22 resultados para Third generation photovoltaics


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Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are an essential component in image-guided interventions and offer new possibilities to improve and automate objective assessment methods of surgical skills. In this study we present our system design to apply a third generation optical pose tracker (Micron- Tracker®) to laparoscopic practice. A technical evaluation of this design is performed in order to analyze its accuracy in computing the laparoscopic instrument tip position. Results show a stable fluctuation error over the entire analyzed workspace. The relative position errors are 1.776±1.675 mm, 1.817±1.762 mm, 1.854±1.740 mm, 2.455±2.164 mm, 2.545±2.496 mm, 2.764±2.342 mm, 2.512±2.493 mm for distances of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350 mm, respectively. The accumulated distance error increases with the measured distance. The instrument inclination covered by the system is high, from 90 to 7.5 degrees. The system reports a low positional accuracy for the instrument tip.


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In the framework of the third generation of photovoltaic devices, the intermediate band solar cell is one of the possible candidates to reach higher efficiencies with a lower processing cost. In this work, we introduce a novel processing method based on a double ion implantation and, subsequently, a pulsed laser melting (PLM) process to obtain thicker layers of Ti supersaturated Si. We perform ab initio theoretical calculations of Si impurified with Ti showing that Ti in Si is a good candidate to theoretically form an intermediate band material in the Ti supersaturated Si. From time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy measurements, we confirm that we have obtained a Ti implanted and PLM thicker layer of 135 nm. Transmission electron microscopy reveals a single crystalline structure whilst the electrical characterization confirms the transport properties of an intermediate band material/Si substrate junction. High subbandgap absorption has been measured, obtaining an approximate value of 104 cm−1 in the photons energy range from 1.1 to 0.6 eV.


