238 resultados para OPTICA GEOMETRICA


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El siglo XXI parece será el siglo de las Ciencias de la Vida y más en concreto, el siglo en el que el principal reto al que se enfrentará la Ciencia será el de intentar acercarse un poco más a la comprensión del cerebro humano. La Fotónica no debe quedarse en los terrenos en los que se ha movido con relativa comodidad hasta ahora, sino que debe aportar lo que pueda a ese nuevo camino que se presenta. Las armas de las que dispone son mucho más potentes de lo que pensamos. Solo es necesario saber que existen y saber manejarlas.


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Cuando se introduce una no linealidad óptica dentro de una cavidad resonante, se pueden producir efectos de conmutación rápida entre dos estados diferenciados de transmisión. Este fenómeno se conoce por biestabilidad óptica, caracterizado porque la salida de los dispositivos con este tipo de comportamiento constan de dos estados estables diferenciados y una región asociada a un ciclo de histéresis en la cual el sistema es inestable. En dicha región la salida posee valores diferentes para un mismo valor de entrada en función de la historia del dispositivo.


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After a brief review of some old concepts getting application when new technologies have been developed, this paper offers a short review to some optical bistability concepts. It is shown how different concepts can be employed today in many fields, after being considered as inconvenient when they were found. Some practical applications and some proposals will be reported.


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Durante mucho tiempo, prácticamente desde sus inicios, las Comunicaciones y la Informática han seguido caminos en cierta manera paralelos y, al mismo tiempo, casi ignorando sus mutuas existencias. El entorno de las Comunicaciones tenía sus propias formas de trabajo, muy centradas en torno a la mera transmisión de información entre puntos más o menos alejados, y para ello apenas si le hacía más falta que una base electrónica medianamente fuerte y unos conceptos de Electromagnetismo que ya estaban bastante asentados. De alguna manera, la fuerte incidencia que tuvieron sobre la Sociedad, y el que cada vez fueran precisas comunicaciones más rápidas y sofisticadas obligó, en las pasadas décadas, a un desarrollo de la Electrónica que, aquí queda la duda, quizás ésta no hubiera sido la misma si aquellas no hubieran estado presentes.


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During the past years a great interest has been devoted to the study of possible applications of non-linear interfaces, mainly in the field of Optical Bistability. Several papers have been published in this field, and some of them dealing with liquid crystals as non-linear material.


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It is widely known the anular-shaped beam divergence produced by the optical reorientation induced in nematics by a Gaussian beam. Recent works have found a new effect in colored liquid crystal (MBBA, Phase V,...) showing a similar spatial distribution. A new set of random-oscillating rings appears for light intensities over a certain threshold. The beam divergence due to that effect is greater than the molecular reorientation induced one.


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As it is well known from the work by Gibbs et al., optical turbulence and periodic oscillations are easily seen in hybrid optical bistable devices when a delay is added to the feedback. Such effects, as it was pointed out by Gibbs, may be used to convert cw laser power into a train of light pulses.


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Since the observation of optical bistability by Gibbs et al., optical bistability has been the field where researchers from many fields have found a common place to work. More recently, when Ikeda and co-workers discussed the effect of a delayed feedback on instability of a ring cavity containing a non linear dielectric medium, and pointed out that the transmitted light from the ring cavity can be periodic or chaotic in time under a certain condition, optical bistable devices have shown new possibilities to be applied in many different fields. The novel phenomenon has been predicted to be observed in the hybrid optical device and has been confirmed by Gibbs et al. Moreover, as we have shown, a similar effect can be obtained when liquid crystal cells are employed as non linear element.


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After a short personal view of the first years of the photonics in Spain, some references about its present situation are given. As a possible future, the first steps towards a Photonics based on the study of the employed mechanisms in the visual system of the living beings are presented.


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Several works have been published in the last years concerning the modelling and implementation of the visual cortex operation. Most of them present simple neurons with just two different responses, namely inhibitory and excitatory. Some of the different types of visual cortex cells are simulated in these configurations.


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As we have shown,several output conditions can be obtained from a hybrid optical bistable device when twisted nematic liquid crystal cells are employed as nonlinear elements.


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As has been shown in the literature, an interface between two dielectric materials, one of which has an intensity-dependent refractive index is capable of exhibing a wide range of complex and potentially useful optical phenomena.


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As reported previously, an interface between linear and liquid crystal media shows some nonlinear properties that can be employed in the analysis of this type of optical bistable device.


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The purpose of this paper is to present a new type of Optically Processing Element (OPE) based of the use of optical fibers as optical signal transmission medium.


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An experimental system designed to measure very low optical powers, of the order of a few picowatts, is presented. Its main aid is to detect the polarisation state of scattered light from a fluid flow, in different angular directions with respect to the longitudinal axis of the flow. A laser beam incident linearly polarized crosses the fluid flow orthogonally. The scattered light is detected by means of a photodetector situated behind a lineal polarizer whose orientation can be rotated. The outgoing electrical signal is amplified by means of a Mode-lockin amplifier and is digitally processed.