103 resultados para Belgians in Germany.
Added t.p.: Schiller's History of the Thirty Years War in Germany. Translated by W.E. Macklin and Tao Siun Ren.
Vol. 1. Gregory of Tours.--Early intercourse of England and Germany.--Antecedents of the Reformation.--The Stephenses.--Muretus.--Joseph Scaliger.--Life of Joseph Scaliger (Fragment).--Peter Daniel Huet.--A chapter of university history.--F.A. Wolf.--Oxford Studies.--Vol. 2. Calvin at Geneva.--Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-1750.--Life of Bishop Warburton.--The Calas tragedy.--Present state of theology in Germany (1857).--Learning in the Church of England.--Philanthropic societies in the reign of Queen Anne.--Life of Montaigne.--Pope and his editors.--Buckle's History of civilization in England.
Includes index.
Binder's title.
"Select bibliography": v.2, p. [xv]-xxiii.
Includes bibliographical references.
"Printed in Germany 1959"--T.p. verso.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Translated by W. R. V. B "Not yet ... published in Germany."
Mode of access: Internet.
[No. III] Prophetical extracts. Containing a very scarce prophetic piece, intitled [sic], A cry from the desart [sic], or, testimonials of the miraculous things lately come to pass in the Cevennes, or Southern parts of France. Verified upon oath, and by other proofs. [by Maximilian Misson] (1794).--No. IV. Prophetical extracts. Relative to the revolution in France, and the decline of the papal power in the world: selected from Fleming, Usher, Jerieu, Goodwin, Gill, Love, Daut, Brown, Knox, Willison, More, Newton, Lacey, Owen, Marion, Cavalier, and many more (1794).--No. V. Prophetical extracts. Relative to the revolution in France...The lives, prophecies, visions, and revelations, of Christopher Kotterus, and Christina Poniatonia, two eminent prophets, in Germany, containing predictions concerning the Pope, the King of France, and the Roman Empire ; with the sudden destruction of the papal power, the miraculous conversion of the Turks, the calling in of the Jews, and the uniting all religions into one universal visible church. Many of which prophecies being desired by the then King of Bohemia, were by the learned Comenius presented to him [by Johann Amos Comenius] (1794).
Issues for Sept. 1920-Dec. 1927 in 2 pts.: Amtlicher Teil; Nichtamtlicher Teil. Issues for 1928-39 in 6 pts.: T. 1. Amtlicher Teil; T. 2. Nichtamtlichter Teil; T. 3. Arbeitsschutz; T. 4. Amtliche Nachrichten für Reichsversicherung; T. 5. Reichsversorgungsblatt (called Jan.-June 1928 Bekanntmachungen über Tarifverträge); T. 6. Bekanntmachung von Tarifordnungen und von Richtlinien für den Inhalt von Betriebsordnungen und Einzelarbeitsverträgen (title varies). Issues for 1940-45 in 5 pts.: T. 1. [Amtlicher Teil]; T. 2. Amtliche Nachrichten für Reichsversicherung; T. 3. Arbeitsschutz; T. 4. Bekanntmachung von Tarifordnungen und von Richtlinien für den Inhalt von Betriebsordnungen und Einzelarbeitsverträgen; T. 5. Soziales Deutschland.
"Contains a course of lectures delivered in Oxford, during Michaelmas term of the year now ending [1908] for the delegates of the Common University Fund. Its object is to combine a record of the principal facts of unemployement with a continuous argument as to the causes of unemployment. It includes a good deal of matter from published sources ... and appendices, the most important of which deal with 'Public labour exchanges in Germany' (reprinted from the Economic Journal for March, 1908) and 'Methods of seeking employment in Great Britain'."--Pref.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on religion.
Goethe.--Schiller.--The German novel.--The Romantic school in Germany.