18 resultados para spatial trend analysis


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The linear instability of the three-dimensional boundary-layer over the HIFiRE-5 flight test geometry, i.e. a rounded-tip 2:1 elliptic cone, at Mach 7, has been analyzed through spatial BiGlobal analysis, in a effort to understand transition and accurately predict local heat loads on next-generation ight vehicles. The results at an intermediate axial section of the cone, Re x = 8x10 5, show three different families of spatially amplied linear global modes, the attachment-line and cross- ow modes known from earlier analyses, and a new global mode, peaking in the vicinity of the minor axis of the cone, termed \center-line mode". We discover that a sequence of symmetric and anti-symmetric centerline modes exist and, for the basic ow at hand, are maximally amplied around F* = 130kHz. The wavenumbers and spatial distribution of amplitude functions of the centerline modes are documented


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Urban areas benefit from significant improvements in accessibility when a new high speed rail (HSR) project is built. These improvements, which are due mainly to a rise in efficiency, produce locational advantagesand increase the attractiveness of these cities, thereby possibly enhancing their competitivenessand economic growth. However, there may be equity issues at stake, as the main accessibility benefits are primarily concentrated in urban areas with a HSR station, whereas other locations obtain only limited benefits. HSR extensions may contribute to an increase in spatial imbalance and lead to more polarized patterns of spatial development. Procedures for assessing the spatial impacts of HSR must therefore follow a twofold approach which addresses issues of both efficiency and equity. This analysis can be made by jointly assessing both the magnitude and distribution of the accessibility improvements deriving from a HSR project. This paper describes an assessment methodology for HSR projects which follows this twofold approach. The procedure uses spatial impact analysis techniques and is based on the computation of accessibility indicators, supported by a Geographical Information System (GIS). Efficiency impacts are assessed in terms of the improvements in accessibility resulting from the HSR project, with a focus on major urban areas; and spatial equity implications are derived from changes in the distribution of accessibility values among these urban agglomerations.


