23 resultados para Patents.


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Given the significant impact of Web 2.0-related innovations on new Internet-based initiatives, this paper seeks to identify to what extent the main developments are protected by patents and whether patents have had a leading role in the advent of Web 2.0. The article shows that the number of patent applications filed is not that important for many of the Web 2.0 technologies in frequent use and that, of those filed, those granted are even less. The conclusion is that patents do not seem to be a relevant factor in the development of the Web 2.0 (and more generally in dynamic markets) where there is a high degree of innovation and low entry barriers for newcomers.


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In this genre analysis research paper, we compare U.S. patents, contracts, and regulations on technical matters with a focus upon the relation between vagueness and communicative purposes and subpurposes of these three genres. Our main interest is the investigation of intergeneric conventions across the three genres, based on the software analysis of three corpora (one for each genre, 1 million words per corpus). The result of the investigation is that intergeneric conventions are found at the level of types of expressed linguistic vagueness, but that intergeneric conventions at the level of actual formulations are rare. The conclusion is that at this latter level the influence from the situation type underlying the individual genre is more important than the overarching legal character of the genres, when we talk about introducing explicit vagueness in the text.


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Patent claims defi ne the protection scope of the intellectual property sought by the patent applicant or patentee. Broad claims are valuable as they can describe more expansive rights to the invention. Therefore, if these claims are too broad a potential infringer will more easily argue against them. But if the claims are too narrow the scope of protection of the intellectual property is greatly reduced. Patent claims have to be, on the one hand, determinate and precise enough and, on the other hand, as inclusive as possible. Therefore patent applicants must fi nd a balance in the broadness of the scope defi ned by their claims. This balance can be achieved by the choice of words with a convenient degree of semantic indeterminacy, by the choice of modifi ers or other strategies. In fact, vagueness in patent claims is a desirable characteristic for such documents. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of a corpus of 350 U.S. patents provides a promising starting point to understand the linguistic instruments used to achieve the balance between property claim scope and precision of property description. To conclude, some issues relating vagueness and pragmatics are suggested as a line of further research.


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Spain’s economy recorded a high rate of growth from the mid-1990s onwards. At the same time, the resources allocated to Research and Development (R&D) grew at a much faster pace than in other European Union (EU) countries. Spain’s growth recorded an average rate of 2.93% from the early 1990s to 2004. Over the same period, the average growth in the EU was 0.46%. This circumstance, together with several sound policy decisions implemented between 2004 and 2009, ushered in a “golden age of Spanish biotechnology”. In terms of the national patent licenses issued by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) between 2004 and 2009, the number in biotechnology grew from 84 to 151. However, the current economic situation in Spain, along with a series of political decisions taken over the past two or three years to cut spending on R&D, predicts a sharp downturn in the performance of Spanish biotechnology. This scenario makes Spain one of the best places to study the successes and failures of the management of science and allows transfer this experience to the other international regions. We need to analyze the influence of political decisions as a major factor with a bearing on the quality of science. Using patents as an indicator of scientific development, this paper analyzes the evolution of the biotechnology sector in Spain and its relationship with scientific policy and the management of R&D.


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Since the decade of the 1980’s the literature on economic development began paying attention to the cases of countries which were industrialized after the first industrial revolution. One of the most relevant aspects analyzed has been the role of technology as a factor which promotes or delays the process of catching up with technology leaders. As result of this interest, new and more adequate indicators were identified to provide a coherent explanation for technological activities and their relationship with economic efficiency. Although the earliest studies focused on analyzing the activities of research and development (R&D), recently the focus of analysis has shifted to another type of variables, more oriented towards the processes of innovation and the gathering of knowledge and capabilities, in which patents provide relevant information.


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This article examines a new lightweight, slim, high energy efficient, light-transmitting, self-supporting envelope system, providing for seamless, free-form designs for use in architectural projects. The system exploits vacuum insulation panel technology. The research was based on envelope components already existing on the market and patents and prototypes built by independent laboratories, especially components implemented with silica gel insulation, as this is the most effective transparent thermal insulation there is today. The tests run on these materials revealed that there is not one that has all the features required of the new envelope model, although some do have properties that could be exploited to generate this envelope, namely, the vacuum chamber of vacuum insulation panels, the use of monolithic aerogel as insulation in some prototypes, and reinforced polyester barriers. These three design components have been combined and tested to design a new, variable geometry, energy-saving envelope system that also solves many of the problems that other studies ascribe to the use of vacuum insulation panels.


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This article examines a new lightweight, slim, high energy efficient, light-transmitting, selfsupporting envelope system, providing for seamless, free-form designs for use in architectural projects. The system exploits vacuum insulation panel technology. The research was based on envelope components already existing on the market and patents and prototypes built by independent laboratories, especially components implemented with silica gel insulation, as this is the most effective transparent thermal insulation there is today.


