17 resultados para C-MEANS


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Salamanca has been considered among the most polluted cities in Mexico. The vehicular park, the industry and the emissions produced by agriculture, as well as orography and climatic characteristics have propitiated the increment in pollutant concentration of Particulate Matter less than 10 μg/m3 in diameter (PM10). In this work, a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network has been used to make the prediction of an hour ahead of pollutant concentration. A database used to train the Neural Network corresponds to historical time series of meteorological variables (wind speed, wind direction, temperature and relative humidity) and air pollutant concentrations of PM10. Before the prediction, Fuzzy c-Means clustering algorithm have been implemented in order to find relationship among pollutant and meteorological variables. These relationship help us to get additional information that will be used for predicting. Our experiments with the proposed system show the importance of this set of meteorological variables on the prediction of PM10 pollutant concentrations and the neural network efficiency. The performance estimation is determined using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The results shown that the information obtained in the clustering step allows a prediction of an hour ahead, with data from past 2 hours


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Salamanca, situated in center of Mexico is among the cities which suffer most from the air pollution in Mexico. The vehicular park and the industry, as well as orography and climatic characteristics have propitiated the increment in pollutant concentration of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2). In this work, a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network has been used to make the prediction of an hour ahead of pollutant concentration. A database used to train the Neural Network corresponds to historical time series of meteorological variables and air pollutant concentrations of SO2. Before the prediction, Fuzzy c-Means and K-means clustering algorithms have been implemented in order to find relationship among pollutant and meteorological variables. Our experiments with the proposed system show the importance of this set of meteorological variables on the prediction of SO2 pollutant concentrations and the neural network efficiency. The performance estimation is determined using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The results showed that the information obtained in the clustering step allows a prediction of an hour ahead, with data from past 2 hours.


