131 resultados para Charles III, of Durazzo, 1345-1386.
Master microform held by: MoSU.
"El autor de la Instruccion fué el conde de Floridablanca."--p. [105]
Some of the plates are folded.
"Errata corrigenda": p. 260-261.
Chaucer served as page to Lionel, Duke of Clarence, third son of Edward III. of England.
The plates depict floor plans of the Palazzo reale and of the Teatro di San Carlo in Naples, a vertical cross section of the Palazzo reale; interior decoration of the Teatro di San Carlo; most plates depict festivities taking place in the decorated interiors of the theater and the royal palace, including a masquerade at the royal palace, the stage scenery and a scene from the opera "Il sogno di Olimpia" by Ranieri de Calzabigi, which was performed at the Teatro di San Carlo; a view of the illuminated Castello Nuovo in Naples, the fireworks installation at the Piazza del Castello Nuovo, and a floorplan of the fire works installation. Plate XI depicts the mythical land of plenty "Cuccagna", arranged as a landscaped hill with an architectural grotto, richly decorated with food and drink, which was offered as part of the festivities to the common people. Most plates have a detailed legend in the lower margin.
Contiene: Tome premier: Depuis les temps les plus reculès jusqu'a nos jour .- Tome second: Depuis l'an 1157 jusqu'a la mort de Charles III ; continué depuis l'avénement de Charles IV jusqu'a la mort de Ferdinand VII.
Mode of access: Internet.
By John Kitchin. - cf. Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous English literature, by S. Halkett and J. Laing.
Lettered: English exchequer reports.
Includes appendix.