249 resultados para 220715 Energía nuclear


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En los últimos años se ha producido un significativo avance en el área de la gestión de las emergencias nucleares y radiológicas y la rehabilitación. Proyectos de alcance europeo como EURANOS han contribuido a mejorar los procesos de gobernanza participativa iniciados durante los anteriores Programas Marco Europeos y el desarrollo de técnicas y metodologías en todos los niveles operativos en materia nuclear y radiológica. El sistema de ayuda a la decisión (SAD) RODOS es uno de los productos desarrollados durante este periodo y que ha ido siendo mejorado hasta convertirse en un sistema de uso operacional ampliamente difundido y asumido en todo el ámbito europeo y que empieza a extenderse también a otras zonas del mundo. En España, ha sido implementado y adaptado a las características nacionales en el contexto del Proyecto ISIDRO, patrocinado por el CSN, con la participación del CIEMAT y la UPM. El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer la última versión de este sistema, denominado JRODOS, centrándose en su adaptación al entorno nacional y su aplicación como herramienta operacional en la gestión y preparación de las emergencias y la rehabilitación de zonas contaminadas.


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Entre las posibles secuelas de un accidente nuclear hay que contar con la contaminación radiactiva a medio y largo plazo de los sistemas acuáticos de agua dulce. Frente a ese problema, es fundamental disponer de una evaluación realista del impacto radiológico, ecológico, social y económico de las posibles estrategias de gestión, para poder adoptar las decisiones más convenientes de forma racional. MOIRA es un sistema de ayuda a la decisión desarrollado en el curso de los Programas Marco Europeos con participación de la UPM, que ha sido mejorado y adaptado a los emplazamientos nucleares españoles en los últimos años en el contexto del Proyecto ISIDRO, patrocinado por el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, con la participación del CIEMAT y la UPM. El trabajo se centra en esos avances, principalmente relacionados con los sistemas hidráulicos complejos como los de los ríos Tajo, Ebro y Júcar, en los que se ubican varias centrales nucleares españolas.


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This paper presents results of the benchmarking of COBAYA3 pin-by-pin for VVER-1000 obtained in the frame of the EU NURISP project. The 3D lattice solver in COBAYA3 uses transport corrected multi-group diffusion approximation with side-dependent interface discontinuity factors of GET or Selengut Black Box type. The objective of this study is to test the few-group calculation scheme when using structur ed and unstructured spatial meshes. Unstructured mesh is necessary to model the water gaps between the hexagonal assemblies. The benchmark problems include pin-by-pin calculations of 2D subsets of the core and comparison with APOLLO2 and TR IPOLI4 transport reference solutions. COBAYA3 solutions in 2, 4 and 8 energy groups have been tested. The results show excellent agreement with the reference on es when using side-dependent interface discontinuity factors.


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Los códigos de difusión en multigrupos para an álisis tridimensional de núcleos PWR emplean como datos de entrada librerías de parámetros equivalentes homogeneizados y condensados (secciones eficaces y factores de discontinuidad), que dependen de las variables de estado como temperaturas o densidades. Típicamente, esos pará metros se pre-generan para cada tipo de celda o elemento combustible con un código de transporte determinista, dependiendo en gran medida la precisión de los cálculos neutrónicos acoplados con la termohidráulica de la calidad de la librería generada. Las librerías tabuladas son la forma más extendida de compilar las secciones eficaces pre-generadas. Durante el cálculo de núcleo, el código de difusión simplemente obtiene las secciones eficaces por interpolación de los valores en los puntos de la malla. Como los errores de interpolación dependen de la distancia entre esos puntos, se requiere un considerable refinamiento de la malla –con todas las posibles combinaciones de las variables de estado– para conseguir una precisión adecuada, lo que conduce a requisitos elevados de almacenamiento y un gran número de cálculos de transporte para su generación. Para evitar este inconveniente, se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de optimización de librerías tabuladas que permite seleccionar el menor número de puntos de malla para cada variable de estado independiente, manteniendo un error objetivo en la constante de multiplicación k-efectiva. El procedimiento consiste en determinar, aplicando teoría de perturbaciones, los coeficientes de sensibilidad de la k-efectiva con las secciones eficaces. Ello permite evaluar la influencia de los errores de interpolación de cada sección eficaz en la constante de multiplicación para cualquier combinación de las variables de estado. La medida de esta influencia o sensibilidad permite establecer una distancia óptima entre puntos de interpolación dado un error objetivo sobre la constante de multiplicación. Distintos números de grupos de energía, composiciones del elemento combustible y escalas de homogeneización, han sido estudia dos para conocer su efecto sobre la optimización. Asimismo se ha comprobado la influencia de variar el error objetivo o el grado del polinomio de interpolación entre puntos. Finalmente, se realiza un cálculo con la librería optimizada, y se verifica que el error en la k-efectiva está limitado. Se reduce así el tamaño de la librería sin comprometer su grado de precisión en todo el rango de interés.


