947 resultados para Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor
Car 10
Looking southeast. Taken from roof of Ann Arbor High?
Albin Palasek, sculptor. Presented to the city of Ann Arbor and to the University by Francis M. Hamilton, a member of the class of 1869 and mayor of Ann Arbor, 1905-1907. On verso: Drinking fountain donated by Class of 1869 now located at the corner of So. State and University.
Albin Palasek, sculptor. Presented to the city of Ann Arbor and to the University by Francis M. Hamilton, a member of the class of 1869 and mayor of Ann Arbor, 1905-1907. On verso: Drinking fountain donated by Class of 1869 now located at the corner of So. State and University.
Attached caption: Prof. George Ross of the University Landscape Architectural Department enjoying a quiet smoke as he gazed with satisfaction at the amazing beauty of the flower show, which was the realization of his dreams come true through the designs he created. Beyond him is the popular police sergeant "Red" Howard; while Mrs. Dean Loree presides at the information booth.
Remember that service men spend busy days. Evening hours are about the only time they have available to telephone home. It will help them to get their calls through if you will make only urgent long distance calls between 7 and 10 in the evening. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY