995 resultados para University Museums Building (University of Michigan)
top row: ass't coach Bill Johannesen, Roger Ritzman, Gary Ernst, John Ryan, mangr. Bob Murry
middle row: Jim Brown, Jarrett Hubbard, Dave Curby, Bill Schuk, Rick Neff
front row: Therlon Harris, capt. Mark King, coach Rick Bay, Mitch Mendrygal, Jim Hagan
top row: Jim Brown, Jeff Guyton, David Curby, Bill Schuk, Rich Valley
middle row: ass't coach Bill Johannesen, Bill Davids, John Ryan, Gary Ernst, John King, Jarrett Hubbard, mgr Tom Fillion
front row: Jim Blanks, capt. Mitch Mendrygal, coach Rick Bay, Roger Ritzman, Robert Whitley
back row: Roger Ritzman, Jarrett Hubbard, Gary Ernst, Dave Curby, John Ryan
front row: Jim Brown, ass't coach Bill Johanneson, coach Rick Bay, Mitch Mendrygal, Bill Schuck, Bill Davids, Jeff Guyton
top row: Mark Johnson, John Ryan, Rob Huizenga, Dave Curby
middle row:ass't coach Bill Johanesen, Rich Valley, Dan Brink, Bill Schuck, Jim Brown, mgr. Robert Murray
front row: Rick Neff, capt. Jarrett Hubbard, coach Rick Bay, Gary Ernst, Bill Davids
back row: Rich Lubell, Harold King, Mitch Marsicano, Brad Holman, Karl Briggs, David Myers
middle row: ass't coach Cal Jenkins, Todd Schneider, Amos Goodlow, Mark Churella, Ed Neiswender, mngr. John Becksford
front row: Gary Jonseck, John Ryan, Mark Johnson, coach Bill Johnannesen, Rich Valley, Steve Shuster
top row: coach Bill Johannesen, Brad Holman, Ed Neiswender, capt. Mark Johnson, Harold King, Mitch Mariscano, ass't coach Cal Jenkins
front row: Todd Schneider, Amos Goodlow, Rich Lubell, Karl Briggs, Mark Churella, George Kelley
top row: ass't coach Cal Jenkins, Steve Fraser, Dennis Bauer, Steve Bennett, Bill Petoskey, Bill Konovsky, capt. Karl Briggs, coach Bill Johannesen
front row: trainer Charles Miller, Dan Richard, Bob McAlvey, Kirk Arndt, Mark Churella, Bill Evashevski
back row: coach Dale Bahr, grad ass't Steve Fraser, John Beljan
middle row: ?, Richard Dusenberry, Nemir Nadhir?, Tim Fagan, Patrick McKay
front row: ?, ?, Joe McFarland,
Front Row Stephen Pierce, Tim Fagan, Nemir Nadhir, Mark Pearson, Bill Goodill, Larry Haughn
Second Row: Rich Zboray, Mike DerGarbedian, Jeff Burk, Rob Rechsteiner, Eric Klasson, John Beljan, John Segula, Tim Berry, Kevin Hill
Back Row: Monte Wilcox, Howard Jongsma, Kirk Trost, Rickey Moore, Pat McRae, Jeff Marolt, Scott Rechsteiner, Greg Wright, Stuart Brown, Mike Gersky.
Not Pictured: Joe McFarland, Pat McKay, Luigi Milani.
The magnificent fountain "Sunday Morning in Deep Waters", by Carl Milles stands before the Michigan League, designed for undergraduate women students as a center for their activities. Its facilities are available for the comfort of all university students, staff, alumni and their guests.
Burton Memorial Carillon Tower is a landmark on the Ann Arbor Campus of University of Michigan. Sculpture in the foreground is by the famous artist Carl Milles.
Justly proud of its national acclaim, the band is seen in its classic block "M" formation in the University of Michigan Stadium at Ann Arbor, Michigan