223 resultados para Himmlisches Jerusalem
No conventions held in 1861, 1874; proceedings of Executive committee issued for those years, the latter pub. as New Jerusalem messenger supplement.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contiene: El gran chímico del mundo (Loa, Auto sacramental y entremés) (pp. 1-48) ; La xarretiera de Inglaterra, El mayor aprecio del descuido de una dama (pp. 49-99) ; El Austria en Jerusalem (pp. 100-149) ; Fieras de zelos y amor (Zarzuela) (pp. 150-179) ; El esclavo en grillos de oro (pp. 179-229) ; El sastre del campillo (pp. 230-274) ; Más vale el hombre que el nombre (pp. 275-338) ; El duelo contra su dama (pp. 339-388) / Francisco de Bances Candamo. San Bernardo Abad (pp. 389-435) ; El español más amante, y desgraciado Mazías (pp. 436-477) ; Las mesas de la Fortuna (Auto sacramental alegórico) (pp. 478-507) / Francisco de Bances Candamo, Juan de la Hoz y Mota.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. 17-28 are omitted in the numbering of the new series.
Vol. 2 is a 1928 reprint of the 9th ed. of 1904.
Mode of access: Internet.
The Alexandrian and the Antiochian schools.--Symbols of the first four councils.--The post-Nicene Greek fathers: Eusebius. Athanasius. Arius. Cyril of Jerusalem. Ephraem Syrus. Marcelius and the Apollinaril. Basil. Gregory Nazianzen. Gregory Nyssa. Didymus. Epiphanius. Diodorus of Tarsus. Chrysostom. Synesius. Theodore of Mopsuestia. Theophilus. Cyril of Alexandria. Nestorius. Theodoret. The church historians. Other writers of the fouth and fifth centuries. John of Damascus. Other late writers. The Greek hymnologists.
Issue no. 8 contains: Continued letters of Captain Warren, letters XXXV-XLVII. Quarterly nos. I, II, III, V, and VI.
Bd. 1. Einleitung in die Geschichte de Volkes Israel. - Bd. 2. Geschichte Mose's und der Gottherschaft in Israel. - Bd. 3. Geschichte David's und der Königsherrschaft in Israel. - Bd. 4. Geschichte Ezia's und der Heilignerrschaft in Israel bis Christus. - Bd. 5. Geschichte Christus' und seiner Zeit. - Bd. 6. Geschichte des apostolischen Zeitalters bis zur Zerstörung Jerusalem's. - Bd. 7. Geschichte der aüsgange des Volkes Israel und des nachapostolischen Zeitalters. 2. Ausg. - Bd. 8. Die Alterthümer des Volkes Israel. Anhang zum 2. und 3. Bande.
Includes bibliographies and indexes.
"Druckfehlerverzeichnis" : p. [155]-168.
"They that walk in darkness."--Transitional.--Noah's ark.--The land of promise.--To die in Jerusalem.--Bethulah.--The keeper of conscience.--Satan Mekatrig.--Diary of a meshumad.--Incurable.--The Sabbath-breaker.
Prelude: Moses and Jesus.-- A child of the Ghetto -- Joseph, the dreamer -- Uriel Acosta -- The Turkish Messiah -- The maker of lenses -- The master of the name -- Maimon the fool and Nathan the wise -- From a mattress grave -- The people's saviour -- The primrose sphinx -- Dreamers in congress -- The Palestine pilgrim -- The conciliator of Christendom -- The joyous comrade -- Chad Gadya -- Epilogue: A modern scribe in Jerusalem.
T. 12-23 called also nouv. ser., t. 1-11.