6 resultados para Body Part Recognition
em Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Visual object recognition requires the matching of an image with a set of models stored in memory. In this paper we propose an approach to recognition in which a 3-D object is represented by the linear combination of 2-D images of the object. If M = {M1,...Mk} is the set of pictures representing a given object, and P is the 2-D image of an object to be recognized, then P is considered an instance of M if P = Eki=aiMi for some constants ai. We show that this approach handles correctly rigid 3-D transformations of objects with sharp as well as smooth boundaries, and can also handle non-rigid transformations. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part we show that the variety of views depicting the same object under different transformations can often be expressed as the linear combinations of a small number of views. In the second part we suggest how this linear combinatino property may be used in the recognition process.
While researchers in computer vision and pattern recognition have worked on automatic techniques for recognizing faces for the last 20 years, most systems specialize on frontal views of the face. We present a face recognizer that works under varying pose, the difficult part of which is to handle face rotations in depth. Building on successful template-based systems, our basic approach is to represent faces with templates from multiple model views that cover different poses from the viewing sphere. Our system has achieved a recognition rate of 98% on a data base of 62 people containing 10 testing and 15 modelling views per person.
The inferior temporal cortex (IT) of monkeys is thought to play an essential role in visual object recognition. Inferotemporal neurons are known to respond to complex visual stimuli, including patterns like faces, hands, or other body parts. What is the role of such neurons in object recognition? The present study examines this question in combined psychophysical and electrophysiological experiments, in which monkeys learned to classify and recognize novel visual 3D objects. A population of neurons in IT were found to respond selectively to such objects that the monkeys had recently learned to recognize. A large majority of these cells discharged maximally for one view of the object, while their response fell off gradually as the object was rotated away from the neuron"s preferred view. Most neurons exhibited orientation-dependent responses also during view-plane rotations. Some neurons were found tuned around two views of the same object, while a very small number of cells responded in a view- invariant manner. For five different objects that were extensively used during the training of the animals, and for which behavioral performance became view-independent, multiple cells were found that were tuned around different views of the same object. No selective responses were ever encountered for views that the animal systematically failed to recognize. The results of our experiments suggest that neurons in this area can develop a complex receptive field organization as a consequence of extensive training in the discrimination and recognition of objects. Simple geometric features did not appear to account for the neurons" selective responses. These findings support the idea that a population of neurons -- each tuned to a different object aspect, and each showing a certain degree of invariance to image transformations -- may, as an assembly, encode complex 3D objects. In such a system, several neurons may be active for any given vantage point, with a single unit acting like a blurred template for a limited neighborhood of a single view.
A system for visual recognition is described, with implications for the general problem of representation of knowledge to assist control. The immediate objective is a computer system that will recognize objects in a visual scene, specifically hammers. The computer receives an array of light intensities from a device like a television camera. It is to locate and identify the hammer if one is present. The computer must produce from the numerical "sensory data" a symbolic description that constitutes its perception of the scene. Of primary concern is the control of the recognition process. Control decisions should be guided by the partial results obtained on the scene. If a hammer handle is observed this should suggest that the handle is part of a hammer and advise where to look for the hammer head. The particular knowledge that a handle has been found combines with general knowledge about hammers to influence the recognition process. This use of knowledge to direct control is denoted here by the term "active knowledge". A descriptive formalism is presented for visual knowledge which identifies the relationships relevant to the active use of the knowledge. A control structure is provided which can apply knowledge organized in this fashion actively to the processing of a given scene.
This thesis describes the development of a model-based vision system that exploits hierarchies of both object structure and object scale. The focus of the research is to use these hierarchies to achieve robust recognition based on effective organization and indexing schemes for model libraries. The goal of the system is to recognize parameterized instances of non-rigid model objects contained in a large knowledge base despite the presence of noise and occlusion. Robustness is achieved by developing a system that can recognize viewed objects that are scaled or mirror-image instances of the known models or that contain components sub-parts with different relative scaling, rotation, or translation than in models. The approach taken in this thesis is to develop an object shape representation that incorporates a component sub-part hierarchy- to allow for efficient and correct indexing into an automatically generated model library as well as for relative parameterization among sub-parts, and a scale hierarchy- to allow for a general to specific recognition procedure. After analysis of the issues and inherent tradeoffs in the recognition process, a system is implemented using a representation based on significant contour curvature changes and a recognition engine based on geometric constraints of feature properties. Examples of the system's performance are given, followed by an analysis of the results. In conclusion, the system's benefits and limitations are presented.
This thesis presents a statistical framework for object recognition. The framework is motivated by the pictorial structure models introduced by Fischler and Elschlager nearly 30 years ago. The basic idea is to model an object by a collection of parts arranged in a deformable configuration. The appearance of each part is modeled separately, and the deformable configuration is represented by spring-like connections between pairs of parts. These models allow for qualitative descriptions of visual appearance, and are suitable for generic recognition problems. The problem of detecting an object in an image and the problem of learning an object model using training examples are naturally formulated under a statistical approach. We present efficient algorithms to solve these problems in our framework. We demonstrate our techniques by training models to represent faces and human bodies. The models are then used to locate the corresponding objects in novel images.