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Una de las principales líneas de investigación de la economía urbana es el comportamiento del mercado inmobiliario y sus relaciones con la estructura territorial. Dentro de este contexto, la reflexión sobre el significado del valor urbano, y abordar su variabilidad, constituye un tema de especial importancia, dada la relevancia que ha supuesto y supone la actividad inmobiliaria en España. El presente estudio ha planteado como principal objetivo la identificación de aquellos factores, ligados a la localización que explican la formación del valor inmobiliario y justifican su variabilidad. Definir este proceso precisa de una evaluación a escala territorial estableciendo aquellos factores de carácter socioeconómico, medioambiental y urbanístico que estructuran el desarrollo urbano, condicionan la demanda de inmuebles y, por tanto, los procesos de formación de su valor. El análisis se centra en valores inmobiliarios residenciales localizados en áreas litorales donde la presión del sector turístico ha impulsado un amplio. Para ello, el ámbito territorial seleccionado como objeto de estudio se sitúa en la costa mediterránea española, al sur de la provincia de Alicante, la comarca de la Vega Baja del Segura. La zona, con una amplia diversidad ecológica y paisajística, ha mantenido históricamente una clara distinción entre espacio urbano y espacio rural. Esta dicotomía ha cambiado drásticamente en las últimas décadas, experimentándose un fuerte crecimiento demográfico y económico ligado a los sectores turístico e inmobiliario, aspectos que han tenido un claro reflejo en los valores inmobiliarios. Este desarrollo de la comarca es un claro ejemplo de la política expansionista de los mercados de suelo que ha tenido lugar en la costa española en las dos últimas décadas y que derivado en la regeneración de un amplio tejido suburbano. El conocimiento del marco territorial ha posibilitado realizar un análisis de variabilidad espacial mediante un tratamiento masivo de datos, así como un análisis econométrico que determina los factores que se valoran positivamente y negativamente por el potencial comprador. Estas relaciones permiten establecer diferentes estructuras matemáticas basadas en los modelos de precios hedónicos, que permiten identificar rasgos diferenciales en los ámbitos económico, social y espacial y su incidencia en el valor inmobiliario. También se ha sistematizado un proceso de valoración territorial a través del análisis del concepto de vulnerabilidad estructural, entendido como una situación de fragilidad debida a circunstancias tanto sociales como económicas, tanto actual como de tendencia en el futuro. Actualmente, esta estructura de demanda de segunda residencia y servicios ha mostrado su fragilidad y ha bloqueado el desarrollo económico de la zona al caer drásticamente la inversión en el sector inmobiliario por la crisis global de la deuda. El proceso se ha agravado al existir un tejido industrial marginal al que no se ha derivado inversiones importantes y un abandono progresivo de las explotaciones agropecuarias. El modelo turístico no sería en sí mismo la causa del bloqueo del desarrollo económico comarcal, sino la forma en que se ha implantado en la Costa Blanca, con un consumo del territorio basado en el corto plazo, poco respetuoso con aspectos paisajísticos y medioambientales, y sin una organización territorial global. Se observa cómo la vinculación entre índices de vulnerabilidad y valor inmobiliario no es especialmente significativa, lo que denota que las tendencias futuras de fragilidad no han sido incorporadas a la hora de establecer los precios de venta del producto inmobiliario analizado. El valor muestra una clara dependencia del sistema de asentamiento y conservación de las áreas medioambientales y un claro reconocimiento de tipologías propias del medio rural aunque vinculadas al sector turístico. En la actualidad, el continuo descenso de la demanda turística ha provocado una clara modificación en la estructura poblacional y económica. Al incorporar estas modificaciones a los modelos especificados podemos comprobar un verdadero desmoronamiento de los valores. Es posible que el remanente de vivienda construida actualmente vaya dirigido a un potencial comprador que se encuentra en retroceso y que se vincula a unos rasgos territoriales ya no existentes. Encontrar soluciones adaptables a la oferta existente, implica la viabilidad de renovación del sistema poblacional o modificaciones a nivel económico. La búsqueda de respuestas a estas cuestiones señala la necesidad de recanalizar el desarrollo, sin obviar la potencialidad del ámbito. SUMMARY One of the main lines of research regarding the urban economy focuses on the behavior of the real estate market and its relationship to territorial structure. Within this context, one of the most important themes involves considering the significance of urban property value and dealing with its variability, particularly given the significant role of the real estate market in Spain, both in the past and present. The main objective of this study is to identify those factors linked to location, which explain the formation of property values and justify their variability. Defining this process requires carrying out an evaluation on a territorial scale, establishing the socioeconomic, environmental and urban planning factors that constitute urban development and influence the demand for housing, thereby defining the processes by which their value is established. The analysis targets residential real estate values in coastal areas where pressure from the tourism industry has prompted large-scale transformations. Therefore, the focal point of this study is an area known as Vega Baja del Segura, which is located on the Spanish Mediterranean coast in southern Alicante (province). Characterized by its scenic and ecological diversity, this area has historically maintained a clear distinction between urban and rural spaces. This dichotomy has drastically changed in past decades due to the large increase in population attributed to the tourism and real estate markets – factors which have had a direct effect on property values. The development of this area provides a clear example of the expansionary policies which have affected the housing market on the coast of Spain during the past two decades, resulting in a large increase in suburban development. Understanding the territorial framework has made it possible to carry out a spatial variability analysis through massive data processing, as well as an econometric analysis that determines the factors that are evaluated positively and negatively by potential buyers. These relationships enable us to establish different mathematical systems based on hedonic pricing models that facilitate the identification of differential features in the economic, social and spatial spheres, and their impact on property values. Additionally, a process for land valuation was established through an analysis of the concept of structural vulnerability, which is understood to be a fragile situation resulting from either social or economic circumstances. Currently, this demand structure for second homes and services has demonstrated its fragility and has inhibited the area’s economic development as a result of the drastic fall in investment in the real estate market, due to the global debt crisis. This process has been worsened by the existence of a marginal industrial base into which no important investments have been channeled, combined with the progressive abandonment of agricultural and fishing operations. In and of itself, the tourism model did not inhibit the area’s economic development, rather it is the result of the manner in which it was implemented on the Costa Brava, with a land consumption based on the short-term, lacking respect for landscape and environmental aspects and without a comprehensive organization of the territory. It is clear that the link between vulnerability indexes and property values is not particularly significant, thereby indicating that future fragility trends have not been incorporated into the problem in terms of establishing the sale prices of the analyzed real estate product in question. Urban property values are clearly dependent on the system of development and environmental conservation, as well as on a clear recognition of the typologies that characterize rural areas, even those linked to the tourism industry. Today, the continued drop in tourism demand has provoked an obvious modification in the populational and economic structures. By incorporating these changes into the specified models, we can confirm a real collapse in values. It’s possible that the surplus of already-built homes is currently being marketed to a potential buyer who is in recession and linked to certain territorial characteristics that no longer exist. Finding solutions that can be adapted to the existing offer implies the viability of renewing the population system or carrying out modifications on an economic level. The search for answers to these questions suggests the need to reform the development model, without leaving out an area’s potentiality.


