31 resultados para Architectural conception


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Le projet à développer c’était la conception d’un éco-quartier dans une zone actuellement couverte par des voies ferrées à Paris Rive Gauche. C’était un travail complètement nouveau pour moi. Je n’avais bien sûr jamais élaboré un plan de masse par exemple. Mais le travail d’ingénierie que nous avons rendu était également : il s’agissait de prendre des ordres de grandeur de dépenses énergétiques, et non d’en étudier chaque caractéristique précisément. Ainsi, à partir d’un site très contraint – problèmes de pente, de proximité du périphérique pour ne citer que ces aspects -, nous avons donc entièrement conçu un éco-quartier avec son plan de masse, ses ambiances de rez-de-chaussée, mais aussi ses solutions techniques pour satisfaire les critères HQE. Nos maîtres mots étaient mixité, écologie, création de lieux de vie, et respect du lieu et de son histoire. Pour réaliser un tel projet, nous avons donc aiguisé notre regard sur la ville, nous nous sommes promenés dans divers quartiers parisiens, rendus à des colloques d’urbanistes, et les conseils avisés de Mr Gilles de Montmarin et Mr Jean Jacques Obriot furent très fructueux, nous tenons ici à les en remercier. Voici donc le fruit de notre travail d’un an, nous présentons d’abord le projet dans sa globalité, puis nos réalisations lors du premier et du deuxième semestre.


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Software architectural evaluation is a key discipline used to identify, at early stages of a real-time system (RTS) development, the problems that may arise during its operation. Typical mechanisms supporting concurrency, such as semaphores, mutexes or monitors, usually lead to concurrency problems in execution time that are difficult to be identified, reproduced and solved. For this reason, it is crucial to understand the root causes of these problems and to provide support to identify and mitigate them at early stages of the system lifecycle. This paper aims to present the results of a research work oriented to the development of the tool called ‘Deadlock Risk Evaluation of Architectural Models’ (DREAM) to assess deadlock risk in architectural models of an RTS. A particular architectural style, Pipelines of Processes in Object-Oriented Architectures–UML (PPOOA) was used to represent platform-independent models of an RTS architecture supported by the PPOOA –Visio tool. We validated the technique presented here by using several case studies related to RTS development and comparing our results with those from other deadlock detection approaches, supported by different tools. Here we present two of these case studies, one related to avionics and the other to planetary exploration robotics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper is presented in CIB: Management and Innovation Sustainable Built Environment 2011, as the study and analysis of the residential model of a rural area from the Iberian Peninsula, specifically applied to the case of the province of Cáceres, in the autonomous region of Extremadura, in Spain. To this end, from a database made up of building projects whose real costs are known, it is intended to establish the links of the different parameters studied through the corresponding functions of statistical analysis. One of the main objectives of this process is constituted by the possibility of establishing those design variables of higher economic importance, so as to keep an economic control of these parameters, generally geometrical and typological, from the very start of the project. And, in general, a higher optimization of resources in the construction of dwellings in the rural environment from their design is intended.