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This article examines a new lightweight, slim, high energy efficient, light-transmitting, self-supporting envelope system, providing for seamless, free-form designs for use in architectural projects. The system exploits vacuum insulation panel technology. The research was based on envelope components already existing on the market and patents and prototypes built by independent laboratories, especially components implemented with silica gel insulation, as this is the most effective transparent thermal insulation there is today. The tests run on these materials revealed that there is not one that has all the features required of the new envelope model, although some do have properties that could be exploited to generate this envelope, namely, the vacuum chamber of vacuum insulation panels, the use of monolithic aerogel as insulation in some prototypes, and reinforced polyester barriers. These three design components have been combined and tested to design a new, variable geometry, energy-saving envelope system that also solves many of the problems that other studies ascribe to the use of vacuum insulation panels.


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Patent and trademark offices which run according to principles of new management have an inherent need for dependable forecasting data in planning capacity and service levels. The ability of the Spanish Office of Patents and Trademarks to carry out efficient planning of its resource needs requires the use of methods which allow it to predict the changes in the number of patent and trademark applications at different time horizons. The approach for the prediction of time series of Spanish patents and trademarks applications (1979e2009) was based on the use of different techniques of time series prediction in a short-term horizon. The methods used can be grouped into two specifics areas: regression models of trends and time series models. The results of this study show that it is possible to model the series of patents and trademarks applications with different models, especially ARIMA, with satisfactory model adjustment and relatively low error.


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El comercio marítimo actual requiere buques de un tamaño cada vez mayor. Para dar servicio a estos buques los puertos tienen que ofrecer grandes calados y las obras de abrigo están cimentadas cada vez a mayor profundidad, particularmente en el caso de España que es un país con escasos puertos naturales y poca plataforma continental y la mayoría de sus puertos son exteriores. La construcción de obras de abrigo en calados tan grandes (hasta 50 metros de profundidad) resulta sumamente costosa, y dado que a esas profundidades generalmente el oleaje no rompe, la tipología más habitual es la de diques verticales, reflejantes puros, tanto por ahorro de costes como por impacto ambiental. Al ir a mayores calados las olas a las que se enfrentan los diques son cada vez mayores, y esto acusa el desconocimiento exacto de los fenómenos que hidrodinámicos que tienen lugar, y por tanto las deficiencias de los métodos de dimensionamiento de diques verticales empleados. La incertidumbre en la definición de los fenómenos involucrados lleva a la mayoración indiscriminada de las acciones y al sobredimensionamiento de los diques, con el consiguiente sobrecoste, y a otra conclusión más grave: el desconocimiento de los factores de seguridad reales. Esto obliga a continuar profundizando en los fundamentos de los fenómenos observados. La presente tesis se basa en el análisis de datos recogidos por la instrumentación del dique de Botafoc (Ibiza) desde el año 2003. Esta instrumentación es de las que ha ofrecido mediciones de temporales de forma más consistente en todo el mundo. El análisis de los datos conduce a una serie de resultados muy reveladores y novedosos en cuanto a la forma de las distribuciones de los empujes, la influencia del periodo del oleaje sobre las mismas, y la importancia de los flujos inducidos por el oleaje a través de las banquetas de cimentación. Todas las conclusiones alcanzadas están sólidamente justificadas desde el punto de vista teórico. También se ponen de manifiesto otros fenómenos interesantes que no eran objeto de la presente investigación como la importancia del retranqueo del espaldón. El alcance inicial de la tesis pretendía dar explicación a la influencia del periodo del oleaje sobre las distribuciones de presiones, sin embargo la gran cantidad de descubrimientos realizados llevan a pensar en la posibilidad de desarrollar una nueva metodología de cálculo de esfuerzos hidrodinámicos en diques verticales. Esta nueva metodología está en desarrollo por el autor de la presente tesis y será presentada en futuros trabajos. Además del importante avance conceptual del estado de la técnica que supone, otro producto de la investigación ha sido el desarrollo de dos patentes de invención y una tercera aún en desarrollo. Maritime trade nowadays requires ships of increasing size, and ports must go to deeper draughts to shelter those ships. In high depths vertical breakwaters are the most economical alternative; however there are many questions about reflection of waves not yet clarified. This uncertainties drive to oversize breakwaters and the corresponding rise in costs. Moreover the main issue is that safety margins are not known. This thesis is based on the analysis of data collected by instrumentation of the Botafoc breakwater (Ibiza) since 2003, having recorded a wide range of data. The data analysis leads to very interesting discovers such as the shape of the distribution of the pressures, the influence of wave period, and the importance of the wave induced flows through foundation. All conclusions reached are solidly justified from the theoretical point of view. Other interesting phenomena that were not the subject of this research have been revealed such as the importance of crown wall position. The initial scope of the thesis aimed to give explanation to the influence of the wave period on distributions of pressure; however the interesting discoveries made suggest developing a new methodology for calculating hydrodynamic efforts vertical breakwaters. This new methodology is currently under development by the author of this thesis and will be presented in future works. Besides the important conceptual advance the state of the art involved, another product of the research has been the development of two patents.


