8 resultados para Employés expatriés

em Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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Earlier, we introduced a direct method called fixation for the recovery of shape and motion in the general case. The method uses neither feature correspondence nor optical flow. Instead, it directly employs the spatiotemporal gradients of image brightness. This work reports the experimental results of applying some of our fixation algorithms to a sequence of real images where the motion is a combination of translation and rotation. These results show that parameters such as the fization patch size have crucial effects on the estimation of some motion parameters. Some of the critical issues involved in the implementaion of our autonomous motion vision system are also discussed here. Among those are the criteria for automatic choice of an optimum size for the fixation patch, and an appropriate location for the fixation point which result in good estimates for important motion parameters. Finally, a calibration method is described for identifying the real location of the rotation axis in imaging systems.


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The image of an object can vary dramatically depending on lighting, specularities/reflections and shadows. It is often advantageous to separate these incidental variations from the intrinsic aspects of an image. Along these lines this paper describes a method for photographing objects behind glass and digitally removing the reflections off the glass leaving the image of the objects behind the glass intact. We describe the details of this method which employs simple optical techniques and independent components analysis (ICA) and show its efficacy with several examples.


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Build is a tool for keeping modular systems in a consistent state by managing the construction tasks (e.g. compilation, linking, etc.) associated with such systems. It employs a user supplied system model and a procedural description of a task to be performed in order to perform the task. This differs from existing tools which do not explicitly separate knowledge about systems from knowledge about how systems are manipulated. BUILD provides a static framework for modeling systems and handling construction requests that makes use of programming environment specific definitions. By altering the set of definitions, BUILD can be extended to work with new programming environments to perform new tasks.


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In early stages of architectural design, as in other design domains, the language used is often very abstract. In architectural design, for example, architects and their clients use experiential terms such as "private" or "open" to describe spaces. If we are to build programs that can help designers during this early-stage design, we must give those programs the capability to deal with concepts on the level of such abstractions. The work reported in this thesis sought to do that, focusing on two key questions: How are abstract terms such as "private" and "open" translated into physical form? How might one build a tool to assist designers with this process? The Architect's Collaborator (TAC) was built to explore these issues. It is a design assistant that supports iterative design refinement, and that represents and reasons about how experiential qualities are manifested in physical form. Given a starting design and a set of design goals, TAC explores the space of possible designs in search of solutions that satisfy the goals. It employs a strategy we've called dependency-directed redesign: it evaluates a design with respect to a set of goals, then uses an explanation of the evaluation to guide proposal and refinement of repair suggestions; it then carries out the repair suggestions to create new designs. A series of experiments was run to study TAC's behavior. Issues of control structure, goal set size, goal order, and modification operator capabilities were explored. In addition, TAC's use as a design assistant was studied in an experiment using a house in the process of being redesigned. TAC's use as an analysis tool was studied in an experiment using Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie houses.


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As the number of processors in distributed-memory multiprocessors grows, efficiently supporting a shared-memory programming model becomes difficult. We have designed the Protocol for Hierarchical Directories (PHD) to allow shared-memory support for systems containing massive numbers of processors. PHD eliminates bandwidth problems by using a scalable network, decreases hot-spots by not relying on a single point to distribute blocks, and uses a scalable amount of space for its directories. PHD provides a shared-memory model by synthesizing a global shared memory from the local memories of processors. PHD supports sequentially consistent read, write, and test- and-set operations. This thesis also introduces a method of describing locality for hierarchical protocols and employs this method in the derivation of an abstract model of the protocol behavior. An embedded model, based on the work of Johnson[ISCA19], describes the protocol behavior when mapped to a k-ary n-cube. The thesis uses these two models to study the average height in the hierarchy that operations reach, the longest path messages travel, the number of messages that operations generate, the inter-transaction issue time, and the protocol overhead for different locality parameters, degrees of multithreading, and machine sizes. We determine that multithreading is only useful for approximately two to four threads; any additional interleaving does not decrease the overall latency. For small machines and high locality applications, this limitation is due mainly to the length of the running threads. For large machines with medium to low locality, this limitation is due mainly to the protocol overhead being too large. Our study using the embedded model shows that in situations where the run length between references to shared memory is at least an order of magnitude longer than the time to process a single state transition in the protocol, applications exhibit good performance. If separate controllers for processing protocol requests are included, the protocol scales to 32k processor machines as long as the application exhibits hierarchical locality: at least 22% of the global references must be able to be satisfied locally; at most 35% of the global references are allowed to reach the top level of the hierarchy.


