52 resultados para Lightning Bolt
With piano accompaniment "for rehearsal only."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
On verso: R.A. Bolt
Scene shortly after a severe hail and snow storm on May 5, 1906. The steeple, 176 ft. high, was struck by lightning and a little later much of the burning portion fell into the street.
Top Row: Caroline Vander Kuy, Dannielle Van Dommelen, Diane Fox, Catherine Winnell, Catherine Orsor, Alicia Hughes
Row 2: Catharine Whorton, Lea Bell, Paula Durecki, Jennifer Jorissen, Marie Lewis, Sarah Bellestri, Margaret Van Bolt
A research special seat (to stimulatre an automobile seat) built to research comfort factors for average size people. Picture taken about 1935-1940. Person in seat was Eileen Lay, daughter of Prof. Lay." Jay A. Bolt, Oct. 20, 1990
"Signé, Poisson, Lefèvre-Gineau, Girard, Dulong, Fresnel, et Gay-Lussac, rapporteur"--p. 51.