46 resultados para software quality assurance


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Strict technical quality assurance procedures are essential for PV plant bankability. When large-scale PV plants are concerned, this is typically accomplished in three consecutive phases: an energy yield forecast, that is performed at the beginning of the project and is typically accomplished by means of a simulation exercise performed with dedicated software; a reception test campaign, that is performed at the end of the commissioning and consists of a set of tests for determining the efficiency and the reliability of the PV plant devices; and a performance analysis of the first years of operation, that consists in comparing the real energy production with the one calculated from the recorded operating conditions and taking into account the maintenance records. In the last six years, IES-UPM has offered both indoor and on-site quality control campaigns for more than 60 PV plants, with an accumulated power of more than 300 MW, in close contact with Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contractors and financial entities. This paper presents the lessons learned from such experience.


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Quality is the threshold or minimum level required to satisfy the consumer´s demands. In construction the quality is objective, and established by standards. It is very difficult to establish the costs of “no quality” in construction. Each precast unit shall be traceable to a specific set of quality control records.


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Functional MRI (fMRI) and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) are being increasingly used in clinical protocols. Subsequenly it is crucial to develop a routine quality assurance protocol (QA)of both techniques. This work describes a long-term variability study, as apart of the QA of fMRI and MRS on our institution clinical 3.0 T MR scanner.


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Knowledge about the quality characteristics (QoS) of service com- positions is crucial for determining their usability and economic value. Ser- vice quality is usually regulated using Service Level Agreements (SLA). While end-to-end SLAs are well suited for request-reply interactions, more complex, decentralized, multiparticipant compositions (service choreographies) typ- ically involve multiple message exchanges between stateful parties and the corresponding SLAs thus encompass several cooperating parties with interde- pendent QoS. The usual approaches to determining QoS ranges structurally (which are by construction easily composable) are not applicable in this sce- nario. Additionally, the intervening SLAs may depend on the exchanged data. We present an approach to data-aware QoS assurance in choreographies through the automatic derivation of composable QoS models from partici- pant descriptions. Such models are based on a message typing system with size constraints and are derived using abstract interpretation. The models ob- tained have multiple uses including run-time prediction, adaptive participant selection, or design-time compliance checking. We also present an experimen- tal evaluation and discuss the benefits of the proposed approach.


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Due to the fast rate of peach post-harvest ripening, damage due to mechanical handling, externally appreciated as bruises and soft areas, is a real problem that leads to an early harvesting and poor quality of the fruits, as perceived by the consumers. More and more, the European consumer asks for good taste and freshness of fruits and vegetables, and these quality factors are not included in standards, nor in most of the producers' practices. Fruit processing and marketing centres (co-operatives) are increasingly interested in adopting quality controls in their processes. ISO 9000 procedures are being applied in some food areas, primarily milk and meat processors, but no generalised procedures have been developed until the present time to be applied to fresh product processes. All different peach and nectarine varieties that are harvested and handled in Murcia cooperatives and sold in a large supermarket in Madrid were analysed during the whole 1997 season (early May to late August). A total number of 78 samples of 25 fruits (co-operative) or 10 fruits (market), were tested in the laboratory for mechanical, optical, chemical and tasting quality. The variability and relationships between all these quality parameters are presented and discussed, and sampling unit sizes which would be advisable for quality control are calculated.


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An accepted fact in software engineering is that software must undergo verification and validation process during development to ascertain and improve its quality level. But there are too many techniques than a single developer could master, yet, it is impossible to be certain that software is free of defects. So, it is crucial for developers to be able to choose from available evaluation techniques, the one most suitable and likely to yield optimum quality results for different products. Though, some knowledge is available on the strengths and weaknesses of the available software quality assurance techniques but not much is known yet on the relationship between different techniques and contextual behavior of the techniques. Objective: This research investigates the effectiveness of two testing techniques ? equivalence class partitioning and decision coverage and one review technique ? code review by abstraction, in terms of their fault detection capability. This will be used to strengthen the practical knowledge available on these techniques.