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Esta Tesis trata sobre el desarrollo y crecimiento -mediante tecnología MOVPE (del inglés: MetalOrganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy)- de células solares híbridas de semiconductores III-V sobre substratos de silicio. Esta integración pretende ofrecer una alternativa a las células actuales de III-V, que, si bien ostentan el récord de eficiencia en dispositivos fotovoltaicos, su coste es, a día de hoy, demasiado elevado para ser económicamente competitivo frente a las células convencionales de silicio. De este modo, este proyecto trata de conjugar el potencial de alta eficiencia ya demostrado por los semiconductores III-V en arquitecturas de células fotovoltaicas multiunión con el bajo coste, la disponibilidad y la abundancia del silicio. La integración de semiconductores III-V sobre substratos de silicio puede afrontarse a través de diferentes aproximaciones. En esta Tesis se ha optado por el desarrollo de células solares metamórficas de doble unión de GaAsP/Si. Mediante esta técnica, la transición entre los parámetros de red de ambos materiales se consigue por medio de la formación de defectos cristalográficos (mayoritariamente dislocaciones). La idea es confinar estos defectos durante el crecimiento de sucesivas capas graduales en composición para que la superficie final tenga, por un lado, una buena calidad estructural, y por otro, un parámetro de red adecuado. Numerosos grupos de investigación han dirigido sus esfuerzos en los últimos años en desarrollar una estructura similar a la que aquí proponemos. La mayoría de éstos se han centrado en entender los retos asociados al crecimiento de materiales III-V, con el fin de conseguir un material de alta calidad cristalográfica. Sin embargo, prácticamente ninguno de estos grupos ha prestado especial atención al desarrollo y optimización de la célula inferior de silicio, cuyo papel va a ser de gran relevancia en el funcionamiento de la célula completa. De esta forma, y con el fin de completar el trabajo hecho hasta el momento en el desarrollo de células de III-V sobre silicio, la presente Tesis se centra, fundamentalmente, en el diseño y optimización de la célula inferior de silicio, para extraer su máximo potencial. Este trabajo se ha estructurado en seis capítulos, ordenados de acuerdo al desarrollo natural de la célula inferior. Tras un capítulo de introducción al crecimiento de semiconductores III-V sobre Si, en el que se describen las diferentes alternativas para su integración; nos ocupamos de la parte experimental, comenzando con una extensa descripción y caracterización de los substratos de silicio. De este modo, en el Capítulo 2 se analizan con exhaustividad los diferentes tratamientos (tanto químicos como térmicos) que deben seguir éstos para garantizar una superficie óptima sobre la que crecer epitaxialmente el resto de la estructura. Ya centrados en el diseño de la célula inferior, el Capítulo 3 aborda la formación de la unión p-n. En primer lugar se analiza qué configuración de emisor (en términos de dopaje y espesor) es la más adecuada para sacar el máximo rendimiento de la célula inferior. En este primer estudio se compara entre las diferentes alternativas existentes para la creación del emisor, evaluando las ventajas e inconvenientes que cada aproximación ofrece frente al resto. Tras ello, se presenta un modelo teórico capaz de simular el proceso de difusión de fosforo en silicio en un entorno MOVPE por medio del software Silvaco. Mediante este modelo teórico podemos determinar qué condiciones experimentales son necesarias para conseguir un emisor con el diseño seleccionado. Finalmente, estos modelos serán validados y constatados experimentalmente mediante la caracterización por técnicas analíticas (i.e. ECV o SIMS) de uniones p-n con emisores difundidos. Uno de los principales problemas asociados a la formación del emisor por difusión de fósforo, es la degradación superficial del substrato como consecuencia de su exposición a grandes concentraciones de fosfina (fuente de fósforo). En efecto, la rugosidad del silicio debe ser minuciosamente controlada, puesto que éste servirá de base para el posterior crecimiento epitaxial y por tanto debe presentar una superficie prístina para evitar una degradación morfológica y cristalográfica de las capas superiores. En este sentido, el Capítulo 4 incluye un análisis exhaustivo sobre la degradación morfológica de los substratos de silicio durante la formación del emisor. Además, se proponen diferentes alternativas para la recuperación de la superficie con el fin de conseguir rugosidades sub-nanométricas, que no comprometan la calidad del crecimiento epitaxial. Finalmente, a través de desarrollos teóricos, se establecerá una correlación entre la degradación morfológica (observada experimentalmente) con el perfil de difusión del fósforo en el silicio y por tanto, con las características del emisor. Una vez concluida la formación de la unión p-n propiamente dicha, se abordan los problemas relacionados con el crecimiento de la capa de nucleación de GaP. Por un lado, esta capa será la encargada de pasivar la subcélula de silicio, por lo que su crecimiento debe ser regular y homogéneo para que la superficie de silicio quede totalmente pasivada, de tal forma que la velocidad de recombinación superficial en la interfaz GaP/Si sea mínima. Por otro lado, su crecimiento debe ser tal que minimice la aparición de los defectos típicos de una heteroepitaxia de una capa polar sobre un substrato no polar -denominados dominios de antifase-. En el Capítulo 5 se exploran diferentes rutinas de nucleación, dentro del gran abanico de posibilidades existentes, para conseguir una capa de GaP con una buena calidad morfológica y estructural, que será analizada mediante diversas técnicas de caracterización microscópicas. La última parte de esta Tesis está dedicada al estudio de las propiedades fotovoltaicas de la célula inferior. En ella se analiza la evolución de los tiempos de vida de portadores minoritarios de la base durante dos etapas claves en el desarrollo de la estructura Ill-V/Si: la formación de la célula inferior y el crecimiento de las capas III-V. Este estudio se ha llevado a cabo en colaboración con la Universidad de Ohio, que cuentan con una gran experiencia en el crecimiento de materiales III-V sobre silicio. Esta tesis concluye destacando las conclusiones globales del trabajo realizado y proponiendo diversas líneas de trabajo a emprender en el futuro. ABSTRACT This thesis pursues the development and growth of hybrid solar cells -through Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE)- formed by III-V semiconductors on silicon substrates. This integration aims to provide an alternative to current III-V cells, which, despite hold the efficiency record for photovoltaic devices, their cost is, today, too high to be economically competitive to conventional silicon cells. Accordingly, the target of this project is to link the already demonstrated efficiency potential of III-V semiconductor multijunction solar cell architectures with the low cost and unconstrained availability of silicon substrates. Within the existing alternatives for the integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon substrates, this thesis is based on the metamorphic approach for the development of GaAsP/Si dual-junction solar cells. In this approach, the accommodation of the lattice mismatch is handle through the appearance of crystallographic defects (namely dislocations), which will be confined through the incorporation of a graded buffer layer. The resulting surface will have, on the one hand a good structural quality; and on the other hand the desired lattice parameter. Different research groups have been working in the last years in a structure similar to the one here described, being most of their efforts directed towards the optimization of the heteroepitaxial growth of III-V compounds on Si, with the primary goal of minimizing the appearance of crystal defects. However, none of these groups has paid much attention to the development and optimization of the bottom silicon cell, which, indeed, will play an important role on the overall solar cell performance. In this respect, the idea of this thesis is to complete the work done so far in this field by focusing on the design and optimization of the bottom silicon cell, to harness its efficiency. This work is divided into six chapters, organized according to the natural progress of the bottom cell development. After a brief introduction to the growth of III-V semiconductors on Si substrates, pointing out the different alternatives for their integration; we move to the experimental part, which is initiated by an extensive description and characterization of silicon substrates -the base of the III-V structure-. In this chapter, a comprehensive analysis of the different treatments (chemical and thermal) required for preparing silicon surfaces for subsequent epitaxial growth is presented. Next step on the development of the bottom cell is the formation of the p-n junction itself, which is faced in Chapter 3. Firstly, the optimization of the emitter configuration (in terms of doping and thickness) is handling by analytic models. This study includes a comparison between the different alternatives for the emitter formation, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. After the theoretical design of the emitter, it is defined (through the modeling of the P-in-Si diffusion process) a practical parameter space for the experimental implementation of this emitter configuration. The characterization of these emitters through different analytical tools (i.e. ECV or SIMS) will validate and provide experimental support for the theoretical models. A side effect of the formation of the emitter by P diffusion is the roughening of the Si surface. Accordingly, once the p-n junction is formed, it is necessary to ensure that the Si surface is smooth enough and clean for subsequent phases. Indeed, the roughness of the Si must be carefully controlled since it will be the basis for the epitaxial growth. Accordingly, after quantifying (experimentally and by theoretical models) the impact of the phosphorus on the silicon surface morphology, different alternatives for the recovery of the surface are proposed in order to achieve a sub-nanometer roughness which does not endanger the quality of the incoming III-V layers. Moving a step further in the development of the Ill-V/Si structure implies to address the challenges associated to the GaP on Si nucleation. On the one hand, this layer will provide surface passivation to the emitter. In this sense, the growth of the III-V layer must be homogeneous and continuous so the Si emitter gets fully passivated, providing a minimal surface recombination velocity at the interface. On the other hand, the growth should be such that the appearance of typical defects related to the growth of a polar layer on a non-polar substrate is minimized. Chapter 5 includes an exhaustive study of the GaP on Si nucleation process, exploring different nucleation routines for achieving a high morphological and structural quality, which will be characterized by means of different microscopy techniques. Finally, an extensive study of the photovoltaic properties of the bottom cell and its evolution during key phases in the fabrication of a MOCVD-grown III-V-on-Si epitaxial structure (i.e. the formation of the bottom cell; and the growth of III-V layers) will be presented in the last part of this thesis. This study was conducted in collaboration with The Ohio State University, who has extensive experience in the growth of III-V materials on silicon. This thesis concludes by highlighting the overall conclusions of the presented work and proposing different lines of work to be undertaken in the future.