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This poster raises the issue of a research work oriented to the storage, retrieval, representation and analysis of dynamic GI, taking into account The ultimate objective is the modelling and representation of the dynamic nature of geographic features, establishing mechanisms to store geometries enriched with a temporal structure (regardless of space) and a set of semantic descriptors detailing and clarifying the nature of the represented features and their temporality. the semantic, the temporal and the spatiotemporal components. We intend to define a set of methods, rules and restrictions for the adequate integration of these components into the primary elements of the GI: theme, location, time [1]. We intend to establish and incorporate three new structures (layers) into the core of data storage by using mark-up languages: a semantictemporal structure, a geosemantic structure, and an incremental spatiotemporal structure. Thus, data would be provided with the capability of pinpointing and expressing their own basic and temporal characteristics, enabling them to interact each other according to their context, and their time and meaning relationships that could be eventually established


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Los modelos de desarrollo regional, rural y urbano arrancaron en la década de los 90 en Estados Unidos, modelando los factores relacionados con la economía que suministran información y conocimiento acerca de cómo los parámetros geográficos y otros externos influencian la economía regional. El desarrollo regional y en particular el rural han seguido diferentes caminos en Europa y España, adoptando como modelo los programas estructurales de la UE ligados a la PAC. El Programa para el Desarrollo Rural Sostenible, recientemente lanzado por el Gobierno de España (2010) no profundiza en los modelos económicos de esta economía y sus causas. Este estudio pretende encontrar pautas de comportamiento de las variables de la economía regional-rural, y como el efecto de distribución geográfica de la población condiciona la actividad económica. Para este propósito, y utilizando datos espaciales y económicos de las regiones, se implementaran modelos espaciales que permitan evaluar el comportamiento económico, y verificar hipótesis de trabajo sobre la geografía y la economía del territorio. Se utilizarán modelos de análisis espacial como el análisis exploratorio espacial y los modelos econométricos de ecuaciones simultáneas, y dentro de estas los modelos ampliamente utilizados en estudios regionales de Carlino-Mills- Boarnet. ABSTRACT The regional development models for rural and urban areas started in USA in the ´90s, modeling the economy and the factors involved to understand and collect the knowledge of how the external parameters influenced the regional economy. Regional development and in particular rural development has followed different paths in Europe and Spain, adopting structural programs defined in the EU Agriculture Common Policy. The program for Sustainable Rural Development recently implemented in Spain (2010) is short sighted considering the effects of the regional economy. This study endeavors to underline models of behavior for the rural and regional economy variables, and how the regional distribution of population conditions the economic activities. For that purpose using current spatial regional economic data, this study will implement spatial economic models to evaluate the behavior of the regional economy, including the evaluation of working hypothesis about geography and economy in the territory. The approach will use data analysis models, like exploratory spatial data analysis, and spatial econometric models, and in particular for its wide acceptance in regional analysis, the Carlino-Mills-Boarnet equations model.


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Surveillance of core barrel vibrations has been performed in the Swedish Ringhals PWRs for several years. This surveillance is focused mainly on the pendular motion of the core barrel, which is known as the beam mode. The monitoring of the beam mode has suggested that its amplitude increases along the cycle and decreases after refuelling. In the last 5 years several measurements have been taken in order to understand this behaviour. Besides, a non-linear fitting procedure has been implemented in order to better distinguish the different components of vibration. By using this fitting procedure, two modes of vibration have been identified in the frequency range of the beam mode. Several results coming from the trend analysis performed during these years indicate that one of the modes is due to the core barrel motion itself and the other is due to the individual flow induced vibrations of the fuel elements. In this work, the latest results of this monitoring are presented.


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Surveillance of core barrel vibrations has been performed in the Swedish Ringhals PWRs for several years. This surveillance is focused mainly on the pendular motion of the core barrel, which is known as the beam mode. The monitoring of the beam mode has suggested that its amplitude increases along the cycle and decreases after refuelling. In the last 5 years several measurements have been taken in order to understand this behaviour. Besides, a non-linear fitting procedure has been implemented in order to better distinguish the different components of vibration. By using this fitting procedure, two modes of vibration have been identified in the frequency range of the beam mode. Several results coming from the trend analysis performed during these years indicate that one of the modes is due to the core barrel motion itself and the other is due to the individual flow induced vibrations of the fuel elements. In this work, the latest results of this monitoring are presented.


