136 resultados para postgraduate medical education
Apparatus for nerve muscle experiment. The machine on the right gives shocks at the desired frequency (source: Physiology at Michigan, 1850-1923 by Horace W. Davenport)
George Dock (with percussion hammer) and James Arneill (behind Dock) teaching in amphitheather of Catherine Street Hospital (source: Not Just Any Medical School by Horace W. Davenport). Handwritten on mount: G. M. Livingston. Ann Arbor, MI. On verso: George Dock (Pathology)
Nancrede operating in the 1890s. Cyrenus Darling is the large man facing Nancrede. (source: University of Michigan Surgeons 1850-1970: Who They Were and What They Did by Horace W. Davenport. On verso: Dr. C. B. G. de Nancrede operating?
On verso: Alice Hamilton in front row bench, third from left
On verso: Jas. A. Breakey, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Laurence C. Grosh, Toledo, O. Attached caption: Howard H. Herrington (M '94) [center]; Laurence C. Grosh (M '96) [left front]; Stephen Clifton Glidden (M '94) [right front]; [donated by] Edwin Andrew Murbach (M '94) [left back]; James F. Breakey (m '94) [right back] (Daybook, image #62)
On verso: M.U. Med School. Howard H. Herrington (M '94) [center]; Stephen Clifton Glidden (M '94) [second from left]; [donated by] Edwin Andrew Murbach (M '94) left]; James F. Breakey (M '94) [right]; Laurence Chamberlain Grosh (M '96) [on table]