em Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The task of shape recovery from a motion sequence requires the establishment of correspondence between image points. The two processes, the matching process and the shape recovery one, are traditionally viewed as independent. Yet, information obtained during the process of shape recovery can be used to guide the matching process. This paper discusses the mutual relationship between the two processes. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part we review the constraints imposed on the correspondence by rigid transformations and extend them to objects that undergo general affine (non rigid) transformation (including stretch and shear), as well as to rigid objects with smooth surfaces. In all these cases corresponding points lie along epipolar lines, and these lines can be recovered from a small set of corresponding points. In the second part of the paper we discuss the potential use of epipolar lines in the matching process. We present an algorithm that recovers the correspondence from three contour images. The algorithm was implemented and used to construct object models for recognition. In addition we discuss how epipolar lines can be used to solve the aperture problem.
In order to recognize an object in an image, we must determine the best transformation from object model to the image. In this paper, we show that for features from coplanar surfaces which undergo linear transformations in space, there exist projections invariant to the surface motions up to rotations in the image field. To use this property, we propose a new alignment approach to object recognition based on centroid alignment of corresponding feature groups. This method uses only a single pair of 2D model and data. Experimental results show the robustness of the proposed method against perturbations of feature positions.
Template matching by means of cross-correlation is common practice in pattern recognition. However, its sensitivity to deformations of the pattern and the broad and unsharp peaks it produces are significant drawbacks. This paper reviews some results on how these shortcomings can be removed. Several techniques (Matched Spatial Filters, Synthetic Discriminant Functions, Principal Components Projections and Reconstruction Residuals) are reviewed and compared on a common task: locating eyes in a database of faces. New variants are also proposed and compared: least squares Discriminant Functions and the combined use of projections on eigenfunctions and the corresponding reconstruction residuals. Finally, approximation networks are introduced in an attempt to improve filter design by the introduction of nonlinearity.
Most computational models of neurons assume that their electrical characteristics are of paramount importance. However, all long-term changes in synaptic efficacy, as well as many short-term effects, are mediated by chemical mechanisms. This technical report explores the interaction between electrical and chemical mechanisms in neural learning and development. Two neural systems that exemplify this interaction are described and modelled. The first is the mechanisms underlying habituation, sensitization, and associative learning in the gill withdrawal reflex circuit in Aplysia, a marine snail. The second is the formation of retinotopic projections in the early visual pathway during embryonic development.
A computer may gather a lot of information from its environment in an optical or graphical manner. A scene, as seen for instance from a TV camera or a picture, can be transformed into a symbolic description of points and lines or surfaces. This thesis describes several programs, written in the language CONVERT, for the analysis of such descriptions in order to recognize, differentiate and identify desired objects or classes of objects in the scene. Examples are given in each case. Although the recognition might be in terms of projections of 2-dim and 3-dim objects, we do not deal with stereoscopic information. One of our programs (Polybrick) identifies parallelepipeds in a scene which may contain partially hidden bodies and non-parallelepipedic objects. The program TD works mainly with 2-dimensional figures, although under certain conditions successfully identifies 3-dim objects. Overlapping objects are identified when they are transparent. A third program, DT, works with 3-dim and 2-dim objects, and does not identify objects which are not completely seen. Important restrictions and suppositions are: (a) the input is assumed perfect (noiseless), and in a symbolic format; (b) no perspective deformation is considered. A portion of this thesis is devoted to the study of models (symbolic representations) of the objects we want to identify; different schemes, some of them already in use, are discussed. Focusing our attention on the more general problem of identification of general objects when they substantially overlap, we propose some schemes for their recognition, and also analyze some problems that are met.
A new information-theoretic approach is presented for finding the pose of an object in an image. The technique does not require information about the surface properties of the object, besides its shape, and is robust with respect to variations of illumination. In our derivation, few assumptions are made about the nature of the imaging process. As a result the algorithms are quite general and can foreseeably be used in a wide variety of imaging situations. Experiments are presented that demonstrate the approach registering magnetic resonance (MR) images with computed tomography (CT) images, aligning a complex 3D object model to real scenes including clutter and occlusion, tracking a human head in a video sequence and aligning a view-based 2D object model to real images. The method is based on a formulation of the mutual information between the model and the image called EMMA. As applied here the technique is intensity-based, rather than feature-based. It works well in domains where edge or gradient-magnitude based methods have difficulty, yet it is more robust than traditional correlation. Additionally, it has an efficient implementation that is based on stochastic approximation. Finally, we will describe a number of additional real-world applications that can be solved efficiently and reliably using EMMA. EMMA can be used in machine learning to find maximally informative projections of high-dimensional data. EMMA can also be used to detect and correct corruption in magnetic resonance images (MRI).
We present a general framework for discriminative estimation based on the maximum entropy principle and its extensions. All calculations involve distributions over structures and/or parameters rather than specific settings and reduce to relative entropy projections. This holds even when the data is not separable within the chosen parametric class, in the context of anomaly detection rather than classification, or when the labels in the training set are uncertain or incomplete. Support vector machines are naturally subsumed under this class and we provide several extensions. We are also able to estimate exactly and efficiently discriminative distributions over tree structures of class-conditional models within this framework. Preliminary experimental results are indicative of the potential in these techniques.