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Sustainability is an adjective used to characterize agriculture according to the degree of fulfillment of goals. Those goals are related to agro-ecological, environmental and socio-economic dimensions. Sustainability is a dynamic and temporal character. In absolute terms there is not an ending value because it changes as its dimensions make it. Spain is one of the main agricultural countries of the European Union both in terms of crop land and value of productions. The object of this study is to present a methodology of sustainability account to be incorporated into national statistical and to assess their performance in the course of the years. For that reason the data sources used have been the statistics of the Department of Agriculture and from others database. We presented a set of indicators of sustainability and its evaluation in a time series of at least 30 years. The trend analysis offers the evolution of the numerical values of the indicators in terms of efficiency, physical units used for a unit of product or its value in euros. The analyzed crops have been: wheat, barley, maize, sunflower, sugar beet, wine grape, olive oil, citrus, melon and tomato. Physical indicators were: land, water, energy, erosion, soil organic matter, and carbon balance; socio-economic indicators were: agricultural final production, prices, income, employment and use of fertilizers. In general, all crops increased their productive efficiency, higher in irrigated than on dry land. Spanish agricultural carbon sequestration capacity has multiplied by five in the last seventy years, as a result of the increase in the productivity of crops, in terms of total biomass and the modification of the soil management techniques. Livestock sector presents data of pork, broilers and laying hen. Those showed an improvement in efficiency and economic indicators. Overall we can say that Spanish agriculture and livestock subsector have a tendency towards sustainability, being its main threats extreme meteorological factors and the instability of todays markets.


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In the last decade, Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) has been accepted as an effective method for processing high spatial resolution multiband images. This image analysis method is an approach that starts with the segmentation of the image. Image segmentation in general is a procedure to partition an image into homogenous groups (segments). In practice, visual interpretation is often used to assess the quality of segmentation and the analysis relies on the experience of an analyst. In an effort to address the issue, in this study, we evaluate several seed selection strategies for an automatic image segmentation methodology based on a seeded region growing-merging approach. In order to evaluate the segmentation quality, segments were subjected to spatial autocorrelation analysis using Moran's I index and intra-segment variance analysis. We apply the algorithm to image segmentation using an aerial multiband image.


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Two-phase plant communities with an engineer conforming conspicuous patches and affecting the performance and patterns of coexisting species are the norm under stressful conditions. To unveil the mechanisms governing coexistence in these communities at multiple spatial scales, we have developed a new point-raster approach of spatial pattern analysis, which was applied to a Mediterranean high mountain grassland to show how Festuca curvifolia patches affect the local distribution of coexisting species. We recorded 22 111 individuals of 17 plant perennial species. Most coexisting species were negatively associated with F. curvifolia clumps. Nevertheless, bivariate nearest-neighbor analyses revealed that the majority of coexisting species were confined at relatively short distances from F. curvifolia borders (between 0-2 cm and up to 8 cm in some cases). Our study suggests the existence of a fine-scale effect of F. curvifolia for most species promoting coexistence through a mechanism we call 'facilitation in the halo'. Most coexisting species are displaced to an interphase area between patches, where two opposite forces reach equilibrium: attenuated severe conditions by proximity to the F. curvifolia canopy (nutrient-rich islands) and competitive exclusion mitigated by avoiding direct contact with F. curvifolia.