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Après le séisme qui eut lieu en Haïti le 12 janvier 2010, dont l’épicentre a été localisé non loin de la capitale, Port-au-Prince (25 km en direction sud-est), d’une magnitude Mw 7.0 et à une profondeur de 13 km, le pays s’est retrouvé dans une situation catastrophique et d’extrême pauvreté, avec des graves carences en matière de santé, nutrition, éducation et logement. Les effets du tremblement de terre ont été dévastateurs pour la population : on compte plus de 300.000 morts, presque autant de blessés et 1,3 millions de sans-abri logès dans des campements « provisoires ». Quant aux conséquences matérielles, le séisme a totalement détruit près de 100.000 maisons et endommagé près de 200.000 (source : USGS). Ce tremblement de terre a été le plus fort enregistré dans la zone depuis 1770. De plus le séisme fut perceptible dans des pays voisins comme Cuba, la Jamaïque et la République Dominicaine, où il a provoqué l’alarme et des évacuations préventives. La reconstruction du pays reste un sujet prioritaire pour la coopération internationale. Le présent projet, SISMO-HAITÍ, a été développé dans le but d’apporter la connaissance et l’information nécessaires afin de faciliter la prise de mesures préventives face au risque sismique existant, afin d’éviter qu’un éventuel futur séisme ne déclenche une nouvelle catastrophe. Dans le cas d’Haïti, aucune institution n’était chargée d’assurer une surveillance sismique, mais un contact direct a été établi avec l’Observatoire National de l’Environnement et de la Vulnérabilité (ONEV) en Haïti à travers son directeur Dwinel Belizaire Ing. M. Sc., qui est précisément celui qui a sollicité l’aide qui a motivé la présente proposition. Le but ultime de ce projet est l’étude des mesures d’atténuation du risque élevé qui demeure, contribuant ainsi au développement durable de la région. Dans cette optique, la menace sismique en Haïti a été évaluée, constituant la base sur laquelle on prétend élaborer des critères de conception parasismique pour la reconstruction du pays qui pourront être inclus dans la première version de la norme antisismique, ainsi que le risque sismique à Port-au-Prince, dont les résultats serviront de base pour élaborer les plans d’urgence face à ce risque naturel. Les objectifs spécifiques atteints sont : • Évaluation de l'aléa sismique en Haïti. On en obtient des cartes de différents paramètres de mouvement pour différentes probabilités de dépassement (ce qui suppose connaître la probabilité associée aux mouvements dus à des tremblements futurs). • Évaluation de l'effet local à Port-au-Prince et élaboration d'une carte de microzonage de la ville. • Étude de la vulnérabilité sismique locale à Port-au-Prince. • Estimation du risque sismique à Port-au-Prince. • Mesures d'atténuation du risque et de conception parasismique. Ce rapport résume les activités et les résultats obtenus a cours de l'année 2011 lors de la mise en œuvre de ce projet. Le groupe de travail est une équipe multidisciplinaire composée de chercheurs de différents établissements universitaires et de recherche (Université Polytechnique de Madrid-UPM-, Conseil Supérieur de la Recherche Scientifique (CSIC) ; U. Complutense de Madrid-UCM-, U-UA-Alicante, Almeria-UAL-U., U. Autonome de Saint-Domingue, UASD et Université de Porto Rico Mayagüez--UPRM) experts dans les diverses matières impliquées dans le projet: géologie, sismologie, génie parasismique, architecture et gestion de l'information géographique. Tous les membres de cette équipe ont travaillé ensemble tout au long de l'année, en réalisant des réunions, des ateliers de travail, des vidéoconférences, en plus d'une visite à Port-au-Prince en Juillet 2011 afin de procéder à la première collecte de données.