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ATM, SDH or satellite have been used in the last century as the contribution network of Broadcasters. However the attractive price of IP networks is changing the infrastructure of these networks in the last decade. Nowadays, IP networks are widely used, but their characteristics do not offer the level of performance required to carry high quality video under certain circumstances. Data transmission is always subject to errors on line. In the case of streaming, correction is attempted at destination, while on transfer of files, retransmissions of information are conducted and a reliable copy of the file is obtained. In the latter case, reception time is penalized because of the low priority this type of traffic on the networks usually has. While in streaming, image quality is adapted to line speed, and line errors result in a decrease of quality at destination, in the file copy the difference between coding speed vs line speed and errors in transmission are reflected in an increase of transmission time. The way news or audiovisual programs are transferred from a remote office to the production centre depends on the time window and the type of line available; in many cases, it must be done in real time (streaming), with the resulting image degradation. The main purpose of this work is the workflow optimization and the image quality maximization, for that reason a transmission model for multimedia files adapted to JPEG2000, is described based on the combination of advantages of file transmission and those of streaming transmission, putting aside the disadvantages that these models have. The method is based on two patents and consists of the safe transfer of the headers and data considered to be vital for reproduction. Aside, the rest of the data is sent by streaming, being able to carry out recuperation operations and error concealment. Using this model, image quality is maximized according to the time window. In this paper, we will first give a briefest overview of the broadcasters requirements and the solutions with IP networks. We will then focus on a different solution for video file transfer. We will take the example of a broadcast center with mobile units (unidirectional video link) and regional headends (bidirectional link), and we will also present a video file transfer file method that satisfies the broadcaster requirements.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral presenta las investigaciones y los trabajos desarrollados durante los años 2008 a 2012 para el análisis y diseño de un patrón primario de ruido térmico de banda ancha en tecnología coaxial. Para ubicar esta Tesis en su campo científico es necesario tomar conciencia de que la realización de mediciones fiables y trazables forma parte del sostenimiento del bienestar de una sociedad moderna y juega un papel crítico en apoyo de la competitividad económica, la fabricación y el comercio, así como de la calidad de vida. En el mundo moderno actual, una infraestructura de medición bien desarrollada genera confianza en muchas facetas de nuestra vida diaria, porque nos permite el desarrollo y fabricación de productos fiables, innovadores y de alta calidad; porque sustenta la competitividad de las industrias y su producción sostenible; además de contribuir a la eliminación de barreras técnicas y de dar soporte a un comercio justo, garantizar la seguridad y eficacia de la asistencia sanitaria, y por supuesto, dar respuesta a los grandes retos de la sociedad moderna en temas tan complicados como la energía y el medio ambiente. Con todo esto en mente se ha desarrollado un patrón primario de ruido térmico con el fin de aportar al sistema metrológico español un nuevo patrón primario de referencia capaz de ser usado para desarrollar mediciones fiables y trazables en el campo de la medida y calibración de dispositivos de ruido electromagnético de radiofrecuencia y microondas. Este patrón se ha planteado para que cumpla en el rango de 10 MHz a 26,5 GHz con las siguientes especificaciones: Salida nominal de temperatura de ruido aproximada de ~ 83 K. Incertidumbre de temperatura de ruido menor que ± 1 K en todo su rango de frecuencias. Coeficiente de reflexión en todo su ancho de banda de 0,01 a 26,5 GHz lo más bajo posible. Se ha divido esta Tesis Doctoral en tres partes claramente diferenciadas. La primera de ellas, que comprende los capítulos 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5, presenta todo el proceso de simulaciones y ajustes de los parámetros principales del dispositivo con el fin de dejar definidos los que resultan críticos en su construcción. A continuación viene una segunda parte compuesta por el capítulo 6 en donde se desarrollan los cálculos necesarios para obtener la temperatura de ruido a la salida del dispositivo. La tercera y última parte, capítulo 7, se dedica a la estimación de la incertidumbre de la temperatura de ruido del nuevo patrón primario de ruido obtenida en el capítulo anterior. Más concretamente tenemos que en el capítulo 1 se hace una exhaustiva introducción del entorno científico en donde se desarrolla este trabajo de investigación. Además se detallan los objetivos que se persiguen y se presenta