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El análisis de los factores que determinan el establecimiento y supervivencia de orquídeas epífitas, incluyen: a) las condiciones microambientales de los bosques que las mantienen, b) preferencias por las características de los hospederos donde crecen, c) limitación en la dispersión de semillas, d) interacciones planta-planta, y e) asociaciones micorrízicas para la germinación y resultan esenciales para el desarrollo de estrategias para la conservación y manejo de este grupo de plantas. Este trabajo ha evaluado la importancia de estos factores en Epidendrum rhopalostele, orquídea epífita del bosque de niebla montano, a través de los análisis de los patrones espaciales de los árboles que la portan y de la propia orquídea, a escala de población, estudios de asociación y métodos moleculares. Estos últimos han consistido en el uso de marcadores AFLP para el análisis de la estructura genética de la orquídea y en la secuenciación-clonación de la región ITS para la identificación de los hongos micorrízicos asociados. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por tanto, una mejor comprensión de los factores que condicionan la presencia de orquídeas epífitas en los remanentes de bosque de niebla montano y una evaluación de las implicaciones para la conservación y mantenimiento de sus hábitats y la permanencia de sus poblaciones. El estudio fue realizado en un fragmento de bosque de niebla montano de sucesión secundaria situado al este de la Cordillera Real, en los Andes del sur de Ecuador, a 2250 m.s.n.m y caracterizado por una pendiente marcada, temperatura media anual de 20.8°C y precipitación anual de 2193 mm. En este fragmento se mapearon, identificaron y caracterizaron todos los árboles presentes con DBH > 1 cm y todos los individuos de Epidendrum rhopalostele. Así mismo se tomaron muestras de hoja para obtener ADN de todas las orquídeas registradas y muestras de raíces de individuos con flor de E. rhopalostele, uno por cada forófito, para el análisis filogenético de micorrizas. Análisis espaciales de patrones de puntos basados en la K de Ripley y la distancia al vecino más cercano fueron usados para los árboles, forófitos y la población de E. rhopalostele. Se observó que la distribución espacial de árboles y forófitos de E. rhopalostele no es aleatoria, ya que se ajusta a un proceso agregado de Poisson. De ahí se infiere una limitación en la dispersión de las semillas en el fragmento estudiado y en el establecimiento de la orquídea. El patrón de distribución de la población de E. rhopalostele en el fragmento muestra un agrupamiento a pequeña escala sugiriendo una preferencia por micro-sitios para el establecimiento de la orquídea con un kernel de dispersión de las semillas estimado de 0.4 m. Las características preferentes del micro-sitio como tipos de árboles (Clusia alata y árboles muertos), tolerancia a la sombra, corteza rugosa, distribución en los dos primeros metros sugieren una tendencia a distribuirse en el sotobosque. La existencia de una segregación espacial entre adultos y juveniles sugiere una competencia por recursos limitados condicionada por la preferencia de micro-sitio. La estructura genética de la población de E. rhopalostele analizada a través de Structure y PCoA evidencia la presencia de dos grupos genéticos coexistiendo en el fragmento y en los mismos forófitos, posiblemente por eventos de hibridización entre especies de Epidendrum simpátricas. Los resultados del análisis de autocorrelación espacial efectuados en GenAlex confirman una estructura genético-espacial a pequeña escala que es compatible con un mecanismo de dispersión de semillas a corta distancia ocasionada por gravedad o pequeñas escorrentías, frente a la dispersión a larga distancia promovida por el viento generalmente atribuida a las orquídeas. Para la identificación de los micobiontes se amplificó la región ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, y 47 secuencias fueron usadas para el análisis filogenético basado en neighborjoining, análisis bayesiano y máximum-likelihood que determinó que Epidendrum rhopalostele establece asociaciones micorrízicas con al menos dos especies diferentes de Tulasnella. Se registraron plantas que estaban asociadas con los dos clados de hongos encontrados, sugiriendo ausencia de limitación en la distribución del hongo. Con relación a las implicaciones para la conservación in situ resultado de este trabajo se recomienda la preservación de todo el fragmento de bosque así como de las interacciones existentes (polinizadores, micorrizas) a fin de conservar la diversidad genética de esta orquídea epífita. Si fuere necesaria una reintroducción se deben contemplar distancias entre los individuos en cada forófito dentro de un rango de 0.4 m. Para promover el reclutamiento y regeneración de E. rhopalostele, se recomienda que los forófitos correspondan preferentemente a árboles muertos o caídos y a especies, como Clusia alata, que posean además corteza rugosa, sean tolerantes a la sombra, y en el área del sotobosque con menor luminosidad. Además