11 resultados para Cornhill magazine.
em University of Michigan
Published in London by J. Murray, <1947->.
Founded by G. Smith with W. M. Thackeray as first editor, Jan. 1860-Mar. 1862.
Ten of the essays included in this volume first appeared in the Encyclopaedia britannica, the Times, the Morning post, the National review, the Nineteenth century and after, the Cornhill magazine, and the Naval annual ... The paper on "Naval strategy and tactics at the time of Trafalgar" was read at the Institute of naval architects, and that on "The supply and communications of a fleet" at the Hong-Kong United service institution.
First appeared in the Cornhill magazine.
"This book is partly made up of contributions of the 'Fortnightly review,' the 'New quarterly magazine,' and the 'Cornhill magazine'."--Pref.
"...reprinted from the Cornhill Magazine with a few alterations and omissions."
1st ser. is 2d ed., 1877.
Gathering E unsigned; page 65 misnumbered 5.
Reprinted from the Cornhill magazine, Fraser's magazine, and the Fortnightly review.
Reprinted from the Cornhill magazine, Frazer's magazine, and the Fortnightly review.
The art of biography [printed in the "National review, April 1914]"--Some remarks on Ruskin's style.--The art of indexing.--Fifty years of a literary magazine [written for Jubilee number of the Cornhill (Jan. 1910)]--Literature and modern journalism.--Words and the war.--A study in superlatives.--The poetry of a painter.--The second thoughts of poets.