43 resultados para DAMS, BARRAGES


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Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-ofthe-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the damsâ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated nonisotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an arch-gravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling efforts


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Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-of-the-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the damsâ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated non-isotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an archgravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling efforts


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Several chemical reactions are able to produce swelling of concrete for decades after its initial curing, a problem that affects a considerable number of concrete dams around the world. Principia has had several contracts to study this problem in recent years, which have required reviewing the state-ofthe-art, adopting appropriate mathematical descriptions, programming them into user routines in Abaqus, determining model parameters on the basis of some parts of the damsâ monitored histories, ensuring reliability using some other parts, and finally predicting the future evolution of the dams and their safety margins. The paper describes some of the above experience, including the programming of sophisticated nonisotropic swelling models, that must be compatible with cracking and other nonlinearities involved in concrete behaviour. The applications concentrate on two specific cases, an arch-gravity dam and a double-curvature arch dam, both with a long history of concrete swelling and which, interestingly, entailed different degrees of success in the modelling efforts.


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The paper presents analytical methods and results for assessing the variation in the concentration of sulphate (and other ions) over space and time in groundwater flowing through a soluble evaporite terrain beneath a dam. The influence of effective porosity, groundwater flow velocity and the specific rate of dissolution (Kâ²) are considered. The theoretical analysis was tested in a scale model simulating a dam constructed on heavily karstified bedrock. A simple and useful method for assessing how much material is lost through dissolution and how the rate of dissolution changes over time is considered in the context of the Caspe Dam, Spain.


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This study characterises the abatement effect of large dams with fixed-crest spillways under extreme design flood conditions. In contrast to previous studies using specific hydrographs for flow into the reservoir and simplifications to obtain analytical solutions, an automated tool was designed for calculations based on a Monte Carlo simulation environment, which integrates models that represent the different physical processes in watersheds with areas of 150?2000 km2. The tool was applied to 21 sites that were uniformly distributed throughout continental Spain, with 105 fixed-crest dam configurations. This tool allowed a set of hydrographs to be obtained as an approximation for the hydrological forcing of a dam and the characterisation of the response of the dam to this forcing. For all cases studied, we obtained a strong linear correlation between the peak flow entering the reservoir and the peak flow discharged by the dam, and a simple general procedure was proposed to characterise the peak-flow attenuation behaviour of the reservoir. Additionally, two dimensionless coefficients were defined to relate the variables governing both the generation of the flood and its abatement in the reservoir. Using these coefficients, a model was defined to allow for the estimation of the flood abatement effect of a reservoir based on the available information. This model should be useful in the hydrological design of spillways and the evaluation of the hydrological safety of dams. Finally, the proposed procedure and model were evaluated and representative applications were presented


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The General Reporter presents the papers from the Authors, along with some personal contributions on the subjects discussed. Embankments are classified by their use. Different kinds of slope failure and remedial measures are dealt with, as well as investigations for material characterisation and selection.


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This paper aims to present and validate a numerical technique for the simulation of the overtopping and onset of failure in rockfill dams due to mass sliding. This goal is achieved by coupling a fluid dynamic model for the simulation of the free surface and through-flow problems, with a numerical technique for the calculation of the rockfill response and deformation. Both the flow within the dam body and in its surroundings are taken into account. An extensive validation of the resulting computational method is performed by solving several failure problems on physical models of rockfill dams for which experimental results have been obtained by the authors.


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The spanish seismic norm has a direct application in building construction but it recomends specific studies in the case of important public works such us large dams or bridges. For this reason, and to establish specifical criteria in its field of activity, the Dirección General de Obras Hidráulicas of the spanish Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo commissioned us a seismotectonical and seismic risk study applicable to Spain, materialized on a series of maps of inmediate and direct use. In this paper we explain the methodology pursued to obtain these maps. It has required, firstly, investigations with the aim to improve the seismic information corresponding to the historical or preinstrumental period, that allowed more precise cuantifications. Secondly, these data have been processed by probabilistic methods, using de intensity as foundamental parameter. The corresponding maps have been developed. Finally, other maps of seismic accelerations have been compiled. La normative sismorresistent espagnole á une application directe dans 1'edification, mais elle recommend la realitation des etudes especifiques dans le cas des travaux publics importants telles que ponts ou barrages. Pour cette raison et pour etablir des criteres especifiques dans son camp dáctivité, la Direccion General de Obras Hidraulicas du Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Urbanismo espagnol a commande un etude sismotectonique et de risque sismique applicable a l'Espagne, materialise en une serie de cartes de utilization directe et inmediate. Dans cette communication on explique la methodologie a suivre pour la realization de cettes cartes. Celá a fait necessaire, d'abord, des recherches pour amelliorer l'information concernant le periode historique ou preinstrumental, ce qui permet des cuantifications plus precises. En second lieu ces faits ont ête traités avec des methodes probabilistes, employant l'intensité come parametre fondamental. En consequence nous avons developpe des cartes d'intensite et d'acceleration sismique.


