12 resultados para robotics

em Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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The Vision Flashes are informal working papers intended primarily to stimulate internal interaction among participants in the A.I. Laboratory's Vision and Robotics group. Many of them report highly tentative conclusions or incomplete work. Others deal with highly detailed accounts of local equipment and programs that lack general interest. Still others are of great importance, but lack the polish and elaborate attention to proper referencing that characterizes the more formal literature. Nevertheless, the Vision Flashes collectively represent the only documentation of an important fraction of the work done in machine vision and robotics. The purpose of this report is to make the findings more readily available, but since they are not revised as presented here, readers should keep in mind the original purpose of the papers!


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In this paper, I describe the application of genetic programming to evolve a controller for a robotic tank in a simulated environment. The purpose is to explore how genetic techniques can best be applied to produce controllers based on subsumption and behavior oriented languages such as REX. As part of my implementation, I developed TableRex, a modification of REX that can be expressed on a fixed-length genome. Using a fixed subsumption architecture of TableRex modules, I evolved robots that beat some of the most competitive hand-coded adversaries.


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This thesis presents the design, construction, control and evaluation of a novel force controlled actuator. Traditional force controlled actuators are designed from the premise that "Stiffer is better''. This approach gives a high bandwidth system, prone to problems of contact instability, noise, and low power density. The actuator presented in this thesis is designed from the premise that "Stiffness isn't everything". The actuator, which incorporates a series elastic element, trades off achievable bandwidth for gains in stable, low noise force control, and protection against shock loads. This thesis reviews related work in robot force control, presents theoretical descriptions of the control and expected performance from a series elastic actuator, and describes the design of a test actuator constructed to gather performance data. Finally the performance of the system is evaluated by comparing the performance data to theoretical predictions.


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In this report, I discuss the use of vision to support concrete, everyday activity. I will argue that a variety of interesting tasks can be solved using simple and inexpensive vision systems. I will provide a number of working examples in the form of a state-of-the-art mobile robot, Polly, which uses vision to give primitive tours of the seventh floor of the MIT AI Laboratory. By current standards, the robot has a broad behavioral repertoire and is both simple and inexpensive (the complete robot was built for less than $20,000 using commercial board-level components). The approach I will use will be to treat the structure of the agent's activity---its task and environment---as positive resources for the vision system designer. By performing a careful analysis of task and environment, the designer can determine a broad space of mechanisms which can perform the desired activity. My principal thesis is that for a broad range of activities, the space of applicable mechanisms will be broad enough to include a number mechanisms which are simple and economical. The simplest mechanisms that solve a given problem will typically be quite specialized to that problem. One thus worries that building simple vision systems will be require a great deal of {it ad-hoc} engineering that cannot be transferred to other problems. My second thesis is that specialized systems can be analyzed and understood in a principled manner, one that allows general lessons to be extracted from specialized systems. I will present a general approach to analyzing specialization through the use of transformations that provably improve performance. By demonstrating a sequence of transformations that derive a specialized system from a more general one, we can summarize the specialization of the former in a compact form that makes explicit the additional assumptions that it makes about its environment. The summary can be used to predict the performance of the system in novel environments. Individual transformations can be recycled in the design of future systems.


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This report presents a system for generating a stable, feasible, and reachable grasp of a polyhedral object. A set of contact points on the object is found that can result in a stable grasp; a feasible grasp is found in which the robot contacts the object at those contact points; and a path is constructed from the initial configuration of the robot to the stable, feasible final grasp configuration. The algorithm described in the report is designed for the Salisbury hand mounted on a Puma 560 arm, but a similar approach could be used to develop grasping systems for other robots.


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This report documents our work in exploring active balance for dynamic legged systems for the period from September 1985 through September 1989. The purpose of this research is to build a foundation of knowledge that can lead both to the construction of useful legged vehicles and to a better understanding of animal locomotion. In this report we focus on the control of biped locomotion, the use of terrain footholds, running at high speed, biped gymnastics, symmetry in running, and the mechanical design of articulated legs.


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Dynamic systems which undergo rapid motion can excite natural frequencies that lead to residual vibration at the end of motion. This work presents a method to shape force profiles that reduce excitation energy at the natural frequencies in order to reduce residual vibration for fast moves. Such profiles are developed using a ramped sinusoid function and its harmonics, choosing coefficients to reduce spectral energy at the natural frequencies of the system. To improve robustness with respect to parameter uncertainty, spectral energy is reduced for a range of frequencies surrounding the nominal natural frequency. An additional set of versine profiles are also constructed to permit motion at constant speed for velocity-limited systems. These shaped force profiles are incorporated into a simple closed-loop system with position and velocity feedback. The force input is doubly integrated to generate a shaped position reference for the controller to follow. This control scheme is evaluated on the MIT Cartesian Robot. The shaped inputs generate motions with minimum residual vibration when actuator saturation is avoided. Feedback control compensates for the effect of friction Using only a knowledge of the natural frequencies of the system to shape the force inputs, vibration can also be attenuated in modes which vibrate in directions other than the motion direction. When moving several axes, the use of shaped inputs allows minimum residual vibration even when the natural frequencies are dynamically changing by a limited amount.


