5 resultados para 2D SixGe1-x alloys
em University of Michigan
Cover title.
This report consists of the analytical procedures modified or developed at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, CANEL, for the determination of alloying constituents and impurities in columbium and its alloys. Included are spectrophotometric methods for chromium, columbium, iron, molybdenum, tungsten, nickel, nitrogen and titanium; volumetric methods for chromium, vanadium and zirconium; emission and X-ray spectrographic methods for various alloying elements; a spectrographic method for zirconium and trace impurities and miscellaneous methods for aluminum, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.
El vol. II se publicó con tít.: "Controuersias antiguas y modernas de la mission de la gran China ...", según Quetif, J. (Fuente: Wellcome Library: This work was to consist of three volumes. The 2d vol, printed complete (?) Madrid 1679, is supposed to have been suppressed by the Spanish inquisition. A copy without t.-p., containing p. 1-668, is described in the Bibliotheca grenvilliana, p. 484. Another copy, in the same incomplete condition, quoted by Quaritch under no 61 of his Rough list no. 24, is now in the possession of H. Cordier. The 3d vol. was never published. cf. Cordier, Bibliotheca sinica, 2d ed., Paris, 1904; and Medina, Bibl. hisp. americana.)
Edited by Sir William Ramsay, William Macnab, and others.