19 resultados para Ski resort
This article presents a probabilistic method for vehicle detection and tracking through the analysis of monocular images obtained from a vehicle-mounted camera. The method is designed to address the main shortcomings of traditional particle filtering approaches, namely Bayesian methods based on importance sampling, for use in traffic environments. These methods do not scale well when the dimensionality of the feature space grows, which creates significant limitations when tracking multiple objects. Alternatively, the proposed method is based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, which allows efficient sampling of the feature space. The method involves important contributions in both the motion and the observation models of the tracker. Indeed, as opposed to particle filter-based tracking methods in the literature, which typically resort to observation models based on appearance or template matching, in this study a likelihood model that combines appearance analysis with information from motion parallax is introduced. Regarding the motion model, a new interaction treatment is defined based on Markov random fields (MRF) that allows for the handling of possible inter-dependencies in vehicle trajectories. As for vehicle detection, the method relies on a supervised classification stage using support vector machines (SVM). The contribution in this field is twofold. First, a new descriptor based on the analysis of gradient orientations in concentric rectangles is dened. This descriptor involves a much smaller feature space compared to traditional descriptors, which are too costly for real-time applications. Second, a new vehicle image database is generated to train the SVM and made public. The proposed vehicle detection and tracking method is proven to outperform existing methods and to successfully handle challenging situations in the test sequences.
Context-sensitive analysis provides information which is potentially more accurate than that provided by context-free analysis. Such information can then be applied in order to validate/debug the program and/or to specialize the program obtaining important improvements. Unfortunately, context-sensitive analysis of modular programs poses important theoretical and practical problems. One solution, used in several proposals, is to resort to context-free analysis. Other proposals do address context-sensitive analysis, but are only applicable when the description domain used satisfies rather restrictive properties. In this paper, we argüe that a general framework for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs, Le., one that allows using all the domains which have proved useful in practice in the non-modular setting, is indeed feasible and very useful. Driven by our experience in the design and implementation of analysis and specialization techniques in the context of CiaoPP, the Ciao system preprocessor, in this paper we discuss a number of design goals for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs as well as the problems which arise in trying to meet these goals. We also provide a high-level description of a framework for analysis of modular programs which does substantially meet these objectives. This framework is generic in that it can be instantiated in different ways in order to adapt to different contexts. Finally, the behavior of the different instantiations w.r.t. the design goals that motivate our work is also discussed.
En el presente estudio de tesis doctoral analizamos un texto literario francés del siglo XVI en el que aparecen 217 juegos. Como valor añadido se trata de parte de un texto reconocido mundialmente por la Literatura Universal como es el Gargantua de François Rabelais. A tenor de la conocida y famosa definición de Gimnasia establecida por Francisco de Amorós y Ondeano allá por 1830 en su Manuel d'éducation physique, gymnastique et morale, uno de los objetos de estudio en nuestra ciencia es la relación de nuestros movimientos con nuestras costumbres. Para ello indudablemente debemos recurrir a todo tipo de fuentes, escritas, orales o de otro tipo, para analizarlas. “La gimnasia es la ciencia razonada de nuestros movimientos, de sus relaciones con nuestros sentidos, nuestra inteligencia, nuestros sentimientos, nuestras costumbres y el desarrollo de todas nuestras facultades...” Costumbres, tradición e historia, en definitiva, que se contrasta con los medios utilizados en su análisis, herramientas TIC como son librerías digitales, buscadores de textos y palabras. A través del análisis de textos de diversa índole hemos ido obteniendo datos sobre los juegos. Estas fuentes han sido novelas, diccionarios, enciclopedias y ensayos desde el siglo XIV hasta obras contemporáneas. Se ha realizado un análisis estadístico de estas fuentes lo que ha dado a este estudio otro valor añadido desde un punto de vista metodológico. El resultado del estudio se ha plasmado en una colección de fichas creadas a partir de un estudio comparativo de diferentes fichas de juegos de autores de relevancia. ABSTRACT Gymnastics is the reasoned science of our movements, of its relations with our senses, our intelligence, our feelings, our customs and the development of all our faculties… In accordance with the all known famous definition of Gymnastics that established Don Francisco de Amorós and Ondeano in 1830 in his Manuel d'éducation physique, gymnastique et morale, one of the objects of study in our science is the relation of our movements with our customs. For it doubtlessly we must resort to all type of sources, written, oral or of another type, to analyze them. In the present doctoral thesis study we analyzed a French literary text of the XVI th century in which they appear 217 games. As added value treats world-wide from a recognized text by Universal Literature as it is the Gargantua of François Rabelais. Customs, tradition and history, really, that are resisted with means used in its analysis, TIC tools as they are digital libraries and tools to seek texts and words. Through text analysis of diverse nature we have been collecting data on the games. These sources have been novels, dictionaries, encyclopedias and tests from century XIV to contemporary works. A statistical analysis of these sources has been made which has given to this study another value added from a methodological point of view. The result of the study has been resumed in index cards created from a comparative cards study from different relevant authors.