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In the framework of the so-called third generation solar cells, three main concepts have been proposed in order to exceed the limiting efficiency of single-gap solar cells: the hot-carrier solar cell, the impact-ionization or multiple-exciton-generation solar cell, and the intermediate-band solar cell. At first sight, the three concepts are different, but in this paper, we illustrate how all these concepts, including the single-gap solar cell, share a common trunk that we call "core photovoltaic material." We demonstrate that each one of these next-generation concepts differentiates in fact from this trunk depending on the hypotheses that are made about the physical principles governing the electron electrochemical potentials. In the process, we also clarify the differences between electron, phonon, and photon chemical potentials (the three fundamental particles involved in the operation of the solar cell). The in-depth discussion of the physics involved about the operation of these cells also provides new insights about the operation of these cells.


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An intermediate-bandphotovoltaicmaterial, which has an isolated metallic band located between the top of the valence band and bottom of the conduction band of some semiconductors, has been proposed as third generation solar cell to be used in photovoltaic applications. Density functional theory calculations of Zn in CuGaS2:Ti have previously shown that, the intermediate-band position can be modulated in proportion of Zn insertion in such a way that increasing Zn concentration can lead to aband-gap reduction, and an adjustment of the intermediate-band position. This could be interesting in the formation of an intermediate-bandmaterial, that has the maximum efficiency theoretically predicted for the intermediate-band solar cell. In this work, the energetics of several reaction schemes that could lead to the decomposition of the modulated intermediate-bandphotovoltaicmaterial, CuGaS2:Ti:Zn, is studied in order to assess the thermodynamic stability of this material. Calculations of the total free energy and disorder entropy have been taken into account, to get the reaction energy and free energy of the compound decomposition, which is found to be thermodynamically favorable


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Theoretical X-ray opacities are used in numerous radiative transfer simulations of plasmas at different temperatures and densities, for example astrophysics, fusion, metrology and EUV and X-rays radiation sources. However, there are only a reduced number of laboratories working on the validation of those theoretical results empirically, in particular for high temperature plasmas (mayor que 1eV). One of those limitations comes from the use of broad band EUV- X ray sources to illuminate the plasma which, among other issues, present low reproducibility and repetition rate [1]. Synchrotron radiation facilities are a more appropriate radiation source in that sense, since they provide tunable, reproducible and high resolution photons. Only their ?low? photon intensity for these experiments has prevented researchers to use it for this purpose. However, as new synchrotron facilities improve their photon fluxes, this limitation not longer holds [2]. This work evaluates the experimental requirements to use third generation synchrotron radiation sources for the empirical measurement of opacities of plasmas, proposing a pausible experimental set-up to carry them out. Properties of the laser or discharge generated plasmas to be studied with synchrotron radiation will be discussed in terms of their maximum temperatures, densities and temporal evolution. It will be concluded that there are encouraging reasons to pursue these kind of experiments which will provide with an appropriate benchmark for theoretical opacities


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Este proyecto, recoge el estudio de diferentes simuladores sobre comunicaciones móviles, que se encargan de analizar el comportamiento de las tecnologías UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), 3G y LTE (Long Term Evolution),3.9G, centrándose principalmente en el caso de los simuladores LTE, ya que es la tecnología que se está implantando en la actualidad. Por ello, antes de analizar las características de la interfaz radio más importante de esta generación, la 3.9G, se hará una overview general de cómo han ido evolucionando las comunicaciones móviles a lo largo de la historia, se analizarán las características de la tecnología móvil actual, la 3.9G, para posteriormente centrarse en un par de simuladores que demostrarán, mediante resultados gráficos, estas características. Hoy en día, el uso de estos simuladores es totalmente necesario, ya que las comunicaciones móviles, avanzan a un ritmo vertiginoso y es necesario por lo tanto conocer las prestaciones que pueden producir las diferentes tecnologías móviles utilizadas. Los simuladores utilizados por este proyecto, permiten analizar el comportamiento de varios escenarios, ya que existen diferentes tipos de simuladores, tanto a nivel de enlace como a nivel de sistema. Se mencionarán una serie de simuladores correspondientes a la tercera generación UMTS, pero los simuladores en cuestión que se estudiarán y analizarán con más profundidad en este proyecto fin de carrera son los simuladores “Link-Level” y “System-Level”, desarrollados por el “Institute of Communications and Radio-Frecuency Engineering” de la Universidad de Viena. Estos simuladores permiten realizar diferentes simulaciones, como analizar el comportamiento entre una estación base y un único usuario, para el caso de los simuladores a nivel de enlace, o bien analizar el comportamiento de toda una red en el caso de los simuladores a nivel de sistema. Con los resultados que se pueden obtener de ambos simuladores, se realizarán una serie de preguntas, basadas en la práctica realizada por el profesor de la universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Pedro García del Pino, tanto de tipo teóricas como de tipo prácticas, para comprobar que se han entendido los simuladores analizados. Finalmente se citarán las conclusiones que se obtiene de este proyecto, así como las líneas futuras de acción. PROJECT ABSTRACT This project includes the study of different simulators on mobile communications, which are responsible for analyzing the behavior of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), 3G and LTE (Long Term Evolution), 3.9G, mainly focusing on the case of LTE simulators because it is the technology that is being implemented today. Therefore, before analyzing the characteristics of the most important radio interface of this generation, 3.9G, there will give a general overview how the mobile communications have evolved throughout history, analyzing the characteristics of current mobile technology, the 3.9G, later focus on a pair of simulators that demonstrate through graphical results, these characteristics. Today, the use of these simulators is absolutely necessary, because mobile communications advance at a high rate, and it is necessary to know the features that can produce different mobile technologies that are used. The simulators used for this project, allow to analyze the behavior of several scenarios, as there are different types of simulators, both link and system level. It mentioned a number of simulators for the third generation UMTS, but the simulators in question to be studied and analyzed in this final project are the simulators "Link-Level" and "System-Level", developed by the "Institute of Communications and Radio-Frequency Engineering" at the University of Vienna. These simulators allow realize different simulations, analyze the behavior between a base station and a single user, in the case of the link-level simulators or analyze the performance of a network in the case of system-level simulators. With the results that can be obtained from both simulators, will perform a series of questions, based on the practice developed by Pedro García del Pino, Professor of “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)”. These questions will be both of a theoretical and practical type, to check that have been understood the analyzed simulators. Finally, it quotes the conclusions obtained from this project and mention the future lines of action.


