80 resultados para Rape myths
The complete work was issued as a single volume (xxxix, 530p.) December 1898.
110 lines of Pope's Poem have been incorporated in the Play, and are indicated by brackets.--Author's note.
"Principal works referred to": p. [v]-vi.
"Second edition."
T.p. in green and black; illustrated lining papers.
"Practically all the essays in this book have appeared in the New statesman ... The sketch of T. M. Kettle appeared in the Daily news, and that of the Sheehy-Skeffington in the Ploughshare. The essay, "On nationalism and nationality," was written as a preface to a report of the Nationalities and subject races conference as long ago as 1910."--Pref. note.
Statesmen and statesmanship.--Oliver Cromwell.--The Walpoles.--The Pitt family and its myths.--Edmund Burke.--Benjamin Disraeli.--Index.
Description based on: 3rd ed., 2nd revision (June 1980)
Mode of access: Internet.
Later editions have title: Draper̓s self culture.
Added decorated t.p.
v. 1 Tempest; Two gentlemen of Verona; Merry wives of Windsor; Measure for measure; Comedy of errors; Much ado about nothing; Love's labour's lost; Midsummer-night's dream.--v. 2 Merchant of Venice; As you like it; Taming of the shrew; All's well that ends well; Twelfth night; Winter's tale; King John.--v. 3 King Richard II; First part of King Henry IV; Second part of King Henry IV; King Henry V; First part of King Henry VI; Second part of King Henry VI; Third part of King Henry VI.--v. 4 King Richard III; King Henry VIII; Romeo & Juliet; Othello; King Lear.--v. 5 Macbeth; Timon of Athens; Hamlet; Troilus & Cressida; Cymbeline; Coriolanus.--v. 6 Julius Cæsar; Antony & Cleopatra; Titus Andronicus; Pericles; Venus & Adonus; Rape of Lucrece; Sonnets; Lover's complaint; Passionate pilgrim; Verses among the additional poems to Chester's Love's martyr, 1601.
Issued with less exhaustive notes in 12 vols. as the Pembroke edition.
Volumes issued by Curll under the above title vary considerbly in their contents.
Funding provided by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority through the Victims of Crime Act of 1984.