The efficiency of the Iberian Energy Derivatives Market in its first five and a half years is assessed in terms of volume, open interest and price. The continuous market shows steady liquidity growth. Its volume is strongly correlated to that of the Over The Counter (OTC) market, the amount of market makers, the enrolment of financial agents and generation companies belonging to the integrated group of last resort suppliers, and the OTC cleared volume in its clearing house. The hedging efficiency, measured through the ratio between the final open interest and the cleared volume, shows the lowest values for the Spanish base load futures as they are the most liquid contracts. The ex-post forward risk premium has diminished due to the learning curve and the effect of the fixed price retributing the indigenous coal fired generation. This market is quite less developed than the European leaders headquartered in Norway and Germany. Enrolment of more traders, mainly international energy companies, financial agents, energy intensive industries and renewable generation companies is desired. Market monitoring reports by the market operator providing post-trade transparency, OTC data access by the energy regulator, and assessment of the regulatory risk can contribute to efficiency gains.
A description of the first renewable forward market mechanisms in the Iberian Electricity Market is provided. A contract for difference mechanism is available in Spain since March 2011between the last resort suppliers and the special regime (renewables and cogeneration) settling the price differences between the equilibrium price of the forward regulated auctions for the last resort supply and the spot price of the corresponding delivery period. Regulated auctions of baseload futures of the Portuguese zone in which the Portuguese last resort supplier sells the special regime production exist since December 2011. The experience gained from renewables auctions in Latin America could be used in the Iberian Electricity market, complementing these first market mechanisms. Introduction of renewable auctions at least for the most mature technologies (i.e. wind) in Spain and Portugal providing a fair price for the renewable generation will be of utmost importance in the short term to diminish the tariff deficit caused by the massive deployment of the feed-in-tariff scheme. Liquidity in the forward markets will also increase as a result of the entry of renewable generation companies intending to maximize their profits due to gradual suppression of feed in tariff schemes.
ntelligent systems designed to reduce highway fatalities have been widely applied in the automotive sector in the last decade. Of all users of transport systems, pedestrians are the most vulnerable in crashes as they are unprotected. This paper deals with an autonomous intelligent emergency system designed to avoid collisions with pedestrians. The system consists of a fuzzy controller based on the time-to-collision estimate – obtained via a vision-based system – and the wheel-locking probability – obtained via the vehicle’s CAN bus – that generates a safe braking action. The system has been tested in a real car – a convertible Citroën C3 Pluriel – equipped with an automated electro-hydraulic braking system capable of working in parallel with the vehicle’s original braking circuit. The system is used as a last resort in the case that an unexpected pedestrian is in the lane and all the warnings have failed to produce a response from the driver.
The price formation of the Iberian Energy Derivatives Market-the power futures market-starting in July 2006, is assessed until November 2011, through the evolution of the difference between forward and spot prices in the delivery period (“ex-post forward risk premium”) and the comparison with the forward generation costs from natural gas (“clean spark spread”). The premium tends to be positive in all existing mechanisms (futures, Over-the-Counter and auctions for catering part of the last resort supplies). Since year 2011, the values are smaller due to regulatorily recognized prices for coal power plants. The power futures are strongly correlated with European gas prices. The spreads built with prompt contracts tend also to be positive. The biggest ones are for the month contract, followed by the quarter contract and then by the year contract. Therefore, gas fired generation companies can maximize profits trading with contracts of shorter maturity.