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In this paper, a set of design parameters, such as the slopes of upstream and downstream faces of the dam, radius of the upper arch, width of the dam at the top level and height of the vertical upper part of the dam, are given as function of the valley characteristics when the dam is situated, such as its geometry and its geotechnical properties. These tables have been obtained using a regression of the design parameters of an arch-gravity dam with a minimum concrete volume, placed in a large number of valleys with different characteristics and properties. Elasticites for these design parameters are also discussed.


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One of the main concerns when conducting a dam test is the acute determination of the hydrograph for a specific flood event. The use of 2D direct rainfall hydraulic mathematical models on a finite elements mesh, combined with the efficiency of vector calculus that provides CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) technology, enables nowadays the simulation of complex hydrological models without the need for terrain subbasin and transit splitting (as in HEC-HMS). Both the Spanish PNOA (National Plan of Aereal Orthophotography) Digital Terrain Model GRID with a 5 x 5 m accuracy and the CORINE GIS Land Cover (Coordination of INformation of the Environment) that allows assessment of the ground roughness, provide enough data to easily build these kind of models


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In this paper, the main steps necessary to evaluate the seismic risk on a site are discussed. Several examples from the authors practical experience are reported and a systematic procedure to study the seismic risk on a dam site is also shown. The characteristics of the available Spanish seismic information - mainly historical and non instrumental seismic records - are commented. Different types of seismic and geologic techniques to investigate the area under the dam are given. Finally, a probabilistic method to obtain from the given seismic intensities the design earthquake is summarized


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The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibration


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The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibration


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Este proyecto nace de la necesidad de automatizar el estudio de sistemas hidráulicos y de control de roturas en presas. Para realizar el estudio de sistemas hidráulicos se usarán un número indeterminado de sensores de nivel, presión y caudal. El número de sensores que se pueden utilizar viene determinado por el material disponible. Estos sensores se conectarán a unas tarjetas de National Instruments modelo NI 9208 y éstas a su vez a un chasis modelo CompactDAQ NI-9174 con cuatro ranuras. Conectando este chasis al ordenador podremos obtener los datos provenientes de los sensores. También se podrá controlar una válvula para determinar la cantidad de agua que fluye en nuestro experimento. Está válvula está conectada a una tarjeta NI-9264 que se conectará al chasis en su última posición Para detectar y estudiar posibles roturas en presas se dispone de un motor y un láser con los cuales se puede barrer la superficie de una presa y obtener una imagen en tres dimensiones de la misma procesando los datos provenientes del laser. Para recoger los datos de los sensores y controlar una válvula se ha desarrollado una aplicación utilizando LabVIEW, un programa creado por National Instruments. Para poder controlar el motor y el láser se parte de una aplicación que ya estaba realizada en LabVIEW. El objetivo ha sido detectar y corregir una serie de errores en la misma. Dentro del proyecto, además de la explicación detallada de la aplicación para los sensores y la válvula, y las pruebas realizadas para detectar y corregir los errores de la aplicación del láser y el motor, existe: una breve introducción a la programación en LabVIEW, la descripción de los pasos realizados para el conexionado de los sensores con las tarjetas, los manuales de usuario de las aplicaciones y la descripción de los equipos utilizados. This project stars from the need to automate the study of hydraulic systems and control dam breaks. For the study of hydraulic systems it will be used an unspecified number of level, pressure and flow sensors. The number of sensors that can be used is determined by the available material. These sensors are connected to a NI 9208 National Instruments target and these cards to a NI-9174 CompactDAQ chassis with four slots. Connecting the chassis to a computer we will obtain data from the sensors. We also can control a valve to determine the amount of water flowing in our experiment. This valve is connected to a NI-9264 card and this card to the last position of the chassis. To detect and study dams breakage it used a motor and a laser. With these two devices we can scan the surface of a dam and obtain a three-dimensional image processing data from the laser. To collect data from the sensors and control the valve it has developed an application using LabVIEW, a program created by National Instruments. To control the motor and the laser it is used an application that was already created using LabVIEW. The aim of this part has been detect and correct a number of errors in this application. Within the project, in addition to the detailed explanation of the application for sensors and valve, and tests to detect and correct errors in the application of lasers and the motor, there is: a brief introduction to programming in LabVIEW, the description of the steps taken for connecting the sensors with cards, user manuals and application description of the equipment used.


