146 resultados para inductive logic programming


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En este proyecto, se pretende obtener la solución óptima para el control del hogar digital accesible. Para ello, comenzaremos explicando el funcionamiento básico de un sistema dómotico, enumeraremos los diversos dispositivos que se utilizan en este tipo de automatizaciones, y comentaremos las diferentes posibilidades con respecto a la arquitectura del sistema. Para elegir la opción más adecuada, se realizará un pequeño estudio a acerca de cada una de las tecnologías existentes, protocolos cerrados, y abiertos, así como tecnologías inalámbricas o de bus. Se realizará un estudio con mayor profundidad del estándar KNX, ya que será una de las tecnologías elegidas finalmente para la realización del proyecto. Una vez elegido el estándar, hemos de centrarnos en las necesidades del recinto, para así poder empezar a definir cada uno de los elementos que incluiremos en nuestra instalación, sensores, actuadores, elementos de intercomunicación, procesadores y dispositivos de control. El siguiente paso consistiría en la programación de la vivienda, para ello hemos de tener previamente estructurados y definidos tanto el número de circuitos eléctricos, como la función que estos desempeñan dentro del recinto inteligente, es decir, accionamiento, regulación etc, para así poder asignar cada circuito a la salida correspondiente de su propio actuador. La vivienda se programará a través de ETS, software asociado a la marca KNX. Mediante este protocolo controlaremos, iluminación, motores, climatización y seguridad. Debido a los recursos limitados que ofrece KNX con respecto a la programación lógica de eventos y secuencias de acciones, y la necesidad de visualizar la interfaz gráfica de la vivienda se ha integrado un procesador. Considerando el deseo de integrar el control de un televisor en la vivienda, futuras ampliaciones y otros aspectos, el procesador integrado será de Crestron Electronics, marca correspondiente a un protocolo cerrado de automatización de sistemas, que cuenta con grandes avances en el control multimedia. Por tanto, la segunda parte de la programación se realizará mediante otros dos softwares diferentes, pertenecientes a la marca, Simple Windows se encargará de la programación lógica del sistema, mientras que Vision Tools creará la visualización. Por último, obtendremos las conclusiones necesarias, adjuntaremos un diagrama de conexionado, presupuesto de la instalación, planos y un pequeño manual de usuario. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to optimize the environment control of the Accesible Digital Home unit located in ETSIST - UPM, through different essays, valuing the domestic possibilities and the current interfaces. The tests will be carried out comparing different protocols and the possibilities of optimization that they offer to a Digital Home. Aspects such as: ease the communications with other systems, reliability, costs, long term maintenance of the installation, etc. After conducting trials protocol or most appropriate technology for the automation of the enclosure shall be elected. One Chosen the standard, we have to focus on the needs of the enclosure, so, to begin defining each of the elements included in our installation, sensors, actuators, elements intercom, processors and control devices. The next step is the programing of housing, for that we have previously structured and defined both the number of electrical circuits, as the role they play in the intelligent enclosure, that is, switching, dimming etc., in order to assign each circuit to the corresponding output of its own actuator. The house will be scheduled through ETS, software associated with the brand KNX. Through this protocol we will control, lighting, motors, air conditioning and security. Due to the limited resources available in KNX with respect logic programming of events and sequences of actions, and the need to display the graphical interface housing has been integrated processor belonging to the closed protocol or Crestron electronics brand. Finally, when we get the necessary conclusions, enclose a diagram of wiring, installation budget, planes and a small manual.


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This paper presents some brief considerations on the role of Computational Logic in the construction of Artificial Intelligence systems and in programming in general. It does not address how the many problems in AI can be solved but, rather more modestly, tries to point out some advantages of Computational Logic as a tool for the AI scientist in his quest. It addresses the interaction between declarative and procedural views of programs (deduction and action), the impact of the intrinsic limitations of logic, the relationship with other apparently competing computational paradigms, and finally discusses implementation-related issues, such as the efficiency of current implementations and their capability for efficiently exploiting existing and future sequential and parallel hardware. The purpose of the discussion is in no way to present Computational Logic as the unique overall vehicle for the development of intelligent systems (in the firm belief that such a panacea is yet to be found) but rather to stress its strengths in providing reasonable solutions to several aspects of the task.


