18 resultados para Kraker-Goodridge, Francie
em University of Michigan
[Simmons, first U-M women's track coach with his protege and successor Francie Kraker Goodridge at first Red Simmons Invitational]
[Kraker winning the U.S. 800-meter championship, 1970, Madison Square Garden]
Back Row: Lena Kasper, Ingrid Rader, Lisa Larson, Dawn Woodruff, Julie Clifford, Ann Boyd, coach Francie Kraker Goodridge
Middle Row: Patty Shanahan, Dina Zarin, Martha Gray, Lynn Fudala, Melanie Weaver, Dana Loesche, Sara Montgomery
Front Row: Janet Fulkerson, Cindy Cooke, Judy Yuhn, Sue Frederick, Carol Lam, Jannette Schindler
Back Row: Holly Hunting, Melanie Weaver, Lisa Larsen-Weidenbach, Judy Yuhn, coach Francie Kraker Goodridge
Front Row: Sue Schroeder, Carol Lam, Patty Shanahan, Sue Frederick-Foster
Back Row: captain Judy Yuhn, Sue Schroeder, Jennifer Rioux, Kelli Burt, Cathy Schmidt, coach Francie Kraker-Goodridge
Front Row: Melissa Thompson, Patty Shanahan, Kim Bruce, Metsy Schneider, Carol Lam, Bonnie McDonald
[Back Row: ?, Francie Kraker Goodridge, ?, ?. Front Row: Moby Benedict, Jim Mandich, Terry Barr]
Front Row: Brenda Kazinec, Carol Lam, Suzanne Frederick, Maureen Miner, Judy Yuhn, Cindy Cook, Mary Evans, Catherine Sharpe, Lena Kasper.
Middle Row: Lisa Kozak, Maria Adnos, Martha Gray, Dina Zarin, Lisa Sims, Melanie Weaver, Lisa Larsen, Cindy Curlett, Catherine Guise.
Back Row: Asst. Coach James Henry, Lorrie Thornton, Dawn Rich, Teraisa Logan, Renee Turner, Joanna Bullard, Debra Williams, Hope Weisman, Julie Clifford, Melody Middleton, Head Coach Francie Goodridge.
Missing from photo: Kathy Kampen, Janet Schindler, Jamie Wainer, Dawn Woodruff, Patrice(?) Shanahan
Front row (L to R): Sue Schroeder, Sylvia Qualls, Dawn Rich, Judy Yuhn, Kelli Bert, Jennifer Rioux, Cathie Bridges.
Second row: Liz Watch, Melissa Thompson, Debbie Spierling, Laurel Park, Debbie Long, Cathy Schmidt, Martha Gray, Dedra Bradley.
Back row: Assistant coach James Henry, Angie Hafner, Darlene Fortman, Laurette Mallard, Melody Middlleton, Joyce Wilson and Coach Francie Goodridge.
Front Row: Lisa Larsen, Brenda Kazinec, Carol Lamb, Sue Foster, Patti Shanahan, Kari Manns, Lisa Sims, Lynn Fisher
Middle Row: Sue Schroeder, Cathy Smith, Melanie Weaver, Judy Yuhn, Kelly Bert, Melody Middleton, Maureen Miner, Maria Andos, Dawn Rich
Back Row: assistant coach James Henry, Hope Weisman, Darlene Fortman, Martha Gray, Joanna Bullard, Joyce Wilson, ?, Angie Hafner, head coach Francie Goodridge
Missing: Dana Loesche, Bonnie McDonald, Lorie Thornton
"50 full p. sketches ìn white'."--Covers.
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