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We demonstrate a new class of semiconductor device: the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). This photodetector is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. Our experimental device, fabricated using InAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot technology, demonstrates normal incidence infrared detection in the 2−6 μm range. The detection is optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. Furthermore, the detection gain is achieved in our device without an increase of the noise level. The novel characteristics of OTIPs open up new possibilities for third generation infrared imaging systems


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We demonstrate a new class of semiconductor device: the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). This photodetector is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. Our experimental device, fabricated using InAs/AlGaAs quantum-dot technology, demonstrates normal incidence infrared detection in the 2−6 μm range. The detection is optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. Furthermore, the detection gain is achieved in our device without an increase of the noise level. The novel characteristics of OTIPs open up new possibilities for third generation infrared imaging systems


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Las personas con discapacidad a menudo se encuentran con problemas de acceso a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), debido a diseños y desarrollos que no tienen en cuenta sus diferencias funcionales, y en consecuencia se encuentran en riesgo de exclusión social. Cada vez es más común encontrar productos de apoyo que permitan utilizar diferentes tecnologías (ordenadores, Internet, dispositivos móviles), pero muchos de ellos no se encuentran integrados debido a que funcionan esencialmente modificando la plataforma donde están instalados, siendo soluciones de acceso de segunda generación. Más allá del desarrollo de los productos de apoyo, que sin duda ha evolucionado positivamente en los últimos años, cabe resaltar que existe una falta de herramientas y de aproximación holística que ayuden a los desarrolladores y diseñadores hacer las TIC accesibles. Esta tesis doctoral pretende validar la hipótesis de que una metodología holística de desarrollo de aplicaciones y productos de apoyo TIC, llamada Marco Abierto Accesible, facilita el desarrollo y la integración de modo nativo de la accesibilidad en las aplicaciones y productos apoyo, independientemente de la tecnología utilizada, dando lugar a soluciones de acceso de tercera generación que permitan mejorar la utilización de dichas aplicaciones por parte de personas con discapacidad. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto AEGIS (del inglés, open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards), que fue parcialmente financiado por la Comisión Europea (CE) bajo el VII Programa Marco y tuvo una duración de cuatro años. La metodología para el diseño, desarrollo y validación seguida en esta tesis es una adaptación de dos metodologías de diseño existentes (el Diseño Centrado en el Usuario y el Diseño Orientado a Metas), la implementación del Marco Abierto Accesible y el uso de diferentes técnicas de validación. Además se ha desarrollado un marco metodológico de entrenamiento para minimizar el efecto que tiene la curva de aprendizaje cuando los usuarios prueban por primera vez las soluciones desarrolladas. En esta tesis se presenta el Marco Abierto Accesible aplicado a las TIC en las tres áreas en las que se desarrolla este trabajo: ordenadores, Internet y dispositivos móviles, partiendo de las necesidades y problemas que tienen los usuarios con discapacidad en el uso de las TIC. Diferentes instanciaciones del Marco Abierto Accesible se definen en las tres áreas TIC mencionadas anteriormente y se describen varios ejemplos de sus implementaciones particulares. Los resultados de las evaluaciones de las implementaciones particulares con usuarios finales y expertos, una vez discutidos y contrastados con las hipótesis, sirven para probar la validez del Marco Abierto Accesible para la integración nativa de productos de apoyo en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Finalmente, se presentan las líneas de investigación y trabajo futuro en el área de la accesibilidad en las TIC. ABSTRACT People with disabilities often encounter problems of access to Information and Communications Technology (ICT), due to design and developments that do not take into account their functional differences and therefore put them at risk of social exclusion. It is increasingly common to find assistive products that allow to use different technologies (computers, Internet, mobile devices), but many of them are not well integrated because they work essentially modifying the platform where they are installed, beeing the second-generation access solutions. Beyond the assistive product development, which has certainly evolved positively in recent years, it is notable that there is a lack of tools and holistic approach to help developers and designers make accessible ICT. This doctoral thesis aims to validate the hypothesis that a holistic approach to application development and assistive ICT products, called Open Accessibility Framework, facilitates the development and integration of native accessible applications and assistive products, regardless of the technology used, resulting in third-generation access solutions that improve the use of such applications by people with disabilities. This work was developed under the AEGIS project (open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards), which was partially funded by the European Commission (EC) under the Seventh Framework Programme and lasted four years. The methodology for the design, development and validation followed in this thesis is an adaptation of two existing design methodologies (User Centered Design and Goal Oriented Design), the implementation of the Open Accessibility Framework and the usage of different validation techniques. A training methodological framework ha also been developed to minimize the effect of the learning curve when users first try the solutions developed. This thesis presents the Open Accessibility Framework applied to ICT in three areas in which this work is developed: computers, Internet and mobile devices, based on the needs and problems of the disabled users in the use of ICT. Different instantiations of the Open Accessibility Framework are defined in the three aforementioned ICT areas and various examples of its particular implementations are described. The results of the evaluations of the particular implementations which have been carried with end users and experts, once discussed and contrasted with the hypotheses, have been used to test the validity of the Open Accessibility Framework for the native integration of assistive products in Information and Communications Technology. Finally, the future research lines and future work in the area of ICT accessibility are presented.


