151 resultados para Nuclear science abstracts
This literature search consisting of 240 references to unclassified reports and published literature has been taken from Nuclear Science Abstracts, the official abstract journal of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. The period covered is January 1951 through May 31, 1961. Abstracts for the references can be found by use of the NSA abstract numbers provided.
Included are 372 references on developments in the production of potable water from saline or brackish waters. This literature search is a revision of a previous search, NAA-SR-3737, compiled by Frank G. Bennett IV and contains all references included in the search named above. The report references are arranged alpha-numerically under the corporate authors. The journal references are arranged alphabetically by title following the report references. The literature searched includes: Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) through September 1961; Chemical Abstracts through October 2, 1961; Applied Science and Technology Index through September 1961; Engineering Index through 1960; and Monthly Catalog through September 1961.
"Sodium technology (TID-3334, part I); reactor technology (TID-3334, part II)."
This literature search consisting of 187 references to report and published literature taken from Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA). The period covered is January, 1951 - November 15, 1960. Abstracts for the references can be found in NSA by the abstract numbers provided.
Included are 344 unclassified references on devices utilizing nuclear energy in the production of auxiliary power. The coverage includes nuclear batteries, thermoelectric cells, thermionic cells, and all phases of the SNAP program, although not all SNAP devices employ direct conversion. References from Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA) through December 15, 1961, are included.
Biological & agricultural index
Developmental and clinical psychology (varies)
Nuclear science abstracts
This compilation contains 958 references to report and published literature. The references pertain primarily to reactor grade graphite, although information on the manufacture and uses of graphite in other fields is included. The references were selected from Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA), covering the period 1948 through mid-1961. Subject, author, and availability indexes are provided.
Vol. for 1967 called v. 67 to coincide with date.
Description based on: Vol. 243, no. 2 (Jan. 11, 1980).
Title from cover.
Imprint varies.
Organ of the Société suisse de chimie (Schweizerische chemische gesellschaft); of the New Swiss Chemical Society, <1998- >
Bibliography of agriculture