178 resultados para Information for students
Dissection room for female students, called hen medics, first floor of the Anatomical Laboratory. The women had separate dissection rooms until 1908 (source: Not Just Any Medical School by Horace W. Davenport.)
On verso: 2nd from rt. Dr. Margaret Bell
On Photo: Daines, Ann Arbor
Jordan & Anderson, architect (1863); Spier & Rohns (1898). The old Law Building was renamed Haven Hall in 1933. It becomes one of the main buildings for LS&A used by Departments of History, Sociology and Journalism. The old Law Library became a study hall and Bureau of Government Library. Extension Division also had offices in Haven Hall.
Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, architects. Bryant & Detwiler, contractor. In 1951/1952 Haven Hall (south side) and Mason Hall (north) were added to the east or diagonal side of Angell Hall. Southeast corner in image.
Top Row: Caroline Vander Kuy, Dannielle Van Dommelen, Diane Fox, Catherine Winnell, Catherine Orsor, Alicia Hughes
Row 2: Catharine Whorton, Lea Bell, Paula Durecki, Jennifer Jorissen, Marie Lewis, Sarah Bellestri, Margaret Van Bolt