977 resultados para Broadway Street (Ann Arbor, Mich.)
Cornerstone laid May 26, 1888; dedicated June 1891. Gift of Helen H. Newberry of Detroit as headquarters of Students' Christian Association. Leased by U-M as classroom in 1921; gift to U-M from SCA in 1937. Adapted as museum in 1928, named the Francis W. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology in 1953.
Emil Lorch & Associates, architect. Built in 1928. Architecture Building; later called Architecture & Design; renamed Lorch Hall ca. 1980. The Doric columns were once part of the oldest stone building in Detroit, the Bank of Michigan, built 1836. The Corinthian column was from the Home Office Bldg. of the Mutural Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark, N.J.
Prekete's Brothers Sugar Bowl, 109 - 111 S. Main Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Air Conditioned; 4 Brothers - 40 years In The Same Spot
Remember that service men spend busy days. Evening hours are about the only time they have available to telephone home. It will help them to get their calls through if you will make only urgent long distance calls between 7 and 10 in the evening. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY
Scene shortly after a severe hail and snow storm on May 5, 1906. The steeple, 176 ft. high, was struck by lightning and a little later much of the burning portion fell into the street.
401 Depot Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 (313) 769-0592. This magnificent 1886 Michigan Central RR depot of colorful Michigan granite now offers a glass walled trackside room, an elegant baggage scale room, the Roundhouse Saloon and some of the most romantic dining "on the line".
This bldg on State Street near Helen Newsberry Dorm, once a city school.
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