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Within the subproject 3 of the NURISP project three neutron kinetic codes have been implemented into the NURESIM platform. For all three codes (CRONOS2, COBAYA3 and DYN3D) the coupling with the thermal hydraulic code FLICA4 was accomplished using the features of the NURESIM platform. This paper contains the results obtained with COBAYA3/FLICA4 coupled codes for the PWR boron dilution benchmark defined within the sub project 3 of the NURISP project. Results are provided for all the scenarios.


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An automated panoramic irradiator with a 3 Ci 241Am-Be neutron source is installed in a bunker-type large room at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). It was recently modified and a neutron spectrometry campaign was organized to characterize the neutron fields in different measurement points along the irradiation bench. Four research groups working with different Bonner Sphere Spectrometers (BSS) and using different spectral unfolding codes took part to this exercise. INFN-LNF used a BSS formed by 9 spheres plus bare detector, with cylindrical, almost point like, 6LiI(Eu) scintillator (4 mm x 4 mm, from Ludlum); UAZ-UPM employed a similar system but with only 6 spheres plus bare detector; UAB worked with a 3He filled proportional counter at 8kPa filling pressure, cylindrical 9 mm x 10 mm (05NH1 from Eurisys) with 11 spheres configuration; and CIEMAT used 12 spheres with an spherical 3He SP9 counter (Centronic Ltd., UK) with very high sensitivity due to the large diameter (3.2 cm) and the filling pressure of the order of 228 kPa. Each group applied a different spectral unfolding method: INFN and UAB worked with FRUIT ver. 3.0 with their own response matrixes; UAZ-UPM used the BUNKIUT unfolding code with the response matrix UTA4 and CIEMAT employed the GRAVEL-MAXED-IQU package with their own response matrix. The paper shows the main results obtained in terms of neutron spectra at fixed distances from the source as well as total neutron fluence rate and ambient dose equivalent rate H*(10) determined from the spectra. The latter are compared with the readings of a common active survey-meter (LB 6411). The small differences in the results of the various groups are discussed.


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Tras el accidente de Fukushima, se han puesto en marcha una serie de actividades de caracterización y descontaminación de las zonas contaminadas alrededor de la central, destinadas a facilitar su habitabilidad. A partir de la experiencia de Japón, que el ponente conoce de cerca como miembro de la red europea NERIS-TP y tras participar en una reciente misión a Fukushima, en este curso se abordaron las técnicas más actuales que se utilizan para diseñar y proponer estrategias de cara a la recuperación de grades superficies contaminadas.


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Tritium breeding is an essential component of future fusion nuclear reactors. Nuclear fusion reactors require Kg quantities of tritium per year of operation.


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Due to the particular characteristics of the fusion products, i.e. very short pulses (less than a few μs long for ions when arriving to the walls; less than 1 ns long for X-rays), very high fluences ( 10 13 particles/cm 2 for both ions and X rays photons) and broad particle energy spectra (up to 10 MeV ions and 100 keV photons), the laser fusion community lacks of facilities to accurately test plasma facing materials under those conditions. In the present work, the ability of ultraintese lasers to create short pulses of energetic particles and high fluences is addressed as a solution to reproduce those ion and X-ray bursts. Based on those parameters, a comparison between fusion ion and laser driven ion beams is presented and discussed, describing a possible experimental set-up to generate with lasers the appropriate ion pulses. At the same time, the possibility of generating X-ray or neutron beams which simulate those of laser fusion environments is also indicated and assessed under current laser intensities. It is concluded that ultraintense lasers should play a relevant role in the validation of materials for laser fusion facilities.


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The ability of ultraintese lasers to create short pulses of energetic particles and high fluences is addressed as a solution to reproduce ion and X-ray ICF bursts for the characterization and validation of plasma facing components. The possibility of using a laser neutron source for material testing will also be discussed.


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In the laser fusion reactor design, the protection of first wall and the final optics from high energy ions is the key issue. So, it is necessary to predict the precise energy spectra of ions.In the previous reactor designs, the ion energy spectra were provided by the classical ion transport codes. However, this poster shows that the α particle spectrum is significantly modified by the anomalous process in ablated plasmas.