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We propose an analysis for detecting procedures and goals that are deterministic (i.e. that produce at most one solution), or predicates whose clause tests are mutually exclusive (which implies that at most one of their clauses will succeed) even if they are not deterministic (because they cali other predicates that can produce more than one solution). Applications of such determinacy information include detecting programming errors, performing certain high-level program transformations for improving search efñciency, optimizing low level code generation and parallel execution, and estimating tighter upper bounds on the computational costs of goals and data sizes, which can be used for program debugging, resource consumption and granularity control, etc. We have implemented the analysis and integrated it in the CiaoPP system, which also infers automatically the mode and type information that our analysis takes as input. Experiments performed on this implementation show that the analysis is fairly accurate and efncient.


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Abstract is not available.


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Abstract is not available.


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In an advanced program development environment, such as that discussed in the introduction of this book, several tools may coexist which handle both the program and information on the program in different ways. Also, these tools may interact among themselves and with the user. Thus, the different tools and the user need some way to communicate. It is our design principie that such communication be performed in terms of assertions. Assertions are syntactic objects which allow expressing properties of programs. Several assertion languages have been used in the past in different contexts, mainly related to program debugging. In this chapter we propose a general language of assertions which is used in different tools for validation and debugging of constraint logic programs in the context of the DiSCiPl project. The assertion language proposed is parametric w.r.t. the particular constraint domain and properties of interest being used in each different tool. The language proposed is quite general in that it poses few restrictions on the kind of properties which may be expressed. We believe the assertion language we propose is of practical relevance and appropriate for the different uses required in the tools considered.


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Effective static analyses have been proposed which infer bounds on the number of resolutions or reductions. These have the advantage of being independent from the platform on which the programs are executed and have been shown to be useful in a number of applications, such as granularity control in parallel execution. On the other hand, in distributed computation scenarios where platforms with different capabilities come into play, it is necessary to express costs in metrics that include the characteristics of the platform. In particular, it is specially interesting to be able to infer upper and lower bounds on actual execution times. With this objective in mind, we propose an approach which combines compile-time analysis for cost bounds with a one-time profiling of the platform in order to determine the valúes of certain parameters for a given platform. These parameters calíbrate a cost model which, from then on, is able to compute statically time bound functions for procedures and to predict with a significant degree of accuracy the execution times of such procedures in the given platform. The approach has been implemented and integrated in the CiaoPP system.


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The relationship between abstract interpretation and partial deduction has received considerable attention and (partial) integrations have been proposed starting from both the partial deduction and abstract interpretation perspectives. In this work we present what we argüe is the first fully described generic algorithm for efñcient and precise integration of abstract interpretation and partial deduction. Taking as starting point state-of-the-art algorithms for context-sensitive, polyvariant abstract interpretation and (abstract) partial deduction, we present an algorithm which combines the best of both worlds. Key ingredients include the accurate success propagation inherent to abstract interpretation and the powerful program transformations achievable by partial deduction. In our algorithm, the calis which appear in the analysis graph are not analyzed w.r.t. the original definition of the procedure but w.r.t. specialized definitions of these procedures. Such specialized definitions are obtained by applying both unfolding and abstract executability. Our framework is parametric w.r.t. different control strategies and abstract domains. Different combinations of such parameters correspond to existing algorithms for program analysis and specialization. Simultaneously, our approach opens the door to the efñcient computation of strictly more precise results than those achievable by each of the individual techniques. The algorithm is now one of the key components of the CiaoPP analysis and specialization system.


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We present a novel general resource analysis for logic programs based on sized types.Sized types are representations that incorporate structural (shape) information and allow expressing both lower and upper bounds on the size of a set of terms and their subterms at any position and depth. They also allow relating the sizes of terms and subterms occurring at different argument positions in logic predicates. Using these sized types, the resource analysis can infer both lower and upper bounds on the resources used by all the procedures in a program as functions on input term (and subterm) sizes, overcoming limitations of existing analyses and enhancing their precision. Our new resource analysis has been developed within the abstract interpretation framework, as an extension of the sized types abstract domain, and has been integrated into the Ciao preprocessor, CiaoPP. The abstract domain operations are integrated with the setting up and solving of recurrence equations for both, inferring size and resource usage functions. We show that the analysis is an improvement over the previous resource analysis present in CiaoPP and compares well in power to state of the art systems.