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Abstract Air pollution is a big threat and a phenomenon that has a specific impact on human health, in addition, changes that occur in the chemical composition of the atmosphere can change the weather and cause acid rain or ozone destruction. Those are phenomena of global importance. The World Health Organization (WHO) considerates air pollution as one of the most important global priorities. Salamanca, Gto., Mexico has been ranked as one of the most polluted cities in this country. The industry of the area led to a major economic development and rapid population growth in the second half of the twentieth century. The impact in the air quality is important and significant efforts have been made to measure the concentrations of pollutants. The main pollution sources are locally based plants in the chemical and power generation sectors. The registered concerning pollutants are Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and particles on the order of ∼10 micrometers or less (PM10). The prediction in the concentration of those pollutants can be a powerful tool in order to take preventive measures such as the reduction of emissions and alerting the affected population. In this PhD thesis we propose a model to predict concentrations of pollutants SO2 and PM10 for each monitoring booth in the Atmospheric Monitoring Network Salamanca (REDMAS - for its spanish acronym). The proposed models consider the use of meteorological variables as factors influencing the concentration of pollutants. The information used along this work is the current real data from REDMAS. In the proposed model, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) combined with clustering algorithms are used. The type of ANN used is the Multilayer Perceptron with a hidden layer, using separate structures for the prediction of each pollutant. The meteorological variables used for prediction were: Wind Direction (WD), wind speed (WS), Temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH). Clustering algorithms, K-means and Fuzzy C-means, are used to find relationships between air pollutants and weather variables under consideration, which are added as input of the RNA. Those relationships provide information to the ANN in order to obtain the prediction of the pollutants. The results of the model proposed in this work are compared with the results of a multivariate linear regression and multilayer perceptron neural network. The evaluation of the prediction is calculated with the mean absolute error, the root mean square error, the correlation coefficient and the index of agreement. The results show the importance of meteorological variables in the prediction of the concentration of the pollutants SO2 and PM10 in the city of Salamanca, Gto., Mexico. The results show that the proposed model perform better than multivariate linear regression and multilayer perceptron neural network. The models implemented for each monitoring booth have the ability to make predictions of air quality that can be used in a system of real-time forecasting and human health impact analysis. Among the main results of the development of this thesis we can cite: A model based on artificial neural network combined with clustering algorithms for prediction with a hour ahead of the concentration of each pollutant (SO2 and PM10) is proposed. A different model was designed for each pollutant and for each of the three monitoring booths of the REDMAS. A model to predict the average of pollutant concentration in the next 24 hours of pollutants SO2 and PM10 is proposed, based on artificial neural network combined with clustering algorithms. Model was designed for each booth of the REDMAS and each pollutant separately. Resumen La contaminación atmosférica es una amenaza aguda, constituye un fenómeno que tiene particular incidencia sobre la salud del hombre. Los cambios que se producen en la composición química de la atmósfera pueden cambiar el clima, producir lluvia ácida o destruir el ozono, fenómenos todos ellos de una gran importancia global. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) considera la contaminación atmosférica como una de las más importantes prioridades mundiales. Salamanca, Gto., México; ha sido catalogada como una de las ciudades más contaminadas en este país. La industria de la zona propició un importante desarrollo económico y un crecimiento acelerado de la población en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Las afectaciones en el aire son graves y se han hecho importantes esfuerzos por medir las concentraciones de los contaminantes. Las principales fuentes de contaminación son fuentes fijas como industrias químicas y de generación eléctrica. Los contaminantes que se han registrado como preocupantes son el Bióxido de Azufre (SO2) y las Partículas Menores a 10 micrómetros (PM10). La predicción de las concentraciones de estos contaminantes puede ser una potente herramienta que permita tomar medidas preventivas como reducción de emisiones a la atmósfera y alertar a la población afectada. En la presente tesis doctoral se propone un modelo de predicción de concentraci ón de los contaminantes más críticos SO2 y PM10 para cada caseta de monitorización de la Red de Monitorización Atmosférica de Salamanca (REDMAS). Los modelos propuestos plantean el uso de las variables meteorol ógicas como factores que influyen en la concentración de los contaminantes. La información utilizada durante el desarrollo de este trabajo corresponde a datos reales obtenidos de la REDMAS. En el Modelo Propuesto (MP) se aplican Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) combinadas con algoritmos de agrupamiento. La RNA utilizada es el Perceptrón Multicapa con una capa oculta, utilizando estructuras independientes para la predicción de cada contaminante. Las variables meteorológicas disponibles para realizar la predicción fueron: Dirección de Viento (DV), Velocidad de Viento (VV), Temperatura (T) y Humedad Relativa (HR). Los algoritmos de agrupamiento K-means y Fuzzy C-means son utilizados para encontrar relaciones existentes entre los contaminantes atmosféricos en estudio y las variables meteorológicas. Dichas relaciones aportan información a las RNA para obtener la predicción de los contaminantes, la cual es agregada como entrada de las RNA. Los resultados del modelo propuesto en este trabajo son comparados con los resultados de una Regresión Lineal Multivariable (RLM) y un Perceptrón Multicapa (MLP). La evaluación de la predicción se realiza con el Error Medio Absoluto, la Raíz del Error Cuadrático Medio, el coeficiente de correlación y el índice de acuerdo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la importancia de las variables meteorológicas en la predicción de la concentración de los contaminantes SO2 y PM10 en la ciudad de Salamanca, Gto., México. Los resultados muestran que el MP predice mejor la concentración de los contaminantes SO2 y PM10 que los modelos RLM y MLP. Los modelos implementados para cada caseta de monitorizaci ón tienen la capacidad para realizar predicciones de calidad del aire, estos modelos pueden ser implementados en un sistema que permita realizar la predicción en tiempo real y analizar el impacto en la salud de la población. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos del desarrollo de esta tesis podemos citar: Se propone un modelo basado en una red neuronal artificial combinado con algoritmos de agrupamiento para la predicción con una hora de anticipaci ón de la concentración de cada contaminante (SO2 y PM10). Se diseñó un modelo diferente para cada contaminante y para cada una de las tres casetas de monitorización de la REDMAS. Se propone un modelo de predicción del promedio de la concentración de las próximas 24 horas de los contaminantes SO2 y PM10, basado en una red neuronal artificial combinado con algoritmos de agrupamiento. Se diseñó un modelo para cada caseta de monitorización de la REDMAS y para cada contaminante por separado.