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La tesis “1950 En torno al Museo Louisiana 1970” analiza varias obras relacionadas con el espacio doméstico, que se realizaron entre 1950 y 1970 en Dinamarca, un periodo de esplendor de la Arquitectura Moderna. Tras el aislamiento y restricciones del conflicto bélico que asoló Europa, los jóvenes arquitectos daneses, estaban deseosos por experimentar nuevas ideas de procedencia internacional, favorecidos por diferentes circunstancias, encuentran el mejor campo de ensayo en el espacio doméstico. La mejor arquitectura doméstica en Dinamarca, de aquel periodo, debe entenderse como un sistema compuesto por diferentes autores, que tienen en común muchas más similitudes que diferencias, se complementan unos a otros. Para la comprensión y el entendimiento de ello se hace necesario el estudio de varias figuras y edificios, que completen este sistema cuya investigación está escasamente desarrollada. La tesis propone un viaje para conocer los nombres de algunos de sus protagonistas, que mostraron con su trabajo, que tradición y vanguardia no estarán reñidas. El objetivo es desvelar las claves de la Modernidad Danesa, reconocer, descubrir y recuperar el legado de algunos de sus protagonistas en el ámbito doméstico, cuya lección se considera de total actualidad. Una arquitectura que asume las aportaciones extranjeras con moderación y crítica, cuya íntima relación con la tradición arquitectónica y la artesanía propias, será una de sus notas especiales. Del estudio contrastado de varios proyectos y versiones, se obtienen valores comunes entre sus autores, al igual que se descubren sus afinidades o diferencias respecto a los mismos asuntos; que permitirán comprender sus actuaciones según las referencias e influencias, y definir las variables que configuran sus espacios arquitectónicos. La línea de conexión entre los edificios elegidos será su particular relación con la naturaleza y el lugar en que se integran. La fachada, lugar donde se negociará la relación entre el interior y el paisaje, será un elemento entendido de un modo diferente en cada uno de ellos, una relación que se extenderá en todas ellas, más allá de su perímetro. La investigación se ha estructurado en seis capítulos, que van precedidos de una Introducción. En el capítulo primero, se estudian y se señalan los antecedentes, las figuras y edificios más relevantes de la Tradición Danesa, para la comprensión y el esclarecimiento de algunas de las claves de su Modernidad en el campo de la Arquitectura, que se produce con una clara intención de encontrar su propia identidad y expresión. Esta Modernidad floreciente se caracteriza por la asimilación de otras culturas extranjeras desde la moderación, con un punto de vista crítico, y encuentra sus raíces ancladas a la tradición arquitectónica y la artesanía propia, que fragua en la aparición de un ideal común con enorme personalidad y que hoy se valora como una auténtica aportación de una cultura considerada entonces periférica. Se mostrará el debate y el camino seguido por las generaciones anteriores, a las obras análizadas. Las sensibilidades por lo vernáculo y lo clásico, que aparentemente son contradictorias, dominaran el debate con la misma veracidad y respetabilidad. La llamada tercera generación por Sigfried Giedion reanudará la práctica entre lo clásico y lo vernáculo, apoyados en el espíritu del trabajo artesanal y de la tradición, con el objetivo de conocer del acto arquitectónico su “la verdad” y “la esencia original”. El capítulo segundo, analiza la casa Varming, de 1953, situada en un área residencial de Gentofte, por Eva y Nils Koppel, que reinterpreta la visión de Asplund de un paisaje interior continuación del exterior, donde rompen la caja de ladrillo macizo convencional propia de los años 30. Es el ejemplo más poderoso de la unión de tradición e innovación en su obra residencial. Sus formas sobrias entre el Funcionalismo Danés y la Modernidad se singularizarán por su abstracción y volúmenes limpios que acentúan el efecto de su geometría, prismática y brutalista. El desplazamiento de los cuerpos que lo componen, unos sobre otros, generan un ritmo, que se producirá a otras escalas, ello unido a las variaciones de sus formas y a la elección de sus materiales, ladrillo y madera, le confieren a la casa un carácter orgánico. El edificio se ancla a la tierra resolviéndose en diferentes niveles tras el estudio del lugar y su topografía. El resultado es una versión construida del paisaje, en la cual el edificio da forma al lugar y ensalza la experiencia del escenario natural. La unidad de las estructuras primitivas, parece estar presente. Constituye un ejemplo de la “La idea de Promenade de Asplund”, el proyecto ofrece diferentes recorridos, permitiendo su propia vivencia de la casa, que ofrece la posibilidad vital de decidir. El capítulo tercero trata sobre el pabellón de invitados de Niels Bohr de 1957, situado un área boscosa, en Tisvilde Hegn, fue el primer edificio del arquitecto danés Vilhelm Wohlert. Arraigado a la Tradición Danesa, representa una renovación basada en la absorción de influencias extranjeras: la Arquitectura Americana y la Tradición Japonesa. La caja de madera, posada sobre un terreno horizontal, tiene el carácter sensible de un organismo vivo, siempre cambiante según las variaciones de luz del día o temperatura. Cuando se abre, crea una prolongación del espacio interior, que se extiende a la naturaleza circundante, y se expande hacia el espacio exterior, permitiendo su movilización. Se establece una arquitectura de flujos. Hay un interés por la materia, su textura y el efecto emocional que emana. Las proporciones y dimensiones del edificio están reguladas por un módulo, que se ajusta a la medida del hombre, destacando la gran unidad del edificio. La llave se su efecto estético está en su armonía y equilibrio, que transmiten serenidad y belleza. El encuentro con la naturaleza es la lección más básica del proyecto, donde un mundo de relaciones es amable al ser humano. El capítulo cuarto, analiza el proyecto del Museo Louisiana de 1958, en Humlebæk, primer proyecto de la pareja de arquitectos daneses Jørgen Bo y Vilhelm Wohlert. La experiencia en California de Wohlert donde será visitado por Bo, será trascendental para el desarrollo de Louisiana, donde la identidad Danesa se fusiona con la asimilación de otras culturas, la arquitectura de Frank Lloyd Wright, la del área de la Bahía y la Tradición Japonesa principalmente. La idea del proyecto es la de una obra de arte integral: arquitectura, arte y paisaje, coexistirían en un mismo lugar. Diferentes recursos realzarán su carácter residencial, como el uso de los materiales propios de un entorno doméstico, la realización a la escala del hombre, el modo de usar la iluminación. Cubiertas planas que muestran su artificialidad, parecen flotar sobre galerías acristaladas, acentuarán la fuerza del plano horizontal y establecerán un recorrido en zig-zag de marcado ritmo acompasado. Ritmo que tiene que ver con la encarnación del pulso de la naturaleza, que se acompaña de juegos de luz, y de otras vibraciones materiales a diferentes escalas, imagen, que encuentra una analogía semejante en la cultura japonesa. Todo se coordina con la trama estructural, que conlleva a una construcción y proporción disciplinada. Louisiana atiende al principio de crecimiento de la naturaleza, con la que su conexión es profunda. Hay un dinamismo expresado por el despliegue del edificio, que evoca a algunos proyectos de la Tradición Japonesa. Los blancos muros tienen su propia identidad como formas en sí mismas, avanzan prolongándose fuera de la línea del vidrio, se mueven libremente siguiendo el orden estructural, acompañando al espacio que fluye, en contacto directo con la naturaleza que está en un continuo estado de flujos. Se da todo un mundo de relaciones, donde existe un dialogo entre el paisaje, arte y arquitectura. El capítulo quinto, se dedica a analizar la segunda casa del arquitecto danés Halldor Gunnløgsson, de 1959. Evoca a la Arquitectura Japonesa y Americana, pero es principalmente resultado de una fuerte voluntad y disciplina artística personal. La cubierta, plana, suspendida sobre una gran plataforma pavimentada, que continúa la sección del terreno construyendo de lugar, tiene una gran presencia y arroja una profunda sombra bajo ella. En el interior un espacio único, que se puede dividir eventualmente, discurre en torno a un cuerpo central. El espacio libre fluye, extendiéndose a través de la transparencia de sus ventanales a dos espacios contrapuestos: un patio ajardinado íntimo, que inspira calma y sosiego; y la naturaleza salvaje del mar que proyecta el color del cielo, ambos en constante estado de cambio. El proyecto se elabora de un modo rigurosamente formal, existiendo al mismo tiempo un perfecto equilibrio entre la abstracción de su estructura y su programa. La estructura de madera cuyo orden se extiende más allá de los límites de su perímetro, está formada por pórticos completos como elementos libres, queda expuesta, guardando una estrecha relación con el concepto de modernidad de Mies, equivalente a la arquitectura clásica. La preocupación por el efecto estético es máxima, nada es improvisado. Pero además la combinación de materiales y el juego de las texturas hay una cualidad táctil, cierto erotismo, que flota alrededor de ella. La precisión constructiva y su refinamiento se acercan a Mies. La experiencia del espacio arquitectónico es una vivencia global. La influencia de la arquitectura japonesa, es más conceptual que formal, revelada en un respeto por la naturaleza, la búsqueda del refinamiento a través de la moderación, la eliminación de los objetos innecesarios que distraen de la experiencia del lugar y la preocupación por la luz y la sombra, donde se establece cierto paralelismo con el oscuro mundo del invierno nórdico. Hay un entendimiento de que el espacio, en lugar de ser un objeto inmaterial definido por superficies materiales se entiende como interacciones dinámicas. El capítulo sexto. Propone un viaje para conocer algunas de las viviendas unifamiliares más interesantes que se construyeron en el periodo, que forman parte del sistema investigado. Del estudio comparado y orientado en varios temas, se obtienen diversa conclusiones propias del sistema estudiado. La maestría de la sustancia y la forma será una característica distintiva en Dinamarca, se demuestra que hay un acercamiento a la cultura de Oriente, conceptual y formal, y unos intereses comunes con cierta arquitectura Americana. Su lección nos sensibiliza hacia un sentido fortalecido de proporción, escala, materialidad, textura y peso, densidad del espacio, se valora lo táctil y lo visual, hay una sensibilidad hacia la naturaleza, hacia lo humano, hacia el paisaje, la integridad de la obra. ABSTRACT The thesis “1950 around the Louisiana Museum 1970” analyses several works related to domestic space, which