la metodología utilizada para conseguirlos. El capítulo 2 describe la caracterización y selección del material dieléctrico para el anillo del interior de la línea de transmisión del patrón que ponga en contacto térmico los dos conductores del coaxial para igualar las temperaturas entre ambos y mantener la impedancia característica de todo el patrón primario de ruido. Además se estudian las propiedades dieléctricas del nitrógeno líquido para evaluar su influencia en la impedancia final de la línea de transmisión. En el capítulo 3 se analiza el comportamiento de dos cargas y una línea de aire comerciales trabajando en condiciones criogénicas. Se pretende con este estudio obtener la variación que se produce en el coeficiente de reflexión al pasar de temperatura ambiente a criogénica y comprobar si estos dispositivos resultan dañados por trabajar a temperaturas criogénicas; además se estudia si se modifica su comportamiento tras sucesivos ciclos de enfriamiento – calentamiento, obteniendo una cota de la variación para poder así seleccionar la carga que proporcione un menor coeficiente de reflexión y una menor variabilidad. En el capítulo 4 se parte del análisis de la estructura del anillo de material dieléctrico utilizada en la nota técnica NBS 1074 del NIST con el fin de obtener sus parámetros de dispersión que nos servirán para calcular el efecto que produce sobre el coeficiente de reflexión de la estructura coaxial completa. Además se realiza un estudio posterior con el fin de mejorar el diseño de la nota técnica NBS 1074 del NIST, donde se analiza el anillo de material dieléctrico, para posteriormente realizar modificaciones en la geometría de la zona donde se encuentra éste con el fin de reducir la reflexión que produce. Concretamente se estudia el ajuste del radio del conductor interior en la zona del anillo para que presente la misma impedancia característica que la línea. Y para finalizar se obtiene analíticamente la relación entre el radio del conductor interior y el radio de la transición de anillo térmico para garantizar en todo punto de esa transición la misma impedancia característica, manteniendo además criterios de robustez del dispositivo y de fabricación realistas. En el capítulo 5 se analiza el comportamiento térmico del patrón de ruido y su influencia en la conductividad de los materiales metálicos. Se plantean las posibilidades de que el nitrógeno líquido sea exterior a la línea o que éste penetre en su interior. En ambos casos, dada la simetría rotacional del problema, se ha simulado térmicamente una sección de la línea coaxial, es decir, se ha resuelto un problema bidimensional, aunque los resultados son aplicables a la estructura real tridimensional. Para la simulación térmica se ha empleado la herramienta PDE Toolbox de Matlab®. En el capítulo 6 se calcula la temperatura de ruido a la salida del dispositivo. Se parte del estudio de la aportación a la temperatura de ruido final de cada sección que compone el patrón. Además se estudia la influencia de las variaciones de determinados parámetros de los elementos que conforman el patrón de ruido sobre las características fundamentales de éste, esto es, el coeficiente de reflexión a lo largo de todo el dispositivo. Una vez descrito el patrón de ruido electromagnético se procede, en el capítulo 7, a describir los pasos seguidos para estimar la incertidumbre de la temperatura de ruido electromagnético a su salida. Para ello se utilizan dos métodos, el clásico de la guía para la estimación de la incertidumbre [GUM95] y el método de simulación de Monte Carlo. En el capítulo 8 se describen las conclusiones y lo logros conseguidos. Durante el desarrollo de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha obtenido un dispositivo novedoso susceptible de ser patentado, que ha sido registrado en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (O.E.P.M.) en Madrid, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 20 de la Ley 11/1986, de 20 de Marzo, de Patentes, con el título Patrón Primario de Ruido Térmico de Banda Ancha (Referencia P-101061) con fecha 7 de febrero de 2011. ABSTRACT This Ph. D. work describes a number of investigations that were performed along the years 2008 to 2011, as a preparation for the study and design of a coaxial cryogenic reference noise standard. Reliable and traceable measurement underpins the welfare of a modern society and plays a critical role in supporting economic competitiveness, manufacturing and trade as well as quality of life. In our modern world, a well developed measurement infrastructure gives confidence in many aspects of our daily life, for example by enabling the development and manufacturing of reliable, high quality and innovative products; by supporting industry to be competitive and sustainable in its production; by removing technical barriers to trade and supporting fair trade; by ensuring safety and effectiveness of healthcare; by giving response to the major challenges in key sectors such energy and environment, etc. With all this in mind we have developed a primary standard thermal noise with the aim of providing the Spanish metrology system with a new primary standard for noise reference. This standard will allow development of reliable