11 resultados para linear approximation method

em Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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We present methods of calculating the value of two performance parameters for multipath, multistage interconnection networks: the normalized throughput and the probability of successful message transmission. We develop a set of exact equations for the loading probability mass functions of network channels and a program for solving them exactly. We also develop a Monte Carlo method for approxmiate solution of the equations, and show that the resulting approximation method will always calculate the values of the performance parameters more quickly than direct simulation.


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We discuss the problem of finding sparse representations of a class of signals. We formalize the problem and prove it is NP-complete both in the case of a single signal and that of multiple ones. Next we develop a simple approximation method to the problem and we show experimental results using artificially generated signals. Furthermore,we use our approximation method to find sparse representations of classes of real signals, specifically of images of pedestrians. We discuss the relation between our formulation of the sparsity problem and the problem of finding representations of objects that are compact and appropriate for detection and classification.


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We present a technique for the rapid and reliable evaluation of linear-functional output of elliptic partial differential equations with affine parameter dependence. The essential components are (i) rapidly uniformly convergent reduced-basis approximations — Galerkin projection onto a space WN spanned by solutions of the governing partial differential equation at N (optimally) selected points in parameter space; (ii) a posteriori error estimation — relaxations of the residual equation that provide inexpensive yet sharp and rigorous bounds for the error in the outputs; and (iii) offline/online computational procedures — stratagems that exploit affine parameter dependence to de-couple the generation and projection stages of the approximation process. The operation count for the online stage — in which, given a new parameter value, we calculate the output and associated error bound — depends only on N (typically small) and the parametric complexity of the problem. The method is thus ideally suited to the many-query and real-time contexts. In this paper, based on the technique we develop a robust inverse computational method for very fast solution of inverse problems characterized by parametrized partial differential equations. The essential ideas are in three-fold: first, we apply the technique to the forward problem for the rapid certified evaluation of PDE input-output relations and associated rigorous error bounds; second, we incorporate the reduced-basis approximation and error bounds into the inverse problem formulation; and third, rather than regularize the goodness-of-fit objective, we may instead identify all (or almost all, in the probabilistic sense) system configurations consistent with the available experimental data — well-posedness is reflected in a bounded "possibility region" that furthermore shrinks as the experimental error is decreased.


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A method for localization and positioning in an indoor environment is presented. The method is based on representing the scene as a set of 2D views and predicting the appearances of novel views by linear combinations of the model views. The method is accurate under weak perspective projection. Analysis of this projection as well as experimental results demonstrate that in many cases it is sufficient to accurately describe the scene. When weak perspective approximation is invalid, an iterative solution to account for the perspective distortions can be employed. A simple algorithm for repositioning, the task of returning to a previously visited position defined by a single view, is derived from this method.


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We present a unifying framework in which "object-independent" modes of variation are learned from continuous-time data such as video sequences. These modes of variation can be used as "generators" to produce a manifold of images of a new object from a single example of that object. We develop the framework in the context of a well-known example: analyzing the modes of spatial deformations of a scene under camera movement. Our method learns a close approximation to the standard affine deformations that are expected from the geometry of the situation, and does so in a completely unsupervised (i.e. ignorant of the geometry of the situation) fashion. We stress that it is learning a "parameterization", not just the parameter values, of the data. We then demonstrate how we have used the same framework to derive a novel data-driven model of joint color change in images due to common lighting variations. The model is superior to previous models of color change in describing non-linear color changes due to lighting.


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A method will be described for finding the shape of a smooth apaque object form a monocular image, given a knowledge of the surface photometry, the position of the lightsource and certain auxiliary information to resolve ambiguities. This method is complementary to the use of stereoscopy which relies on matching up sharp detail and will fail on smooth objects. Until now the image processing of single views has been restricted to objects which can meaningfully be considered two-dimensional or bounded by plane surfaces. It is possible to derive a first-order non-linear partial differential equation in two unknowns relating the intensity at the image points to the shape of the objects. This equation can be solved by means of an equivalent set of five ordinary differential equations. A curve traced out by solving this set of equations for one set of starting values is called a characteristic strip. Starting one of these strips from each point on some initial curve will produce the whole solution surface. The initial curves can usually be constructed around so-called singular points. A number of applications of this metod will be discussed including one to lunar topography and one to the scanning electron microscope. In both of these cases great simplifications occur in the equations. A note on polyhedra follows and a quantitative theory of facial make-up is touched upon. An implementation of some of these ideas on the PDP-6 computer with its attached image-dissector camera at the Artificial intelligence Laboratory will be described, and also a nose-recognition program.


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A modeling study of hippocampal pyramidal neurons is described. This study is based on simulations using HIPPO, a program which simulates the somatic electrical activity of these cells. HIPPO is based on a) descriptions of eleven non-linear conductances that have been either reported for this class of cell in the literature or postulated in the present study, and b) an approximation of the electrotonic structure of the cell that is derived in this thesis, based on data for the linear properties of these cells. HIPPO is used a) to integrate empirical data from a variety of sources on the electrical characteristics of this type of cell, b) to investigate the functional significance of the various elements that underly the electrical behavior, and c) to provide a tool for the electrophysiologist to supplement direct observation of these cells and provide a method of testing speculations regarding parameters that are not accessible.


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We describe a method for modeling object classes (such as faces) using 2D example images and an algorithm for matching a model to a novel image. The object class models are "learned'' from example images that we call prototypes. In addition to the images, the pixelwise correspondences between a reference prototype and each of the other prototypes must also be provided. Thus a model consists of a linear combination of prototypical shapes and textures. A stochastic gradient descent algorithm is used to match a model to a novel image by minimizing the error between the model and the novel image. Example models are shown as well as example matches to novel images. The robustness of the matching algorithm is also evaluated. The technique can be used for a number of applications including the computation of correspondence between novel images of a certain known class, object recognition, image synthesis and image compression.


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In this paper we consider the problem of approximating a function belonging to some funtion space Φ by a linear comination of n translates of a given function G. Ussing a lemma by Jones (1990) and Barron (1991) we show that it is possible to define function spaces and functions G for which the rate of convergence to zero of the erro is 0(1/n) in any number of dimensions. The apparent avoidance of the "curse of dimensionality" is due to the fact that these function spaces are more and more constrained as the dimension increases. Examples include spaces of the Sobolev tpe, in which the number of weak derivatives is required to be larger than the number of dimensions. We give results both for approximation in the L2 norm and in the Lc norm. The interesting feature of these results is that, thanks to the constructive nature of Jones" and Barron"s lemma, an iterative procedure is defined that can achieve this rate.


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We study the preconditioning of symmetric indefinite linear systems of equations that arise in interior point solution of linear optimization problems. The preconditioning method that we study exploits the block structure of the augmented matrix to design a similar block structure preconditioner to improve the spectral properties of the resulting preconditioned matrix so as to improve the convergence rate of the iterative solution of the system. We also propose a two-phase algorithm that takes advantage of the spectral properties of the transformed matrix to solve for the Newton directions in the interior-point method. Numerical experiments have been performed on some LP test problems in the NETLIB suite to demonstrate the potential of the preconditioning method discussed.


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This work presents detailed numerical calculations of the dielectrophoretic force in octupolar traps designed for single-cell trapping. A trap with eight planar electrodes is studied for spherical and ellipsoidal particles using an indirect implementation of the boundary element method (BEM). Multipolar approximations of orders one to three are compared with the full Maxwell stress tensor (MST) calculation of the electrical force on spherical particles. Ellipsoidal particles are also studied, but in their case only the dipolar approximation is available for comparison with the MST solution. The results show that the full MST calculation is only required in the study of non-spherical particles.