220 resultados para Iberians -- Religion -- 6th century B.C.-3th century B.C.
em University of Michigan
Each v. contains nine lectures.
The translators of v. 1-3 are not known; v. 4 was translated by Frederick Clarke, who revised the translation of v. 1-3.
Metalwork, Iran, Sasanian; 1 13/16 in. x 8 5/8 in.; silver, mercury gilding, niello inlay
Albert Bierstadt; 2 1/64 in.x 2 23/64 in.; gold
Mode of access: Internet.
1 ft. 1 1/2 in.x 1 ft. 11 1/2 in.; stucco
Back Row: Steve King, Ed Pollister, Ed Wojtys, Mike Lantry, Jeff Spahn, Carl Russ, Kurt Kampe, Mark Jacoby, Tom Jenson
8th Row: Rick VanTongeren, Rick Jekel, Glenn Franklin, Lin Hardin, Dennis Franks, Bill Hoban, Roy Burks, Dave Metz, Mark McClain
7th Row: Dave Brown, Dennis Franklin, Gil Chapman, Jeff Perlinger, C.J. Kupec, Greg DenBoer, Steve Strinko, Chuck Heater, Pat Tumpane
6th Row: Norm Long, John Carpenter, Larry Banks, Kevin Masterson, Jim Lyall, Doug McKenzie, Jim Johnston, James Armour, John Thomas
5th Row: Jon Cederberg, Dave Brandon, Mike Day, Art Fediuk,John Cherry, Greg Koss, Don Warner, Ron Szydlowski,
4th Row: Larry Johnson, Walt Sexton, Craig Mutch, Gary Hainrihar, Doug Trozak, Walt Williamson, Don Coleman, Jovan Vercel, Barry Dotzbauer
3rd Row: Dave Elliott, Tom Slade, Harry Banks, Kevin Casey, Mike Hoban, Paul Seal, Dave Gallalgher, Ed Shuttlesworth, Bob Thornbladh, Tom Drake, Larry Gustafson
2nd Row: John Pighee, Jerry Schumacher, Tom Kee, Tom Coyle, Fred Grambau, Paul Seymour, Clint Spearman, Bill Hart, Greg Ellis, Tony Smith, Clint Haslerig
Front Row: Tom Poplawski, Larry Cipa, John Daniels, Don Eaton, Dave Zucarelli, Gary Coakley, Randy Logan, David (Bo) Rather, Alan Walker, Jim Coode
Back Row: b>Chris Grieves, Bob Franks, Gregg Willner, Dave Goldwaithe, Mark Slaughter, John Mandich, Pat Watts, James Blue, Nick Labun, Tony Woodford, C. Newhof, Jeff Lawley
9th Row: Steve Knickerbocker, Kyron Williams, Stacy Johnson, John Weisenburger, Bob Hollway, Chip Pederson, Dale Keitz, Tim Malinak, Leon Richardson, Rock Lindsay, Lewis Smith, Woody Brown
8th Row: Scott Smith, Mark Braman, Bob Patek, Jon Giesler, Mark Torzy, Curtis Greer, William Jackson, Jerry Meter, Rick Leach, Dave Stavale, Tom Melita
7th Row: Mike Smith, Tom Seabron, Mark DeSantis, Frank Bell, Harlan Huckleby, Gene Johnson, Mark Schmerge, Russell Davis, John Arbeznik, Andy Jackson, Dennis Richardson
6th Row: Joe Holland, Steve Nauta, Kevin King, Max Richardson, Dave Harding, Mike Kenn, Dominic Tedesco, Jim Pickens, Ray Johnson, Phil Brown, Ken Bush, Roger Bettis
5th Row: Roger Szafranski, Dwight Hicks, Scott Corbin, Mark Donahue, Bill Dufek, Rex Mackall, John Anderson, Derek Howard, Greg Bartnick, Walt Downing, Terry Stefan, Asst. Coach Bill McCartney