Esta tesis constituye un gran avance en el conocimiento del estudio y análisis de inestabilidades hidrodinámicas desde un punto de vista físico y teórico, como consecuencia de haber desarrollado innovadoras técnicas para la resolución computacional eficiente y precisa de la parte principal del espectro correspondiente a los problemas de autovalores (EVP) multidimensionales que gobiernan la inestabilidad de flujos con dos o tres direcciones espaciales inhomogéneas, denominados problemas de estabilidad global lineal. En el contexto del trabajo de desarrollo de herramientas computacionales presentado en la tesis, la discretización mediante métodos de diferencias finitas estables de alto orden de los EVP bidimensionales y tridimensionales que se derivan de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes linealizadas sobre flujos con dos o tres direcciones espaciales inhomogéneas, ha permitido una aceleración de cuatro órdenes de magnitud en su resolución. Esta mejora de eficiencia numérica se ha conseguido gracias al hecho de que usando estos esquemas de diferencias finitas, técnicas eficientes de resolución de problemas lineales son utilizables, explotando el alto nivel de dispersión o alto número de elementos nulos en las matrices involucradas en los problemas tratados. Como más notable consecuencia cabe destacar que la resolución de EVPs multidimensionales de inestabilidad global, que hasta la fecha necesitaban de superordenadores, se ha podido realizar en ordenadores de sobremesa. Además de la solución de problemas de estabilidad global lineal, el mencionado desarrollo numérico facilitó la extensión de las ecuaciones de estabilidad parabolizadas (PSE) lineales y no lineales para analizar la inestabilidad de flujos que dependen fuertemente en dos direcciones espaciales y suavemente en la tercera con las ecuaciones de estabilidad parabolizadas tridimensionales (PSE-3D). Precisamente la capacidad de extensión del novedoso algoritmo PSE-3D para el estudio de interacciones no lineales de los modos de estabilidad, desarrollado íntegramente en esta tesis, permite la predicción de transición en flujos complejos de gran interés industrial y por lo tanto extiende el concepto clásico de PSE, el cuál ha sido empleado exitosamente durante las pasadas tres décadas en el mismo contexto para problemas de capa límite bidimensional. Típicos ejemplos de flujos incompresibles se han analizado en este trabajo sin la necesidad de recurrir a restrictivas presuposiciones usadas en el pasado. Se han estudiado problemas vorticales como es el caso de un vórtice aislado o sistemas de vórtices simulando la estela de alas, en los que la homogeneidad axial no se impone y así se puede considerar la difusión viscosa del flujo. Además, se ha estudiado el chorro giratorio turbulento, cuya inestabilidad se utiliza para mejorar las características de funcionamiento de combustores. En la tesis se abarcan adicionalmente problemas de flujos compresibles. Se presenta el estudio de inestabilidad de flujos de borde de ataque a diferentes velocidades de vuelo. También se analiza la estela formada por un elemento rugoso aislado en capa límite supersónica e hipersónica, mostrando excelentes comparaciones con resultados obtenidos mediante simulación numérica directa. Finalmente, nuevas inestabilidades se han identificado en el flujo hipersónico a Mach 7 alrededor de un cono elíptico que modela el vehículo de pruebas en vuelo HIFiRE-5. Los resultados comparan favorablemente con experimentos en vuelo, lo que subraya aún más el potencial de las metodologías de análisis de estabilidad desarrolladas en esta tesis. ABSTRACT The present thesis constitutes a step forward in advancing the frontiers of knowledge of fluid flow instability from a physical point of view, as a consequence of having been successful in developing groundbreaking methodologies for the efficient and accurate computation of the leading part of the spectrum pertinent to multi-dimensional eigenvalue problems (EVP) governing instability of flows with two or three inhomogeneous spatial directions. In the context of the numerical work presented in this thesis, the discretization of the spatial operator resulting from linearization of the Navier-Stokes equations around flows with two or three inhomogeneous spatial directions by variable-high-order stable finite-difference methods has permitted a speedup of four orders of magnitude in the solution of the corresponding two- and three-dimensional EVPs. This improvement of numerical performance has been achieved thanks to the high-sparsity level offered by the high-order finite-difference schemes employed for the discretization of the operators. This permitted use of efficient sparse linear algebra techniques without sacrificing accuracy and, consequently, solutions being obtained on typical workstations, as opposed to the previously employed supercomputers. Besides solution of the two- and three-dimensional EVPs of global linear instability, this development paved the way for the extension of the (linear and nonlinear) Parabolized Stability Equations (PSE) to analyze instability of flows which depend in a strongly-coupled inhomogeneous manner on two spatial directions and weakly on the third. Precisely the extensibility of the novel PSE-3D algorithm developed in the framework of the present thesis to study nonlinear flow instability permits transition prediction in flows of industrial interest, thus extending the classic PSE concept which has been successfully employed in the same context to boundary-layer type of flows over the last three decades. Typical examples of incompressible flows, the instability of which was analyzed in the present thesis without the need to resort to the restrictive assumptions used in the past, range from isolated vortices, and systems thereof, in which axial homogeneity is relaxed to consider viscous diffusion, as well as turbulent swirling jets, the instability of which is exploited in order to improve flame-holding properties of combustors. The instability of compressible subsonic and supersonic leading edge flows has been solved, and the wake of an isolated roughness element in a supersonic and hypersonic boundary-layer has also been analyzed with respect to its instability: excellent agreement with direct numerical simulation results has been obtained in all cases. Finally, instability analysis of Mach number 7 ow around an elliptic cone modeling the HIFiRE-5 flight test vehicle has unraveled flow instabilities near the minor-axis centerline, results comparing favorably with flight test predictions.