were carried out between 1950 and 1970 in Denmark, a golden age of modern architecture. After the isolation and limitations brought about by the war that blighted Europe, young Danish architects were keen to experiment with ideas of an international origin, encouraged by different circumstances. They find the best field of rehearsal to be the domestic space. The best architecture of that period in Denmark should be understood as a system composed of different authors, who have in common with each other many more similarities than differences, thus complimenting each other. In the interests of understanding, the study of a range of figures and buildings is necessary so that this system, the research of which is still in its infancy, can be completed. The thesis proposes a journey of discovery through the names of some of those protagonists who were showcased through their work so that tradition and avant- garde could go hand in hand. The objective is to unveil the keys to Danish Modernity; to recognise, discover and revive the legacy of some of its protagonists in the domestic field whose lessons are seen as entirely of the present. For an architect, the taking on of modern contributions with both moderation and caution, with its intimate relationship with architectural tradition and its own craft, will be one of his hallmarks. With the study set against several projects and versions, one can derive common values among their authors. In the same way their affinities and differences in respect of the same issue emerge. This will allow an understanding of their measures in line with references and influences and enable the defining of the variables of their architectural spaces. The common line between the buildings selected will be their particular relationship with nature and the space with which they integrate. The façade, the place where the relationship between the interior and the landscape would be negotiated, wouldl be the discriminating element in a distinct way for each one of them. It is through each of these facades that this relationship would extend, and far beyond their physical perimeter. The investigation has been structured into six chapters, preceded by an introduction. The first chapter outlines and analyses the backgrounds, figures and buildings most relevant to the Danish Tradition. This is to facilitate the understanding and elucidation of some of the keys to its modernity in the field of architecture, which came about with the clear intention to discover its own identity and expression. This thriving modernity is characterized by its moderate assimilation with foreign cultures with a critical eye, and finds its roots anchored in architectural tradition and its own handcraft. It is forged in the emergence of a common ideal of enormous personality which today has come to be valued as an authentic contribution to the sphere from a culture that was formerly seen as on the peripheries. What will be demonstrated is the path taken by previous generations to these works and the debate that surrounds them. The sensibilities for both the vernacular and the classic, which at first glance may seem contradictory, will dominate the debate with the same veracity and respectability. The so-called third generation of Sigfried Giedion will revive the process between the classic and the vernacular, supported in spirit by the handcraft work and by tradition, with the objective of discovering the “truth” and the “original essence” of the architectural act. The second chapter analyzes the Varming house, built by Eva and Nils Koppel 1953, which is situated in a residential area of Gentofte. This reinterprets Asplund’s vision of an interior landscape extending to the exterior, where we see a break with the conventional sturdy brick shell of the 1930s. It is the most powerful example of the union of tradition and innovation in his their residential work. Their sober forms caught between Danish Functionalism and modernity are characterized by their abstraction and clean shapes which accentuate their prismatic and brutal geometry, The displacement of the parts of which they are composed, one over the other, generate a rhythm. This is produced to varying scales and is closely linked to its forms and the selection of materials – brick and wood – that confer an organic character to the house. The building is anchored to the earth, finding solution at different levels through the study of place and topography. The result is an adaption constructed out of the landscape, in which the building gives form to the place and celebrates the experience of the natural setting. The unity of primitive structures appears to be present. It constitutes an example of “Asplund’s Promenade Idea”. Different routes of exploration within are available to the visitor, allowing for one’s own personal experience of the house, allowing in turn for the vital chance to decide. The third chapter deals with Niels Bohr’s guest pavilion. Built in 1957, it is situated in a wooded area of Tisvilde Hegn and was the architect Vilhelm Wohlert’s first building. Rooted in the Danish Tradition, it represents a renewal based on the absorption of foreign influences: American architecture and the Japanese tradition. The wooden box, perched atop a horizontal terrain, possesses the sensitive character of the living organism, ever-changing in accordance with the variations in daylight and temperature. When opened up, it creates an elongation of the interior space which extends into the surrounding nature and it expands towards the exterior space, allowing for its mobilisation. It establishes an architecture of flux. There is interest in the material, its texture and the emotional effect it inspires. The building’s proportions and dimensions are regulated by a module, which is adjusted by hand, bringing out the great unity of the building. The key to its aesthetic effect is its harmony and equilibrium, which convey serenity and beauty. The meeting with nature is the most fundamental lesson of the project, where a world of relationships softens the personality of the human being. The fourth chapter analyzes the Louisiana Museum project of 1958 in 1958. It was the first project of the Danish architects Jørgen Bo and Vilhelm Wohlert. Wohlert’s experience in California where he was visited by Bo would be essential to the development of Louisiana, where the Danish identity is fused in assimilation with other cultures, the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, that of the Bahía area and principally the Japanese tradition. The idea of the project was for an integrated work of art: architecture, art and landscape, which would coexist in the same space. A range of different resources would realize the residential character, such as the use of materials taken from a domestic environment, the attainment of human scale and the manner in which light was used. Flat roof plans that show their artificiality and appear to float over glassed galleries. They accentuate the strength of the horizontal plan and establish a zigzag route of marked and measured rhythm. It is a rhythm that has to do with the incarnation of nature’s pulse, which is accompanied with plays of light, as well as material vibrations of different scales, imagery which uncovers a parallel analogy with Japanese culture. Everything is coordinated along a structural frame, which involves a disciplined construction and proportion. Louisiana cherishes nature’s principle of growth, to which its connection is profound. Here is a dynamism expressed through the disposition of the building, which evokes in some projects the Japanese tradition. The white walls possess their own identity as forms in their own right. They advance, extending beyond the line of glass, moving freely along the structural line, accompanying a space that flows and in direct contact with nature that is itself in a constant state of flux. It creates a world of relationships, where dialogue exists between the landscape, art and architecture. The fifth chapter is dedicated to analyzing the Danish architect Halldor Gunnløgsson’s second house, built in 1959. It evokes both Japanese and American architecture but is principally the result of a strong will and personal artistic discipline. The flat roof suspended above a large paved platform – itself continuing the constructed terrain of the place – has great presence and casts a heavy shadow beneath. In the interior, a single space, which can at length be divided and which flows around a central space. The space flows freely, extending through the transparency of its windows which give out onto two contrasting locations: an intimate garden patio, inspiring calm and tranquillity, and the wild nature of the sea which projects the colour of sky, both in a constant state of change. The project is realized in a rigorously formal manner. A perfect balance exists between the abstraction of his structure and his project. The wooden structure, whose order extends beyond the limits of its perimeter, is formed of complete porticos of free elements. It remains exposed, maintaining a close relationship with Mies’ concept of modernity, analogous to classical architecture. The preoccupation with the aesthetic effect is paramount and nothing is improvised. But in addition to this - the combination of materials and the play of textures - there is a tactile quality, a certain eroticism, which lingers all about. The constructive precision and its refinement are close to Mies. The experience of the architectural space is universal. The influence of Japanese architecture, more conceptual than formal, is revealed in a respect for nature. It can be seen in the search for refinement through moderation, the elimination of the superfluous object that distract from the experience of place and the preoccupation with light and shade, where a certain parallel with the dark world of the Nordic winter is established. There is an understanding that space, rather than being an immaterial object defined by material surfaces, extends instead as dynamic interactions. The sixth chapter. This proposes a journey to discover some of the unfamiliar residences of most interest which were constructed in the period, and which form part of the system being investigated. Through the study of comparison and one which is geared towards various themes, diverse conclusions are drawn regarding the system being researched. The expertise in substance and form will be a distinctive characteristic in Denmark, demonstrating an approach to the culture of the Orient, both conceptual and formal, and some common interests in certain American architecture. Its teachings sensitize us to a strengthened sense of proportion, scale, materiality, texture and weight and density of space. It values both the tactile and the visual. There is a sensitivity to nature, to the human, to the landscape and to the integrity of the work.