4th Row: Asst. Coach Paul Schudel, Curt Stephenson, Rob Carian, Phil Andrews, Eric Phelps, Steve Graves, Gerry Szara, Jim Hackett, Pete Traber, Steve Anderson, Bob Wood, Darrell Truitt, Phil Brumbaugh, Asst. Coach Jack Harbaugh
3rd Row: Asst. Coach Gary Moeller, Asst. Coach Tom Reed, Asst. Coach Jed Hughes, Jerry Zuver, Rick White, Jim Hall, Mike Strabley, Jerry Vogele, Jim Smith, Rob Lytle, John Hennessy, Bob Lang, Jim Bolden, John Ceddia, A. Miller, Asst. Coach Dennis Brown
2nd Row: Asst. Coach Tirrel Burton, Asst. Coach Jerry Hanlon, Greg Morton, Tom Jensen, George Przygodski, Mike Holmes, Co-Captain Kirk Lewis, Jeff Perlinger, Steve King, Dan Jilek, Jim Czirr, Bill Hoban, Calvin O'Neal, Chuck Randolph, Asst. Coach Chuck Stobart
Front Row: Mark Elzinga, Jerry Collins, Kurt Kampe, Rick Koschalk, Dave Devich, Co-captain Gordon Bell, Co-Captain Don Dufek, Tim Davis, Keith Johnson, Les Miles, Dave Whiteford, Greg Strinko, Head Coach Bo Schembechler
Back Row: Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Rick Clark, Vance Bedford, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Scot Loeffler, Jon Falk, Phil Bromley, Mike Elston
8th Row: Tim Murphy, Dave Dean, Dr. Edward Wojtys, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Danielle Tiernan, Steve Connelly, Dwight Mosely, Scott Panique, Kirk Moundros, Tad Van Pelt, Mike Sajdak, Pete Clifford, Rob Abin, Rick Brandt, Mark Ouimet, Kelly Cox, Eric Dean, Buster Stanley, Jim Schneider
7th Row: Daydrion Taylor, Todd Howard, Walter Cross, Evan Coleman, Julius Curry, Justin Fargas, Hayden Epstein, Larry Foote, Shawn Lazarus, Victor Hobson, Dave Armstrong, Deitan Dubuc, Jonathan Goodwin, John Wood, Dennis Baker, Jason Ptak, Kyle Froelich, Paul Tannous
6th Row: Aaron Richards, Cyle Young, P.J. Cwayna, Jeremy Miller, Michael Manning, Jake Malacos, Brodie Killian, Gary Rose, Rudy Smith, Joe Denay, Bennie Joppru, Dan Rumishek, Dave Petruziello, Drew Henson, Dave Terrell, Marquise Walker, Cato June
5th Row: Patrick McCall, James Whitley, William Peterson, Anthony Thomas, Ray Jackson, Bill Seymour, Shawn Thompson, Kurt Anderson, Jason Brooks, Ben Mast, Adam Adkins, Todd Mossa, Bob Fraumann, Eric Brackins, Eric Rosel, DeWayne Patmon, Anthony Jordan
4th Row: Manus Edwards, Chris Roth, Dan Williams, LeAundre Brown, Eric Wilson, Chad Carpenter, Ian Gold, Marcus Knight, Eric Warner, Maurice Williams, Jake Frysinger, Grady Brooks, Cory Sargent, Ryan Parini, Andy Sechler, Jeff Del Verne
3rd Row: Brent Washington, Kevin Bryant, Jeff Smokevich, Mark Bergin, Kenneth Jackson, Jeff Holtry, David Brandt, Steve Hutchinson, Jeff Backus, Jason Kapsner, Tommy Hendricks, Dhani Jones, Jared Chandler, Tate Schanski, Brandon Kornblue, Matt Johnson
2nd Row: Jay Feely, Darren Petterson, Jason Vinson, Noah Parker, Aaron Shea, James Hall, Steve Frazier, Chris Ziemann, Jeff Potts, Tom Brady, Josh Williams, Patrick Kratus, DiAllo Johnson, Rob Renes, Kraig Baker
