58 resultados para Cobb
On verso of t.-p.: Electrotyped at the Franklin type foundry, Cincinnati.
Mode of access: Internet.
- Stories of plot. (a) Dramatic incident:The red mark, John Russell. The Chink and the child, Thomas Burke. (b) Detective and mystery: The Doomdorf mystery, Melville Davisson Post. (c) Ingenuity and surprise: How it happened, A. Conan Doyle. (D) Problem: A jury of her peers, Susan Glaspell.- Stories of character. (a) Individual: Humoresque, Fannie Hurst. The game of life and death, Lincoln Colcord. (b) Psychological: The belled buzzard, Irvin Cobb.- Stories of setting. (a) Local color: The conversion of Elviny...
Imperfect; wanting the volume entitled, "Paper, by Prof. Archer, Printing, by Joseph Hatton, etc."
Top Row: Jessica M. Adair, Casey Arnett, Amy Lynn Babchek, Mary E. Bartlett, Rhonda Bass, Nancy Bidlack, Heather Bjerke, Stacy Bodrie, Dana Boonstra, Kellu Bowers, Pamela Bowser, Rachel L. Bradley, Michele Brotherton, Stacie Buckler, Hope Bufkin
Row 2: Saran Burnley, Jennifer Caraan, Barbara Carpenter, Nutrena Helene Watts, Aimee Schuman, Debra Jameson, Jennifer Jennings, Mary Cassette, Nikki Burns, Lisa Multhaupt, Jeffrey M. Adams, Christine Hepner, Julie Chamberlain, Andy Chan, Jennifer Choike
Row 3: Heather Chrisman, Abbey C. Clark, Renita Cobb, Amy Cotton, Cattleya Crossen, Kimberly Curl, Christy Debolt, Patricia DeLamielleure, Jennifer Dyer, Lisa L. Eliasom, Patricia Fowler Faling, Rita Fallone
Row 4: Richard Fisher, Rebecca J. Forbes, Tiffany Fowler, Karen R. Fritz, Debbie M. Fulton, Michelle J. Gaskill, Ellen M. Gavin, Emily Golin, Umeika Makita Griffith, Lydia D. Hampton, Natalie Michele Hoffman, Julie Holbird
Row 5: Kathryn A. Huffman, Tara Lynn Humphrey, Nicole Jaccques, Michelle C. Johnson, Bryan Wayne Kerridge, Violet H. Barkauskas, Beverly Jones, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Nola Pender, Susan Boehm, Noelle Kirouac, Sarah Kohn, Sherri Krajenta, Brian Kubinski, Stephanie L. Kuczera
Row 6: Heather Lange, Sang Hee Lee, Soya Lee, Natalie Lehrer, Kimberly Lilley, Elizabeth A. Lundy, Darcey Lutz-Guenther, Michelle J. Malicsi, Dawn Marteeny, Sheila Mendiola, Sharon Mitchell, Caryl S. Molton, Colette Montilla, Celeste Montone-Horne, Emily T. Mooney, Naima Moore
Row 7: Kami Nobis, Thresa M. Nugent, Michelle Ober, Nisha Patel, Stephanie Perrett, Holly Powers, Julie L. Pryor, Elizabeth K. Rachubinski, Anne Rammelkamp, Kathy Rarog, Erin Richards, Amy Roehrig, Catherine Ann Rosloniec, Tansey Rosset, Kimberly Sanders, Marla Sands, James C. Sausser
Row 8: Juana Sebree, Erin J. Showers, Prabhjyot Singh, Lynn Sinkel, Nicole LaDon Smith, Nicole M. Speck, Mickie Speers, Krista Stapleton, Karon Starr, Elizabeth Studley, Janice Brenda Supena, Rashelle Talbert,Kimberly Tocco, Edda Toting, Lisa Uren, Lori VanBergen
Row 9: Lisa VanStratton, kathleen Veenstra, Kristen Venadam, Rhonda E. Walkowe, Ching-Ru Bonny Wang, Deborah Webb, Ruthann Clausen Weiss, Debra R. White, Rochelle Whiteman, Tara Wilson, Jessica Wise, Sheryl Woloskie, Denice Annette Zakalata, Rebecca S. Zeiler
Back Row: Clifford Anderson, Herbert Lehr, Louis Elbel, John MacLean, Julien Thomson, Thomas Flournoy, Joseph Thomas
3rd Row: trainer Charles Rabethge, York, st. mngr. Isadore Hill, Julius Wood, George Whitcomb, Edwin Woodruff, Herbert King, Albert Webster
2nd Row: John Oliver, Henry Batterman, James Cobb, Henry Heald, Charles Chubb, Charles Tryon
Front Row: Leigh Turner, Paul Vernor, Vernon Bush, Cuthbert Adams, Norwood Ayers, Herbert Runnels
Advertisements: [4] p. at end.
Mode of access: Internet.
Fitzstephen's description of London, C.A.D. 1118.--Siege of Exeter, A.D. 1136.--Massacre of Jews at York, A.D. 1190.--Revolt of William Fitzosbert in London, A.D. 1196.--The "Fair of Lincoln", A.D. 1217.--An archiepiscopal visitation in London, A.D. 1250.--Troubles at Bristol, A.D. 1316.--Customs of Newcastle-on-Tyne.--A charter of Southampton.--Notes.
Editors: May 1889-July 1890, H.W. Austin.--Aug. 1890-Apr. 1891, J.S. Cobb.
Preface by Irvin S. Cobb.--By Daisy Ashford: Author's foreword, A short story of love and marriage, The true history of Leslie Woodcock, Where love lies deepest, The hangman's daughter.--By Angela Ashford: The jealous governes; or, The granted wish.
Mode of access: Internet.