Para analizar este complejo proceso se ha ensayado un recorrido que sigue los avatares y alternativas que se producen en la incorporación de las ideas que se gestaron en el urbanismo moderno en el Uruguay de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Ideas que se intensifican a partir de los años veinte. A través de una primer parte, se analizan las ideas que transitan los primeros años del urbanismo hasta los años treinta. Este es un período de preconstitución disciplinaria y búsqueda de imágenes urbanas análogas que por afinidad cultural, en general, recurren al repertorio europeo. Es un momento de constitución ciudadana y de su espacio cívico y, para ello, se responde al imaginario colectivo con propuestas urbanas que reflejan las ideas de ciudad presentes en el panorama internacional. Al aplicarse a un territorio sin tensiones sociales, las ideas y propuestas urbanas se presentan como una oportunidad de ensayo para los técnicos extranjeros y nacionales. El mito de la oportunidad que ofrece el Nuevo Mundo hace que un personaje reconocido llegue, casi sin prefigurarlo, a hacer una breve visita por Montevideo. La segunda parte describe al viajero Le Corbusier con sus ideas, sus propuestas sudamericanas y el Plan de Montevideo. La fugaz visita deja huellas indelebles, en el huésped y en sus anfitriones. Los caminos rápidamente se bifurcan pese a eventuales reencuentros. En Le Corbusier, Montevideo implica un punto de inflexión en la serie de planes que va a gestar. En los anfitriones abrazando aun más la bandera de la renovación desplegada antes de la visita, pese a no compartir el plan corbusiano para Montevideo, los impulsa a seguir el proceso de construcción moderna. A partir de la tercera parte, se indaga en el impulso moderno dejado por Le Corbusier, junto a la casi coincidente “celebración del futuro” donde se propone el Plan del Centenario para Montevideo. A partir del plan y su debate, sus consiguientes marchas y contramarchas, se muestra que las ideas modernas al igual que en toda celebración tuvieron momentos de apoteosis y entusiasmo, quedando luego, tan sólo las cenizas y los resplandores de la celebración, materializadas en algunos fragmentos de ideas urbanas. En la cuarta parte se analizan las ideas y propuestas en torno al proyecto urbano de la centralidad capitalina. Marchas y contramarchas, protagonizadas por anfitriones e integrantes del auditorio de Le Corbusier muestran un devenir donde se entrecruza la ciudad moderna, el crecimiento real, con las ideas urbanas que el amplio espectro cultural arquitectónico uruguayo conserva desde su constitución. La quinta parte desarrolla las propuestas estructuradas en torno a la expansión del balneario verificando las ideas de urbanismo que con naturalidad evaden la transposición literal o acrítica y se acondicionan y acomodan al territorio, conservando con intensidad, la esencia del pensamiento moderno. La relación entre la urbanidad y el horizonte marino permite el ensayo de una serie de estrategias proyectuales para la urbanización del borde costero que caracterizan y definen a la rambla montevideana y al conjunto de proyectos balnearios modernos. ABSTRACT In order to analyze this complex process, we have pursued a path that takes into consideration the vicissitudes and alternatives produced in the incorporation of the ideas conceived in modern urbanism in Uruguay in the first half of the twentieth century. These ideas have been intensified since the 1920s. The first part of the thesis analyzes the ideas of the first years of urbanism until the 1930s. This was a period of disciplinary pre-constitution and search of analogous urban images which, due to their cultural affinity, in general, resorted to the European repertoire. It was a moment of citizen constitution and the establishment of its civic space, and for that the collective imagination was responded with urban designs that reflected the ideas of the city, which could also be found in the international scene. As they were applied to a territory without social tensions, the ideas and urban designs were presented as an opportunity for rehearsal to foreign and national technicians. The myth of the opportunity offered by the New World caused the arrival of a well-known character that, almost without foreshadowing it, paid a short visit to Montevideo. The second part describes Le Corbusier, the traveler, with his ideas, his South American schemes and the Plan for Montevideo. His fleeting visit left a deep mark on the guest and on his hosts. The paths rapidly forked despite the sporadic reunions. For Le Corbusier, Montevideo marked a turning point in the series of plans that he would conceive. The hosts, who embraced the flag of renovation raised prior to his arrival, in spite of not sharing Le Corbusier’s plan for Montevideo, were encouraged to follow the process of modern construction. The third part of the thesis explores the modern impulse left by Le Corbusier, as well as the almost coincidental “celebration of the future” in which the Plan for the Centenary of Montevideo was proposed. From the plan and its discussion, its consequent progress and obstacles, it was shown that the modern ideas, as in any other celebration, had its moments of apotheosis and enthusiasm, only remaining the ashes and the glow of the celebration, materialized in some fragments of the urban design ideas. The fourth part discusses the ideas and schemes on the urban project of the centrality of the capital. Progress and obstacles, led by the hosts and the members of the auditorium of Le Corbusier, showed a development in which the modern city and the actual growth merged with the urban design ideas preserved, since its constitution, by the wide spectrum of the Uruguayan architectonic culture. Finally, the fifth part develops the schemes formulated for the expansion of the resort and verifies the ideas of urbanism which naturally avoid the literal or uncritical transposition and adjust and accommodate to the territory, preserving with intensity the essence of modern thought. The relation between urbanity and the marine horizon allowed the rehearsal of a series of design strategies for the urbanization of coastal areas which characterize and define the promenade of Montevideo and the whole set of projects of modern resorts.
