86 resultados para Early works
Originally pub. in weekly numbers, under title, The American library.
v. 1 The dukes of Urbino; Edward Baines; Francesco Pforza; Social life in past centuries; Harford's Michael Angelo; Decade of Italian women; Peden the prophet; Filippo Strozzi; Lord Macaulay as a translator; The pope & the friar; Whittington & his cat; Autobiography of Mrs. Piozzi; Early years of Pitt; Last years of Pitt.--v. 2 Washington Irving; Irving at Sunnyside; Reliques of Mrs. Knight; Marc Isambard Brunel; Colossal vestiges; Lady Morgan; Lord Stanhope; Pictor ignotus; Miss Berry; Windham; Our merchant princess; Lucrezia Borgia; America by an American.
"This edition is limited to 275 small-paper copies, and 75 large-paper copies"--T.p. verso.
The Shelley and Keats parts are the first collected editions of the two poets. Cf. C. H. Taylor. The early collected editions of Shelley's poems. and J. R. MacGillivray. Keats.
v. 1. Memoirs of the life of Sir Humphry Davy, by his brother, John Davy.--v. 2. Early miscellaneous papers from 1799 to 1805, with an introductory lecture and outlines of lectures on chemistry, delivered in 1802 and 1804.--v. 3. Researches, chemical and philosophical, chiefly concerning nitrous oxide ... and its respiration.--v. 4. Elements of chemical philosophy.--v. 5. Bakerian lectures and miscellaneous papers from 1806 to 1815.--v. 6. Miscellaneous papers and researches, especially on the safety-lamp, and flame, and on the protection of the copper sheathing of ships, from 1815 to 1828.--v. 7. Discourses delivered before the Royal society. Elements of agricultural chemistry, pt. I.--v. 8. Elements of agricultural chemistry, pt. II. Miscellaneous lectures and extracts from lectures.--v. 9. Salmonia, or Days of fly-fishing. Consolation in travel, or The last days of a philosopher.
The first five volumes were edited by John Barclay. After his death in 1838 volumes 6 through 8 were prepared by his brother A.R.Barclay. cf. Smith, I-172.
Shaw & Shoemaker
v. 1. An account of his family ; of his education in the early part of his life, and the first five numbers of his journal -- v. 2. The sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh numbers of his journal -- v. 3. The twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, and part of the eighteenth, numbers of his journal -- v. 4. The eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first numbers of his journal, particular of his death, review of his character, &c. -- v. 5. Forty-two sermons on various subjects -- v. 6. Forty-three sermons on various subjects -- v. 8. A plain account of Christian perfection. The appeals to men of reason and religion. Principles of the Methodists, &c. -- v. 9. The doctrine of original sin, and tracts on various subjects of polemical divinity -- v. 10. Tracts and letters on various subjects.
Issued as Vol. 1: no more published in this edition. Cf. Brit. Mus. Cat.
"Originally published as distinct works." - Advertisement, by the American publishers.
Printer varies.
Reproduction of original in the Bodleian Library.
Shaw & Shoemaker
--v. 19 Periodical criticism:-v. 3, Miscellaneous: Tales of my landlord; Thornton's Sporting tour; Two cookery books; Johne's Translation of Froissart; Miseries of human life; Carr's Caledonian sketches; Lady Suffolk's correspondence; Kirkton's church history; Life & works of John Home.--v. 20 Periodical criticism:-v. 4 Miscellaneous: The Culloden papers; Pepy's Memoirs; Life of Kemble; Kelly's Reminiscences; Davy's Salmonia; Ancient history of Scotland.--v. 21 Periodical criticism:-v. 5 Miscellaneous: On planting waste lands--Monteath's Forester's guide; On landscape gardening--Sir H. Steuart's Planter's guide; Tytler's History of Scotland: Pitcairn's Criminal trials; Letters of Malachi Malagrowther on the currency.--v. 22-26 Tales of a grandfather: v. 1-5 Scotland.--v. 27-28 Tales of a grandfater: v. 6-7 France.
Vol. 2 has imprint: Philadelphia: Printed for B. Johnson, by Thomas & George Palmer, 1804.