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A new method for detecting microcalcifications in regions of interest (ROIs) extracted from digitized mammograms is proposed. The top-hat transform is a technique based on mathematical morphology operations and, in this paper, is used to perform contrast enhancement of the mi-crocalcifications. To improve microcalcification detection, a novel image sub-segmentation approach based on the possibilistic fuzzy c-means algorithm is used. From the original ROIs, window-based features, such as the mean and standard deviation, were extracted; these features were used as an input vector in a classifier. The classifier is based on an artificial neural network to identify patterns belonging to microcalcifications and healthy tissue. Our results show that the proposed method is a good alternative for automatically detecting microcalcifications, because this stage is an important part of early breast cancer detection


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Industrial applications of computer vision sometimes require detection of atypical objects that occur as small groups of pixels in digital images. These objects are difficult to single out because they are small and randomly distributed. In this work we propose an image segmentation method using the novel Ant System-based Clustering Algorithm (ASCA). ASCA models the foraging behaviour of ants, which move through the data space searching for high data-density regions, and leave pheromone trails on their path. The pheromone map is used to identify the exact number of clusters, and assign the pixels to these clusters using the pheromone gradient. We applied ASCA to detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms and compared its performance with state-of-the-art clustering algorithms such as 1D Self-Organizing Map, k-Means, Fuzzy c-Means and Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means. The main advantage of ASCA is that the number of clusters needs not to be known a priori. The experimental results show that ASCA is more efficient than the other algorithms in detecting small clusters of atypical data.


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The image by Computed Tomography is a non-invasive alternative for observing soil structures, mainly pore space. The pore space correspond in soil data to empty or free space in the sense that no material is present there but only fluids, the fluid transport depend of pore spaces in soil, for this reason is important identify the regions that correspond to pore zones. In this paper we present a methodology in order to detect pore space and solid soil based on the synergy of the image processing, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. The mathematical morphology is an image processing technique used for the purpose of image enhancement. In order to find pixels groups with a similar gray level intensity, or more or less homogeneous groups, a novel image sub-segmentation based on a Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means (PFCM) clustering algorithm was used. The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are very efficient for demanding large scale and generic pattern recognition applications for this reason finally a classifier based on artificial neural network is applied in order to classify soil images in two classes, pore space and solid soil respectively.


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This work presents a method to detect Microcalcifications in Regions of Interest from digitized mammograms. The method is based mainly on the combination of Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. The Top-Hat transform is a technique based on mathematical morphology operations that, in this work is used to perform contrast enhancement of microcalcifications in the region of interest. In order to find more or less homogeneous regions in the image, we apply a novel image sub-segmentation technique based on Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means clustering algorithm. From the original region of interest we extract two window-based features, Mean and Deviation Standard, which will be used in a classifier based on a Artificial Neural Network in order to identify microcalcifications. Our results show that the proposed method is a good alternative in the stage of microcalcifications detection, because this stage is an important part of the early Breast Cancer detection


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In this work we propose an image acquisition and processing methodology (framework) developed for performance in-field grapes and leaves detection and quantification, based on a six step methodology: 1) image segmentation through Fuzzy C-Means with Gustafson Kessel (FCM-GK) clustering; 2) obtaining of FCM-GK outputs (centroids) for acting as seeding for K-Means clustering; 3) Identification of the clusters generated by K-Means using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. 4) Performance of morphological operations over the grapes and leaves clusters in order to fill holes and to eliminate small pixels clusters; 5)Creation of a mosaic image by Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) in order to avoid overlapping between images; 6) Calculation of the areas of leaves and grapes and finding of the centroids in the grape bunches. Image data are collected using a colour camera fixed to a mobile platform. This platform was developed to give a stabilized surface to guarantee that the images were acquired parallel to de vineyard rows. In this way, the platform avoids the distortion of the images that lead to poor estimation of the areas. Our preliminary results are promissory, although they still have shown that it is necessary to implement a camera stabilization system to avoid undesired camera movements, and also a parallel processing procedure in order to speed up the mosaicking process.