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Desde que el Hombre era morador de las cavernas ha sido manifiesto su deseo innato por grabar y reproducir "instantáneas con las que perpetuarse o sobre las que mirarse ". La aparición y desarrollo de la fotografía como medio para poder captar y fijar "la imagen directa de la realidad circundante " pronto se convierte en un nuevo lenguaje estético y poético que permite al artista la interpretación y reflexión de lo observado. Se imprime a la imagen el carácter de la mirada del fotógrafo, estableciendo un diálogo conceptual con el juego de luces. La presente Tesis plantea la creación de una nueva piel de arquitectura mediante la impresión fotográfica sobre materiales pétreos. La búsqueda de la expresividad de los materiales como soporte de expresión artística implica un cambio de escala al trasladar la instantánea fotográfica a la arquitectura y la aplicación de un nuevo soporte al imprimir la fotografía sobre materiales arquitectónicos. Se justifica la elección del dispositivo láser CO2 como sistema de impresión fotográfica sobre los materiales pétreos arquitectónicos, como la técnica que permite la unión física de la imagen y el proyecto arquitectónico, generando un valor añadido a través del arte de la fotografía. Se justifica la elección de los materiales investigados, Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria, de forma que la investigación de esta nueva piel de arquitectura abarca tanto la envolvente del edificio como su volumen interior, permitiendo cerrar el círculo arquitectónico "in&out" y dota al proyecto arquitectónico de un valor añadido al introducir conceptos sostenibles de carácter estético y medioambiental. Se realiza una consulta a las empresas del sector arquitectónico relacionadas directamente con la producción y distribución de los materiales Silestone® y GRC®, así como a las empresas especializadas en sistemas de impresión fotográfica sobre materiales, acerca del estado del arte. Se recorre la Historia de la fotografía desde sus orígenes hasta el desarrollo de la era digital y se analiza su condición artística. Se recopilan los sistemas de impresión fotográfica que han evolucionado en paralelo con los dispositivos de captura de la instantánea fotográfica y se describe en profundidad el sistema de impresión fotográfica mediante dispositivo láser CO2. Se describen los procesos de fabricación, las características técnicas, cualidades y aplicaciones de los materiales pétreos arquitectónicos Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria. Se explica la técnica utilizada para la captación de la imagen fotográfica, su justificación artística y su proceso de impresión mediante dispositivo láser CO2 bajo diferentes parámetros sobre muestras de los materiales arquitectónicos investigados. Se comprueba la viabilidad de desarrollo de la nueva piel de arquitectura sobre Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria sometiendo a las piezas impresas bajo diferentes parámetros a tres ensayos de laboratorio. En cada uno de ellos se concreta el objetivo y procedimiento del ensayo, la enumeración de las muestras ensayadas y los parámetros bajo los que han sido impresas, el análisis de los resultados del ensayo y las conclusiones del ensayo. Ensayo de amplitud térmica. Se determina el grado de afectación de las imágenes impresas bajo la acción de contrastes térmicos. Series de muestras de Silestone® Blanco Zeus y GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresas con láser CO2 se someten a ciclos de contraste frío-calor de 12 horas de duración para una amplitud térmica total de 102°C. Se realiza una toma sistemática de fotografías microscópicas con lupa de aumento de cada pieza antes y después de los ciclos frío-calor y la observación de las transformaciones que experimentan los materiales bajo la acción del láser CO2. Ensayo de exposición a la acción de la radiación ultravioleta (UV). Se determina el grado de afectación de las imágenes impresas al activar la capacidad autolimpiante de partículas orgánicas. Una serie de muestras de GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresa con láser CO2 se someten a ciclos de exposición de radiación ultravioleta de 26 horas de duración. Se somete la serie a un procedimiento de activación del aditivo TX Active®. Se simula la contaminación orgánica mediante la aplicación controlada de Rodamina B, tinte orgánico, y se simula la radiación UV mediante el empleo de una bombilla de emisión de rayos ultravioleta. Se realiza una toma sistemática de fotografías macroscópicas de la serie de muestras ensayadas: antes de aplicación de la Rodamina B, momento 00:00h, momento 04:00h y momento 26:00h del ensayo. Se procede a la descarga y análisis del histograma de las fotografías como registro de la actividad fotocatalítica. Ensayo de la capacidad autodescontaminante del GRC® con TX Active® impreso con láser CO2. Se comprueba si la capacidad autodescontaminante del GRC® con TX Active® se ve alterada como consecuencia de la impresión de la imagen fotográfica impresa con láser CO2. Serie de muestras de GRC® con TX Active® Aria impresa con láser CO2 se someten a test de capacidad autodescontaminante: atmósfera controlada y contaminada con óxidos de nitrógeno en los que se coloca cada pieza ensayada bajo la acción de una lámpara de emisión de radiación ultravioleta (UV). Se registra la actividad fotocatalítica en base a la variación de concentración de óxido de nitrógeno. Se recopila el análisis e interpretación de los resultados de los ensayos de laboratorio y se elaboran las conclusiones generales de la investigación. Se sintetizan las futuras líneas de investigación que, a partir de las investigaciones realizadas y de sus conclusiones generales, podrían desarrollarse en el ámbito de la impresión fotográfica sobre materiales arquitectónicos. Se describe el rendimiento tecnológico y artístico generado por las investigaciones previas que han dado origen y desarrollo a la Tesis Doctoral. ABSTRACT Since ancient time, humanity has been driven by an innate wish to reproduce and engrave "snapshots that could help to perpetúate or to look at one self". Photography's birth and its development as a mean to capture and fix "the direct image of the surrounding reality" quickly becomes a new aesthetical and poetical language allowing the artist to interpret and think over what has been observed. The photographer's eye is imprinted onto the image, and so the conceptual dialogue between the artist and the light beams begins. The current thesis suggests the creation of a new architectural skin through photography imprinting over stony materials. The search for material's expressiveness as a medium of artistic expression involves a change of scale as it transfers photographic snapshot into architecture and the use of a new photographic printing support over architectural materials. CO2 laser is the chosen printing system for this technique as it allows the physical union of the image and the architectonic project, generating an added value through the art of photography. The researched materials selected were Silestone®, Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria. This new architectural skin contains the building surrounding as well as its interior volume, closing the architectonic "in & out" circle and adding a value to the project by introducing aesthetical and environmental sustainable concepts. Architecture companies related to the production and distribution of materials like Silestone® and GRC®, as well as companies specialized in photography printing over materials were consulted to obtain a State of the Art. A thorough analysis of photography's History from its origins to the digital era development was made and its artistic condition was studied in this thesis. In this study the author also makes a compilation of several photographic printing systems that evolved together with photographic snapshot devices. The CO2 laser-based photographic printing system is also described in depth. Regarding stony materials of architecture like Silestone®, Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria, the present study also describes their manufacture processes as well as technical features, quality and application. There is also an explanation about the technique to capture the photographic image, its artistic justification and its CO2 laser-based printing system over the researched materials under different parameters. We also tested the feasibility of this new architectural skin over Silestone® Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria. The pieces were tested under different parameters in three laboratory trials. Each trial comprises of an explanation of its objective and its process, the samples were numbered and the printing parameters were specified. Finally, with the analysis of the results some conclusions were drawn. In the thermal amplitude trial we tried to determine how printed images were affected as a result of the action of thermal contrasts. Series of samples of Silestone® Blanco Zeus and GRC® with TX Active® Aria printed with CO2 laser were subjected to several 12h warm-cold cycles for thermal total amplitude of 102oc. Each sample was captured systematically with microscopic enhanced lenses before and after cold-warm cycles. The changes experienced by these materials under the effect of CO2 laser were observed and recorded. Trial regarding the Ultraviolet Radiation (UR) effect on images. We determined to which extent printed images were affected once the self-cleaning organic particles were activated. This time GRC® with TX Active® Aria samples printed with CO2 laser were exposed to a 26h UR cycle. The samples were subjected to the activation of TX Active® additive. Through the controlled application of Rodamine B and organic dye we were able to simulate the organic contamination process. UR was simulated using an ultraviolet beam emission bulb. A systematic capture of macroscopic pictures of the tested sample series was performed at different time points: before Rodamine B application, at moment 00:00h, moment 04:00h and moment 26:00h of the trial. Picture's histogram was downloaded and analyzed as a log of photocatalytic activity. Trial regarding the self-decontaminating ability of GRC® with TX Active® printed with CO2 laser. We tested if this self-decontaminating ability is altered as a result of CO2 laser printed image. GRC® with TX Active® Aria samples printed with CO2 laser, were subject to self-decontaminating ability tests with controlled and nitrogen oxide contaminated atmosphere. Each piece was put under the action of an UR emission lamp. Photocatalytic activity was recorded according to the variation in nitrogen oxide concentration. The results of the trial and their interpretation as well as the general conclusions of the research are also compiled in the present study. Study conclusions enable to draw future research lines of potential applications of photographic printing over architecture materials. Previous research generated an artistic and technological outcome that led to the development of this doctoral thesis.


