123 resultados para Frank, Abraham SalomonFrank, Abraham SalomonAbraham SalomonFrank
It has been conjectured that A.D.S.D. could be Antoine de Saint-Denis, Abraham de Saint-Die, or André de Saint-Didier. Cf. Brunet.
Erroneously ascribed to Abraham ben Meïr Ibn Ezra.
Back Row: Clarence Moulthrop, Lee Bonar, Julius St. Clair, Abraham Cohn, Charles Beath, William Cruse, Harold Rye, stud. mngr. Charles Boos
Middle Row: asst. coach Prentiss Douglas, asst. coach Robert Watson, Clifford Sparks, Chester Morrison, Lowell Genebach, Thomas Garrett, Archie Weston Harry Wellford, Gerald Froemke, Oscar Cartwright, trainer Harry Tuthill
Front Row: Oscar Lambert, Joseph Hanish, Alan Boyd, Elton Wieman, Angus Goetz, head coach Fielding Yost, John Goodsell, Richard Weske, William Fortune, Frank Culver