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Este trabajo esta orientado a resolver el problema de la caracterización de la copa de arboles frutales para la aplicacion localizada de fitosanitarios. Esta propuesta utiliza un mapa de profundidad (Depth image) y una imagen RGB combinadas (RGB-D), proporcionados por el sensor Kinect de Microsoft, para aplicar pesticidas de forma localizada. A través del mapa de profundidad se puede estimar la densidad de la copa y a partir de esta información determinar qué boquillas se deben abrir en cada momento. Se desarrollaron algoritmos implementados en Matlab que permiten además de la adquisición de las imágenes RGB-D, aplicar plaguicidas sólo a hojas y/o frutos según se desee. Estos algoritmos fueron implementados en un software que se comunica con el entorno de desarrollo "Kinect Windows SDK", encargado de extraer las imágenes desde el sensor Kinect. Por otra parte, para identificar hojas, se implementaron algoritmos de clasificación e identificación. Los algoritmos de clasificación utilizados fueron "Fuzzy C-Means con Gustafson Kessel" (FCM-GK) y "K-Means". Los centroides o prototipos de cada clase generados por FCM-GK fueron usados como semilla para K-Means, para acelerar la convergencia del algoritmo y mantener la coherencia temporal en los grupos generados por K-Means. Los algoritmos de clasificación fueron aplicados sobre las imágenes transformadas al espacio de color L*a*b*; específicamente se emplearon los canales a*, b* (canales cromáticos) con el fin de reducir el efecto de la luz sobre los colores. Los algoritmos de clasificación fueron configurados para buscar cuatro grupos: hojas, porosidad, frutas y tronco. Una vez que el clasificador genera los prototipos de los grupos, un clasificador denominado Máquina de Soporte Vectorial, que utiliza como núcleo una función Gaussiana base radial, identifica la clase de interés (hojas). La combinación de estos algoritmos ha mostrado bajos errores de clasificación, rendimiento del 4% de error en la identificación de hojas. Además, estos algoritmos de procesamiento de hasta 8.4 imágenes por segundo, lo que permite su aplicación en tiempo real. Los resultados demuestran la viabilidad de utilizar el sensor "Kinect" para determinar dónde y cuándo aplicar pesticidas. Por otra parte, también muestran que existen limitaciones en su uso, impuesta por las condiciones de luz. En otras palabras, es posible usar "Kinect" en exteriores, pero durante días nublados, temprano en la mañana o en la noche con iluminación artificial, o añadiendo un parasol en condiciones de luz intensa.