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Software testing is a key aspect of software reliability and quality assurance in a context where software development constantly has to overcome mammoth challenges in a continuously changing environment. One of the characteristics of software testing is that it has a large intellectual capital component and can thus benefit from the use of the experience gained from past projects. Software testing can, then, potentially benefit from solutions provided by the knowledge management discipline. There are in fact a number of proposals concerning effective knowledge management related to several software engineering processes. Objective: We defend the use of a lesson learned system for software testing. The reason is that such a system is an effective knowledge management resource enabling testers and managers to take advantage of the experience locked away in the brains of the testers. To do this, the experience has to be gathered, disseminated and reused. Method: After analyzing the proposals for managing software testing experience, significant weaknesses have been detected in the current systems of this type. The architectural model proposed here for lesson learned systems is designed to try to avoid these weaknesses. This model (i) defines the structure of the software testing lessons learned; (ii) sets up procedures for lesson learned management; and (iii) supports the design of software tools to manage the lessons learned. Results: A different approach, based on the management of the lessons learned that software testing engineers gather from everyday experience, with two basic goals: usefulness and applicability. Conclusion: The architectural model proposed here lays the groundwork to overcome the obstacles to sharing and reusing experience gained in the software testing and test management. As such, it provides guidance for developing software testing lesson learned systems.


