9 resultados para adiabatic invariant

em Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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In order to recognize an object in an image, we must determine the best transformation from object model to the image. In this paper, we show that for features from coplanar surfaces which undergo linear transformations in space, there exist projections invariant to the surface motions up to rotations in the image field. To use this property, we propose a new alignment approach to object recognition based on centroid alignment of corresponding feature groups. This method uses only a single pair of 2D model and data. Experimental results show the robustness of the proposed method against perturbations of feature positions.


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The problem of automatic face recognition is to visually identify a person in an input image. This task is performed by matching the input face against the faces of known people in a database of faces. Most existing work in face recognition has limited the scope of the problem, however, by dealing primarily with frontal views, neutral expressions, and fixed lighting conditions. To help generalize existing face recognition systems, we look at the problem of recognizing faces under a range of viewpoints. In particular, we consider two cases of this problem: (i) many example views are available of each person, and (ii) only one view is available per person, perhaps a driver's license or passport photograph. Ideally, we would like to address these two cases using a simple view-based approach, where a person is represented in the database by using a number of views on the viewing sphere. While the view-based approach is consistent with case (i), for case (ii) we need to augment the single real view of each person with synthetic views from other viewpoints, views we call 'virtual views'. Virtual views are generated using prior knowledge of face rotation, knowledge that is 'learned' from images of prototype faces. This prior knowledge is used to effectively rotate in depth the single real view available of each person. In this thesis, I present the view-based face recognizer, techniques for synthesizing virtual views, and experimental results using real and virtual views in the recognizer.


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In this report, a face recognition system that is capable of detecting and recognizing frontal and rotated faces was developed. Two face recognition methods focusing on the aspect of pose invariance are presented and evaluated - the whole face approach and the component-based approach. The main challenge of this project is to develop a system that is able to identify faces under different viewing angles in realtime. The development of such a system will enhance the capability and robustness of current face recognition technology. The whole-face approach recognizes faces by classifying a single feature vector consisting of the gray values of the whole face image. The component-based approach first locates the facial components and extracts them. These components are normalized and combined into a single feature vector for classification. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used as the classifier for both approaches. Extensive tests with respect to the robustness against pose changes are performed on a database that includes faces rotated up to about 40 degrees in depth. The component-based approach clearly outperforms the whole-face approach on all tests. Although this approach isproven to be more reliable, it is still too slow for real-time applications. That is the reason why a real-time face recognition system using the whole-face approach is implemented to recognize people in color video sequences.


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Local descriptors are increasingly used for the task of object recognition because of their perceived robustness with respect to occlusions and to global geometrical deformations. Such a descriptor--based on a set of oriented Gaussian derivative filters-- is used in our recognition system. We report here an evaluation of several techniques for orientation estimation to achieve rotation invariance of the descriptor. We also describe feature selection based on a single training image. Virtual images are generated by rotating and rescaling the image and robust features are selected. The results confirm robust performance in cluttered scenes, in the presence of partial occlusions, and when the object is embedded in different backgrounds.


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We present a new method to perform reliable matching between different images. This method exploits a projective invariant property between concentric circles and the corresponding projected ellipses to find complete region correspondences centered on interest points. The method matches interest points allowing for a full perspective transformation and exploiting all the available luminance information in the regions. Experiments have been conducted on many different data sets to compare our approach to SIFT local descriptors. The results show the new method offers increased robustness to partial visibility, object rotation in depth, and viewpoint angle change.


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Affine transformations are often used in recognition systems, to approximate the effects of perspective projection. The underlying mathematics is for exact feature data, with no positional uncertainty. In practice, heuristics are added to handle uncertainty. We provide a precise analysis of affine point matching, obtaining an expression for the range of affine-invariant values consistent with bounded uncertainty. This analysis reveals that the range of affine-invariant values depends on the actual $x$-$y$-positions of the features, i.e. with uncertainty, affine representations are not invariant with respect to the Cartesian coordinate system. We analyze the effect of this on geometric hashing and alignment recognition methods.


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How can one compute qualitative properties of the optical flow, such as expansion or rotation, in a way which is robust and invariant to the position of the focus of expansion or the center of rotation? We suggest a particularly simple algorithm, well-suited to VLSI implementations, that exploits well-known relations between the integral and differential properties of vector fields and their linear behaviour near singularities.


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Different approaches to visual object recognition can be divided into two general classes: model-based vs. non model-based schemes. In this paper we establish some limitation on the class of non model-based recognition schemes. We show that every function that is invariant to viewing position of all objects is the trivial (constant) function. It follows that every consistent recognition scheme for recognizing all 3-D objects must in general be model based. The result is extended to recognition schemes that are imperfect (allowed to make mistakes) or restricted to certain classes of objects.


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How does the brain recognize three-dimensional objects? We trained monkeys to recognize computer rendered objects presented from an arbitrarily chosen training view, and subsequently tested their ability to generalize recognition for other views. Our results provide additional evidence in favor of with a recognition model that accomplishes view-invariant performance by storing a limited number of object views or templates together with the capacity to interpolate between the templates (Poggio and Edelman, 1990).