Kinépolis Madrid es uno de los mayores complejos cinematográficos del mundo contando incluso con records Guinness como el del complejo cinematográfico con mayor número de butacas del mundo. Está compuesto por 25 salas con capacidades entre 220 y 996 espectadores. Todas estas salas están equipadas con las últimas tecnologías de sonido e imagen y están adecuadamente acondicionadas para que las características acústicas de las mismas sean óptimas; no obstante, en el complejo no disponen de información sobre estas características. El presente PFG tratará de medir algunos de estos parámetros acústicos como la claridad, la definición o la inteligibilidad de la sala, pero se prestará especial atención al tiempo de reverberación de la misma ya que es uno de los parámetros más significativos a la hora de caracterizar acústicamente una sala. En concreto, se trabajará sobre la sala número 3, con capacidad para 327 espectadores, lo que la convierte en una de las salas de medio tamaño del recinto. Por otro lado, además de medir las características acústicas de la sala, se medirán las dimensiones de la misma para, posteriormente, construir dos modelos virtuales de la misma. Uno de ellos será un modelo detallado, mientras que el otro será más simple. A partir de estos modelos, se realizarán simulaciones para obtener los mismos parámetros medidos en la sala real. Una vez se obtengan los parámetros acústicos de ambas maneras, se compararán las medidas entre sí, estudiando si las diferencias entre los medidos y los simulados superan ciertos umbrales que estimarán si los modelos creados por ordenador realmente pueden representar a la sala real, o no. Por último, se obtendrán conclusiones para saber cuál de los dos modelos creados se acerca más a las medidas reales, cómo realizar las simulaciones, qué tipos de señal utilizar en las medidas y qué parámetros tener en cuenta, para así facilitar el trabajo en futuras experiencias ahorrando tiempo. ABSTRACT. Kinepolis Madrid is one of the largest cinema complexes in the world, having won even a Guinness as the cinema complex with more seats in the world. It consists of 25 cinemas whose capacities are between 220 and 996 people. All these cinemas are fully equipped with the latest audio and video technologies and are appropriately conditioned for the optimal acoustic characteristics; nevertheless, the resort does not have information on these features. This PFG’s aim, is trying to measure some acoustic parameters such as clarity, definition or intelligibility of the room, but paying special attention to the reverberation time since, it is one of the most significant acoustic parameters to characterize a room. In particular, the study will be developed at the cinema number 3 with capacity for 327 spectators, which turns it into one of the rooms of average size of the enclosure. In addition to measuring the acoustic characteristics of the room, the dimensions of it will be also measured, to then build two virtual models of it. One will be a detailed model, while the other one, will be much simpler. After that, simulations from those models will be performed in order to obtain the same data measured at the real room. Once the acoustic parameters had been obtained in both ways, there will be a comparison of all the measures together, studying whether differences between the real measured data and simulated ones exceed an estimated limit. This comparison, will give information about whether the computer models created can really represent the real room or not. Finally, conclusions to know which of the two created models is more appropriate to use, how to perform the simulations, what types of signal should be used in the measurements and which parameters to take into account in order to facilitate and saving time in future experiences, will be drawn.