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The basics of laser driven neutron sources, properties and possible applications are discussed. We describe the laser driven nuclear processes which trigger neutron generation, namely, nuclear reactions induced by laser driven ion beam (ion n), thermonuclear fusion by implosion and photo-induced nuclear (gamma n) reactions. Based on their main properties, i.e. point source (<100 μm) and short durations (< ns), different applications are described, such as radiography, time-resolved spectroscopy and pump-probe experiments. Prospects on the development of laser technology suggest that, as higher intensities and higher repetition rate lasers become available (for example, using DPSSL technology), laser driven methodologies may provide neutron fluxes comparable to that achieved by accelerator driven neutron sources in the near future.


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Swift heavy ion irradiation (ions with mass heavier than 15 and energy exceeding MeV/amu) transfer their energy mainly to the electronic system with small momentum transfer per collision. Therefore, they produce linear regions (columnar nano-tracks) around the straight ion trajectory, with marked modifications with respect to the virgin material, e.g., phase transition, amorphization, compaction, changes in physical or chemical properties. In the case of crystalline materials the most distinctive feature of swift heavy ion irradiation is the production of amorphous tracks embedded in the crystal. Lithium niobate is a relevant optical material that presents birefringence due to its anysotropic trigonal structure. The amorphous phase is certainly isotropic. In addition, its refractive index exhibits high contrast with those of the crystalline phase. This allows one to fabricate waveguides by swift ion irradiation with important technological relevance. From the mechanical point of view, the inclusion of an amorphous nano-track (with a density 15% lower than that of the crystal) leads to the generation of important stress/strain fields around the track. Eventually these fields are the origin of crack formation with fatal consequences for the integrity of the samples and the viability of the method for nano-track formation. For certain crystal cuts (X and Y), these fields are clearly anisotropic due to the crystal anisotropy. We have used finite element methods to calculate the stress/strain fields that appear around the ion-generated amorphous nano-tracks for a variety of ion energies and doses. A very remarkable feature for X cut-samples is that the maximum shear stress appears on preferential planes that form +/-45º with respect to the crystallographic planes. This leads to the generation of oriented surface cracks when the dose increases. The growth of the cracks along the anisotropic crystal has been studied by means of novel extended finite element methods, which include cracks as discontinuities. In this way we can study how the length and depth of a crack evolves as function of the ion dose. In this work we will show how the simulations compare with experiments and their application in materials modification by ion irradiation.


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Swift heavy ion irradiation (ions with mass heavier than 15 and energy exceeding MeV/amu) transfer their energy mainly to the electronic system with small momentum transfer per collision. Therefore, they produce linear regions (columnar nano-tracks) around the straight ion trajectory, with marked modifications with respect to the virgin material, e.g., phase transition, amorphization, compaction, changes in physical or chemical properties. In the case of crystalline materials the most distinctive feature of swift heavy ion irradiation is the production of amorphous tracks embedded in the crystal. Lithium niobate is a relevant optical material that presents birefringence due to its anysotropic trigonal structure. The amorphous phase is certainly isotropic. In addition, its refractive index exhibits high contrast with those of the crystalline phase. This allows one to fabricate waveguides by swift ion irradiation with important technological relevance. From the mechanical point of view, the inclusion of an amorphous nano-track (with a density 15% lower than that of the crystal) leads to the generation of important stress/strain fields around the track. Eventually these fields are the origin of crack formation with fatal consequences for the integrity of the samples and the viability of the method for nano-track formation. For certain crystal cuts (X and Y), these fields are clearly anisotropic due to the crystal anisotropy. We have used finite element methods to calculate the stress/strain fields that appear around the ion- generated amorphous nano-tracks for a variety of ion energies and doses. A very remarkable feature for X cut-samples is that the maximum shear stress appears on preferential planes that form +/-45º with respect to the crystallographic planes. This leads to the generation of oriented surface cracks when the dose increases. The growth of the cracks along the anisotropic crystal has been studied by means of novel extended finite element methods, which include cracks as discontinuities. In this way we can study how the length and depth of a crack evolves as function of the ion dose. In this work we will show how the simulations compare with experiments and their application in materials modification by ion irradiation.


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Ion-induced nano-track in LiNbO3. Motivation. From macro to nanoscale. Finite element method for nano-structured materials. Simulations of X-cut and Z-cut in LiNbO3. Experiments versus Simulations. Conclusions