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A persistent issue of debate in the area of 3D object recognition concerns the nature of the experientially acquired object models in the primate visual system. One prominent proposal in this regard has expounded the use of object centered models, such as representations of the objects' 3D structures in a coordinate frame independent of the viewing parameters [Marr and Nishihara, 1978]. In contrast to this is another proposal which suggests that the viewing parameters encountered during the learning phase might be inextricably linked to subsequent performance on a recognition task [Tarr and Pinker, 1989; Poggio and Edelman, 1990]. The 'object model', according to this idea, is simply a collection of the sample views encountered during training. Given that object centered recognition strategies have the attractive feature of leading to viewpoint independence, they have garnered much of the research effort in the field of computational vision. Furthermore, since human recognition performance seems remarkably robust in the face of imaging variations [Ellis et al., 1989], it has often been implicitly assumed that the visual system employs an object centered strategy. In the present study we examine this assumption more closely. Our experimental results with a class of novel 3D structures strongly suggest the use of a view-based strategy by the human visual system even when it has the opportunity of constructing and using object-centered models. In fact, for our chosen class of objects, the results seem to support a stronger claim: 3D object recognition is 2D view-based.


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In this paper, we develop a novel index structure to support efficient approximate k-nearest neighbor (KNN) query in high-dimensional databases. In high-dimensional spaces, the computational cost of the distance (e.g., Euclidean distance) between two points contributes a dominant portion of the overall query response time for memory processing. To reduce the distance computation, we first propose a structure (BID) using BIt-Difference to answer approximate KNN query. The BID employs one bit to represent each feature vector of point and the number of bit-difference is used to prune the further points. To facilitate real dataset which is typically skewed, we enhance the BID mechanism with clustering, cluster adapted bitcoder and dimensional weight, named the BID⁺. Extensive experiments are conducted to show that our proposed method yields significant performance advantages over the existing index structures on both real life and synthetic high-dimensional datasets.


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A key capability of data-race detectors is to determine whether one thread executes logically in parallel with another or whether the threads must operate in series. This paper provides two algorithms, one serial and one parallel, to maintain series-parallel (SP) relationships "on the fly" for fork-join multithreaded programs. The serial SP-order algorithm runs in O(1) amortized time per operation. In contrast, the previously best algorithm requires a time per operation that is proportional to Tarjan’s functional inverse of Ackermann’s function. SP-order employs an order-maintenance data structure that allows us to implement a more efficient "English-Hebrew" labeling scheme than was used in earlier race detectors, which immediately yields an improved determinacy-race detector. In particular, any fork-join program running in T₁ time on a single processor can be checked on the fly for determinacy races in O(T₁) time. Corresponding improved bounds can also be obtained for more sophisticated data-race detectors, for example, those that use locks. By combining SP-order with Feng and Leiserson’s serial SP-bags algorithm, we obtain a parallel SP-maintenance algorithm, called SP-hybrid. Suppose that a fork-join program has n threads, T₁ work, and a critical-path length of T[subscript ∞]. When executed on P processors, we prove that SP-hybrid runs in O((T₁/P + PT[subscript ∞]) lg n) expected time. To understand this bound, consider that the original program obtains linear speed-up over a 1-processor execution when P = O(T₁/T[subscript ∞]). In contrast, SP-hybrid obtains linear speed-up when P = O(√T₁/T[subscript ∞]), but the work is increased by a factor of O(lg n).