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Research into software engineering teams focuses on human and social team factors. Social psychology deals with the study of team formation and has found that personality factors and group processes such as team climate are related to team effectiveness. However, there are only a handful of empirical studies dealing with personality and team climate and their relationship to software development team effectiveness. Objective We present aggregate results of a twice replicated quasi-experiment that evaluates the relationships between personality, team climate, product quality and satisfaction in software development teams. Method Our experimental study measures the personalities of team members based on the Big Five personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) and team climate factors (participative safety, support for innovation, team vision and task orientation) preferences and perceptions. We aggregate the results of the three studies through a meta-analysis of correlations. The study was conducted with students. Results The aggregation of results from the baseline experiment and two replications corroborates the following findings. There is a positive relationship between all four climate factors and satisfaction in software development teams. Teams whose members score highest for the agreeableness personality factor have the highest satisfaction levels. The results unveil a significant positive correlation between the extraversion personality factor and software product quality. High participative safety and task orientation climate perceptions are significantly related to quality. Conclusions First, more efficient software development teams can be formed heeding personality factors like agreeableness and extraversion. Second, the team climate generated in software development teams should be monitored for team member satisfaction. Finally, aspects like people feeling safe giving their opinions or encouraging team members to work hard at their job can have an impact on software quality. Software project managers can take advantage of these factors to promote developer satisfaction and improve the resulting product.


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Software testing is a key aspect of software reliability and quality assurance in a context where software development constantly has to overcome mammoth challenges in a continuously changing environment. One of the characteristics of software testing is that it has a large intellectual capital component and can thus benefit from the use of the experience gained from past projects. Software testing can, then, potentially benefit from solutions provided by the knowledge management discipline. There are in fact a number of proposals concerning effective knowledge management related to several software engineering processes. Objective: We defend the use of a lesson learned system for software testing. The reason is that such a system is an effective knowledge management resource enabling testers and managers to take advantage of the experience locked away in the brains of the testers. To do this, the experience has to be gathered, disseminated and reused. Method: After analyzing the proposals for managing software testing experience, significant weaknesses have been detected in the current systems of this type. The architectural model proposed here for lesson learned systems is designed to try to avoid these weaknesses. This model (i) defines the structure of the software testing lessons learned; (ii) sets up procedures for lesson learned management; and (iii) supports the design of software tools to manage the lessons learned. Results: A different approach, based on the management of the lessons learned that software testing engineers gather from everyday experience, with two basic goals: usefulness and applicability. Conclusion: The architectural model proposed here lays the groundwork to overcome the obstacles to sharing and reusing experience gained in the software testing and test management. As such, it provides guidance for developing software testing lesson learned systems.


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Hoy en día existe una preocupación creciente por la calidad del software entregado en los proyectos que se realizan a lo largo del mundo. El trabajo de fin de grado que va a ser desarrollado en estas páginas pretende demostrar la importancia de la realización de tests funcionales durante el proceso de desarrollo de software para que el proyecto alcance la calidad requerida tan demandada en estos días. Para ello, después de una pequeña introducción a la historia del software, se presentarán y compararán diversos tipos de metodologías de desarrollo de software, tanto pesadas (cascada, espiral, etc.) como ágiles (Extreme Programming y Scrum), se enfatizará en dichas metodologías ágiles y cómo el proceso de testing y control de calidad encaja perfectamente con la filosofía de las citadas metodologías ágiles. Se desarrollará una explicación del papel de QA en el desarrollo de software, asi como una explicación de los tipos de test existentes, y las herramientas, tecnologías y patrones que existen a disposición de aquellos que quieran desempeñar el papel de QA. Para complementar el punto de vista teórico de este trabajo se presentará un caso práctico real realizado en la empresa bq bajo una metodología Scrum. Dicho caso práctico muestra el uso de ciertas herramientas y su aporte para el control de calidad del proyecto bajo desarrollo, demostrando su importancia. Se realizará énfasis en el proceso de automatización de ciertas baterías de test (llamadas test suites), mostrando desde el planteamiento inicial de las diferentes historias de usuario y la batería de test, pasando por la elección de las tecnologías más adecuadas para la elaboración de los test hasta llegar al lanzamiento de dicha batería de pruebas y la comprobación de éstas. El punto de vista práctico quedará complementado por una explicación del framework nightwatch.js, framework utilizado en el desarrollo del proyecto en bq para la automatización de test funcionales. Esta explicación comprenderá tanto la configuración y uso del framework como el uso de patrones y la estructura de las pruebas. ABSTRACT Nowadays there is a growing concern about the Quality of the software delivered in the projects that are made all around the world. This final project will try to prove the importance of performing functional tests during the Software Development Process in order to be able to reach the demanded Quality. To fulfill this objective, different types of Software Development methodologies will be presented and compared. Heavy methodologies (waterfall, spiral methodologies, etc.) as well as agile methodologies (Extreme Programming and Scrum). There will be an emphasis in the second kind (agile methodologies) and how the testing and quality assurance process fits perfectly in their philosophy. A deep explanation of the role that Quality Assurance holds on software development will be presented, as well as an explanation on the current types of testing and an explanation of the different tools; technologies and patrons that exist to help anyone who wants to perform the role of QA. To complement the theoretical perspective of this work a real case study, performed at the company bq under a Scrum methodology, will be presented. The mentioned study covers the use of certain tools and their input for the quality assurance of the project under development, proving its relevance. Emphasis will be made in the process of conducting a set of tests (called test suite), showing from the initial approach of the different users stories and the set of tests, going through the choosing of the most suitable technologies for the tests development, and ending with the performance of this battery of tests and their checkout. The practical point of view will be complemented by a deep explanation of the creation process using the nightwatch.js automated test framework, used in the project in bq. This explanation will cover both the configuration and use of the framework as the use of patterns and structure of the tests.