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El objetivo de la presente tesis se enmarca dentro del estudio del estado de hormigones de presas, desarrollado en los últimos años en el Laboratorio Central del CEDEX, en el que se ratifica que una de las causas más importantes del deterioro de obras hidráulicas en España es la reacción álcali-sílice. La tesis que se presenta pretende contribuir al mejor conocimiento de la reacción álcali sílice con fines normativos preventivos, abordando los aspectos relativos a la identificación de áridos reactivos en el hormigón. El conocimiento de los áridos reactivos en España (origen de la reactividad, tipos de reacción y su comportamiento, así como las herramientas disponibles para su detección) es imprescindible para evitar la futura aparición de esta patología en nuevas estructuras, ya sea evitando el uso de áridos reactivos o tomando las medidas preventivas necesarias si su utilización es inevitable. A partir del Estudio Bibliográfico realizado se han detectado diversas lagunas en la identificación y caracterización de áridos de reacción rápida, cuya característica principal es que son reactivos con concentraciones muy bajas de diferentes componentes reactivos. Para resolver las lagunas identificadas se ha planeado un estudio experimental, consistente en el análisis de áridos cuya reactividad es conocida porque han sido empleados en obras afectadas por la reacción álcali sílice. Sobre el árido grueso extraído de estas estructuras se han realizado una serie de ensayos normalizados (estudio petrográfico, ensayo acelerado de probetas de mortero, ensayo Gel Pat y ensayos químicos). El análisis de los resultados experimentales ha permitido conocer las limitaciones reales en áridos reactivos españoles de las diferentes técnicas existentes, tratando de minimizarlas para áridos cuya reactividad es debida a componentes minoritarios (áridos de reacción rápida). Además, se ha evaluado la utilización de la difracción de rayos X (no normalizada) y la creación de un nuevo ensayo (Gel Pat Modificado). Finalmente, el estudio experimental ha permitido fijar una metodología de ensayo para el estudio de áridos reactivos por su contenido en componentes minoritarios (áridos de reacción rápida). The objective of this Thesis fits into the research program developed in CEDEX the last years and focused on the durability of concrete in Dams. This research work confirms that one of the main problems related to the deterioration of hydraulic structures is the alkali silica reaction. This Thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of alkali-silica reaction, for preventive regulation purposes, considering the aspects related to the identification of reactive aggregates. The knowledge of Spanish reactive aggregates (origin of the reactivity, types of reaction and their behavior, and the tools available to detect and describe them) is essential to avoid the appearance of this pathology in new structures, either not using the reactive aggregate or taking the necessary preventive measures available in bibliography if the use of the reactive aggregate is inevitable. From the State-of âthe-Art developed, several gaps have been detected in the detection and description of rapid reactive aggregates, which main characteristic if that they are reactive with low content of some reactive components. An experimental programme has been designed to solve these gaps, consisting on studying the reactivity of aggregates used in Spanish structures affected by the alkali silica reaction. Several Standard Tests have been carried out on coarse aggregates removed from the affected structures (Petrographic description, Accelerated Mortar Bar Test, Gel Pat Test and Chemical Tests). The analysis of the results obtained in Spanish reactive aggregates allows to know the advantages and limitations of each test, trying to minimize the disadvantages to detect Spanish reactive aggregates because of the minority content of rapid reactive components (rapid reactive aggregates). Moreover, X ray diffraction (not standardized) has been tested to detect rapid reactive aggregates and also a new test has been developed for the same purpose (Optimized Gel Pat Test). Finally, the experimental programme has made possible to define a methodology for detection of Spanish rapid reactive aggregates.