70 resultados para The Voyage Out
References: Howes, U.S.IANA, no. P.240.
Series title also at head of t.-p.
"Prose and verse word-pictures of buds and flowers and the life out-of-doors ... originally intended for only 'one little girl with a face of morning,'--the author's granddaughter."--Publisher's announcement.
No. 1. The supervisor's job. -2. How to get the work out. - 3. How to train employees. -4. How to work with people.
On verso: A few nice ones with Harold on the car...Part of the logs out of the largest pine tree cut by Ward's at Deward with Harold Ward on R.R. car. Harold the grandson of David Ward and son of Willis C. Ward. Multiple prints of this image with different verso inscriptions exist
[ First baseman Gedeon makes the put-out]
A translation of K. G. T. Winkler's German version of the "Voyage dantesque" in Ampère's "La Grèce, Rome et Dante," which was published under title "Mein Weg in Dante's Fusstapfen nach J. J. Ampère bearbeitet von Theodor Hell.
Appendici: 1. Del doversi scrivere e stampare costantemente Dante Allighieri con doppia elle e non altrimenti ... (signed: F. Scolari).--Compendio della cronologia scaligera (signed: G.M. [i.e. Giovanni Mazzocchi])--3. Delle memorie trivigiane che trovansi nella Divina commedia, lettera dell'abate d. Giuseppe Polanzani ...
Es la traducción de la obra: "Voyage faict par terre depuis Paris jusques à la Chine, par le sieur de Feynes,... avec son retour par mer"
La primera obra relata el viaje de 1572-1573, la segunda el viaje de 1577-1580, la tercera el de 1585-1586 y la última del viaje de 1595-1596, en el que murió.