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A nivel mundial, el cáncer de mama es el tipo de cáncer más frecuente además de una de las principales causas de muerte entre la población femenina. Actualmente, el método más eficaz para detectar lesiones mamarias en una etapa temprana es la mamografía. Ésta contribuye decisivamente al diagnóstico precoz de esta enfermedad que, si se detecta a tiempo, tiene una probabilidad de curación muy alta. Uno de los principales y más frecuentes hallazgos en una mamografía, son las microcalcificaciones, las cuales son consideradas como un indicador importante de cáncer de mama. En el momento de analizar las mamografías, factores como la capacidad de visualización, la fatiga o la experiencia profesional del especialista radiólogo hacen que el riesgo de omitir ciertas lesiones presentes se vea incrementado. Para disminuir dicho riesgo es importante contar con diferentes alternativas como por ejemplo, una segunda opinión por otro especialista o un doble análisis por el mismo. En la primera opción se eleva el coste y en ambas se prolonga el tiempo del diagnóstico. Esto supone una gran motivación para el desarrollo de sistemas de apoyo o asistencia en la toma de decisiones. En este trabajo de tesis se propone, se desarrolla y se justifica un sistema capaz de detectar microcalcificaciones en regiones de interés extraídas de mamografías digitalizadas, para contribuir a la detección temprana del cáncer demama. Dicho sistema estará basado en técnicas de procesamiento de imagen digital, de reconocimiento de patrones y de inteligencia artificial. Para su desarrollo, se tienen en cuenta las siguientes consideraciones: 1. Con el objetivo de entrenar y probar el sistema propuesto, se creará una base de datos de imágenes, las cuales pertenecen a regiones de interés extraídas de mamografías digitalizadas. 2. Se propone la aplicación de la transformada Top-Hat, una técnica de procesamiento digital de imagen basada en operaciones de morfología matemática. La finalidad de aplicar esta técnica es la de mejorar el contraste entre las microcalcificaciones y el tejido presente en la imagen. 3. Se propone un algoritmo novel llamado sub-segmentación, el cual está basado en técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones aplicando un algoritmo de agrupamiento no supervisado, el PFCM (Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means). El objetivo es encontrar las regiones correspondientes a las microcalcificaciones y diferenciarlas del tejido sano. Además, con la finalidad de mostrar las ventajas y desventajas del algoritmo propuesto, éste es comparado con dos algoritmos del mismo tipo: el k-means y el FCM (Fuzzy c-Means). Por otro lado, es importante destacar que en este trabajo por primera vez la sub-segmentación es utilizada para detectar regiones pertenecientes a microcalcificaciones en imágenes de mamografía. 4. Finalmente, se propone el uso de un clasificador basado en una red neuronal artificial, específicamente un MLP (Multi-layer Perceptron). El propósito del clasificador es discriminar de manera binaria los patrones creados a partir de la intensidad de niveles de gris de la imagen original. Dicha clasificación distingue entre microcalcificación y tejido sano. ABSTRACT Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of women mortality in the world and its early detection continues being a key piece to improve the prognosis and survival. Currently, the most reliable and practical method for early detection of breast cancer is mammography.The presence of microcalcifications has been considered as a very important indicator ofmalignant types of breast cancer and its detection and classification are important to prevent and treat the disease. However, the detection and classification of microcalcifications continue being a hard work due to that, in mammograms there is a poor contrast between microcalcifications and the tissue around them. Factors such as visualization, tiredness or insufficient experience of the specialist increase the risk of omit some present lesions. To reduce this risk, is important to have alternatives such as a second opinion or a double analysis for the same specialist. In the first option, the cost increases and diagnosis time also increases for both of them. This is the reason why there is a great motivation for development of help systems or assistance in the decision making process. This work presents, develops and justifies a system for the detection of microcalcifications in regions of interest extracted fromdigitizedmammographies to contribute to the early detection of breast cancer. This systemis based on image processing techniques, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. For system development the following features are considered: With the aim of training and testing the system, an images database is created, belonging to a region of interest extracted from digitized mammograms. The application of the top-hat transformis proposed. This image processing technique is based on mathematical morphology operations. The aim of this technique is to improve the contrast betweenmicrocalcifications and tissue present in the image. A novel algorithm called sub-segmentation is proposed. The sub-segmentation is based on pattern recognition techniques applying a non-supervised clustering algorithm known as Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means (PFCM). The aim is to find regions corresponding to the microcalcifications and distinguish them from the healthy tissue. Furthermore,with the aim of showing themain advantages and disadvantages this is compared with two algorithms of same type: the k-means and the fuzzy c-means (FCM). On the other hand, it is important to highlight in this work for the first time the sub-segmentation is used for microcalcifications detection. Finally, a classifier based on an artificial neural network such as Multi-layer Perceptron is used. The purpose of this classifier is to discriminate froma binary perspective the patterns built from gray level intensity of the original image. This classification distinguishes between microcalcifications and healthy tissue.


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Recent advances in non-destructive imaging techniques, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), make it possible to analyse pore space features from the direct visualisation from soil structures. A quantitative characterisation of the three-dimensional solid-pore architecture is important to understand soil mechanics, as they relate to the control of biological, chemical, and physical processes across scales. This analysis technique therefore offers an opportunity to better interpret soil strata, as new and relevant information can be obtained. In this work, we propose an approach to automatically identify the pore structure of a set of 200-2D images that represent slices of an original 3D CT image of a soil sample, which can be accomplished through non-linear enhancement of the pixel grey levels and an image segmentation based on a PFCM (Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Means) algorithm. Once the solids and pore spaces have been identified, the set of 200-2D images is then used to reconstruct an approximation of the soil sample by projecting only the pore spaces. This reconstruction shows the structure of the soil and its pores, which become more bounded, less bounded, or unbounded with changes in depth. If the soil sample image quality is sufficiently favourable in terms of contrast, noise and sharpness, the pore identification is less complicated, and the PFCM clustering algorithm can be used without additional processing; otherwise, images require pre-processing before using this algorithm. Promising results were obtained with four soil samples, the first of which was used to show the algorithm validity and the additional three were used to demonstrate the robustness of our proposal. The methodology we present here can better detect the solid soil and pore spaces on CT images, enabling the generation of better 2D?3D representations of pore structures from segmented 2D images.