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La termografía infrarroja (TI) es una técnica no invasiva y de bajo coste que permite, con el simple acto de tomar una fotografía, el registro sin contacto de la energía que irradia el cuerpo humano (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011, Merla et al., 2005, Ng et al., 2009, Costello et al., 2012, Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Esta técnica comenzó a utilizarse en el ámbito médico en los años 60, pero debido a los malos resultados como herramienta diagnóstica y la falta de protocolos estandarizados (Head & Elliot, 2002), ésta se dejó de utilizar en detrimento de otras técnicas más precisas a nivel diagnóstico. No obstante, las mejoras tecnológicas de la TI en los últimos años han hecho posible un resurgimiento de la misma (Jiang et al., 2005, Vainer et al., 2005, Cheng et al., 2009, Spalding et al., 2011, Skala et al., 2012), abriendo el camino a nuevas aplicaciones no sólo centradas en el uso diagnóstico. Entre las nuevas aplicaciones, destacamos las que se desarrollan en el ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte, donde recientemente se ha demostrado que los nuevos avances con imágenes de alta resolución pueden proporcionar información muy interesante sobre el complejo sistema de termorregulación humana (Hildebrandt et al., 2010). Entre las nuevas aplicaciones destacan: la cuantificación de la asimilación de la carga de trabajo físico (Čoh & Širok, 2007), la valoración de la condición física (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012, Akimov et al., 2009, 2011, Merla et al., 2010), la prevención y seguimiento de lesiones (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012, Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) e incluso la detección de agujetas (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Bajo estas circunstancias, se acusa cada vez más la necesidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre los factores que influyen en la aplicación de la TI en los seres humanos, así como la descripción de la respuesta de la temperatura de la piel (TP) en condiciones normales, y bajo la influencia de los diferentes tipos de ejercicio. Por consiguiente, este estudio presenta en una primera parte una revisión bibliográfica sobre los factores que afectan al uso de la TI en los seres humanos y una propuesta de clasificación de los mismos. Hemos analizado la fiabilidad del software Termotracker, así como su reproducibilidad de la temperatura de la piel en sujetos jóvenes, sanos y con normopeso. Finalmente, se analizó la respuesta térmica de la piel antes de un entrenamiento de resistencia, velocidad y fuerza, inmediatamente después y durante un período de recuperación de 8 horas. En cuanto a la revisión bibliográfica, hemos propuesto una clasificación para organizar los factores en tres grupos principales: los factores ambientales, individuales y técnicos. El análisis y descripción de estas influencias deben representar la base de nuevas investigaciones con el fin de utilizar la TI en las mejores condiciones. En cuanto a la reproducibilidad, los resultados mostraron valores excelentes para imágenes consecutivas, aunque la reproducibilidad de la TP disminuyó ligeramente con imágenes separadas por 24 horas, sobre todo en las zonas con valores más fríos (es decir, zonas distales y articulaciones). Las asimetrías térmicas (que normalmente se utilizan para seguir la evolución de zonas sobrecargadas o lesionadas) también mostraron excelentes resultados pero, en este caso, con mejores valores para las articulaciones y el zonas centrales (es decir, rodillas, tobillos, dorsales y pectorales) que las Zonas de Interés (ZDI) con valores medios más calientes (como los muslos e isquiotibiales). Los resultados de fiabilidad del software Termotracker fueron excelentes en todas las condiciones y parámetros. En el caso del estudio sobre los efectos de los entrenamientos de la velocidad resistencia y fuerza en la TP, los resultados muestran respuestas específicas según el tipo de entrenamiento, zona de interés, el momento de la evaluación y la función de las zonas analizadas. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de las ZDI musculares se mantuvieron significativamente más calientes 8 horas después del entrenamiento, lo que indica que el efecto del ejercicio sobre la TP perdura por lo menos 8 horas en la mayoría de zonas analizadas. La TI podría ser útil para cuantificar la asimilación y recuperación física después de una carga física de trabajo. Estos resultados podrían ser muy útiles para entender mejor el complejo sistema de termorregulación humano, y por lo tanto, para utilizar la TI de una manera más objetiva, precisa y profesional con visos a mejorar las nuevas aplicaciones termográficas en el sector de la actividad física y el deporte Infrared Thermography (IRT) is a safe, non-invasive and low-cost technique that allows the rapid and non-contact recording of the irradiated energy released from the body (Akimov & Son’kin, 2011; Merla et al., 2005; Ng et al., 2009; Costello et al., 2012; Hildebrandt et al., 2010). It has been used since the early 1960’s, but due to poor results as diagnostic tool and a lack of methodological standards and quality assurance (Head et al., 2002), it was rejected from the medical field. Nevertheless, the technological improvements of IRT in the last years have made possible a resurgence of this technique (Jiang et al., 2005; Vainer et al., 2005; Cheng et al., 2009; Spalding et al., 2011; Skala et al., 2012), paving the way to new applications not only focused on the diagnose usages. Among the new applications, we highlighted those in physical activity and sport fields, where it has been recently proven that a high resolution thermal images can provide us with interesting information about the complex thermoregulation system of the body (Hildebrandt et al., 2010), information than can be used as: training workload quantification (Čoh & Širok, 2007), fitness and performance conditions (Chudecka et al., 2010, 2012; Akimov et al., 2009, 2011; Merla et al., 2010; Arfaoui et al., 2012), prevention and monitoring of injuries (Hildebrandt et al., 2010, 2012; Badža et al., 2012, Gómez Carmona, 2012) and even detection of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness – DOMS- (Al-Nakhli et al., 2012). Under this context, there is a relevant necessity to broaden the knowledge about factors influencing the application of IRT on humans, and to better explore and describe the thermal response of Skin Temperature (Tsk) in normal conditions, and under the influence of different types of exercise. Consequently, this study presents a literature review about factors affecting the application of IRT on human beings and a classification proposal about them. We analysed the reliability of the software Termotracker®, and also its reproducibility of Tsk on young, healthy and normal weight subjects. Finally, we examined the Tsk thermal response before an endurance, speed and strength training, immediately after and during an 8-hour recovery period. Concerning the literature review, we proposed a classification to organise the factors into three main groups: environmental, individual and technical factors. Thus, better exploring and describing these influence factors should represent the basis of further investigations in order to use IRT in the best and optimal conditions to improve its accuracy and results. Regarding the reproducibility results, the outcomes showed excellent values for consecutive images, but the reproducibility of Tsk slightly decreased with time, above all in the colder Regions of Interest (ROI) (i.e. distal and joint areas). The side-to-side differences (ΔT) (normally used to follow the evolution of some injured or overloaded ROI) also showed highly accurate results, but in this case with better values for joints and central ROI (i.e. Knee, Ankles, Dorsal and Pectoral) than the hottest muscle ROI (as Thigh or Hamstrings). The reliability results of the IRT software Termotracker® were excellent in all conditions and parameters. In the part of the study about the effects on Tsk of aerobic, speed and strength training, the results of Tsk demonstrated specific responses depending on the type of training, ROI, moment of the assessment and the function of the considered ROI. The results showed that most of muscular ROI maintained warmer significant Tsk 8 hours after the training, indicating that the effect of exercise on Tsk last at least 8 hours in most of ROI, as well as IRT could help to quantify the recovery status of the athlete as workload assimilation indicator. Those results could be very useful to better understand the complex skin thermoregulation behaviour, and therefore, to use IRT in a more objective, accurate and professional way to improve the new IRT applications for the physical activity and sport sector.


