93 resultados para Orlin, Theodore S.: The jurisprudence of human rights law: A comparative interpretive approach
The Charleston issue [1806] has title: The numbers of Phocion, which were originally published in the Charleston courier, in 1806, on the subject of neutral rights.
1. The virulence of human and bovine tubercle bacilli for guinea pigs and rabbits / by Marion Dorset -- 2. The comparative virulence of human and bovine tubercle bacilli for some large animals / by E.A. de Schweinitz, Marion Dorset and E.C. Schroeder -- 3. Studies in immunity from tuberculosis / by E.C. Schroeder and The persistence of tubercle bacilli in tissues of animals after injection / by E.C. Schroeder.
The conservation of human life.- The tenement home in modern cities.- The substantial value of woman's vote.- The attitude of society towards the criminal.- The problem of the police.- The religious treatment of poverty.- The dominant note of the modern philanthropy.- The next quarter century.