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Hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films were deposited using a high pressure sputtering (HPS) system. In this work, we have studied the composition and optical properties of the films (band-gap, absorption coefficient), and their dependence with the deposition parameters. For films deposited at high pressure (1 mbar), composition measurements show a critical dependence of the purity of the films with the RF power. Films manufactured with RF-power above 80W exhibit good properties for future application, similar to the films deposited by CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) for hydrogenated amorphous silicon.


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The intermediate band solar cell [1] has been proposed as a concept able to substantially enhance the efficiency limit of an ordinary single junction solar cell. If a band permitted for electrons is inserted within the forbidden band of a semiconductor then a novel path for photo generation is open: electron hole pairs may be formed by the successive absorption of two sub band gap photons using the intermediate band (IB) as a stepping stone. While the increase of the photovoltaic (PV) current is not a big achievement —it suffices to reduce the band gap— the achievement of this extra current at high voltage is the key of the IB concept. In ordinary cells the voltage is limited by the band gap so that reducing it would also reduce the band gap. In the intermediate band solar cell the high voltage is produced when the IB is permitted to have a Quasi Fermi Level (QFL) different from those of the Conduction Band (CB) and the Valence Band (VB). For it the cell must be properly isolated from the external contacts, which is achieved by putting the IB material between two n- and p-type ordinary semiconductors [2]. Efficiency thermodynamic limit of 63% is obtained for the IB solar cell1 vs. the 40% obtained [3] for ordinary single junction solar cells. Detailed information about the IB solar cells can be found elsewhere [4].


