122 resultados para LUMBER
From the series "Scenes at L. B. Curtis & Co.'s Camp, Midland County, Michigan"
From the series "Scenes at L. B. Curtis & Co.'s Camp, Midland County, Michigan"
In the past 10 years, the use of floating breakwaters as temporary coastal structures has become increasingly widespread in the United States as an inexpensive means for suppressing waves. However, as with any new technology, there have been many failures and a substantial number of imaginative, successful innovations. One of the chief problems contributing to the failure rate has been a lack of awareness by designers of reliable, up-to-date technical information. As part of a large research effort to remedy this problem, a survey was conducted on field experience with floating breakwaters in the Eastern United States. Results of the survey confirmed that state-of-the-art technical literature is not being properly disseminated. Structures built according to early design manuals were shown to have failed before the completion of their design life. Conversely, floating breakwaters built to the standards set by recent research have fared well and show promise of meeting their design golas. The weakest areas of the present technology are flotation and the anchoring systems. It is recommended that a concentrated research effort be directed toward these problem areas; it is also recommended that the monitoring of state-of-the-art projects continue. (Author).
"SIC Code 24."
Mode of access: Internet.
"Errata": 1 leaf inserted.
Bibliography : p. 82.
Mode of access: Internet.
pt. 1. Food and kindred products; tobacco manufactures.--pt. 2. Textile mill products; apparel and related products; leather and leather goods.--pt. 3. Lumber and wood products; furniture and fixtures.--pt. 4. Pulp, paper, and products; printing and publishing.--pt. 5. Chemical and products: petroleum and coal products; rubber products.--pt. 6. Stone, clay, and glass products; miscellaneous manufactures.--pt. 7. Primary metal industries; fabricated metal products.--pt. 8. Machinery, except electrical; electrical machinery.--pt. 9. Transportation equipment; instruments and related products.
"Contract No. AT-(40-1)-2513."
"Contract No. AT-(40-1)-2513."
v.74 never published.
Vol. 62-69, no.916, July 1918-Dec.1921 in two editions, Dealer's edition and Manufacturers' edition. Vol.69, no.916-v.70, Jan.-Nov.1922 of the Dealer's edition called National lumber merchant.