86 resultados para Early works
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Reprints, including facsimiles of title pages, of earlier editions of the individual works published 1818-1822.
The plays are printed in the order found in the second folio "Fifty comedies and tragedies," 1679, with facsimile reproductions of early title-pages.
"Chronicle of some of the principal events in the life, works, and times of John Lyly": p. [3]-10.
Each part issued separately, with special t.-p. and separate pagination.
v. 1. Poems -- v. 2. Early drama -- v. 3. Early dramas -- v. 4. Historical dramas -- v. 5. Historical dramas -- v. 6. History of the Thirty Year's War in Germany -- v. 7. Revolt of the Netherlands -- v. 8. Aesthetical and philosophical essays.
The church-Principles of church reform-The Oxford malignants, and Dr. Hampden.-The Bible. I Genesis.-The Bible. II. The sin not to be forgiven.-Christian duty of conceding the Roman Catholic claims.-The Church of England.-Tracts for the times.-Addenda. I. Faith and reason. II. The sixth chapter of the Gospel by John. III. Tradition.-The divisions and mutual relations of knowledge.-The social progress of states.-Preface to the third volume of Arnoic's thucydides.-Rugby school-Use of the classics.-The discipline of public schools.-Poetry of common life.-Education of the middle classes.-Early Roman history.-The social condition of operative classes.-Christian politics.-National church establishments.
Vol. 3 contains "Additions and corrections" to v.1-3 (p. 435-472) and a general index to the three volumes.
Ms. notes in margins throughout volume and on 3 blank pages at end.
Cited in Dyer, I.W. A bibl. of T. Carlyle's writings and ana. 1968. p.59.
"Works bearing on early Greek philosophy": page [123].