and traceable measurements in the field of calibration and measurement of electromagnetic noise RF and microwave devices. This standard has been designed to work in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz, meeting the following specifications: 1. Noise temperature output is to be nominally ~ 83 K. 2. Noise temperature uncertainty less than ± 1 K in the frequency range from 0.01 to 26.5 GHz. 3. Broadband performance requires as low a reflection coefficient as possible from 0.01 to 26.5 GHz. The present Ph. D. work is divided into three clearly differentiated parts. The first one, which comprises Chapters 1 to 5, presents the whole process of simulation and adjustment of the main parameters of the device in order to define those of them which are critical for the manufacturing of the device. Next, the second part consists of Chapter 6 where the necessary computations to obtain the output noise temperature of the device are carried out. The third and last part, Chapter 7, is devoted to the estimation of the uncertainty related to the noise temperature of the noise primary standard as obtained in the preceding chapter. More specifically, Chapter 1 provides a thorough introduction to the scientific and technological environment where this research takes place. It also details the objectives to be achieved and presents the methodology used to achieve them. Chapter 2 describes the characterization and selection of the bead dielectric material inside the transmission line, intended to connect the two coaxial conductors equalizing the temperature between the two of them and thus keeping the characteristic impedance constant for the whole standard. In addition the dielectric properties of liquid nitrogen are analyzed in order to assess their influence on the impedance of the transmission line. Chapter 3 analyzes the behavior of two different loads and of a commercial airline when subjected to cryogenic working conditions. This study is intended to obtain the variation in the reflection coefficient when the temperature changes from room to cryogenic temperature, and to check whether these devices can be damaged as a result of working at cryogenic temperatures. Also we try to see whether the load changes its behavior after successive cycles of cooling / heating, in order to obtain a bound for the allowed variation of the reflection coefficient of the load. Chapter 4 analyzes the ring structure of the dielectric material used in the NBS technical note 1074 of NIST, in order to obtain its scattering parameters that will be used for computation of its effect upon the reflection coefficient of the whole coaxial structure. Subsequently, we perform a further investigation with the aim of improving the design of NBS technical note 1074 of NIST, and modifications are introduced in the geometry of the transition area in order to reduce the reflection it produces. We first analyze the ring, specifically the influence of the radius of inner conductor of the bead, and then make changes in its geometry so that it presents the same characteristic impedance as that of the line. Finally we analytically obtain the relationship between the inner conductor radius and the radius of the transition from ring, in order to ensure the heat flow through the transition thus keeping the same reflection coefficient, and at the same time meeting the robustness requirements and the feasibility of manufacturing. Chapter 5 analyzes the thermal behavior of the noise standard and its influence on the conductivity of metallic materials. Both possibilities are raised that the liquid nitrogen is kept outside the line or that it penetrates inside. In both cases, given the rotational symmetry of the structure, we have simulated a section of coaxial line, i.e. the equivalent two-dimensional problem has been resolved, although the results are applicable to the actual three-dimensional structure. For thermal simulation Matlab™ PDE Toolbox has been used. In Chapter 6 we compute the output noise temperature of the device. The starting point is the analysis of the contribution to the overall noise temperature of each section making up the standard. Moreover the influence of the variations in the parameters of all elements of the standard is analyzed, specifically the variation of the reflection coefficient along the entire device. Once the electromagnetic noise standard has been described and analyzed, in Chapter 7 we describe the steps followed to estimate the uncertainty of the output electromagnetic noise temperature. This is done using two methods, the classic analytical approach following the Guide to the Estimation of Uncertainty [GUM95] and numerical simulations made with the Monte Carlo method. Chapter 8 discusses the conclusions and achievements. During the development of this thesis, a novel device was obtained which was potentially patentable, and which was finally registered through the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) in Madrid, in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of Law 11/1986 about Patents, dated March 20th, 1986. It was registered under the denomination Broadband Thermal Noise Primary Standard (Reference P-101061) dated February 7th, 2011.