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Robots must plan and execute tasks in the presence of uncertainty. Uncertainty arises from sensing errors, control errors, and uncertainty in the geometry of the environment. The last, which is called model error, has received little previous attention. We present a framework for computing motion strategies that are guaranteed to succeed in the presence of all three kinds of uncertainty. The motion strategies comprise sensor-based gross motions, compliant motions, and simple pushing motions.


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The primary goal of this research is to develop theoretical tools for analysis, synthesis, application of primitive manipulator operations. The primary method is to extend and apply traditional tools of classical mechanics. The results are of such a general nature that they address many different aspects of industrial robotics, including effector and sensor design, planning and programming tools and design of auxiliary equipment. Some of the manipulator operations studied are: (1) Grasping an object. The object will usually slide and rotate during the period between first contact and prehension. (2) Placing an object. The object may slip slightly in the fingers upon contact with the table as the base aligns with the table. (3) Pushing. Often the final stage of mating two parts involves pushing one object into the other.


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The goal of this thesis is to apply the computational approach to motor learning, i.e., describe the constraints that enable performance improvement with experience and also the constraints that must be satisfied by a motor learning system, describe what is being computed in order to achieve learning, and why it is being computed. The particular tasks used to assess motor learning are loaded and unloaded free arm movement, and the thesis includes work on rigid body load estimation, arm model estimation, optimal filtering for model parameter estimation, and trajectory learning from practice. Learning algorithms have been developed and implemented in the context of robot arm control. The thesis demonstrates some of the roles of knowledge in learning. Powerful generalizations can be made on the basis of knowledge of system structure, as is demonstrated in the load and arm model estimation algorithms. Improving the performance of parameter estimation algorithms used in learning involves knowledge of the measurement noise characteristics, as is shown in the derivation of optimal filters. Using trajectory errors to correct commands requires knowledge of how command errors are transformed into performance errors, i.e., an accurate model of the dynamics of the controlled system, as is demonstrated in the trajectory learning work. The performance demonstrated by the algorithms developed in this thesis should be compared with algorithms that use less knowledge, such as table based schemes to learn arm dynamics, previous single trajectory learning algorithms, and much of traditional adaptive control.


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The motion planning problem is of central importance to the fields of robotics, spatial planning, and automated design. In robotics we are interested in the automatic synthesis of robot motions, given high-level specifications of tasks and geometric models of the robot and obstacles. The Mover's problem is to find a continuous, collision-free path for a moving object through an environment containing obstacles. We present an implemented algorithm for the classical formulation of the three-dimensional Mover's problem: given an arbitrary rigid polyhedral moving object P with three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom, find a continuous, collision-free path taking P from some initial configuration to a desired goal configuration. This thesis describes the first known implementation of a complete algorithm (at a given resolution) for the full six degree of freedom Movers' problem. The algorithm transforms the six degree of freedom planning problem into a point navigation problem in a six-dimensional configuration space (called C-Space). The C-Space obstacles, which characterize the physically unachievable configurations, are directly represented by six-dimensional manifolds whose boundaries are five dimensional C-surfaces. By characterizing these surfaces and their intersections, collision-free paths may be found by the closure of three operators which (i) slide along 5-dimensional intersections of level C-Space obstacles; (ii) slide along 1- to 4-dimensional intersections of level C-surfaces; and (iii) jump between 6 dimensional obstacles. Implementing the point navigation operators requires solving fundamental representational and algorithmic questions: we will derive new structural properties of the C-Space constraints and shoe how to construct and represent C-Surfaces and their intersection manifolds. A definition and new theoretical results are presented for a six-dimensional C-Space extension of the generalized Voronoi diagram, called the C-Voronoi diagram, whose structure we relate to the C-surface intersection manifolds. The representations and algorithms we develop impact many geometric planning problems, and extend to Cartesian manipulators with six degrees of freedom.


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Robots must successfully plan and execute tasks in the presence of uncertainty. Uncertainty arises from errors in modeling, sensing, and control. Planning in the presence of uncertainty constitutes one facet of the general motion planning problem in robotics. This problem is concerned with the automatic synthesis of motion strategies from high level task specification and geometric models of environments. In order to develop successful motion strategies, it is necessary to understand the effect of uncertainty on the geometry of object interactions. Object interactions, both static and dynamic, may be represented in geometrical terms. This thesis investigates geometrical tools for modeling and overcoming uncertainty. The thesis describes an algorithm for computing backprojections o desired task configurations. Task goals and motion states are specified in terms of a moving object's configuration space. Backprojections specify regions in configuration space from which particular motions are guaranteed to accomplish a desired task. The backprojection algorithm considers surfaces in configuration space that facilitate sliding towards the goal, while avoiding surfaces on which motions may prematurely halt. In executing a motion for a backprojection region, a plan executor must be able to recognize that a desired task has been accomplished. Since sensors are subject to uncertainty, recognition of task success is not always possible. The thesis considers the structure of backprojection regions and of task goals that ensures goal recognizability. The thesis also develops a representation of friction in configuration space, in terms of a friction cone analogous to the real space friction cone. The friction cone provides the backprojection algorithm with a geometrical tool for determining points at which motions may halt.