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In contrast to traditional push-based protocols, adaptive streaming techniques like Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) fix attention on the client, who dynamically requests different-quality portions of the content to cope with a limited and variable bandwidth but aiming at maximizing the quality perceived by the user. Since DASH adaptation logic at the client is not covered by the standard, we propose a solution based on Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) techniques to find the optimal request policies that guarantee the users' Quality of Experience (QoE). Our algorithm is evaluated in a simulated streaming session and is compared with other adaptation approaches. The results show that our proposal outperforms them in terms of QoE, requesting higher qualities on average.


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En el trabajo que aquí presentamos se incluye la base teórica (sintaxis y semántica) y una implementación de un framework para codificar el razonamiento de la representación difusa o borrosa del mundo (tal y como nosotros, seres humanos, entendemos éste). El interés en la realización de éste trabajo parte de dos fuentes: eliminar la complejidad existente cuando se realiza una implementación con un lenguaje de programación de los llamados de propósito general y proporcionar una herramienta lo suficientemente inteligente para dar respuestas de forma constructiva a consultas difusas o borrosas. El framework, RFuzzy, permite codificar reglas y consultas en una sintaxis muy cercana al lenguaje natural usado por los seres humanos para expresar sus pensamientos, pero es bastante más que eso. Permite representar conceptos muy interesantes, como fuzzificaciones (funciones usadas para convertir conceptos no difusos en difusos), valores por defecto (que se usan para devolver resultados un poco menos válidos que los que devolveríamos si tuviésemos la información necesaria para calcular los más válidos), similaridad entre atributos (característica que utilizamos para buscar aquellos individuos en la base de datos con una característica similar a la buscada), sinónimos o antónimos y, además, nos permite extender el numero de conectivas y modificadores (incluyendo modificadores de negación) que podemos usar en las reglas y consultas. La personalización de la definición de conceptos difusos (muy útil para lidiar con el carácter subjetivo de los conceptos borrosos, donde nos encontramos con que cualificar a alguien de “alto” depende de la altura de la persona que cualifica) es otra de las facilidades incluida. Además, RFuzzy implementa la semántica multi-adjunta. El interés en esta reside en que introduce la posibilidad de obtener la credibilidad de una regla a partir de un conjunto de datos y una regla dada y no solo el grado de satisfacción de una regla a partir de el universo modelado en nuestro programa. De esa forma podemos obtener automáticamente la credibilidad de una regla para una determinada situación. Aún cuando la contribución teórica de la tesis es interesante en si misma, especialmente la inclusión del modificador de negacion, sus multiples usos practicos lo son también. Entre los diferentes usos que se han dado al framework destacamos el reconocimiento de emociones, el control de robots, el control granular en computacion paralela/distribuída y las busquedas difusas o borrosas en bases de datos. ABSTRACT In this work we provide a theoretical basis (syntax and semantics) and a practical implementation of a framework for encoding the reasoning and the fuzzy representation of the world (as human beings understand it). The interest for this work comes from two sources: removing the existing complexity when doing it with a general purpose programming language (one developed without focusing in providing special constructions for representing fuzzy information) and providing a tool intelligent enough to answer, in a constructive way, expressive queries over conventional data. The framework, RFuzzy, allows to encode rules and queries in a syntax very close to the natural language used by human beings to express their thoughts, but it is more than that. It allows to encode very interesting concepts, as fuzzifications (functions to easily fuzzify crisp concepts), default values (used for providing results less adequate but still valid when the information needed to provide results is missing), similarity between attributes (used to search for individuals with a characteristic similar to the one we are looking for), synonyms or antonyms and it allows to extend the number of connectives and modifiers (even negation) we can use in the rules. The personalization of the definition of fuzzy concepts (very useful for dealing with the subjective character of fuzziness, in which a concept like tall depends on the height of the person performing the query) is another of the facilities included. Besides, RFuzzy implements the multi-adjoint semantics. The interest in them is that in addition to obtaining the grade of satisfaction of a consequent from a rule, its credibility and the grade of satisfaction of the antecedents we can determine from a set of data how much credibility we must assign to a rule to model the behaviour of the set of data. So, we can determine automatically the credibility of a rule for a particular situation. Although the theoretical contribution is interesting by itself, specially the inclusion of the negation modifier, the practical usage of it is equally important. Between the different uses given to the framework we highlight emotion recognition, robocup control, granularity control in parallel/distributed computing and flexible searches in databases.