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La aplicación de la vigilancia tecnología se ha mostrado como una de las herramientas más importantes para ganar competitividad y mejorar las actividades de innovación de las empresas. La vigilancia se basa en captar las informaciones, normalmente patentes y publicaciones científicas, más relevantes para un determinado campo tecnológico y valorarlas para influir en la toma de decisiones. Las fases clásicas son: búsqueda, análisis y comunicación de la información. El trabajo se soportará tanto en herramientas comerciales como en otras que deberá desarrollar el estudiante, y tendrá como objetivo fundamental el desarrollar una metodología, basada en la vigilancia, para tomar decisiones sobre tecnologías y en este caso aplicadas a las tecnologías multimedia. El objetivo principal en la propuesta de una metodología genérica de vigilancia tecnológica (VT/IC) para la toma de decisiones con un ejemplo de aplicación en las tecnologías multimedia y que más adelante se explicitó en TV 3D. La necesidad de que el proceso de VT/IC se soporte en una metodología es imprescindible si queremos darle la importancia que debe tener en el ciclo productivo de cualquier tipo de organización y muy especialmente en una organización involucrada en investigación y desarrollo (I+D+i). Esta metodología posibilitará, entre otras cosas, que estos procesos que conforman la VT/IC puedan integrarse en una organización compartiendo los procesos productivos, de administración y de dirección de la organización. Permitirá una medición de su funcionamiento y las posibles modificaciones para obtener un mejor funcionamiento. Proveerá a los posibles elementos involucrados en la VT/IC de la documentación, procesos, herramientas, elementos de medición de un sistema definido, publicado, medido y analizado de trabajo. Finalmente a modo de ejemplo de un proceso de consulta VT/IC utilizaremos el criterio de búsqueda genérico 3D TV propuesto. Estructura del PFC: Para lograr estos objetivos el trabajo ha sido dividido en 6 etapas: 1.- Descripción del PFC: Una presentación del PFC y su desarrollo. 2.- Vigilancia tecnológica: Desarrollo del concepto de VT/IC, los efectos esperados, beneficios y riesgos de la VT/IC, concepto de inteligencia competitiva (IC), concepto aplicado de vigilancia tecnológica e inteligencia competitiva (VT/IC). 3.- Técnicas de análisis empresarial donde la VT/IC es útil: para empezar a entender como debe ser la VT/IC analizamos como una organización utiliza las distintas técnicas de análisis y que información aportan cada una de ellas, finalmente analizamos como la VT/IC ayuda a esas técnicas de análisis. 4.- Gestión de las fuentes de información: análisis de los tipos de fuentes de información y sus herramientas de búsqueda asociadas. 5.- Metodología propuesta de la VT/IC: desarrollo de la metodología de implementación y de funcionamiento de una unidad de VT/IC. 6.- Observatorio: a modo de ejemplo, “3d TV”. ABSTRACT. The application of surveillance technology has proven to be one of the most important to increase competitiveness and improve the innovation activities of enterprises tools. Surveillance is based on capturing the information, usually patents and scientific publications most relevant to a given technological field and assess them to influence decision making. The classical phases are: search, analysis and communication of information. The work will support both commercial and other tools to be developed by the student, and will have as main objective to develop a methodology, based on monitoring to make decisions about technologies and in this case applied to multimedia technologies. The main objective in the proposed generic methodology for technological awareness (VT / IC) for decision making with an example application in multimedia technologies and later made explicit 3D TV. The need for the process of VT / CI support methodology is essential if we give it the importance it should have in the production cycle of any organization and especially in an organization involved in research and development (R + D + i). This methodology will allow, among other things, that these processes that make up the VT / IC can be integrated into an organization sharing production processes, management and direction of the organization. It will allow a measurement of its performance and possible changes for better performance. It will provide the possible elements involved in the VT / IC documentation, processes, tools, measuring elements of a defined system, published, measured and analyzed work. Finally an example of a consultation process VT / IC use generic search criteria proposed 3D TV. Structure of the PFC: To achieve these objectives the work has been divided into 6 stages: 1. PFC Description: A presentation of the PFC and its development. 2. Technology Watch: Concept Development of VT / IC, expected effects, benefits and risks of VT / IC concept of competitive intelligence (CI) concept applied technology watch and competitive intelligence (VT / IC). 3. Business analysis techniques where VT / IC is useful: to begin to understand how it should be the VT / IC analyze how an organization uses different analysis techniques and information provide each finally analyze how the VT / IC helps these analysis techniques. 4. Management information sources: analysis of the types of information sources and their associated search tools. 5. proposed methodology VT / IC: methodology development and operational deployment of a unit of VT / IC. 6. Observatory: by way of example, "3D TV".


