578 resultados para Swimming pool
Back Row: James Cristy, John Schmieler, Henry Kaminski, Reeve Bailey
Middle Row: Richard K. Degener, Frederic C. Fenske, Frank D. Kennedy, Louis Lemak, assistant coach John W. McMahon
Front Row: Robert B. Ladd, Ivan C. Smith, Robert Miller, head coach Matt Mann, Sidney R. Raike, Daniel L. Marcus
Back Row: Sol Selevan, Julian (Tex) Robertson, Manley Osgood, Boyd Dennison, Ogden R. Dalrymple, John W. Dersch, Richmond S. Blake, Edwin Gage, ? Williams
Middle Row: Frank B. Fehsenfeld, Richard K. Degener, Taylor D. Drysdale, James C. Cristy, Jr., Mann, Robert J. Renner, Henry C. Kamienski
Front Row: Robert E. Lawrence, Daniel L. Diefendorf, William K. Boice, J. Derland Johnston
Back Row: Willard C. Crittenden, G. Robert Mowerson, Richmond S. Blake, Edward J. VanderVelde, Charles E. Drew, Paul J. Keeler
Middle Row: Frank E. Barnard, Ogden R. Dalrymple, Taylor D. Drysdale, head coach Matt Mann, Robert J. Renner, Julian (Tex) Robertson, Jack A. Kasley
Front Row: J. Derland Johnston, Frank B. Fehsenfeld, Ben F. Grady, Daniel L. Diefendorf
IMB (Irvine, Michigan, Brookline), a collaboration between the University of Michigan, the University of California at Irvine, and the U.S. Department of Energy, was an experiment designed to determine the ultimate stability of matter. Jack Vander Velde in Morton Salt mine (site of IMB experiment). Standing on top of liner, supported by water beneath. In the background are portholes for inserting equipment into the water.
IMB (Irvine, Michigan, Brookline), a collaboration between the University of Michigan, the University of California at Irvine, and the U.S. Department of Energy, was an experiment designed to determine the ultimate stability of matter. IMB construction image. Scuba diver shown in IMB pool. Upgraded version of 8-inch PMT's [photomultiplier tubes] shown with wave-shifter plates.
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