Front Row: Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Marcus Ray, Andre Weathers, Nate Miller, Sam Sword, Juaquin Feazell, Mark Campbell, Jon Jansen, Jerame Tuman, Clint Copenhaver, Tai Streets, Scott Dreisbach, Chris Singletary, Clarence Williams
Back Row: Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Mike Elston, Teryl Austin, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Scot Loeffler, Jon Falk, Scott Draper, Phil Bromley, Jim Schneider
8th Row: Tim Murphy, Dr. Edward Wojtys, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Kevin Undeen, Mark Borgman, Brian Smalls, Michael Kaselitz, Joe Ghannam, Tommy Huff, Dave Eklund, Rick Brandt, Bob Bland, Mark Ouimet, Kelly Cox, Dennis Coyle, Zach Adami
7th Row: Jason Clyne, Brandon Williams, Greg Brooks, Shantee Orr, Jeremy LeSueur, Carl Biggs, Dave Pearson, Ronald Bellamy, Tyrece Butler, John Navarre, Andy Mignery, Andy Brown, Grant Bowman, Courtney Morgan, Phil Brabbs*, Kyle Blerlein, Chris Roth
6th Row: P.J. Cwayna, TommyJones, Tad Van Pelt, Dwight Mosley, Scott Panique, Stephen Baker, Blake Nasif, Joe Sgroi, Tony Pape, Demeterius Soloman, Norman Boebert, John Spytek, Phil Brackins, B.J. Askew, Charles Drake, Brent Cummings, Ryan Beard, Jon Shaw
5th Row: Aaron Richards, Jason Ptak, Todd Howard, Walter Cross, Julius Curry, Justin Fargas, Bennie Joppru, Dan Rumishek, Dave Petruziello, Shawn Lazarus, Victor Hobson, Dave Armstrong, Deitan Dubuc, Cato June, John Wood, Kyle Froelich, Kirk Moundros
4th Row: Mark Bergin, Cyle Young, Bob Fraumann, Kurt Anderson, Todd Mossa, Rudy Smith, Evan Coleman, Hayden Epstein, Larry Foote, Joe Denay, Drew Henson, Dave Terrell, Marquise Walker, Gary Rose, Michael Manning, Jeremy Miller
3rd Row: Matt Johnson, Ryan Parini, James Whitley, Bill Seymour, Anthony Thomas, Shawn Thompson, Adam Adkins, Jake Frysinger, Ben Mast, Eric Brackins, Eric Rosel, DeWayne Patmon, Dan Williams, Cory Sargent, Brandon Kornblue
2nd Row: Tate Schanski, Jeff Smokevitch, Kevin Bryant, Eric Wilson, Grady Brooks, David Brandt, Steve Frazier, Steve Hutchinson, Jeff Backus, Jason Kapsner, Andy Sechler, Eric Warner, Ken Jackson, Jeff Del Verne
Front Row: Chris Ziemann, Josh Williams, Tom Brady, Patrick Kratus, DiAllo Johnson, Rob Renes, Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Dhani Jones, Ian Gold, Marcus Knight, Tommy Hendricks, Aaron Shea, James Hall
Sculpture, Japanese, Kofun; 1 ft. 3 55/64 in.x 8 1/2 in.x 4 1/64 in.; earthenware with painted, incised, and applied decoration
Sculpture, Japanese, Late Kofun; H: 1 ft. 13/32 in.; earthenware with traces of color
Includes bibliographical references (p. [vii]-viii) and indexes.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Metalwork, Anglo-Saxon, 6C; 3 55/64 in.x 1 27/32 in.; repoussé, cloisonné; gold, glass and garnet