194 resultados para Gantry crane
Top Row: Wesley Winkler, Ralph Drake, Charles Rothschild, Norman Sterry, Kenneth Robinson, Alfred Chadwick, Weldon Fix, Ross Kidston, Les Barkenbus, Harrison Weeks, David Dunlap, George Gregory, Harold Baker, Cecil Gooding, George Sadler
Third Row: student mngr. H.C. Crafts, Edward Dickey(?), David Beardsley, William Snushall, ? Smith, George Davison, Kennedy Potter, ? Clark, Charles Van Valkenberg, Neil Snow, Joseph Horgan, James Forrest, William Foote, Webb Sadler, ? Hayes
Second Row: trainer Keene Fitzpatrick, ? Smith, Samuel Sackett, Everett Sweeley, Herbert Graver, Walter Shaw, Hugh White, Albert Herrnstein, Curtis Redden, Dan McGugin, Ebin Wilson, Bruce Shorts, Arthur Redner, Temple Owens
Front Row: Ralph Husson, Albert Preussman, Arthur Urquhart, Willie Heston, Benjamin Southworth, coach Fielding Yost, Charles Crane, Jerome (mascot), John Lewis, Frank Doty, Frank Belknap
Top Row: asst. coach Steve Forsythe, Dan Mulvihill, Dan Fife, Jim Burton, Jim Kocoloski, coach Moby Benedict
3rd Row: Greg Buss, Tom Fleszar, tom Kettinger, Mike Rafferty, Mike Bowen, Mark Carrow
2nd Row: John Lonchar, John Hornyak, Bob Bower, Mickey Elwood, Mike DeCou, Peter Helt, Reggie Ball
Front Row: Mike Corp, Leon Roberts, Mark Crane, Bob Moug, Pat Sullivan, Brian Balaze
Top Row: Chuck Rogers, Brian Balaze, Pat Sullivan, Ace Adams, Mike DeCou, Bill Meyer
Middle Row: Mark Weber, John Lieneck, Reggie Ball, Dan Damiani, Dick Walterhouse, Tom Kettinger, Jim Kocoloski, bat boy Jones
Front Row: Mark Crane, Pete Ross, Chris Burak, John Lonchar, Craig Forhan, Pete Helt, Tom Joyce, coach Moby Benedict
[crane with wrecking ball is about to start knocking down building]
A comprehensive engineering analysis of the coastal sediment transport processes along a 42-kilometer segment of the North Carolina shoreline from Wrightsville Beach to Fort Fisher is presented. Included in the analysis is an interpretation of the littoral processes, longshore transport, and the behavior and success of beach nourishment projects at Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach, North Carolina. The historical position of the MLW, MSL, and MHW contours, relative to a fixed base line, is plotted for the period between 1964 and 1975. An equivalent volumetric erosion or accretion between successive surveys is determined by multiplying the average excursion distance of the contours by a constant of proportionality. The plots of excursion distance versus time for the MLW, MSL, and MHW contours also show the time response of the beach fills. This response is described by a mathematical function. The alongshore components of wave-induced energy flux are also determined within the study area through wave refraction analysis. This information, together with the information on volumetric change, is used in a sediment budget analysis to determine the coefficient of alongshore sediment transport and the inlet trapping characteristics. (Author).
"The record...of civilized man's misgivings about his performances."-v.l, p. ix.
Includes household hints; recipes for Spanish, English, Italian dishes; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: Cream asparagus soup; Bocados de reina (Food for a queen); Currant pasties, old fashioned "scalby cakes"; Montauk sandwiches.
Title vignette.
Includes bibliographical references and index.