927 resultados para Toldeo and Ann Arbor Railroad Company
Left to right: Res. of Geo. F. Richards, Sec. 16, York Tp. Mich.; Res. of Selden Orr, Sec. 16, York Tp. Mich.; Res. of John Coe, Sec. 3, York Tp. Mich.; Res. of E. Pearson, Sec. 11, York Tp. Mich.; Res. of Geo. Coe, Sec. 8, York Tp. Mich.; Milan House, Lyman Burnham, Proprietor, Milan, York Tp. Mich. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.
On verso: Views on the campus at the U. of M. Ann Arbor Mich. [Photo ... by Black & Co.]
Looking east across Diag [Diagonal] to West Medical (later Natural Resources)
On verso: Joseph Weare
On verso: Randall; 220 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Photo includes people (some children). Lamppost prominent
Standing in front of the class (from left) are Abram Sager, Alonzo Palmer, Corydon Ford, Moses Gunn, and Silas Douglas (source: Not Just Any Medical School by Horace W. Davenport). On verso: March 1865. Dr. J. Ballard, then at 20 ... Gift of Dr. Elmer Belt, Los Angeles, Calif.
On verso: Birds eye view of campus with buildings - campus contains 40 acres of ground and is covered with some ten buildings located on different parts of it - It is in center of city pop. 10000
University Hall before old dome
Bay window of our room at Mrs. Schryrus on Washington. Minnie Nemby and Fanny Read. January 19 - '89
On verso: Bay window of our room at Mrs. Schryus on Washington - Minnie Nemby & Fanny Read. Jan. 19 '89
Tree before 1858; boulder ca. 1883; bronze plaque 1904. In spring of 1858 the Class of 1858 named this oak (growing near center of campus) the Tappan Oak as a tribute to then Pres. Henry P. Tappan). Stone was given by the "Tappan Boys" (class of 58) and placed ca. 1883.
Gift of Clas of 1956