71 resultados para Perfection.
"Prefatory memoir" signed: G.B.M. [i.e. G. B. Morgan]
The man machine.- The perfection of reason.- The perfection of science.
With the last corrections of the author.
Includes bibliographical references.
Translation of Combattimento spirituale.
v. 1. An account of his family ; of his education in the early part of his life, and the first five numbers of his journal -- v. 2. The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh numbers of his journal -- v. 3. The twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, and part of the eighteenth, numbers of his journal -- v. 4. The eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first numbers of his journal, particular of his death, review of his character, &c. -- v. 5. Forty-two sermons on various subjects -- v. 6. Forty-three sermons on various subjects -- v. 8. A plain account of Christian perfection. The appeals to men of reason and religion. Principles of the Methodists, &c. -- v. 9. The doctrine of original sin, and tracts on various subjects of polemical divinity -- v. 10. Tracts and letters on various subjects.
Attributed to J. Besoigne.
Second work: Declaración mística del Cántico de los cánticos, y directorio de religiosas / que compuso San Francisco de Sales ; traducida del francés por Francisco Cubillas Donyague. Barcelona : Juan Francisco Piferrer, 1824.
With: Extracts from the writings of some of the Society of Friends...showing that the necessary baptism is that of Christ...Manchester. Harrison and Crosfield. 1835.--Extracts from the writings of the Society of Friends...showing that the external supper...has ceased in point of obligation. Manchester. Harrison and Crosfield. 1832.--On justification. Extracted from Robert Barclay's Apology. Manchester. Harrison and Crosfield. [183?].--Concerning perfection. From Robert Barclay's Apology...proposition VIII. Manchester. Harrison and Crosfield. [183?].--Extracted from Joseph Besse's Defence of Quakerism. [Manchester. Harrison and Crosfield. 183?].--Extracts from the writings of...Friends on the divinity of Christ. Elisha Bates. Manchester. Harrison and Crosfield. 1835.--Sentiments of a few eminent persons concerning Friends. [Manchester. Harrison and Crosfield. 183?]
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on religion.
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