357 resultados para Early christian literature 4th century Critical edition
The Hulsean prize essay, 1917.
First published under title: Ante-Nicene Christian library, Edinburgh, 1867-97.
Issued as Vol. 1: no more published in this edition. Cf. Brit. Mus. Cat.
Translated from the Latin as found in Edward Burton's edition of the author's works, Oxford, 1827. Burton's notes are included. cf. Advertisement, v. 1, p. [iii]
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vol. 1 has also been published in a 2nd ed., 1975, and a 3rd ed., 1989.
"La version Arabe du Discours 24 de Grégoire de Nazianze : edition critique, commentaires et traduction," p. [197]-291.
Title of v. 12: ... Volvmen dvocedimvm in qvo continentur Leonis Allatii Diatriba de Georgiis et eorvm scriptis atqve libri VI capita qvatvor priora qvibus enarrantvr collectiones canonvm veteris ecclesiae et conciliorvm tam vniversalivm qvam particvlarivm, nec non de epistolis ac decretis pontificvm rom. notitia traditvr. Accedit Synodicvm vetvs, pridem in lvcem datvm a B.D. Ioanne Pappo.
Introduction. [Signed: H.G.S.]--Early Christian doctrine. By J.H. Allen.--Christianity from the fifth to the fifteenth century. By A.P. Peabody.--Unitarianism and the reformation. By S.C. Beach.--Unitarianism in England. By B. Herford.--The contact of American Unitarianism and German thought. By J.H. Allen.--The church and the parish in Massachusetts. Usage and law. By G.E. Ellis.--Early New England Unitarians. By A.P. Peabody.--Channing. By G.W. Briggs.--Transcendentalism: the New England renaissance. By F. Tiffany.--Theodore Parker. By S.B. Stewart.--Unitarianism and modern literature. By F. Hornbrooke.--Unitarianism and modern Biblical criticism. By J. de Normandie.--Unitarianism and modern scientific thought. By T.R. Slicer.--The law of righteousness. By G. Batchelor.--The relation of Unitarianism to philosophy. By C.C. Everett.--Ecclesiastical and denominational tendencies. By G. Reynolds.
"Biographies of the authors": v. 1, p. ix-xviii.
References: Howes, U.S.IANA, no. B.131.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on religion.
Uniform with the above, and lettered "Part III" is Skeat's "Specimens of English literature ... 1394-1579" (2d edition, 1879)