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Quizás el Código Morse, inventado en 1838 para su uso en la telegrafía, es uno de los primeros ejemplos de la utilización práctica de la compresión de datos [1], donde las letras más comunes del alfabeto son codificadas con códigos más cortos que las demás. A partir de 1940 y tras el desarrollo de la teoría de la información y la creación de los primeros ordenadores, la compresión de la información ha sido un reto constante y fundamental entre los campos de trabajo de investigadores de todo tipo. Cuanto mayor es nuestra comprensión sobre el significado de la información, mayor es nuestro éxito comprimiéndola. En el caso de la información multimedia, su naturaleza permite la compresión con pérdidas, alcanzando así cotas de compresión imposibles para los algoritmos sin pérdidas. Estos “recientes” algoritmos con pérdidas han estado mayoritariamente basados en transformación de la información al dominio de la frecuencia y en la eliminación de parte de la información en dicho dominio. Transformar al dominio de la frecuencia posee ventajas pero también involucra unos costes computacionales inevitables. Esta tesis presenta un nuevo algoritmo de compresión multimedia llamado “LHE” (Logarithmical Hopping Encoding) que no requiere transformación al dominio de la frecuencia, sino que trabaja en el dominio del espacio. Esto lo convierte en un algoritmo lineal de reducida complejidad computacional. Los resultados del algoritmo son prometedores, superando al estándar JPEG en calidad y velocidad. Para ello el algoritmo utiliza como base la respuesta fisiológica del ojo humano ante el estímulo luminoso. El ojo, al igual que el resto de los sentidos, responde al logaritmo de la señal de acuerdo a la ley de Weber. El algoritmo se compone de varias etapas. Una de ellas es la medición de la “Relevancia Perceptual”, una nueva métrica que nos va a permitir medir la relevancia que tiene la información en la mente del sujeto y en base a la misma, degradar en mayor o menor medida su contenido, a través de lo que he llamado “sub-muestreado elástico”. La etapa de sub-muestreado elástico constituye una nueva técnica sin precedentes en el tratamiento digital de imágenes. Permite tomar más o menos muestras en diferentes áreas de una imagen en función de su relevancia perceptual. En esta tesis se dan los primeros pasos para la elaboración de lo que puede llegar a ser un nuevo formato estándar de compresión multimedia (imagen, video y audio) libre de patentes y de alto rendimiento tanto en velocidad como en calidad. ABSTRACT The Morse code, invented in 1838 for use in telegraphy, is one of the first examples of the practical use of data compression [1], where the most common letters of the alphabet are coded shorter than the rest of codes. From 1940 and after the development of the theory of information and the creation of the first computers, compression of information has been a constant and fundamental challenge among any type of researchers. The greater our understanding of the meaning of information, the greater our success at compressing. In the case of multimedia information, its nature allows lossy compression, reaching impossible compression rates compared with lossless algorithms. These "recent" lossy algorithms have been mainly based on information transformation to frequency domain and elimination of some of the information in that domain. Transforming the frequency domain has advantages but also involves inevitable computational costs. This thesis introduces a new multimedia compression algorithm called "LHE" (logarithmical Hopping Encoding) that does not require transformation to frequency domain, but works in the space domain. This feature makes LHE a linear algorithm of reduced computational complexity. The results of the algorithm are promising, outperforming the JPEG standard in quality and speed. The basis of the algorithm is the physiological response of the human eye to the light stimulus. The eye, like other senses, responds to the logarithm of the signal according with Weber law. The algorithm consists of several stages. One is the measurement of "perceptual relevance," a new metric that will allow us to measure the relevance of information in the subject's mind and based on it; degrade accordingly their contents, through what I have called "elastic downsampling". Elastic downsampling stage is an unprecedented new technique in digital image processing. It lets take more or less samples in different areas of an image based on their perceptual relevance. This thesis introduces the first steps for the development of what may become a new standard multimedia compression format (image, video and audio) free of patents and high performance in both speed and quality.


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En la presente investigación se analiza la causa del hundimiento del cuarto compartimento del Tercer Depósito del Canal de Isabel II el 8 de abril de 1905, uno de los más graves de la historia de la construcción en España: fallecieron 30 personas y quedaron heridas otras 60. El Proyecto y Construcción de esta estructura era de D. José Eugenio Ribera, una de las grandes figuras de la ingeniería civil en nuestro país, cuya carrera pudo haber quedado truncada como consecuencia del siniestro. Dado el tiempo transcurrido desde la ocurrencia de este accidente, la investigación ha partido de la recopilación de la información relativa al Proyecto y a la propia construcción de la estructura, para revisar a continuación la información disponible sobre el hundimiento. De la construcción de la cubierta es interesante destacar la atrevida configuración estructural, cubriéndose una inmensa superficie de 74.000 m2 mediante una sucesión de bóvedas de hormigón armado de tan sólo 5 cm de espesor y un rebajamiento de 1/10 para salvar una luz de 6 m, que apoyaban en pórticos del mismo material, con pilares también muy esbeltos: 0,25 m de lado para 8 m de altura. Y todo ello en una época en la que la tecnología y conocimiento de las estructuras con este "nuevo" material se basaban en buena medida en el desarrollo de patentes. En cuanto a la información sobre el hundimiento, llama