533 resultados para Reverse dictionary of Mordvin
The first part contains an alphabetical dictionary of artists, with annotations; the second relates to illustrations in the Biblia pauperum, early printed bibles, etc. cf. Brunet, Manuel du libraire, where 29 vols. are mentioned.
Buff printed paper cover.
Added t.-p.: A new and complete critical dictionary of the English and German languages.
Each volume also has special t.p.
v. 1 The antiquities of Freemasonry, by George Oliver; The constitutions of The Freemasons; Illustrations of masonry, by William Preston; History of Freemasonry, by George Oliver; The book of the lodge, by George Oliver; A short view of the history of Freemasonry, by William Sandys; A Freemason's pocket companion, by a Brother of the Apollo Lodge.--v. 2 Ahiman Reson, by Lau. Dermott; A dictionary of symbolical masonry, by Geo Oliver; The history of initiation, by George Oliver; The early history of Freemasonry in England, by James Orchard Halliwell; The new book of constitutions; The laws and constitutions of the Grand lodge of ... Scotland.
"Dictionary of Spanish words": p. [169]-203.
"Reprinted from the Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, vol. VI."
"The work is mainly a grammar and dictionary of only one Oceanic language--that of Efate in the New Hebrides. The comparative portions refer only to a very few other Oceanic languages, and are quoted only to illustrate certain features in the grammar of the Efate."--Review by S. H. Ray in Man, VIII (1908) no. 40.