101 resultados para Poetry and society
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"Though the present edition ... retains, in the title-page, the name of the original editor, it varies considerably from the first edition, and may, indeed, almost be regarded as a new selection - Advertisement.
Buchanan, under the pseudonym of Thomas Maitland, contributed to the Contemporary review, October 1871, p. 334-350, an article entitled "The fleshly school of poetry: Mr. D.G. Rossetti." Rossetti replied in the Athenæum, December 16, 1871 (cf. issue for December 30) Others entered into the controversy, and Buchanan, by way of rejoinder, elaborated his article in pamphlet form so as to include an attack upon other contemporary poets. cf. Athenæum, May 25, 1872.
Editor: 1915- J.M. Cattell.
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Title varies
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"Serial no. 92-72."
Cover-title: The advantages of a republican state of society for the cultivation of the arts and sciences.
Preface by the editor contains this statement: "Several years since there was what purported to be a translation published in London; but this was a disgraceful imposture. Mrs. Austin speaks of it as the most flagrant piece of literary dishonesty on record, not without justice; and Mr. Carlyle refers to it much in the same spirit. It was a poor copy of a wretched French version, in which frequently twenty pages of the original are omitted at a time, and hardly a sentence is rendered with fidelity." This refers to an anonymous translation published in 2 vols., London, 1824, and reprinted in 1 vol., New York, 1824 and 1844. cf. Characteristics of Goethe. From the German of Falk, von Müller, etc., with notes ... by S. Austin, vol. II (1833) p. 129, and Carlyle's Crit. and miscell. essays, New York, 1872, vol. I, p. 178.
"The greater part of the twelve essays" delivered as "lectures of the Professor of Poetry at the Royal Society of Literature."--Pref.
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Each no. has also a distinctive title.
Translated by John Duer. cf. Harris, Index to American poetry and plays. p. 41.