788 resultados para Raoul, King of France, -936.
Verses in English signed: Frances Negri Gobbet. Italian translation signed: Aretofilo Dianeo (?--print unclear)
On a ms. list of plays of the year 1638. -- Sir Anthony Browne, standard bearer to king Henry VIII, and his descendants. -- On the source and nomenclature of the river Thames. -- On Sir Philip Sidney and his father, Sir Henry Sidney, in relation to Ludlow castle. -- Episodes in the career of Humphrey duke of Gloucester, and his first duchess, and their connection with the abbey of St. Albans. -- On the involuntary visit of Philip of Austria and Juana of Spain to Weymouth in 1506, and its consequences. -- Recuiver, the Regulbium of the Romans. -- Appendix.
Mode of access: Internet.
The fons primarius of Plutarch's life of Fabius Maximus. -- The common Greek sources of Plutarch and Appianus for Roman history. -- King Juba's Historia romana.
"Appendix. Charta de foresta, of Canvtvs, a Dane, and king of this realm; granted at a Parliament holden at Winchester, anno Dom. 1016 [and other statutes relating to forests]": p. 393-435.
Mode of access: Internet.
Each front accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress.
The Holy alliance.--The conspiracy of Laybach and Verona.--The revolt of France and Poland against the holy conspirators.-- The revolt of Europe in 1848 against the holy conspirators. Germany.--The revolt in Europe in 1848 against the holy conspirators. Hungary.--The dictatorship of Russia in Europe.--The relations of American and English librty to the Russian dictatorship.--The American republic and the last war of freedom and despotism.
Mode of access: Internet.
The first half originally written in French and tr. into English by Joseph Lenoir.
Mode of access: Internet.
Preface by M. Paul Hymans.--Meeting of the Belgian parliament (4th August, 1914)--Proclamation by King Albert to the Belgian army (5th August, 1914)--Observations on Belgian neutrality.--Proclamation by the Belgian government at Ostend (13th October, 1914)--Correspondence of H.M. the King of Belgium and the Belgian government with the President of the French republic (12th-14th October, 1914)
Titles vary: v. 5 has title, "Civil correspondence and memoranda"; v. 6-15 have title, "Supplementary despatches. Correspondence and memoranda. "
"List of authorities": p. 291-292.
Mode of access: Internet.