es conveniente que las orquídeas en su distribución vertical estén ubicadas en los primeros metros. En conclusión, la limitación en la dispersión, las características del micro-sitio, las interacciones intraespecíficas y con especies congenéricas simpátricas y las preferencias micorrízicas condicionan la presencia de esta orquídea epífita en este tipo de bosque. ABSTRACT The analysis of factors that determine the establishment and survival of epiphytic depends on factors such as a) microenvironmental conditions of forest, b) preference for host characteristics where orchids grow, c) seed dispersal limitation, d) plant-plant interaction, e) priority mycorrhizal associations for germination, are essential for the development of strategies for management and conservation. This work evaluated the importance of these factors in Epidendrum rhopalostele, an epiphytic orchid of montane cloud forest through the analysis of spatial patterns of host trees and the orchid, in a more specific scale, with association studies and molecular methods, including AFLPs for orchid population genetic structure and the sequencing of the ITS region for associated mycorrhizal fungi. The aim of this thesis is to understand the factors that condition the presence of epiphytic orchids in the remnants of montane cloud forest and to assess the implications for the conservation and preservation of their habitats and the persistence of the orchid populations. The study was carried out in a fragment of montane cloud forest of secondary succession on the eastern slope of Cordillera Real in the Andes of southern Ecuador, located at 2250 m a.s.l. characterized by a steep slope, mean annual temperature of 20.8°C and annual precipitation of 2193 mm. All trees with DBH > 1 cm were mapped, characterized and identified. All E. rhopalostele individuals present were counted, marked, characterized and mapped. Leaf samples of all orchid individuals were collected for DNA analysis. Root samples of flowering E. rhopalostele individuals were collected for phylogenetic analysis of mycorrhizae, one per phorophyte. Spatial point pattern analysis based on Ripley`s K function and nearest neighbor function was used for trees, phorophytes and orchid population. We observed that spatial distribution of trees and phorophytes is not random, as it adjusts to a Poisson cluster process. This suggests a limitation for seed dispersal in the study fragment that is affecting orchid establishment. Furthermore, the small-scale spatial pattern of E. rhopalostele evidences a clustering that suggests a microsite preference for orchid establishment with a dispersal kernel of 0.4 m. Microsite features such as types of trees (dead trees or Clusia alata), shade tolerance trees, rough bark, distribution in the first meters suggest a tendency to prefer the understory for their establishment. Regarding plant-plant interaction a spatial segregation between adults and juveniles was present suggesting competition for limited resources conditioned for a microsite preference. Analysis of genetic structure of E. rhopalostele population through Structure and PCoA shows two genetic groups coexisting in this fragment and in the same phorophyte, possibly as a result of hybridization between sympatric species of Epidendrum. Our results of spatial autocorrelation analysis develop in GenAlex confirm a small-scale spatial-genetic structure within the genetic groups that is compatible with a short-distance dispersal mechanism caused by gravity or water run-off, instead of the long-distance seed dispersal promoted by wind generally attributed to orchids. For mycobionts identification ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA region was amplified. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with neighborjoining, Bayesian likelihood and maximum-likelihood for 47 sequences yielded two Tulasnella clades. This orchid establishes mycorrhizal associations with at least two different Tulasnella species. In some cases both fungi clades were present in same root, suggesting no limitation in fungal distribution. Concerning the implications for in situ conservation resulting from this work, the preservation of all forest fragment and their interactions (pollinators, mycorrhiza) is recommended to conserve the genetic diversity of this species. If a reintroduction were necessary, distances between individuals in each phorophyte within a range of 0.4 m, are recommended. To promote recruitment and regeneration of E. rhopalostele it is recommended that phorophytes correspond to dead or fallen trees or species, such as Clusia alata. Trees that have rough bark and are shade tolerant are also recommended. Furthermore, regarding vertical distribution, it is also convenient that orchids are located in the first meter (in understory, area with less light). In conclusion, limitation on seed dispersal, microsite characteristics, plant-plant interactions or interaction with cogeneric sympatric species and mycorrhizal preferences conditioned the presence of this epiphytic orchid in this fragment forest.