la atención en primer lugar la relevancia de los técnicos, peritos y letrados que intervinieron en el juicio y en el procedimiento administrativo posterior, poniéndose de manifiesto la trascendencia que el accidente tuvo en su momento y que, sin embargo, no ha trascendido hasta nuestros días. Ejemplo de ello es el papel de Echegaray -primera figura intelectual de la época- como perito en la defensa de Ribera, de D. Melquiades Álvarez -futuro presidente del Congreso- como abogado defensor, el General Marvá -uno de los máximos exponentes del papel de los ingenieros militares en la introducción del hormigón armado en nuestro país-, que presidiría la Comisión encargada del peritaje por parte del juzgado, o las opiniones de reconocidas personalidades internacionales del "nuevo" material como el Dr. von Emperger o Hennebique. Pero lo más relevante de dicha información es la falta de uniformidad sobre lo que pudo ocasionar el hundimiento: fallos en los materiales, durante la construcción, defectos en el diseño de la estructura, la realización de unas pruebas de carga cuando se concluyó ésta, etc. Pero la que durante el juicio y en los Informes posteriores se impuso como causa del fallo de la estructura fue su dilatación como consecuencia de las altas temperaturas que se produjeron aquella primavera. Y ello a pesar de que el hundimiento ocurrió a las 7 de la mañana... Con base en esta información se ha analizado el comportamiento estructural de la cubierta, permitiendo evaluar el papel que diversos factores pudieron tener en el inicio del hundimiento y en su extensión a toda la superficie construida, concluyéndose así cuáles fueron las causas del siniestro. De los resultados obtenidos se presta especial atención a las enseñanzas que se desprenden de la ocurrencia del hundimiento, enfatizándose en la relevancia de la historia -y en particular de los casos históricos de error- para la formación continua que debe existir en la Ingeniería. En el caso del hundimiento del Tercer Depósito algunas de estas "enseñanzas" son de plena actualidad, tales como la importancia de los detalles constructivos en la "robustez" de la estructuras, el diseño de estructuras "integrales" o la vigilancia del proceso constructivo. Por último, la investigación ha servido para recuperar, una vez más, la figura de D. José Eugenio Ribera, cuyo papel en la introducción del hormigón armado en España fue decisivo. En la obra del Tercer Depósito se arriesgó demasiado, y provocó un desastre que aceleró la transición hacia una nueva etapa en el hormigón estructural al abrigo de un mayor conocimiento científico y de las primeras normativas. También en esta etapa sería protagonista. This dissertation analyses the cause of the collapse of the 4th compartment of the 3th Reservoir of Canal de Isabel II in Madrid. It happened in 1905, on April 8th, being one of the most disastrous accidents occurred in the history of Spanish construction: 30 people died and 60 were injured. The design and construction supervision were carried out by D. José Eugenio Ribera, one of the main figures in Civil Engineering of our country, whose career could have been destroyed as a result of this accident. Since it occurred more than 100 years ago, the investigation started by compiling information about the structure`s design and construction, followed by reviewing the available information about the accident. With regard to the construction, it is interesting to point out its daring structural configuration. It covered a huge area of 74.000 m2 with a series of reinforced concrete vaults with a thickness of not more than 5 cm, a 6 m span and a rise of 1/10th. In turn, these vaults were supported by frames composed of very slender 0,25 m x 0,25 m columns with a height of 8 m. It is noteworthy that this took place in a time when the technology and knowledge about this "new" material was largely based on patents. In relation to the information about the collapse, its significance is shown by the important experts and lawyers that were involved in the trial and the subsequent administrative procedure. For example, Echegaray -the most important intellectual of that time- defended Ribera, Melquiades Álvarez –the future president of the Congress- was his lawyer, and General Marvá -who represented the important role of the military engineers in the introduction of reinforced concrete in our country-, led the Commission that was put in charge by the judge of the root cause analysis. In addition, the matter caught the interest of renowned foreigners like Dr. von Emperger or Hennebique and their opinions had a great influence. Nonetheless, this structural failure is unknown to most of today’s engineers. However, what is most surprising are the different causes that were claimed to lie at the root of the disaster: material defects, construction flaws, errors in the design, load tests performed after the structure was finished, etc. The final cause that was put forth during the trial and in the following reports was attributed to the dilatation of the roof due to the high temperatures that spring, albeit the collapse occurred at 7 AM... Based on this information the structural behaviour of the roof has been analysed, which allowed identifying the causes that could have provoked the initial failure and those that could have led to the global collapse. Lessons have been learned from these results, which points out the relevance of history -and in particular, of examples gone wrong- for the continuous education that should exist in engineering. In the case of the 3th Reservoir some of these lessons are still relevant during the present time, like the importance of detailing in "robustness", the design of "integral" structures or the due consideration of construction methods. Finally, the investigation has revived, once again, the figure of D. José Eugenio Ribera, whose role in the introduction of reinforced concrete in Spain was crucial. With the construction of the 3th Reservoir he took too much risk and caused a disaster that accelerated the transition to a new era in structural concrete based on greater scientific knowledge and the first codes. In this new period he would also play a major role.