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Cemeteries are part of the cultural heritage of urban communities, containing funerary crypts and monuments of historical and architectural interest. Efforts aimed at the conservation of these structures must target not only the abiotic stresses that cause their destruction, such as light and humidity, but also biofouling by biotic agents. The purpose of this study was to assess the development of biofouling of several historically and architecturally valuable crypts at La Plata Cemetery (Argentina). Samples obtained from the biofilms, lichens, and fungal colonies that had developed on the marble surfaces and cement mortar of these crypts were analyzed by conventional microbiological techniques and by scanning electron microscopy. The lichens were identified as Caloplaca austrocitrina, Lecanora albescens, Xanthoparmelia farinosa and Xanthoria candelaria, the fungi as Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Candida sp. and Rhodotorula sp., and the bacteria as Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. The mechanisms by which these microorganisms cause the aesthetic and biochemical deterioration of the crypts are discussed.


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Quality is the threshold or minimum level required to satisfy the consumer´s demands. In construction the quality is objective, and established by standards. It is very difficult to establish the costs of “no quality” in construction. Each precast unit shall be traceable to a specific set of quality control records.


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In this talk we address a proposal concerning a methodology for extracting universal, domain neutral, architectural design patterns from the analysis of biological cognition. This will render a set of design principles and design patterns oriented towards the construction of better machines. Bio- inspiration cannot be a one step process if we we are going to to build robust, dependable autonomous agents; we must build solid theories first, departing from natural systems, and supporting our designs of artificial ones.


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El arquitecto Curro Inza (1929-1976) pertenece al grupo que se ha denominado como organicismo madrileño y Escuela de Madrid, cuyas máximas realizaciones se produjeron durante los años sesenta del pasado siglo. Hasta ahora su obra y persona han generado opiniones bien extremas, pero apenas han sido investigadas, cuando en realidad su arquitectura trata asuntos que hoy se muestran de actual interés. El estudio que aquí se presenta tiene un doble objetivo. El primero es agrupar la información arquitectónica del autor y catalogar las obras de su archivo personal (inédito hasta ahora). Se ordena, clasifica y cataloga toda la documentación arquitectónica del archivo Inza, dejándose depositada en la Biblioteca de la ETSAM, quedando disponible y facilitando posteriores investigaciones sobre este arquitecto. Se procede asimismo a la digitalizaran de los proyectos principales garantizando su optima conservación para el futuro Una vez logrado el primer objetivo, el segundo consiste en realizar un análisis proyectual y critico de su obra, un punto de vista hasta ahora apenas abordado. Me propongo profundizar en una obra definida como compleja pero poco explicada, realizando una revisión crítica de sus escritos y de sus proyectos, y relacionando esta con otras arquitecturas (nacionales e internacionales) que sitúen al autor dentro del discurso contemporáneo. Para desentrañar las claves de su arquitectura se aborda el trabajo de Inza desde cinco miradas distintas y simultaneas. Desde cada una de estas miradas o categorías) se hace una aproximación crítica recorriendo los proyectos. Unas categorías que, a la postre, conforman el índice de este trabajo. Aunque la compilación y revisión del archivo posee algo de búsqueda arqueológica, el estudio no pretende tener un interés únicamente o intrínsecamente histórico. El trabajo tiene en realidad como fin estudiar la forma de proyectar de un arquitecto hasta ahora poco referencial y que entiendo, puede hoy establecer puentes con el presente y el futuro a través de su arquitectura. Intentar entender los mecanismos que arman esta arquitectura, sus orígenes, su evolución y la construcción de su lenguaje. En resumen, explicar y analizar la obra desde un punto de vista proyectual haciendo una lectura critica que desentrañe estrategias de las que hoy pudiéramos aprender y nos resultasen operativas.ABSTRACT: The architect Curro Inza (1929-1976) belongs to the group known as Madrilian organicism and the School of Madrid, whose most important works were built during the 1960 and 1970 decades. Curro Inza's work has received up until now very different, even extreme opinions, but his work has not been studied in depth, which is surprising if we consider that his architecture treats issues which are of great interest today. The present study has aimed at two objectives. The first has been to gather the information concerned with the author and his work, and to catalog all of the works of this personal archive (unpublished up until now). The work we have done here has consisted in compiling, digitalizing, classifying and cataloguing all of the documentation found in Curro Inza's personal archive; this archive has been deposited in the Biblioteca de la Escuela Superior de Artquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) . We have also digitalized the main projects in order to assure the best storage conditions for the future. The second objective has consisted in analyzing Curro Inza's work from a project and critical point of view, an approach which has not yet been explored. Within this second objective, I have studied Inza's work, which is well defined and personal as well as complex, but which has received little attention and has not been explained. I have done a critical revision of both his projects and his writings, and have related these with other, both national and international, architectures, in order to place Inza's work within the contemporary architectural discourse. In order to decipher the essence of Inza's architecture, I have approached his work from five, simultaneous perspectives. I have described the projects critically from each of the five perspectives or categories; these five categories give shape to the organization of the dissertation. Even if the compilation and revision of Inza's archive is somehow an archaeological search, this study aims at having a larger scope than its strict, exclusive historical interest. In this study I have studied Inza's projects from a critical point of view and in relation to contemporary architecture and architectural thought, attempting to draw connections between Inza's work and modern, present architecture. We have also attempted to understand and describe Inza's language and conception of architectural discourse, as well as his origins, evolution and expression of his thought. In summary, I have analyzed and explained Curro Inza's work from a projectual point of view, drawing a critical reading of the strategies used by the author, and from which we could learn and work today.