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El presente proyecto fin de carrera, realizado por el ingeniero técnico en telecomunicaciones Pedro M. Matamala Lucas, es la fase final de desarrollo de un proyecto de mayor magnitud correspondiente al software de vídeo forense SAVID. El propósito del proyecto en su totalidad es la creación de una herramienta informática capacitada para realizar el análisis de ficheros de vídeo, codificados y comprimidos por el sistema DV –Digital Video-. El objetivo del análisis, es aportar información acerca de si la cinta magnética presenta indicios de haber sido manipulada con una edición posterior a su grabación original, además, de mostrar al usuario otros datos de interés como las especificaciones técnicas de la señal de vídeo y audio. Por lo tanto, se facilitará al usuario, analista de vídeo forense, información que le ayude a valorar la originalidad del contenido del soporte que es sujeto del análisis. El objetivo específico de esta fase final, es la creación de la interfaz de usuario del software, que informa tanto del código binario de los sectores significativos, como de su interpretación tras el análisis. También permitirá al usuario el reporte de los resultados, además de otras funcionalidades que le permitan la navegación por los sectores del código que han sido modificados como efecto colateral de la edición de la cinta magnética original. Otro objetivo importante del proyecto ha sido la investigación de metodologías y técnicas de desarrollo de software para su posterior implementación, buscando con esto, una mayor eficiencia en la gestión del tiempo y una mayor calidad de software con el fin de garantizar su evolución y sostenibilidad en el futuro. Se ha hecho hincapié en las metodologías ágiles que han ido ganando relevancia en el sector de las tecnologías de la información en las últimas décadas, sustituyendo a metodologías clásicas como el desarrollo en cascada. Su flexibilidad durante el ciclo de vida del software, permite obtener mejores resultados cuando las especificaciones no están del todo definidas, ajustándose de este modo a las condiciones del proyecto. Resumiendo las especificaciones técnicas del software, C++ es el lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos con el que se ha desarrollado, utilizándose la tecnología MFC -Microsoft Foundation Classes- para la implementación. Es un proyecto MFC de tipo cuadro de dialogo,creado, compilado y publicado, con la herramienta de desarrollo integrado Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. La arquitectura con la que se ha estructurado es la arquetípica de tres capas, compuesta por la interfaz de usuario, capa de negocio y capa de acceso a datos. Se ha visto necesario configurar el proyecto con compatibilidad con CLR –Common Languages Runtime- para poder implementar la funcionalidad de creación de reportes. Acompañando a la aplicación informática, se presenta la memoria del proyecto y sus anexos correspondientes a los documentos EDRF –Especificaciones Detalladas de Requisitos funcionales-, EIU –Especificaciones de Interfaz de Usuario , DT -Diseño Técnico- y Guía de Usuario. SUMMARY. This dissertation, carried out by the telecommunications engineer Pedro M. Matamala Lucas, is in its final stage and is part of a larger project for the software of forensic video called SAVID. The purpose of the entire project is the creation of a software tool capable of analyzing video files that are coded and compressed by the DV -Digital Video- System. The objective of the analysis is to provide information on whether the magnetic tape shows signs of having been tampered with after the editing of the original recording, and also to show the user other relevant data and technical specifications of the video signal and audio. Therefore the user, forensic video analyst, will have information to help assess the originality of the content of the media that is subject to analysis. The specific objective of this final phase is the creation of the user interface of the software that provides information about the binary code of the significant sectors and also its interpretation after analysis. It will also allow the user to report the results, and other features that will allow browsing through the sections of the code that have been modified as a secondary effect of the original magnetic tape being tampered. Another important objective of the project is the investigation of methodologies and software development techniques to be used in deployment, with the aim of greater efficiency in time management and enhanced software quality in order to ensure its development and maintenance in the future. Agile methodologies, which have become important in the field of information technology in recent decades, have been used during the execution of the project, replacing classical methodologies such as Waterfall Development. The flexibility, as the result of using by agile methodologies, during the software life cycle, produces better results when the specifications are not fully defined, thus conforming to the initial conditions of the project. Summarizing the software technical specifications, C + + the programming language – which is object oriented and has been developed using technology MFC- Microsoft Foundation Classes for implementation. It is a project type dialog box, created, compiled and released with the integrated development tool Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The architecture is structured in three layers: the user interface, business layer and data access layer. It has been necessary to configure the project with the support CLR -Common Languages Runtime – in order to implement the reporting functionality. The software application is submitted with the project report and its annexes to the following documents: Functional Requirements Specifications - Detailed User Interface Specifications, Technical Design and User Guide.