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This work introduces the lines of research that the NGCPV project is pursuing and some of the first results obtained. Sponsored by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program and NEDO (Japan) within the first collaborative call launched by both Bodies in the field of energy, NGCPV project aims at approaching the cost of the photovoltaic kWh to competitive prices in the framework of high concentration photovoltaics (CPV) by exploring the development and assessment of concentrator photovoltaic solar cells and modules, novel materials and new solar cell structures as well as methods and procedures to standardize measurement technology for concentrator photovoltaic cells and modules. More specific objectives we are facing are: (1) to manufacture a cell prototype with an efficiency of at least 45% and to undertake an experimental activity, (2) to manufacture a 35% module prototype and elaborate the roadmap towards the achievement of 40%, (3) to develop reliable characterization techniques for III-V materials and quantum structures, (4) to achieve and agreement within 5% in the characterization of CPV cells and modules in a round robin scheme, and (5) to evaluate the potential of new materials, devices technologies and quantum nanostructures to improve the efficiency of solar cells for CPV.


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The era of the seed-cast grown monocrystalline-based silicon ingots is coming. Mono-like, pseudomono or quasimono wafers are product labels that can be nowadays found in the market, as a critical innovation for the photovoltaic industry. They integrate some of the most favorable features of the conventional silicon substrates for solar cells, so far, such as the high solar cell efficiency offered by the monocrystalline Czochralski-Si (Cz-Si) wafers and the lower cost, high productivity and full square-shape that characterize the well-known multicrystalline casting growth method. Nevertheless, this innovative crystal growth approach still faces a number of mass scale problems that need to be resolved, in order to gain a deep, 100% reliable and worldwide market: (i) extended defects formation during the growth process; (ii) optimization of the seed recycling; and (iii) parts of the ingots giving low solar cells performance, which directly affect the production costs and yield of this approach. Therefore, this paper presents a series of casting crystal growth experiments and characterization studies from ingots, wafers and cells manufactured in an industrial approach, showing the main sources of crystal defect formation, impurity enrichment and potential consequences at solar cell level. The previously mentioned technological drawbacks are directly addressed, proposing industrial actions to pave the way of this new wafer technology to high efficiency solar cells.