El mercado ibérico de futuros de energía eléctrica gestionado por OMIP (“Operador do Mercado Ibérico de Energia, Pólo Português”, con sede en Lisboa), también conocido como el mercado ibérico de derivados de energía, comenzó a funcionar el 3 de julio de 2006. Se analiza la eficiencia de este mercado organizado, por lo que se estudia la precisión con la que sus precios de futuros predicen el precio de contado. En dicho mercado coexisten dos modos de negociación: el mercado continuo (modo por defecto) y la contratación mediante subasta. En la negociación en continuo, las órdenes anónimas de compra y de venta interactúan de manera inmediata e individual con órdenes contrarias, dando lugar a operaciones con un número indeterminado de precios para cada contrato. En la negociación a través de subasta, un precio único de equilibrio maximiza el volumen negociado, liquidándose todas las operaciones a ese precio. Adicionalmente, los miembros negociadores de OMIP pueden liquidar operaciones “Over-The-Counter” (OTC) a través de la cámara de compensación de OMIP (OMIClear). Las cinco mayores empresas españolas de distribución de energía eléctrica tenían la obligación de comprar electricidad hasta julio de 2009 en subastas en OMIP, para cubrir parte de sus suministros regulados. De igual manera, el suministrador de último recurso portugués mantuvo tal obligación hasta julio de 2010. Los precios de equilibrio de esas subastas no han resultado óptimos a efectos retributivos de tales suministros regulados dado que dichos precios tienden a situarse ligeramente sesgados al alza. La prima de riesgo ex-post, definida como la diferencia entre los precios a plazo y de contado en el periodo de entrega, se emplea para medir su eficiencia de precio. El mercado de contado, gestionado por OMIE (“Operador de Mercado Ibérico de la Energía”, conocido tradicionalmente como “OMEL”), tiene su sede en Madrid. Durante los dos primeros años del mercado de futuros, la prima de riesgo media tiende a resultar positiva, al igual que en otros mercados europeos de energía eléctrica y gas natural. En ese periodo, la prima de riesgo ex-post tiende a ser negativa en los mercados de petróleo y carbón. Los mercados de energía tienden a mostrar niveles limitados de eficiencia de mercado. La eficiencia de precio del mercado de futuros aumenta con el desarrollo de otros mecanismos coexistentes dentro del mercado ibérico de electricidad (conocido como “MIBEL”) –es decir, el mercado dominante OTC, las subastas de centrales virtuales de generación conocidas en España como Emisiones Primarias de Energía, y las subastas para cubrir parte de los suministros de último recurso conocidas en España como subastas CESUR– y con una mayor integración de los mercados regionales europeos de energía eléctrica. Se construye un modelo de regresión para analizar la evolución de los volúmenes negociados en el mercado continuo durante sus cuatro primeros años como una función de doce indicadores potenciales de liquidez. Los únicos indicadores significativos son los volúmenes negociados en las subastas obligatorias gestionadas por OMIP, los volúmenes negociados en el mercado OTC y los volúmenes OTC compensados por OMIClear. El número de creadores de mercado, la incorporación de agentes financieros y compañías de generación pertenecientes a grupos integrados con suministradores de último recurso, y los volúmenes OTC compensados por OMIClear muestran una fuerte correlación con los volúmenes negociados en el mercado continuo. La liquidez de OMIP está aún lejos de los niveles alcanzados por los mercados europeos más maduros (localizados en los países nórdicos (Nasdaq OMX Commodities) y Alemania (EEX)). El operador de mercado y su cámara de compensación podrían desarrollar acciones eficientes de marketing para atraer nuevos agentes activos en el mercado de contado (p.ej. industrias consumidoras intensivas de energía, suministradores, pequeños productores, compañías energéticas internacionales y empresas de energías renovables) y agentes financieros, captar volúmenes del opaco OTC, y mejorar el funcionamiento de los productos existentes aún no líquidos. Resultaría de gran utilidad para tales acciones un diálogo activo con todos los agentes (participantes en el mercado, operador de mercado de contado, y autoridades supervisoras). Durante sus primeros cinco años y medio, el mercado continuo presenta un crecimento de liquidez estable. Se mide el desempeño de sus funciones de cobertura mediante la ratio de posición neta obtenida al dividir la posición abierta final de un contrato de derivados mensual entre su volumen acumulado en la cámara de compensación. Los futuros carga base muestran la ratio más baja debido a su buena liquidez. Los futuros carga punta muestran una mayor ratio al producirse su menor liquidez a través de contadas subastas fijadas por regulación portuguesa. Las permutas carga base liquidadas en la cámara de compensación ubicada en Madrid –MEFF Power, activa desde el 21 de marzo de 2011– muestran inicialmente valores altos debido a bajos volúmenes registrados, dado que esta cámara se emplea principalmente para vencimientos pequeños (diario y semanal). Dicha ratio puede ser una poderosa herramienta de supervisión para los reguladores energéticos cuando accedan a todas las transacciones de derivados en virtud del Reglamento Europeo sobre Integridad y Transparencia de los Mercados de Energía (“REMIT”), en vigor desde el 28 de diciembre de 2011. La prima