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Resulta imposible disociar la evolución de la arquitectura de Enric Miralles de lo que fue el desarrollo de un sistema de representación propio. Partiendo de una posición heredada de su formación en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona y de su práctica en el estudio Viaplana-Piñón, donde adquiere el gusto por la precisión en el dibujo técnico, la delineación sobre papel vegetal o el grafismo constituido exclusivamente a base de líneas del mismo grosor, Miralles pronto evoluciona hacia un método caracterizado por un personal uso del sistema diédrico, vinculado a una concepción fragmentaria de la planta de arquitectura y del espacio mismo. Miralles proyectará por fragmentos de planta, asignándoles una geometría característica para diferenciarlos entre sí y desarrollar su espacialidad y sección con cierta autonomía, a través de planos y maquetas independientes. Gran parte de la arquitectura que elabora con Carme Pinós, en solitario o con Benedetta Tagliabue, estará compuesta por colecciones de piezas heterogéneas herederas de los fragmentos de la planta original, que encajan entre sí no en base a esquemas clásicos de integración subordinada o jerárquica, sino a través de posiciones relativas de yuxtaposición o superposición, caracterizadas por una ausencia de compacidad en la solución de conjunto. Este sistema de representación se apoya por tanto en la geometría como mecanismo de diferenciación por piezas, se basa en la fragmentación del diédrico desde la fragmentación de la planta, y en la falta de compacidad como soporte de pensamiento separativo. Un sistema que se define como “planta Miralles”, término que incluye todas las técnicas de representación empleadas por el arquitecto, desde planos a maquetas, pero que enfatiza la importancia estratégica de la planta como origen y guía del proyecto de arquitectura. La tesis se estructura en los tres primeros capítulos como un corolario de las categorías enunciadas, explicando, en orden cronológico a través de los proyectos, la evolución de la geometría, la utilización del diédrico, y el impacto de la falta de compacidad en la obra construida. Mientras que estos capítulos son globales, se refieren a la trayectoria de este método en su totalidad, el cuarto y último es un estudio de detalle de su aplicación en un proyecto particular, el Ayuntamiento de Utrecht, a través de los dibujos originales de Miralles. Tanto en la explicación global como en el estudio de detalle de este sistema de representación, la tesis pone de manifiesto su instrumentalidad en el pensamiento de esta arquitectura, argumentando que ésta no podría haber sido desarrollada sin la existencia del mismo. La relación entre representación y pensamiento es por tanto un tema capital para explicar esta obra. No obstante, hasta la fecha, las referencias al mismo en la bibliografía disponible no han pasado de ser una colección de opiniones dispersas, incapaces de construir por sí mismas un cuerpo estructurado y coherente de conocimiento. Se ha insistido sobremanera en el análisis y contextualización de los proyectos individuales, y poco en el estudio de la técnica proyectual utilizada para pensarlos y llevarlos a cabo. En definitiva, se han priorizado los resultados frente a los procesos creativos, existiendo por tanto un inexplicable vacío teórico respecto a un tema de gran importancia. Este vacío es el marco donde se inserta la necesidad de esta tesis doctoral. La investigación que aquí se presenta explica el origen y evolución del sistema de representación de Enric Miralles, desde su etapa como estudiante en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona hasta los últimos proyectos que elabora con Benedetta Tagliabue, así como el estudio de sus consecuencias en la obra construida. Termina concluyendo que su desarrollo es paralelo al de la arquitectura de Miralles, poniendo de manifiesto su vinculación y mutua interdependencia. ABSTRACT It is impossible to dissociate the evolution of the architecture of Enric Miralles from the development of his own system of representation. Starting from a position inherited from his training at the Barcelona School of Architecture and his practice at the office of Viaplana-Piñón, where he acquires a liking for precision in drafting and a graphic style based exclusively on lines of the same thickness, Miralles soon moves into a method defined by a customized use of the dihedral system, connected to a fragmented conception of the floorplan and space itself. Breaking up the floorplan into multiple fragments, Miralles will design an architecture where each of them has a unique shape and geometry, developing their sections and spatial qualities with a certain degree of autonomy within the whole, through separate plans and models. Many of the projects he designs with Carme Pinós, individually or with Benedetta Tagliabue, will consist of collections of heterogeneous pieces, heirs of the original floorplan fragments, which do not fit together according to classical principles of subordinate or hierarchical integration, but based on relative positions of juxtaposition or superposition that lead to a lack of compactness in the overall scheme. This system of representation is thus based on the use of geometry as a way of differentiating architectural pieces, on the fragmentation of the dihedral system from the fragmentation of the floorplan, and on a lack of compactness as a device of separative thinking. This system is defined as “Miralles plan”, a term that includes all techniques of representation used by the architect, from plans to models, and that emphasizes the particular importance of the floorplan as the guiding force of the design process. The first three chapters of the thesis have been structured as a corollary of these categories, explaining, in chronological order through Miralles’ projects, the evolution of geometry, the customization of the dihedral system, and the impact of the lack of compactness on the built work. While these three chapters are global, for they refer to the overall evolution of this system, the fourth and last one is a case study of its application to a particular project, the Utrecht Town Hall, through Miralles’ original drawings. Both in the global and particular explanations of this system of representation, the thesis highlights its instrumentality in the process of thinking this architecture, arguing that it could not have been designed without its parallel development. The relationship between thinking and representation is therefore a key issue to explain this architecture. However, to date, existing references to it in the available literature have not evolved from a collection of scattered opinions, unable to build for themselves a structured and coherent body of knowledge. Great emphasis has been put on the critical contextualization of this architecture through the analysis of the projects themselves, but little on the study of the design technique used to think and carry them out. Results have been prioritized over creative processes, existing therefore an inexplicable theoretical void on an issue of great importance. This void is the conceptual framework where the need for this thesis is inserted. This research explains the origin and evolution of Enric Miralles’ system of representation, from his time as student at the Barcelona School of Architecture to the last projects he designed with Benedetta Tagliabue, as well as the study of its impact on the built work. It concludes that the development of this system runs parallel to that of the architecture it is used for, making it explicit its indissolubility and mutual interdependence.