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To correctly evaluate semantic technologies and to obtain results that can be easily integrated, we need to put evaluations under the scope of a unique software quality model. This paper presents SemQuaRE, a quality model for semantic technologies. SemQuaRE is based on the SQuaRE standard and describes a set of quality characteristics specific to semantic technologies and the quality measures that can be used for their measurement. It also provides detailed formulas for the calculation of such measures. The paper shows that SemQuaRE is complete with respect to current evaluation trends and that it has been successfully applied in practice.


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Hoy en día, existen numerosos sistemas (financieros, fabricación industrial, infraestructura de servicios básicos, etc.) que son dependientes del software. Según la definición de Ingeniería del Software realizada por I. Sommerville, “la Ingeniería del Software es una disciplina de la ingeniería que comprende todos los aspectos de la producción de software desde las etapas iniciales de la especificación del sistema, hasta el mantenimiento de éste después de que se utiliza.” “La ingeniería del software no sólo comprende los procesos técnicos del desarrollo de software, sino también actividades tales como la gestión de proyectos de software y el desarrollo de herramientas, métodos y teorías de apoyo a la producción de software.” Los modelos de proceso de desarrollo software determinan una serie de pautas para poder desarrollar con éxito un proyecto de desarrollo software. Desde que surgieran estos modelos de proceso, se investigado en nuevas maneras de poder gestionar un proyecto y producir software de calidad. En primer lugar surgieron las metodologías pesadas o tradicionales, pero con el avance del tiempo y la tecnología, surgieron unas nuevas llamadas metodologías ágiles. En el marco de las metodologías ágiles cabe destacar una determinada práctica, la integración continua. Esta práctica surgió de la mano de Martin Fowler, con el objetivo de facilitar el trabajo en grupo y automatizar las tareas de integración. La integración continua se basa en la construcción automática de proyectos con una frecuencia alta, promoviendo la detección de errores en un momento temprano para poder dar prioridad a corregir dichos errores. Sin embargo, una de las claves del éxito en el desarrollo de cualquier proyecto software consiste en utilizar un entorno de trabajo que facilite, sistematice y ayude a aplicar un proceso de desarrollo de una forma eficiente. Este Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG) tiene por objetivo el análisis de distintas herramientas para configurar un entorno de trabajo que permita desarrollar proyectos aplicando metodologías ágiles e integración continua de una forma fácil y eficiente. Una vez analizadas dichas herramientas, se ha propuesto y configurado un entorno de trabajo para su puesta en marcha y uso. Una característica a destacar de este PFG es que las herramientas analizadas comparten una cualidad común y de alto valor, son herramientas open-source. El entorno de trabajo propuesto en este PFG presenta una arquitectura cliente-servidor, dado que la mayoría de proyectos software se desarrollan en equipo, de tal forma que el servidor proporciona a los distintos clientes/desarrolladores acceso al conjunto de herramientas que constituyen el entorno de trabajo. La parte servidora del entorno propuesto proporciona soporte a la integración continua mediante herramientas de control de versiones, de gestión de historias de usuario, de análisis de métricas de software, y de automatización de la construcción de software. La configuración del cliente únicamente requiere de un entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) que soporte el lenguaje de programación Java y conexión con el servidor. ABSTRACT Nowadays, numerous systems (financial, industrial production, basic services infrastructure, etc.) depend on software. According to the Software Engineering definition made by I.Sommerville, “Software engineering is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production from the early stages of system specification through to maintaining the system after it has gone into use.” “Software engineering is not just concerned with the technical processes of software development. It also includes activities such as software project management and the development of tools, methods, and theories to support software production.” Software development process models determine a set of guidelines to successfully develop a software development project. Since these process models emerged, new ways of managing a project and producing software with quality have been investigated. First, the so-called heavy or traditional methodologies appeared, but with the time and the technological improvements, new methodologies emerged: the so-called agile methodologies. Agile methodologies promote, among other practices, continuous integration. This practice was coined by Martin Fowler and aims to make teamwork easier as well as automate integration tasks. Nevertheless, one of the keys to success in software projects is to use a framework that facilitates, systematize, and help to deploy a development process in an efficient way. This Final Degree Project (FDP) aims to analyze different tools to configure a framework that enables to develop projects by applying agile methodologies and continuous integration in an easy and efficient way. Once tools are analyzed, a framework has been proposed and configured. One of the main features of this FDP is that the tools under analysis share a common and high-valued characteristic: they are open-source. The proposed framework presents a client-server architecture, as most of the projects are developed by a team. In this way, the server provides access the clients/developers to the tools that comprise the framework. The server provides continuous integration through a set of tools for control management, user stories management, software quality management, and software construction automatization. The client configuration only requires a Java integrated development environment and network connection to the server.