de riesgo ex-post tiende a ser positiva en todos los mecanismos (futuros en OMIP, mercado OTC y subastas CESUR) y disminuye debido a la curvas de aprendizaje y al efecto, desde el año 2011, del precio fijo para la retribución de la generación con carbón autóctono. Se realiza una comparativa con los costes a plazo de generación con gas natural (diferencial “clean spark spread”) obtenido como la diferencia entre el precio del futuro eléctrico y el coste a plazo de generación con ciclo combinado internalizando los costes de emisión de CO2. Los futuros eléctricos tienen una elevada correlación con los precios de gas europeos. Los diferenciales de contratos con vencimiento inmediato tienden a ser positivos. Los mayores diferenciales se dan para los contratos mensuales, seguidos de los trimestrales y anuales. Los generadores eléctricos con gas pueden maximizar beneficios con contratos de menor vencimiento. Los informes de monitorización por el operador de mercado que proporcionan transparencia post-operacional, el acceso a datos OTC por el regulador energético, y la valoración del riesgo regulatorio pueden contribuir a ganancias de eficiencia. Estas recomendaciones son también válidas para un potencial mercado ibérico de futuros de gas, una vez que el hub ibérico de gas –actualmente en fase de diseño, con reuniones mensuales de los agentes desde enero de 2013 en el grupo de trabajo liderado por el regulador energético español– esté operativo. El hub ibérico de gas proporcionará transparencia al atraer más agentes y mejorar la competencia, incrementando su eficiencia, dado que en el mercado OTC actual no se revela precio alguno de gas. ABSTRACT The Iberian Power Futures Market, managed by OMIP (“Operador do Mercado Ibérico de Energia, Pólo Português”, located in Lisbon), also known as the Iberian Energy Derivatives Market, started operations on 3 July 2006. The market efficiency, regarding how well the future price predicts the spot price, is analysed for this energy derivatives exchange. There are two trading modes coexisting within OMIP: the continuous market (default mode) and the call auction. In the continuous trading, anonymous buy and sell orders interact immediately and individually with opposite side orders, generating trades with an undetermined number of prices for each contract. In the call auction trading, a single price auction maximizes the traded volume, being all trades settled at the same price (equilibrium price). Additionally, OMIP trading members may settle Over-the-Counter (OTC) trades through OMIP clearing house (OMIClear). The five largest Spanish distribution companies have been obliged to purchase in auctions managed by OMIP until July 2009, in order to partly cover their portfolios of end users’ regulated supplies. Likewise, the Portuguese last resort supplier kept that obligation until July 2010. The auction equilibrium prices are not optimal for remuneration purposes of regulated supplies as such prices seem to be slightly upward biased. The ex-post forward risk premium, defined as the difference between the forward and spot prices in the delivery period, is used to measure its price efficiency. The spot market, managed by OMIE (Market Operator of the Iberian Energy Market, Spanish Pool, known traditionally as “OMEL”), is located in Madrid. During the first two years of the futures market, the average forward risk premium tends to be positive, as it occurs with other European power and natural gas markets. In that period, the ex-post forward risk premium tends to be negative in oil and coal markets. Energy markets tend to show limited levels of market efficiency. The price efficiency of the Iberian Power Futures Market improves with the market development of all the coexistent forward contracting mechanisms within the Iberian Electricity Market (known as “MIBEL”) – namely, the dominant OTC market, the Virtual Power Plant Auctions known in Spain as Energy Primary Emissions, and the auctions catering for part of the last resort supplies known in Spain as CESUR auctions – and with further integration of European Regional Electricity Markets. A regression model tracking the evolution of the traded volumes in the continuous market during its first four years is built as a function of twelve potential liquidity drivers. The only significant drivers are the traded volumes in OMIP compulsory auctions, the traded volumes in the OTC market, and the OTC cleared volumes by OMIClear. The amount of market makers, the enrolment of financial members and generation companies belonging to the integrated group of last resort suppliers, and the OTC cleared volume by OMIClear show strong correlation with the traded volumes in the continuous market. OMIP liquidity is still far from the levels reached by the most mature European markets (located in the Nordic countries (Nasdaq OMX Commodities) and Germany (EEX)). The market operator and its clearing house could develop efficient marketing actions to attract new entrants active in the spot market (e.g. energy intensive industries, suppliers, small producers, international energy companies and renewable generation companies) and financial agents as well as volumes from the opaque OTC market, and to improve the performance of existing illiquid products. An active dialogue with all the stakeholders (market participants, spot market operator, and supervisory authorities) will help to implement such actions. During its firs five and a half