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Today, designing informatics curricula is a major problem. As a technology, informatics is experiencing a dramatic evolution, with its rapidly expanding areas of application and everincreasing impact on society. At first glance, it seems that if we might need several different curricula for facing very different practical educational situations, and not just one or two curricula. The current deep discrepancies among some of our more prestigious computer scientists in relation to the focus of informatics education are in fact a form of recognition of this necessity and at the same time, proof we are at a turning point.


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In this paper, we present our research into self-organizing building algorithms. This idea of self-organization of animal/plants behaviour interests researchers to explore the mechanisms required for this emergent phenomena and try to apply them in other domains. We were able to implement a typical construction algorithm in a 3D simulation environment and reproduce the results of previous research in the area. LSystems, morphogenetic programming and wasp nest building are explained in order to understand self-organizing models. We proposed Grammatical swarm as a good tool to optimize building structures.


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Diseño conceptual de puentes de alta velocidad ferroviarios. Railroad bridges, in general, and those for high speed railways, in particular, demand very special conditions. The traffic loads are much higher than for road bridges. Loads due to braking and acceleration determine, due to their magnitude, the structural layout. Because of the speed of the vehicles there are specific dynamic effects which need to be considered. In order to ensure passenger comfort, compatible with speeds of up to 350 km/h, it is necessary to meet very demanding conditions with respect to stiffness, displacements and dynamic behavior. In this paper these conditions are briefly described and different typological possibilities to satisfy them are presented as well as the main construction methods applicable to this kind of bridges.