698 resultados para Preface
Preface signed: Martin Hildebrandt.
Preface signed: C. Hauser-Edel.
Caption title from table of contents.
Imprint date from preface.
Preface signed: Wm. Emmons.
Preface by publisher dated Sept. 1901.
Translation of papers which first appeared in Ramon y Cajal's Revista trimestral micrográfica. Cf. Preface.
Double leaves, oriental style, in case.
I. Preface. Essay on painting. Notes. Epistle to a friend, on the death of John Thornton, esq. Ode inscribed to John Howard, esq. Ode to Mr. Wright, of Derby. Ode to the Countess de Genlis. Sonnets, songs, and occasional verses.--II. An essay on history. Notes.--III. An essay on epic poetry. Notes.--IV. Notes to the third, fourth, and fifth epistles, of An essay on epic poetry.--V. The triumphs of temper. Plays of three acts, written for a private theatre: The happy prescription; or, The lady relieved from her lovers.--VI. Marcella; a tragedy. The two connoisseurs; a comedy. Lord Russell; a tragedy. The mausoleum; a comedy.
The translator's preface is followed by his Dissertation on the Platonic doctrine of ideas; Demonstrative syllogism; Nature of the soul; Dissertation on the true end of geometry; Life and commentaries of Proclus, including the life of Proclus by Marinus.
The dedication -- The preface -- The life of James Harrington [by J. Toland] -- The grounds and reasons of monarchy consider'd -- The commonwealth of Oceana -- The prerogative of popular government -- The art of law-giving -- A word concerning a House of peers -- Six political tracts ... viz. I. Valerius and Publicola. A dialogue. II. A system of politics ... III. Political aphorisms. IV. Seven models of a common-wealth ... V. The ways and means of introducing a common-wealth by the consent of the people. VI. The humble petition of divers well affected persons; with the Parliament's answer thereto -- Plato redivivus: or, A dialogue concerning government ... 3d ed. with additions.
Preface signed: W. Emerson.
Contents same as 1710 Lyons edition, with addition of publisher's preface and subject index.
At head of title: Twenty-seventh thousand.
Preface signed: John Marchant.