years, the continuous market shows steady liquidity growth. The hedging performance is measured through a net position ratio obtained from the final open interest of a month derivatives contract divided by its accumulated cleared volume. The base load futures in the Iberian energy derivatives exchange show the lowest ratios due to good liquidity. The peak futures show bigger ratios as their reduced liquidity is produced by auctions fixed by Portuguese regulation. The base load swaps settled in the clearing house located in Spain – MEFF Power, operating since 21 March 2011, with a new denomination (BME Clearing) since 9 September 2013 – show initially large values due to low registered volumes, as this clearing house is mainly used for short maturity (daily and weekly swaps). The net position ratio can be a powerful oversight tool for energy regulators when accessing to all the derivatives transactions as envisaged by European regulation on Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (“REMIT”), in force since 28 December 2011. The ex-post forward risk premium tends to be positive in all existing mechanisms (OMIP futures, OTC market and CESUR auctions) and diminishes due to the learning curve and the effect – since year 2011 – of the fixed price retributing the indigenous coal fired generation. Comparison with the forward generation costs from natural gas (“clean spark spread”) – obtained as the difference between the power futures price and the forward generation cost with a gas fired combined cycle plant taking into account the CO2 emission rates – is also performed. The power futures are strongly correlated with European gas prices. The clean spark spreads built with prompt contracts tend to be positive. The biggest clean spark spreads are for the month contract, followed by the quarter contract and then by the year contract. Therefore, gas fired generation companies can maximize profits trading with contracts of shorter maturity. Market monitoring reports by the market operator providing post-trade transparency, OTC data access by the energy regulator, and assessment of the regulatory risk can contribute to efficiency gains. The same recommendations are also valid for a potential Iberian gas futures market, once an Iberian gas hub – currently in a design phase, with monthly meetings amongst the stakeholders in a Working Group led by the Spanish energy regulatory authority since January 2013 – is operating. The Iberian gas hub would bring transparency attracting more shippers and improving competition and thus its efficiency, as no gas price is currently disclosed in the existing OTC market.
We present a compact formula for the derivative of a 3-D rotation matrix with respect to its exponential coordinates. A geometric interpretation of the resulting expression is provided, as well as its agreement with other less-compact but better-known formulas. To the best of our knowledge, this simpler formula does not appear anywhere in the literature. We hope by providing this more compact expression to alleviate the common pressure to reluctantly resort to alternative representations in various computational applications simply as a means to avoid the complexity of differential analysis in exponential coordinates.
The influence of six antiferroelectric compounds on the helical pitch of mixture W-1000, which was reported as long pitch orthoconic antiferroelectric liquid crystalline mixture, was checked by spectrophotometry and polarimetry methods. The electro-optical properties for the mixture with the longest pitch were measured. An improvement in electro-optical response due to the long pitch is reported. The novelty in electro-optical properties is the good symmetry response.
Selectively filled photonic crystal fibers with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), a silicon-type material, have been studied. Is has been demonstrated that polarization properties of these hybrid devices and the properties of the guided light in relation with the temperature changes, finding that the state of polarization (SOP) change with the increasing temperature but remains constant for a wide spectrum of wavelengths for a determinate temperature.
Video analytics play a critical role in most recent traffic monitoring and driver assistance systems. In this context, the correct detection and classification of surrounding vehicles through image analysis has been the focus of extensive research in the last years. Most of the pieces of work reported for image-based vehicle verification make use of supervised classification approaches and resort to techniques, such as histograms of oriented gradients (HOG), principal component analysis (PCA), and Gabor filters, among others. Unfortunately, existing approaches are lacking in two respects: first, comparison between methods using a common body of work has not been addressed; second, no study of the combination potentiality of popular features for vehicle classification has been reported. In this study the performance of the different techniques is first reviewed and compared using a common public database. Then, the combination capabilities of these techniques are explored and a methodology is presented for the fusion of classifiers built upon them, taking into account also the vehicle pose. The study unveils the limitations of single-feature based classification and makes clear that fusion of classifiers is highly beneficial for vehicle verification.