em Massachusetts Institute of Technology
We consider the problem of matching model and sensory data features in the presence of geometric uncertainty, for the purpose of object localization and identification. The problem is to construct sets of model feature and sensory data feature pairs that are geometrically consistent given that there is uncertainty in the geometry of the sensory data features. If there is no geometric uncertainty, polynomial-time algorithms are possible for feature matching, yet these approaches can fail when there is uncertainty in the geometry of data features. Existing matching and recognition techniques which account for the geometric uncertainty in features either cannot guarantee finding a correct solution, or can construct geometrically consistent sets of feature pairs yet have worst case exponential complexity in terms of the number of features. The major new contribution of this work is to demonstrate a polynomial-time algorithm for constructing sets of geometrically consistent feature pairs given uncertainty in the geometry of the data features. We show that under a certain model of geometric uncertainty the feature matching problem in the presence of uncertainty is of polynomial complexity. This has important theoretical implications by demonstrating an upper bound on the complexity of the matching problem, an by offering insight into the nature of the matching problem itself. These insights prove useful in the solution to the matching problem in higher dimensional cases as well, such as matching three-dimensional models to either two or three-dimensional sensory data. The approach is based on an analysis of the space of feasible transformation parameters. This paper outlines the mathematical basis for the method, and describes the implementation of an algorithm for the procedure. Experiments demonstrating the method are reported.
A procedure is given for recognizing sets of inference rules that generate polynomial time decidable inference relations. The procedure can automatically recognize the tractability of the inference rules underlying congruence closure. The recognition of tractability for that particular rule set constitutes mechanical verification of a theorem originally proved independently by Kozen and Shostak. The procedure is algorithmic, rather than heuristic, and the class of automatically recognizable tractable rule sets can be precisely characterized. A series of examples of rule sets whose tractability is non-trivial, yet machine recognizable, is also given. The technical framework developed here is viewed as a first step toward a general theory of tractable inference relations.
We describe a new method for motion estimation and 3D reconstruction from stereo image sequences obtained by a stereo rig moving through a rigid world. We show that given two stereo pairs one can compute the motion of the stereo rig directly from the image derivatives (spatial and temporal). Correspondences are not required. One can then use the images from both pairs combined to compute a dense depth map. The motion estimates between stereo pairs enable us to combine depth maps from all the pairs in the sequence to form an extended scene reconstruction and we show results from a real image sequence. The motion computation is a linear least squares computation using all the pixels in the image. Areas with little or no contrast are implicitly weighted less so one does not have to explicitly apply a confidence measure.
This work addresses two related questions. The first question is what joint time-frequency energy representations are most appropriate for auditory signals, in particular, for speech signals in sonorant regions. The quadratic transforms of the signal are examined, a large class that includes, for example, the spectrograms and the Wigner distribution. Quasi-stationarity is not assumed, since this would neglect dynamic regions. A set of desired properties is proposed for the representation: (1) shift-invariance, (2) positivity, (3) superposition, (4) locality, and (5) smoothness. Several relations among these properties are proved: shift-invariance and positivity imply the transform is a superposition of spectrograms; positivity and superposition are equivalent conditions when the transform is real; positivity limits the simultaneous time and frequency resolution (locality) possible for the transform, defining an uncertainty relation for joint time-frequency energy representations; and locality and smoothness tradeoff by the 2-D generalization of the classical uncertainty relation. The transform that best meets these criteria is derived, which consists of two-dimensionally smoothed Wigner distributions with (possibly oriented) 2-D guassian kernels. These transforms are then related to time-frequency filtering, a method for estimating the time-varying 'transfer function' of the vocal tract, which is somewhat analogous to ceptstral filtering generalized to the time-varying case. Natural speech examples are provided. The second question addressed is how to obtain a rich, symbolic description of the phonetically relevant features in these time-frequency energy surfaces, the so-called schematic spectrogram. Time-frequency ridges, the 2-D analog of spectral peaks, are one feature that is proposed. If non-oriented kernels are used for the energy representation, then the ridge tops can be identified, with zero-crossings in the inner product of the gradient vector and the direction of greatest downward curvature. If oriented kernels are used, the method can be generalized to give better orientation selectivity (e.g., at intersecting ridges) at the cost of poorer time-frequency locality. Many speech examples are given showing the performance for some traditionally difficult cases: semi-vowels and glides, nasalized vowels, consonant-vowel transitions, female speech, and imperfect transmission channels.
Robots must plan and execute tasks in the presence of uncertainty. Uncertainty arises from sensing errors, control errors, and uncertainty in the geometry of the environment. The last, which is called model error, has received little previous attention. We present a framework for computing motion strategies that are guaranteed to succeed in the presence of all three kinds of uncertainty. The motion strategies comprise sensor-based gross motions, compliant motions, and simple pushing motions.
Robots must successfully plan and execute tasks in the presence of uncertainty. Uncertainty arises from errors in modeling, sensing, and control. Planning in the presence of uncertainty constitutes one facet of the general motion planning problem in robotics. This problem is concerned with the automatic synthesis of motion strategies from high level task specification and geometric models of environments. In order to develop successful motion strategies, it is necessary to understand the effect of uncertainty on the geometry of object interactions. Object interactions, both static and dynamic, may be represented in geometrical terms. This thesis investigates geometrical tools for modeling and overcoming uncertainty. The thesis describes an algorithm for computing backprojections o desired task configurations. Task goals and motion states are specified in terms of a moving object's configuration space. Backprojections specify regions in configuration space from which particular motions are guaranteed to accomplish a desired task. The backprojection algorithm considers surfaces in configuration space that facilitate sliding towards the goal, while avoiding surfaces on which motions may prematurely halt. In executing a motion for a backprojection region, a plan executor must be able to recognize that a desired task has been accomplished. Since sensors are subject to uncertainty, recognition of task success is not always possible. The thesis considers the structure of backprojection regions and of task goals that ensures goal recognizability. The thesis also develops a representation of friction in configuration space, in terms of a friction cone analogous to the real space friction cone. The friction cone provides the backprojection algorithm with a geometrical tool for determining points at which motions may halt.