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La propuesta del trabajo de fin de grado escogida por el autor del proyecto se basa en la continuación del proyecto comenzado durante la asignatura de Prácticum del pasado semestre. El nacimiento del mismo se gestó en una pequeña empresa de consultoría llamada ‘Grupo Develop’ (en la sección ‘Entidad colaboradora y ubicación’ se describe más detalladamente la organización) situada al este de Madrid, una organización con carácter de fundación y dedicada, esencialmente, al sector de la consultoría en el sector de la calidad. Grupo Develop necesitaba aprovechar la utilidad de las nuevas tecnologías para ofrecer un nuevo y mejor servicio para sus clientes mediante un proyecto que fuera dirigido y llevado a cabo por un ingeniero informático. Partiendo de este contexto se vislumbró un proyecto consistente en diseñar, desplegar, programar y mantener una plataforma-sistema informático capaz de ayudar a las organizaciones (en este caso particular la mayoría son organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro) a gestionarse mejor de acuerdo a distintos modelos de calidad como pueden ser el EFQM1 o ISO. Además, la certificación en ambos modelos son cada vez más demandados como garantía de calidad por organismos públicos y privados e incluso por los clientes. Por lo tanto, este programa debe llegar a ser una herramienta que realmente apoye a cada entidad a elaborar un diagnóstico de su gestión y, por supuesto, debe conseguir acercar a estas empresas a los certificados más prestigiosos. Desde el punto de vista de un profesional del sector de la informática, el proyecto se estructura de una forma clara en una arquitectura cliente-servidor clásica donde todas las entidades (de momento 15) han participado de forma activa y paralela al desarrollo del proyecto. Si bien es cierto que esto ha ralentizado notablemente el desarrollo del proyecto y ha requerido una sincronización entre dos proyectos paralelos (uno para el despliegue y otro para el desarrollo).---ABSTRACT---The proposal of my graduation work is a continuation of the project that I already started in the Practicum subject the first part of the academic year. The birth of that project arose in a small consulting firm (Grupo Develop) in the east of Madrid, an organization that at the same time is incorporated as a Foundation. This organization works with different NGO´s and their work covers the Quality Consulting Sector. Grupo Develop needed to use new technologies to give a new and best service to our customers through a project managed by a person trained in the computer science area. Starting from this context, Grupo Develop saw a new opportunity to create a project to design, deploy and maintain a platform-system that can help our customers (in this case the organizations are often organizations from the Third Sector) to get a best management in some Norms or Models like ISO or EFQM. Also in some cases the Certifications of any of these models are increasingly demanded as quality assurance by public entities, privates and even by clients. Therefore, this program should be a tool that helps to any organization to make a diagnosis of their management and, of course, should close to these companies to the most prestigious Certificates. From a point of view of a computer science student, the software project has a defined structure in a classic client-server model where all the organizations (15) have actively participated in parallel mode to the development of the project. It is true that the involvement of the organizations has slowed the development of the project so I had to create two projects (one for the different organizations and the other one to develop the major improvements).


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This paper reports on the IES-UPM experience from 2006 to 2010 in the field of the characterization of PV arrays of commercial large PV plants installed in Spain within the framework of the profitable economic scenarios associated to feed-in tariff laws. This experience has extended to 200 MW and has provided valuable lessons to minimize uncertainty, which plays a key role in quality assurance procedures. The paper deals not only with classic I–V measurements but also with watt-metering-based procedures. Particular attention is paid to the selection of irradiance and cell temperature sensors