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La protección de las aguas subterráneas es una prioridad de la política medioambiental de la UE. Por ello ha establecido un marco de prevención y control de la contaminación, que incluye provisiones para evaluar el estado químico de las aguas y reducir la presencia de contaminantes en ellas. Las herramientas fundamentales para el desarrollo de dichas políticas son la Directiva Marco del Agua y la Directiva Hija de Aguas Subterráneas. Según ellas, las aguas se consideran en buen estado químico si: • la concentración medida o prevista de nitratos no supera los 50 mg/l y la de ingredientes activos de plaguicidas, de sus metabolitos y de los productos de reacción no supera el 0,1 μg/l (0,5 μg/l para el total de los plaguicidas medidos) • la concentración de determinadas sustancias de riesgo es inferior al valor umbral fijado por los Estados miembros; se trata, como mínimo, del amonio, arsénico, cadmio, cloruro, plomo, mercurio, sulfatos, tricloroetileno y tetracloroetileno • la concentración de cualquier otro contaminante se ajusta a la definición de buen estado químico enunciada en el anexo V de la Directiva marco sobre la política de aguas • en caso de superarse el valor correspondiente a una norma de calidad o a un valor umbral, una investigación confirma, entre otros puntos, la falta de riesgo significativo para el medio ambiente. Analizar el comportamiento estadístico de los datos procedentes de la red de seguimiento y control puede resultar considerablemente complejo, debido al sesgo positivo que suelen presentar dichos datos y a su distribución asimétrica, debido a la existencia de valores anómalos y diferentes tipos de suelos y mezclas de contaminantes. Además, la distribución de determinados componentes en el agua subterránea puede presentar concentraciones por debajo del límite de detección o no ser estacionaria debida a la existencia de tendencias lineales o estacionales. En el primer caso es necesario realizar estimaciones de esos valores desconocidos, mediante procedimientos que varían en función del porcentaje de valores por debajo del límite de detección y el número de límites de detección aplicables. En el segundo caso es necesario eliminar las tendencias de forma previa a la realización de contrastes de hipótesis sobre los residuos. Con esta tesis se ha pretendido establecer las bases estadísticas para el análisis riguroso de los datos de las redes de calidad con objeto de realizar la evaluación del estado químico de las masas de agua subterránea para la determinación de tendencias al aumento en la concentración de contaminantes y para la detección de empeoramientos significativos, tanto en los casos que se ha fijado un estándar de calidad por el organismo medioambiental competente como en aquéllos que no ha sido así. Para diseñar una metodología que permita contemplar la variedad de casos existentes, se han analizado los datos de la Red Oficial de Seguimiento y Control del Estado Químico de las Aguas Subterráneas del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (Magrama). A continuación, y dado que los Planes Hidrológicos de Cuenca son la herramienta básica de las Directivas, se ha seleccionado la Cuenca del Júcar, dada su designación como cuenca piloto en la estrategia de implementación común (CIS) de la Comisión Europea. El objetivo principal de los grupos de trabajo creados para ello se dirigió a implementar la Directiva Derivada de Agua Subterráneas y los elementos de la Directiva Marco del Agua relacionadas, en especial la toma de datos en los puntos de control y la preparación del primer Plan de Gestión de Cuencas Hidrográficas. Dada la extensión de la zona y con objeto de analizar una masa de agua subterránea (definida como la unidad de gestión en las Directivas), se ha seleccionado una zona piloto (Plana de Vinaroz Peñiscola) en la que se han aplicado los procedimientos desarrollados con objeto de determinar el estado químico de dicha masa. Los datos examinados no contienen en general valores de concentración de contaminantes asociados a fuentes puntuales, por lo que para la realización del estudio se han seleccionado valores de concentración de los datos más comunes, es decir, nitratos y cloruros. La estrategia diseñada combina el análisis de tendencias con la elaboración de intervalos de confianza cuando existe un estándar de calidad e intervalos de predicción cuando no existe o se ha superado dicho estándar. De forma análoga se ha procedido en el caso de los valores por debajo del límite de detección, tomando los valores disponibles en la zona piloto de la Plana de Sagunto y simulando diferentes grados de censura con objeto de comparar los resultados obtenidos con los intervalos producidos de los datos reales y verificar de esta forma la eficacia del método. El resultado final es una metodología general que integra los casos existentes y permite definir el estado químico de una masa de agua subterránea, verificar la existencia de impactos significativos en la calidad del agua subterránea y evaluar la efectividad de los planes de medidas adoptados en el marco del Plan Hidrológico de Cuenca. ABSTRACT Groundwater protection is a priority of the EU environmental policy. As a result, it has established a framework for prevention and control of pollution, which includes provisions for assessing the chemical status of waters and reducing the presence of contaminants in it. The measures include: • criteria for assessing the chemical status of groundwater bodies • criteria for identifying significant upward trends and sustained concentrations of contaminants and define starting points for reversal of such trends • preventing and limiting indirect discharges of pollutants as a result of percolation through soil or subsoil. The basic tools for the development of such policies are the Water Framework Directive and Groundwater Daughter Directive. According to them, the groundwater bodies are considered in good status if: • measured or predicted concentration of nitrate does not exceed 50 mg / l and the active ingredients of pesticides, their metabolites and reaction products do not exceed 0.1 mg / l (0.5 mg / l for total of pesticides measured) • the concentration of certain hazardous substances is below the threshold set by the Member States concerned, at least, of ammonium, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, lead, mercury, sulphates, trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene • the concentration of other contaminants fits the definition of good chemical status set out in Annex V of the Framework Directive on water policy • If the value corresponding to a quality standard or a threshold value is exceeded, an investigation confirms, among other things, the lack of significant risk to the environment. Analyzing the statistical behaviour of the data from the monitoring networks may be considerably complex due to the positive bias which often presents such information and its asymmetrical distribution, due to the existence of outliers and different soil types and mixtures of pollutants. Furthermore, the distribution of certain components in groundwater may have concentrations below the detection limit or may not be stationary due to the existence of linear or seasonal trends. In the first case it is necessary to estimate these unknown values, through procedures that vary according to the percentage of values below the limit of detection and the number of applicable limits of detection. In the second case removing trends is needed before conducting hypothesis tests on residuals. This PhD thesis has intended to establish the statistical basis for the rigorous analysis of data quality networks in order to conduct the evaluation of the chemical status of groundwater bodies for determining upward and sustained trends in pollutant concentrations and for the detection of significant deterioration in cases in which an environmental standard has been set by the relevant environmental agency and those that have not. Aiming to design a comprehensive methodology to include the whole range of cases, data from the Groundwater Official Monitoring and Control Network of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama) have been analysed. Then, since River Basin Management Plans are the basic tool of the Directives, the Júcar river Basin has been selected. The main reason is its designation as a pilot basin in the common implementation strategy (CIS) of the European Commission. The main objective of the ad hoc working groups is to implement the Daughter Ground Water Directive and elements of the Water Framework Directive related to groundwater, especially the data collection at control stations and the preparation of the first River Basin Management Plan. Given the size of the area and in order to analyze a groundwater body (defined as the management unit in the Directives), Plana de Vinaroz Peñíscola has been selected as pilot area. Procedures developed to determine the chemical status of that body have been then applied. The data examined do not generally contain pollutant concentration values associated with point sources, so for the study concentration values of the most common data, i.e., nitrates and chlorides have been selected. The designed strategy combines trend analysis with the development of confidence intervals when there is a standard of quality and prediction intervals when there is not or the standard has been exceeded. Similarly we have proceeded in the case of values below the detection limit, taking the available values in Plana de Sagunto pilot area and simulating different degrees of censoring in order to compare the results obtained with the intervals achieved from the actual data and verify in this way the effectiveness of the method. The end result is a general methodology that integrates existing cases to define the chemical status of a groundwater body, verify the existence of significant impacts on groundwater quality and evaluate the effectiveness of the action plans adopted in the framework of the River Basin Management Plan.