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When an automobile passes over a bridge dynamic effects are produced in vehicle and structure. In addition, the bridge itself moves when exposed to the wind inducing dynamic effects on the vehicle that have to be considered. The main objective of this work is to understand the influence of the different parameters concerning the vehicle, the bridge, the road roughness or the wind in the comfort and safety of the vehicles when crossing bridges. Non linear finite element models are used for structures and multibody dynamic models are employed for vehicles. The interaction between the vehicle and the bridge is considered by contact methods. Road roughness is described by the power spectral density (PSD) proposed by the ISO 8608. To consider that the profiles under right and left wheels are different but not independent, the hypotheses of homogeneity and isotropy are assumed. To generate the wind velocity history along the road the Sandia method is employed. The global problem is solved by means of the finite element method. First the methodology for modelling the interaction is verified in a benchmark. Following, the case of a vehicle running along a rigid road and subjected to the action of the turbulent wind is analyzed and the road roughness is incorporated in a following step. Finally the flexibility of the bridge is added to the model by making the vehicle run over the structure. The application of this methodology will allow to understand the influence of the different parameters in the comfort and safety of road vehicles crossing wind exposed bridges. Those results will help to recommend measures to make the traffic over bridges more reliable without affecting the structural integrity of the viaduct


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A methodology is presented to measure the fiber/matrix interface shear strength in composites. The strategy is based on performing a fiber push-in test at the central fiber of highly-packed fiber clusters with hexagonal symmetry which are often found in unidirectional composites with a high volume fraction of fibers. The mechanics of this test was analyzed in detail by means of three-dimensional finite element simulations. In particular, the influence of different parameters (interface shear strength, toughness and friction as well as fiber longitudinal elastic modulus and curing stresses) on the critical load at the onset of debonding was established. From the results of the numerical simulations, a simple relationship between the critical load and the interface shear strength is proposed. The methodology was validated in an unidirectional C/epoxy composite and the advantages and limitations of the proposed methodology are indicated.


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This research focused on the evaluation of damage formation on ±45º carbon fiber laminates subjected to tensile tests. The damage was evaluated by means of X-ray tomography. A high density of cracks developed during the plateau of the stress-strain curve and were qualitatively analyzed, showing that the inner plies eventually developed a higher crack concentration than the outer plies. Delamination started to occur in the outermost ply interface when the slope after the plateau of the stress-strain curve began to increase.


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Mealiness is a negative attribute of sensory texture, characterised by the lack of juiciness without variation of total water content in the tissues. In peaches, mealiness is also known as "woolliness" and "leatheriness". This internal disorder is characterised by the lack of juiciness and flavour. In peaches, it is associated with interna browning near the stone and the incapacity of ripening although there is externa ripe appearance. Woolliness is associated with inadequate cold storage and is considered as a physiological disorder that appears in stone fruits when an unbalanced pectolitic enzyme activity during storage occurs (Kailasapathy and Melton, 1992). Many attempts have been carried out to identify and measure mealiness and woolliness in fruits. The texture of a food product is composed by a wide spectrum of sensory attributes. Consumer defines the texture integrating simultaneously all the sensory attributes. However, an instrument assesses one or several parameters related to a fraction of the texture spectrum (Kramer, 1973). The complexity of sensory analysis by means of trained panels to assess the quality of some producing processes, supports the attempt to estimate texture characteristics by instrumental means. Some studies have been carried out comparing sensory and instrumental methods to assess mealiness and woolliness. The current study is centered on analysis and evaluation of woolliness in peaches and is part of the European project FAIR CT95 0302 "Mealiness in fruits: consumer perception and means for detection". The main objective of this study was to develop procedures to detect woolly peaches by sensory and by instrumental means, as well as to compare both measuring procedures.