasons and they tend to increase in warm periods. Two reference CO2 flux values (UCL50 of 5 g m−2 d−1 for non-ploughed areas in autumn–winter seasons and 3.5 and 12 g m−2 d−1 for in ploughed and non-ploughed areas, respectively, in spring–summer time, and UCL99 of 26 g m−2 d−1 for autumn–winter in not-ploughed areas and 34 and 42 g m−2 d−1 for spring–summer in ploughed and not-ploughed areas, respectively) were calculated. Fluxes higher than these reference values could be indicative of possible leakage during the operational and post-closure stages of the storage project.


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The underground cellars of the Duero River basin are part of spread and damaged agricultural landscape which is in danger of disappearing. These architectural complexes are allocated next to small towns. Constructions are mostly dug in the ground with a gallery down or "barrel" strait through which you access the cave or cellar. This wider space is used to make and store wine. Observation and detection of the winery both on the outside and underground is essential to make an inventory of the rural heritage. Geodetection is a non-invasive technique, suitable to determinate with precision buried structures in the ground. The undertaken works include LIDAR survey techniques, GNSS and GPR obtained data. The results are used to identify with centimetric precision construction elements forming the winery. Graphic and cartographic obtained documents allow optimum visualization of the studied field and can be used in the reconstruction of the place.


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Fractal and multifractal are concepts that have grown increasingly popular in recent years in the soil analysis, along with the development of fractal models. One of the common steps is to calculate the slope of a linear fit commonly using least squares method. This shouldn?t be a special problem, however, in many situations using experimental data the researcher has to select the range of scales at which is going to work neglecting the rest of points to achieve the best linearity that in this type of analysis is necessary. Robust regression is a form of regression analysis designed to circumvent some limitations of traditional parametric and non-parametric methods. In this method we don?t have to assume that the outlier point is simply an extreme observation drawn from the tail of a normal distribution not compromising the validity of the regression results. In this work we have evaluated the capacity of robust regression to select the points in the experimental data used trying to avoid subjective choices. Based on this analysis we have developed a new work methodology that implies two basic steps: ? Evaluation of the improvement of linear fitting when consecutive points are eliminated based on R pvalue. In this way we consider the implications of reducing the number of points. ? Evaluation of the significance of slope difference between fitting with the two extremes points and fitted with the available points. We compare the results applying this methodology and the common used least squares one. The data selected for these comparisons are coming from experimental soil roughness transect and simulated based on middle point displacement method adding tendencies and noise. The results are discussed indicating the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology.


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Satellite image data have become an important source of information for monitoring vegetation and mapping land cover at several scales. Beside this, the distribution and phenology of vegetation is largely associated with climate, terrain characteristics and human activity. Various vegetation indices have been developed for qualitative and quantitative assessment of vegetation using remote spectral measurements. In particular, sensors with spectral bands in the red (RED) and near-infrared (NIR) lend themselves well to vegetation monitoring and based on them [(NIR - RED) / (NIR + RED)] Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been widespread used. Given that the characteristics of spectral bands in RED and NIR vary distinctly from sensor to sensor, NDVI values based on data from different instruments will not be directly comparable. The spatial resolution also varies significantly between sensors, as well as within a given scene in the case of wide-angle and oblique sensors. As a result, NDVI values will vary according to combinations of the heterogeneity and scale of terrestrial surfaces and pixel footprint sizes. Therefore, the question arises as to the impact of differences in spectral and spatial resolutions on vegetation indices like the NDVI. The aim of this study is to establish a comparison between two different sensors in their NDVI values at different spatial resolutions.


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Lately, several researchers have pointed out that climate change is expected to increase temperatures and lower rainfall in Mediterranean regions, simultaneously increasing the intensity of extreme rainfall events. These changes could have consequences regarding rainfall regime, erosion, sediment transport and water quality, soil management, and new designs in diversion ditches. Climate change is expected to result in increasingly unpredictable and variable rainfall, in amount and timing, changing seasonal patterns and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events. Consequently, the evolution of frequency and intensity of drought periods is of most important as in agro-ecosystems many processes will be affected by them. Realising the complex and important consequences of an increasing frequency of extreme droughts at the Ebro River basin, our aim is to study the evolution of drought events at this site statistically, with emphasis on the occurrence and intensity of them. For this purpose, fourteen meteorological stations were selected based on the length of the rainfall series and the climatic classification to obtain a representative untreated dataset from the river basin. Daily rainfall series from 1957 to 2002 were obtained from each meteorological station and no-rain period frequency as the consecutive numbers of days were extracted. Based on this data, we study changes in the probability distribution in several sub-periods. Moreover we used the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for identification of drought events in a year scale and then we use this index to fit log-linear models to the contingency tables between the SPI index and the sub-periods, this adjusted is carried out with the help of ANOVA inference.