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According to Corine Land Cover databases, in Europe between 1990 and 2000,77% of new artificial surfaces were built on previous agrarian areas. Urban sprawl ¡s far from being under control, between 2000 and 2006 new artificial land has grown in larger proportion than the decade before. In Spain, like in most countries, the impact of urban sprawl during the last decades has been especially significant in periurban agrarian spaces: between 2000 and 2006, 73% of new artificial surfaces were built on previous agrarian areas. The indirect impact of this trend has been even more relevant, as the expectations of appreciation in the value of land after new urban developments reinforce the ongoing trend of abandonment of agricultural land. In Madrid between 1980 and 2000 the loss of agricultural land due to abandonment of exploitation was 2-fold that due to transformation into urban areas. By comparing four case studies: Valladolild, Montpellier.Florence and Den Haag, this paper explores if urban and territorial planning may contribute to reduce urban pressure on the hinterland. In spite of their diversity, these regions have in common a relative prosperity arising from their territorial endowments, though their landscapes are still under pressure. The three last ones have been working for years on mainstream concepts like multifunctional agriculture. The systematic comparison and the analysis of successful approaches provide some clues on how to reconsider urban planning in order to preserve agricultural land. The final remarks highlight the context in which public commitment, legal protection instruments and financial strategies may contribute to the goals of urban, peri-urban or regional planning about fostering agrarian ecosystem services


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The present contribution discusses the development of a PSE-3D instability analysis algorithm, in which a matrix forming and storing approach is followed. Alternatively to the typically used in stability calculations spectral methods, new stable high-order finitedifference-based numerical schemes for spatial discretization 1 are employed. Attention is paid to the issue of efficiency, which is critical for the success of the overall algorithm. To this end, use is made of a parallelizable sparse matrix linear algebra package which takes advantage of the sparsity offered by the finite-difference scheme and, as expected, is shown to perform substantially more efficiently than when spectral collocation methods are used. The building blocks of the algorithm have been implemented and extensively validated, focusing on classic PSE analysis of instability on the flow-plate boundary layer, temporal and spatial BiGlobal EVP solutions (the latter necessary for the initialization of the PSE-3D), as well as standard PSE in a cylindrical coordinates using the nonparallel Batchelor vortex basic flow model, such that comparisons between PSE and PSE-3D be possible; excellent agreement is shown in all aforementioned comparisons. Finally, the linear PSE-3D instability analysis is applied to a fully three-dimensional flow composed of a counter-rotating pair of nonparallel Batchelor vortices.


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Iniciación a las herramientas de Spatial Analysis de ArcGIS 10.